Woman sent to jail for repeatedly telling daughter to commit suicide

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Nunavut judge is asking why a mother convicted of repeatedly telling her daughter to kill herself was allowed continued contact with the girl as well as custody of her own infant son.

"The nature of this offence is simply beyond the comprehension of right-thinking people," wrote Justice Susan Cooper in her decision, which was released this week. "It is only through luck and the work of medical and mental health professionals that the daughter is alive today."

But a Nunavut official defended social workers, saying it's tough to keep people from seeing each other in small, isolated communities with tight kinships.'

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Is it Time to Reconsider Our Approach Regarding Boys Education?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Twenty years ago, or so, as faculty meeting after faculty meeting focused on the needs of our school’s girls and what we needed to for our girls, a faculty colleague pointed out that, as we assumed gender driven positions and definitions under the auspices of remedying something regarding girls education, our definitions and practices would affect boys.

He is the father of two boys. I’m now the father of one who can’t be more physical and different from his sister in his approach to the world.

I can tell you from practice, that twenty-something years ago, yes, we did focus a bit much on girls; we sometimes over encouraged and allowed our girls to press boundaries more than our boys. Quite literally, the boys had to be nicer during class discussions.

We know that boys have been falling behind in terms of achievement — high school and college — for the past two decades, plus.

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Massachusetts Education Policy Mandates Allowing Boys in Girls’ Restrooms

Article here. Excerpt:

'Malden, Massachusetts – The Massachusetts Commissioner of Education has released an outline of its new school policy regarding gender equality, mandating that boys be allowed to use girls restrooms and locker rooms — and vice versa — if they contend that they prefer to identify with the opposite gender.

The 11-page document, written by Mitchell Chester, is stated to be in response to a gender identity law that was passed last July in the state.

“This guidance is intended to help school and district administrators take steps to create a culture in which transgender and gender nonconforming students feel safe, supported, and fully included, and to meet each school’s obligation to provide equal educational opportunities for all students, in compliance with G.L. c. 76, §5 and the state regulations,” it states.'

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Kindergarten Teacher, School Nurse Held in Murder-for-Hire Plot

Story here. Especially nauseating is the fact that the teacher had an order of protection filed against the ex-husband. Just further proof that those things have been abused so much, they are now essentially meaningless. Excerpt:

'A Virginia elementary school teacher and a school nurse are facing charges in what police are calling a murder-for-hire plot.

Angela Nolen, a 47-year-old kindergarten teacher, was arrested Wednesday for allegedly plotting to hire a hit man to kill her ex-husband for $8,000. According to police, Nolen's friend 37-year-old Cathy Bennett, a school nurse, worked with Nolen to find a hit man.

According to the Franklin County Sheriff's Office, Nolen's plan unraveled when she gave a police officer, working under cover as a hit man, an up-front fee of $4,000 to kill her ex-husband, 63-year-old Paul Strickler.

Strickler, who is the father of Nolen's 7-year-old daughter, told the Roanoke Times he had been working on a deal to sell his house to Nolen.

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Man sues women-only gym over text messages

Story here. Excerpt:

'The women-only Lucille Roberts health club cluelessly peppered Alex Shiyan with text messages about a sweetheart membership deal.

Just one problem — he’s a man.

The Brooklyn resident became so fed up with the useless offer that he fired back at the fitness giant with a class-action lawsuit filed yesterday in Manhattan federal court.

“1 Day Sale @ Lucille Roberts. just $5 to register and $15 a month NO CONTRACT,” read the message, according to the suit.

It also urged him to call the franchise operation’s Irvington, NJ, branch, adding, “Ask for Jessica and get a free gift when you join today!”
Shiyan’s proposed class-action complaint seeks damages of up to $2,000 “for each and every text” received by him and potentially “thousands” of others, along with a court order barring Lucille Roberts from sending out future unsolicited spam directly to people’s smartphones.'

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Muslim intactivism

Sometimes MRAs (those who support intactivism, anyway) or intactivists are branded as anti-Semitic or anti-Jewish for this reason. Well if this is true, I suppose we're also anti-Muslim and anti-medical-establishment, too. May as well say we're anti-everyone! But this is hogwash, nothing more than an attempt to place intactivists on the defensive and cast aspersions on our motivations. Our motivations are not anti-anything; they're pro-human rights. In any case, Islam has its intactivists, too. Just Google "Muslim intactivism" and you'll see Islam has its intactivists. One such page discussing it is here. Intactivists come from all backgrounds, religions, and sexes. No amount of red herring accusations will stop us. Excerpt:

'"In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful!"

That invocation itself is a good argument not to circumcise: what could be less compassionate or merciful than to hold a boy down and cut off his most intimate part?

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Prominent Jewish advocates against child circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'During the past few days I was asked about the existence of Jewish ‘intactivists’, of which there are actually quite a few, and I decided to put together a post that lists some of the most prominent. As someone who identifies as Jewish, I find this question particularly curious as well, although I’ll admit that Judaism has never played a significant role in my personal or family life. Let’s get started.'

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Three political sisters convicted of corruption

Story here. Feminists used to insist that if there were more women in political positions, there'd be less corruption. They don't say this anymore. Now they just talk about it in general, abstract terms about it just "being better" for whatever reason (diversity of viewpoints, etc.). Point is, *anyone* can (and usually does) get corrupted before or during assuming any office of public trust. Excerpt:

'PITTSBURGH (AP) — The story has more irony than a Greek tragedy. Three sisters from a devoutly Catholic family have seen their personal and political careers ruined by a scandal that began with, of all things, a letter to some nuns.

Thursday's conviction of suspended Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Joan Orie Melvin along with her aide and sister, Janine Orie, on campaign corruption charges mean they might join a third sister — former state Sen. Jane Orie — in state prison. No sentencing date has been set.

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Lawmaker Focuses on Military’s Physical Standards

Article here. Excerpt:

'A veteran of the first Battle of Fallujah is pushing legislation aimed at trying to prevent the military from lowering physical standards to allow women to serve in more combat roles.

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R., Calif.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee who served as a Marine officer in Iraq and Afghanistan, is offering legislation designed to ensure that the military establishes a single physical standard for combat infantry jobs.

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F&F: President Obama Addresses Hyde Park Academy

Article here. All well and good but talk is cheap. As long as he supports and propagates a social and legal system that actively discourages men even from having kids much less wanting to marry their mothers, things will only go from bad to worse in this department. It's actions that count, not words. And so far, all he's provided is words, with actions that go in the opposite direction. Excerpt:

'President Barack Obama spoke before students and faculty of Hyde Park Academy, in the Woodlawn neighborhood of Chicago. Most assumed it would be another speech on gun violence.
"As the son of a single mom who gave everything she had to raise me, with the help of my grandparents, I turned out okay," he said, calling single moms "heroic" and worthy of praise.

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Florida Woman Arrested After Genital Kicking Spree

Story here. Excerpt:

'When the Manatee County Sheriff’s office got the call that a woman was standing on a street in broad daylight kicking strangers in the genitals, reports the Miami Herald, they sent an undoubtedly unlucky deputy to investigate.

When the deputy found a woman who matched the description of wearing red pants and braids, he called for her to come towards him. Instead the woman, now identified as Katina Jane Collins, ran for it. As the deputy gave chase, Collins allegedly stopped in her tracks and punched the officer in the face, knocking his sunglasses off. The deputy was able to get Collins on the ground and in handcuffs, despite her alleged attempts to scratch the deputy while he handcuffed her, the report said.'

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The Precious Self-Esteem Our Boys Need to Survive

Article here. What a great piece of writing addressing a very ordinary phenomenon in an extraordinary way. Any POV that allows men a more expansive view of themselves or of masculinity is a good one. Excerpt:

'To all the boys who may or may not be queer. The boys picked last in sports but first for the latest in fashion, entertaining, and tasteful decorating. The boys who couldn’t catch a football but instead could clean a bathroom until it sparkles and offer serious, heartfelt care to a sick sibling.

I salute you.

I salute us. In this culture, our gifts go unrecognized or at worse, get criticized and mocked. I salute all the boys like me who were different. Yes, we are here to stay and more importantly will be leading the revolution when the time comes.

Did I mention the time is now?'

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Violence Against Women Act ignores reality

Letter here. The letter starts about halfway down the page. Excerpt:

'Beyond fraud, waste, duplication, non-accountability, false accusations and the denial of civil rights, the blatantly obvious problem with the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is that women constitute only about half of the true victims of domestic violence. The other half is made up of men, and they receive absolutely zero protections and services from Sen. Patrick Leahy’s (D-Vt.) VAWA reauthorization (“Senate passes VAWA reauthorization,” Feb. 12).
Decades of consistently replicated social science research shows that domestic violence is initiated about equally by men and women; that slightly more women than men are physically harmed, but that men nonetheless represent more than 40 percent of the physically harmed victims; that the domestic violence initiation rates for women, and especially young women, have been rising; and that the domestic violence rates for bisexuals, gays and lesbians all are higher than for heterosexual couples.'

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UK: No men allowed: The surge of the women-only club

Article here. Excerpt:

"Women-only clubs and societies have sprung up in the capital, including private members' club Grace in Belgravia (where men are allowed on a Thursday night - but for dinner only), the Sorority Club in Holborn, KC'z Bar in Soho and beer-tasting club Dea Latis, showing a trend for places where professional women can socialise in exclusive spaces.

Many of these places are seen as 'safe areas', where women can go without being bothered or harassed by men.

Speaking to the Metro newspaper, KC Gates, owner of KC'z's, said: 'There’s the stereotype where women say can’t eat or be themselves in front of a man, whereas they can let loose with their girls, and that is exactly what they are doing at these venues.

‘I know women who want a place to eat that’s just for them, with female-only staff. Women who wear veils can come in and undress, and they don’t have to hide.’"

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Topeka sperm donor mentioned in Senate hearing

Article here. Excerpt:

'A group of unusual allies gave presentations to a Senate health committee Wednesday, urging more regulation for assisted reproduction.

Researchers from Christian groups, as well as a prominent abortion-rights group, the National Organization for Women, said the United States has become a "Wild West" for "commercial surrogacy" that exploits and endangers women.

A host of ethical concerns surrounding fertility treatments were raised, including the case of a Topeka man who donated sperm to a lesbian couple.
William Marotta, the Topeka man embroiled in a legal battle with the state after answering a lesbian couple's online ad for a sperm donor, was mentioned, but Wednesday's presentations mostly focused on fertility treatments' effects on women.'

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