Argument: Is male circumcision harmful?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Richard Wamai and Ronald Goldman go head to head.

Why would so many human cultures, historically dominated by males, have for thousands of years removed a piece of skin that wraps around the end of the penis if doing so caused harm or impeded sexual enjoyment?
Circumcision removes about a third of the erogenous tissue on the penile shaft, including several kinds of specialized nerves, resulting in thickening and progressive desensitization of exposed erogenous tissue. The adult foreskin is a double-layer movable sleeve of approximately 75 square centimetres. It protects the penile head, enhances sexual pleasure, and facilitates intercourse. Circumcised men are more likely to have erectile dysfunction, orgasm difficulties and premature ejaculation. Female partners have more problems with sexual function, fulfilment and painful intercourse. Conflicting studies on sexual effects of circumcision leave the burden of proof on those who advocate circumcision.

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Sex crimes and teachers: Is sex bias at work?

Article here. Excerpt:

'It was May of 2002 when teacher Pamela Diehl-Moore stood before a judge in Bergen County expecting to receive a prison term for having sex with a 13-year-old male student in her home.

She admitted the crime, and agreed to serve at least three years. But Judge Bruce Gaeta had a different idea. He threw out the plea and sentenced her to probation.

“I really don’t see the harm that was done here,” he said. “It’s just something between two people that clicked beyond the teacher-student relationship. ... Maybe it was a way for him, once this happened, to satisfy his sexual needs.”'

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Female teacher gets no jail after having sex with a 15-year-old boy

Article here. Excerpt:

'A female teacher from West Orange, Erica DePalo admitted having sex with a 15-year-old male student, and was sentenced to probation with no jail time. Superintendent James O’Neill calls the leniency outrageous.

I’m working on a story about this, and want to know what people think. Would a male teacher having sex with a 15-year-old girl be treated differently? Is there a difference?

Prosecutors say the family was satisified with this sentence. Is that because they feel the boy was not damaged? Or maybe that he was traumatized and wanted to avoid testifying in court? Not clear yet.'

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Dallas mayor encourages rally for women against domestic violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'At a recent press conference, Rawlings said, “We want to make it known that any violent act toward a woman will not be tolerated by the men in the city … in the past this has been viewed as a women’s issue, but it ain’t. It’s our problem.”

It’s refreshing to see a male public official using his position to call attention to our society’s frustrating tendency to shift blame (and possible solution) from the perpetrators to the victims.

To that end, Rawlings has organized a rally for his new “Men Against Abuse” campaign, whose goal is to remove the aura of cultural acceptance around domestic violence. Rawlings expects at least 10,000 men to attend the rally in March.'

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TV companies ageist and sexist, says Harriet Harman

Article here. Excerpt:

'Harriet Harman has written to leading broadcasters asking about the number of older women employed within their organisations, the Labour Party said on Sunday.

The move is part of the Commission on Older Women's work on females in the media and public life, which Harman chairs. The shadow deputy prime minister who doubles as shadow culture secretary said there needed to be "more change" especially in relation to "this combination of ageism and sexism" faced by older women.

Speaking on Sky News's Murnaghan programme, she said: "I think that there is a lack of recognition that actually women's value is not just during their reproductive years or just what they look like.'

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Blaming Men Doesn’t Stop Domestic Violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'Lately our communities have been bombarded with a United Nations (U.N.) claim that “One In Three Women On The Planet Will Be Raped Or Beaten In Her Lifetime.” The U.N. fails to cite any sources for this claim and the latest UN report, Prevention of violence against women and girls. The report of the Secretary-GeneralE/CN.6/2013/4 on violence against women provided by a UN media officer when asked for such does not make the “one in three” claim.

By extrapolation of this “lifetime” figure, Eve Ensler, founder of the Vagina Monologues, assumes that, worldwide, one billion women have been raped or beaten. Consequently, this year’s V-Day theme is "One Billion Rising."
To state that 1 billion women - one in three worldwide – will be beaten or raped in their lifetime (presumably by a man) is statistically quite incorrect. Why then make such an outlandish claim, if not to smear the character of men and boys as inherently violent and abusive?'

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The Trial Lawyers’ Full Employment Act

Article here. Excerpt:

'Hey guys, everyone in the Democratic party loves all women with a love that is pure as the driven snow, and none of them have ever done anything in the name of that deep, enduring love that could possibly have been motivated by lobbyists, corporate dollars, deep-pocketed donors, etc. No way could that ever happen.

At least, no way could that ever happen except in the case of the Violence Against Women Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act, both of which won’t help women much but will make life way better for the wealthy trial lawyers who make it rain for the DNC and its candidates.'

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The Declaration of Frankfurt

Article here. Excerpt:

'Maybe you know it already, but if not: Prof. Dr. Günter Buchholz has recently initiated a so called ”Frankfurter Erklärung” (Declaration of Frankfurt). See here:

This proclamation critisizes the oppression of men by women quota. It also clarifies some lies of feminists. The more supporters of the declaration (e.g., by signing up with your name), the more likely it will have an impact. The declaration is primarily relevant for the German speaking area. However, you may know several people for which this might be of interest. It is also possible to support this declaration if you are not German.”'

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French fathers climb cranes, demand right to see their children

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two fathers denied the right to see their children have climbed and occupied giant shipyard cranes in Nantes, France, and are demanding the review of their court decisions. One man has been camped out on the crane for two days.

Serge Charnay, 43, scaled one of the cranes on Friday morning. On the lower platform of the 40-meter-high structure Charnay unfurled a homemade banner with big block letters reading, “Benoît, two years without a dad.”

Charnay was not only denied custody of his son, but was also denied visiting rights two years ago after he was accused of kidnapping his child for taking him on a two-month vacation, instead of the one month allowed. Charnay also served a four-month prison term for the offense. He has demanded that the visitation prohibition be annulled.'

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Woman sent to jail for repeatedly telling daughter to commit suicide

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Nunavut judge is asking why a mother convicted of repeatedly telling her daughter to kill herself was allowed continued contact with the girl as well as custody of her own infant son.

"The nature of this offence is simply beyond the comprehension of right-thinking people," wrote Justice Susan Cooper in her decision, which was released this week. "It is only through luck and the work of medical and mental health professionals that the daughter is alive today."

But a Nunavut official defended social workers, saying it's tough to keep people from seeing each other in small, isolated communities with tight kinships.'

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Is it Time to Reconsider Our Approach Regarding Boys Education?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Twenty years ago, or so, as faculty meeting after faculty meeting focused on the needs of our school’s girls and what we needed to for our girls, a faculty colleague pointed out that, as we assumed gender driven positions and definitions under the auspices of remedying something regarding girls education, our definitions and practices would affect boys.

He is the father of two boys. I’m now the father of one who can’t be more physical and different from his sister in his approach to the world.

I can tell you from practice, that twenty-something years ago, yes, we did focus a bit much on girls; we sometimes over encouraged and allowed our girls to press boundaries more than our boys. Quite literally, the boys had to be nicer during class discussions.

We know that boys have been falling behind in terms of achievement — high school and college — for the past two decades, plus.

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Massachusetts Education Policy Mandates Allowing Boys in Girls’ Restrooms

Article here. Excerpt:

'Malden, Massachusetts – The Massachusetts Commissioner of Education has released an outline of its new school policy regarding gender equality, mandating that boys be allowed to use girls restrooms and locker rooms — and vice versa — if they contend that they prefer to identify with the opposite gender.

The 11-page document, written by Mitchell Chester, is stated to be in response to a gender identity law that was passed last July in the state.

“This guidance is intended to help school and district administrators take steps to create a culture in which transgender and gender nonconforming students feel safe, supported, and fully included, and to meet each school’s obligation to provide equal educational opportunities for all students, in compliance with G.L. c. 76, §5 and the state regulations,” it states.'

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Kindergarten Teacher, School Nurse Held in Murder-for-Hire Plot

Story here. Especially nauseating is the fact that the teacher had an order of protection filed against the ex-husband. Just further proof that those things have been abused so much, they are now essentially meaningless. Excerpt:

'A Virginia elementary school teacher and a school nurse are facing charges in what police are calling a murder-for-hire plot.

Angela Nolen, a 47-year-old kindergarten teacher, was arrested Wednesday for allegedly plotting to hire a hit man to kill her ex-husband for $8,000. According to police, Nolen's friend 37-year-old Cathy Bennett, a school nurse, worked with Nolen to find a hit man.

According to the Franklin County Sheriff's Office, Nolen's plan unraveled when she gave a police officer, working under cover as a hit man, an up-front fee of $4,000 to kill her ex-husband, 63-year-old Paul Strickler.

Strickler, who is the father of Nolen's 7-year-old daughter, told the Roanoke Times he had been working on a deal to sell his house to Nolen.

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Man sues women-only gym over text messages

Story here. Excerpt:

'The women-only Lucille Roberts health club cluelessly peppered Alex Shiyan with text messages about a sweetheart membership deal.

Just one problem — he’s a man.

The Brooklyn resident became so fed up with the useless offer that he fired back at the fitness giant with a class-action lawsuit filed yesterday in Manhattan federal court.

“1 Day Sale @ Lucille Roberts. just $5 to register and $15 a month NO CONTRACT,” read the message, according to the suit.

It also urged him to call the franchise operation’s Irvington, NJ, branch, adding, “Ask for Jessica and get a free gift when you join today!”
Shiyan’s proposed class-action complaint seeks damages of up to $2,000 “for each and every text” received by him and potentially “thousands” of others, along with a court order barring Lucille Roberts from sending out future unsolicited spam directly to people’s smartphones.'

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Muslim intactivism

Sometimes MRAs (those who support intactivism, anyway) or intactivists are branded as anti-Semitic or anti-Jewish for this reason. Well if this is true, I suppose we're also anti-Muslim and anti-medical-establishment, too. May as well say we're anti-everyone! But this is hogwash, nothing more than an attempt to place intactivists on the defensive and cast aspersions on our motivations. Our motivations are not anti-anything; they're pro-human rights. In any case, Islam has its intactivists, too. Just Google "Muslim intactivism" and you'll see Islam has its intactivists. One such page discussing it is here. Intactivists come from all backgrounds, religions, and sexes. No amount of red herring accusations will stop us. Excerpt:

'"In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful!"

That invocation itself is a good argument not to circumcise: what could be less compassionate or merciful than to hold a boy down and cut off his most intimate part?

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