Canada: Barbara Kay: The problem with Children’s Aid Societies

Article here. Excerpt:

'A young friend of mine took her bruised toddler to the hospital as a precaution after a fall down some stairs. All was well, but she nervously joked, “I was afraid the doctor might call the CAS (Children’s Aid Society).” This shocked me. Decades ago, I took my kids to the hospital on more than one similar occasion, but I never entertained such a misgiving.

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UK: High Court Justice supports pre-conviction anonymity of accused in rape cases

Article here. Excerpt:

'Earlier this week, MailOnline reported on Maura McGowan - the deputy High Court judge who recommended that men should be granted pre-conviction anonymity in rape trials.

In a rare example of common sense within British law, the leading figure said that men should have their identity protected unless they are convicted.

Quite frankly, I agree.

Only yesterday, MailOnline reported on the case of Sophie Hooper - a 19 year-old woman who maliciously accused an innocent man of rape.

The mother-of-one, who was photographed smirking outside Southampton Crown Court after avoiding a jail sentence, only admitted to fabricating the allegations two months into the police investigation.

Sadly, cases like these are increasingly common.'

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After False Report, Cornell Defends New Rules for Sexual Assaults

Article here. Excerpt:

'A recent false report of attempted rape should not stoke fears about Cornell’s new policy for handling sexual assault accusations, several high-ranking administrators have said in defense of their controversial decision to lower the burden of proof in these proceedings.

In Spring 2012, over the dire warnings and desperate pleas of many law professors and local attorneys, the University pushed through a series of changes to its sexual assault policy.

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Louisiana Man Accuses Ex-Girlfriend Of Stealing His Sperm

Story here. Excerpt:

'A man claims a woman took his sperm without asking.

Layne Hardin of Louisiana has filed a lawsuit in Harris County, Tex. against a sperm donation clinic and his ex-girlfriend, Toby Devall, claiming that Obstetrical and Gynecological Associates' sperm bank failed to provide proper safeguards to keep Devall from stealing Hardin's baby-making material.

ABC News reports that Hardin and another now ex-girlfriend, Katherine LeBlanc, originally signed a contract in 2002 with Texas Andrology Services sperm bank that said only LeBlanc could have access to Hardin's freeze-dried specimen, according to the lawsuit.'

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Nice try, Camilla, but belittling your England rugby captain boyfriend Chris Robshaw is not very sporting

Article here. Nice to see someone noticing this long-standing double-standard: Women airing dirty laundry publicly is given a pass while men doing the same is not. Anytime anyone in a couple does this kind of thing, it makes the entire couple look bad. After all, if you're with a person who does XYZ (insert some objectionable behavior here), then what does that say about you? Answer: You're the kind who "settles," and also doesn't keep private matters private. Really, it makes you look a lot worse than your mate. No one of either sex should be doing it. Excerpt:

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House passes VAWA after GOP version defeated

Story here. Excerpt:

'Washington (CNN) -- An expanded Violence Against Women Act won bipartisan approval on Thursday from the U.S. House after Republicans failed to pass their own proposal due to a party split on an issue important to women and minority groups.

The measure now goes to President Barack Obama, who said in a statement that it was "an important step towards making sure no one in America is forced to live in fear."
Thursday's votes reflected an emerging political reality in the GOP-led House, with a minority of Republicans joining Democrats to pass legislation that has broad public support, including from increasingly influential demographics such as Hispanic Americans.

By a vote of 166-257, the GOP version of the Violence Against Women Act failed to win a majority after almost 90 minutes of debate. The House then voted 286-138 to pass the Senate version, with 87 Republicans joining all 199 Democrats to provide majority support.'

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F&F: Call Center to Connect Low Income Veterans, Active Military with Legal Services

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Ohio Military/Veterans Legal Assistance Project and Capital University Law School are partnering to make it easier for Central Ohio’s low income veterans and active military personal to get legal assistance they might not otherwise be able to afford.

The Military/Veterans Legal Assistance Call Center at Capital University Law School opened this year as a partnership between the two organizations. The call center is providing referral information and brief legal advice and counseling when possible to low income veterans and active duty military personnel in Franklin, Delaware, Fairfield, Licking, Madison, Pickaway, and Union counties.'

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March 10 is "National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day‏"

How they do it. From an Office of Womens Health mailing-list email:

'Dear Colleague,

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IA: Stand with Intact America on May 4 in New Orleans at Annual ACOG Convention

Article here. Excerpt:

'Intact America will be sponsoring a sidewalk demonstration in New Orleans on Saturday, May 4, 2013, at the annual convention of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)—the largest assemblage of baby-cutters under one roof. During this one-day event, we will be protesting the role of obstetricians in perpetrating circumcision in American hospitals.

Will you join us? The more protesters, the merrier! We’ll supply placards and handouts. Or bring your own posters if you are representing another intactivist organization. Want to wear an Intact America T-shirt to show your support? Visit our online store for shirts, baseball caps, hoodies, bumper stickers, car magnets, pins, and more.'

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Dumbing down Dad: How media present husbands, fathers as useless

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's not hard to find. If you watch TV, then you've most likely witnessed the portrayal of the modern-day husband and father as lazy, incompetent and stupid.
If expectations of men within a society aren't up to par, and the only role model young men have comes from Peter Griffin on "Family Guy," there may be room for worry. Along with the stereotype of men being violent, Gurian said he's also concerned about the system that minimizes the father's role in the home.

"They're kind of stupid and they're not needed," Gurian said regarding fathers in the media. "So the message to the young people is that males are not needed, or Dad is not needed. That's dangerous because it's going to set up guys who will not take care of their kids, and kids who will not respect or understand the males and women who will say, 'Ah, they're not needed anyway.'"'

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Childhood bullying can leave lifelong scars

Article here. Excerpt:

'WEDNESDAY, Feb. 20 (HealthDay News) -- Children who are bullied often carry the scars of their experience into adulthood and suffer from anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts, a new study indicates.

Even bullies themselves are at risk for psychological problems when they grow up, the researchers added. And children who have been both perpetrator and victim suffer the worst as adults.

"There has been a lot of research into how bullying affects children short-term. We followed kids into their early 20s to see if there was any kind of lasting effects of having been bullied," said study author William Copeland, an assistant clinical professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Duke University in Durham, N.C.

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Salon asks "Why are men so foolish?"

This article is actually pretty interesting and discusses some new research on generalities around men's and women's styles regarding such things as risk-taking. But what's wrong with the article? The title. Why does it have to be categorically insulting the way it is? We already know the answer. Excerpt:

'Many recent findings in scientific research reveal gender differences - differences in when they choose to compete, differences in risk taking during competition, different responses to the stress of competition, and different strategies for dealing with that stress. Men are quicker to bond with teammates; women are more willing to befriend competitors. Women are less rattled by being ranked, especially when that ranking isn't near the top. Men are overconfident of their abilities, while women underattribute success to their own skills. Men get more competitive under time pressure, while women get less competitive under time pressure. Men rate their teammates and competitors lower in ability; women rate them higher.'

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Identity Politics Über Alles

Article here. Excerpt:

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VAWA Bill Likely To Pass Congress This Week, Despite Violating First Amendment

Article here. Excerpt:

'Congress never lets the Constitution get in the way of passing a law with a catchy title. Thus, the Senate’s version of the bill reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act will likely pass the House this week, even though UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh, a leading First Amendment scholar, earlier noted that provisions in it violate the First Amendment. (Legal scholars have criticized other provisions in the bill as violating Articles II and III of the Constitution, and for undermining due-process safeguards.) The House GOP had earlier objected to the Senate’s version, citing various flaws in the bill, but under political pressure, some GOP members in swing districts have switched sides and endorsed the bill, which is backed by Democratic leaders and the White House.'

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UK: Justice for Men and Boys Party seeks input

Request discussed here. Excerpt:

'We’re embarking upon a lengthy public consultation exercise, and the related document (link below) should be self-explanatory. It includes proposals in 18 areas including education, employment, paternity fraud and domestic abuse. We invite feedback on the proposals, and suggestions for other proposals we might include in our election manifesto for the 2015 general election.'

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