Domestic Violence vs. Parental Alienation: Who’s right and who’s wrong

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'Ever since the term “Parental Alienation” was defined by Richard Gardner in the 80's, and it began being used in child custody disputes, advocates for Domestic Violence and women’s groups and some family lawyers purport that Parental Alienation is junk science and is damaging to the family court cases.

Father’s rights groups on the other hand, advocate for its existence and claim that women are the majority of perpetrators.

Who is right, and who is wrong?
Undoubtedly, research shows that Parental Alienation is as real as Domestic Violence and both-women and men’s groups-are right to a certain extent; despite their arguments they are in fact saying the same thing only expressing it in different ways.

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The Violence Against Women Act reveals structural bias, political gains

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'Domestic violence is intolerable – and so are gender biased laws like the Violence Against Women Act; acts like this tell an incomplete story of domestic violence for political gain.

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UK: Men are victims of domestic abuse too

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'CORONATION Street is currently exploring and raising the awareness of domestic violence through the character of Tyrone Dobbs who has been suffering at the hands of his new wife.

It is a shocking picture that is being painted in the popular soap but it acts to dispel the myth that only women can be victims of domestic violence.

For one Hucknall man, seeing the images of Kirsty physically and emotionally abuse her partner has brought back to the fore his own experiences.

But recently, the dad of two has decided to come out of the shadows and confront his past to tackle the prejudice and biased attitude that women are the only victims in domestic violence.'

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India: Only men can be booked for rape

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'Bowing to pressure from women activists, the government has decided to restore the term rape in criminal law that states only men can be booked for committing the offence against women. It has also decided to lower the age of consent for sex from 18 to 16 years. These are fresh changes proposed by the Centre in its criminal laws (amendment) bill, which will replace the rape ordinance issued on February 3.
Explaining the reasons behind scrapping the comprehensive and gender-neutral definition of sexual assault, which would have covered abuse by the same sex as well as paedophilia, a senior government official said: "IPC section 377 already deals with crimes involving unnatural sex and related activity. Also, some of the concerns raised by women's organizations merited serious consideration and that is what has been done."

The government is also expected to propose enhanced jail terms for those found guilty of outraging the modesty of women and using obscene gestures or words against them.'

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German President Under Fire From Feminists Over Sexism Debate

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'The honeymoon is over for Germany’s 11th federal president: after a relatively good start into his tenure, Joachim Gauck has now managed to draw the ire of Germany’s feminists.

Gauck joined the sexism debate currently raging in his country by telling Der Spiegel news magazine: “Certainly much remains to be done but I cannot see widespread misbehavior of men against women in our country”

Sounds innocent enough but, Gauck also detected “virtue fury” (Tugendfuror) in that debate and at least some feminists are furious, indeed.'

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Proposed men’s group faces hostile policy

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'An effort to guard the empowerment of women’s voices on campus took form Monday when the Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU)* swiftly adopted a bold new policy rejecting the concept of misandry – the hatred or fear of men.

Neda Hamzavi, a faculty of community services representative on the RSU Board of Directors (BOD), watched her amendment to the RSU’s policy on women’s issues pass without any debate, discussion or dispute. This could cause conflict at a time when controversial men’s issues movements are on the rise at university campuses.
The amendment applies to a Women’s Issues clause that provides a strict mandate for which activities the RSU opposes. Outlined in the board’s agenda, the new policy rejects:

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President Clinton's Event Disrupted by Anti-Circumcision Activists

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'Surely, President Clinton was a little freaked out last night when in the middle of his event -- a Clinton Foundation Millennium Network talk in New York featuring the former president, Chelsea Clinton, and actor Ed Norton -- a whistle blew and a group of men stood up, held hands, and chanted, "Stop exploiting Africans; circumcision does not stop AIDS!"

The protesters were self-described "intactivists" -- those who believe that circumcision is actually a mutilation of the genitals.'

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Prosecutor Scrutinized For Intense Approach During Testimony

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'He raised his voice and acted out scenarios in dramatic fashion. He snapped as she dodged questions, cutting her off mid-sentence. Arias held her own periodically, appearing to smugly toy with Martinez as she smirked and repeatedly answered yes or no questions with "sure" and "I guess."

The exchanges rattled the seasoned prosecutor as the case at times devolved into a showdown of wit and will. The judge had to admonish both to stop speaking over each other.

"I think I'm more focused on your posture and your tone and your anger so it's hard to process the questions," Arias told Martinez.
Some experts say the approach could undermine the prosecution's case, diverting attention from the brutal attack and putting the spotlight on him. Others compliment his tenacity as a no-nonsense tactic aimed at stumping Arias and getting her off script after having several years in jail to rehearse her testimony.

Like0 Dislike0 "Using new media to reach women and girls"

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'National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD) is on March 10th. The goal of this annual observance day is to encourage people across the country to take action to address HIV/AIDS and raise awareness of its impact on women and girls. This year’s theme is “Share Knowledge. Take Action.” Sharing stories, photos, and resources using new media are among the ways you can take action on this important day.
How is the HIV community using new media to reach women and girls?

Red Pump Project: For the fifth year in a row, the “Rock the Red Pump” campaign is encouraging bloggers to add the “Rock the Red Pump” widget on their blogs and to dedicate a blog post on March 10th to the topic of HIV among women and girls. The Red Pump Project also has a photo-sharing campaign where women can upload pictures on new media sites of themselves wearing their favorite pair of red shoes.'

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Judge orders $1 a month in child support for the next 1000+ years

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'A Colonial Heights man will no longer have to pay child support for a child that biologically isn't his and the judge worked out a unique deal for the $23,000 in back child support he currently owes.

Dwayne Parsons is off the hook for a child DNA tests show he didn't father. However, since Parsons signed the birth certificate, the judge is holding Parsons responsible for the promise he made 13 years ago.

In court, the judge explained that there are "certain aspects of the law that seems grossly unfair."

"Unfortunately the law is the law, my message to everybody is if you're unsure, about you being the father of the child, do not sign that birth certificate - that's a well lesson learned," said Parsons.'

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With parental rights voided, man not subject to child support payments

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'PARKERSBURG – A circuit judge has ruled a Wood County family law judge erred in ordering a Parkersburg man to support a child who’s no longer his.

Judge J.D. Beane on Jan. 22 granted Larry Ryan’s writ of prohibition against Judge Brian C. Dempster. In his writ, Ryan argued Dempster usurped his authority by making him pay child support for a daughter from whom the state severed his parental rights two years ago.

According to Ryan’s petition, his ex-wife, Destiny, initiated divorce proceedings against him in 2010. The reasons for the divorce are not stated.

A year later, the state Department of Health and Human Resources initiated abuse and neglect proceedings against Ryan regarding the welfare of his daughter, Grace. Though it is unclear the specific reasons for DHHR’s actions, the petition says Senior Status Cabell Circuit Judge John Cummings on March 29 terminated Ryan’s parental rights.

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Man Not Father-Forced To Pay Child Support

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'Phoenix, Arizona (CNN) - This man in Phoenix says he's part of a growing issue.

He's being forced to pay support for a child that's been proven not to be his.

Ken Smith says DNA testing shows he's not the father of a six year old boy.

He has since cut off contact with the boy and says the child's mother has no idea who the father is.

But, because his name's on the birth certificate, Smith is on the financial hook.'

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Utah lawmakers support idea of finding fault when determining alimony

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'SALT LAKE CITY — State lawmakers edged closer Thursday to making Utah a state where fault is considered in setting alimony following a divorce.

"The court struggles with how much commentary to allow or not allow in these cases," Rep. Kay McIff, R-Richfield, told the House Judiciary Committee regarding his bill, HB338.

The committee voted to support the bill, which would amend state law to allow a court to consider fault when awarding alimony. It now heads to the full body of the House for further consideration.'

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U.S. Department of State - Women in Action: Mentoring the Next Generation of Global Women Leaders

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'The U.S. Department of State will bring 85 women and men from 57 countries to the United States March 4-22 for Women in Action, a special initiative of the International Visitor Leadership Program. This initiative will provide a forum for global leaders across sectors to discuss supporting the next generation of young women leaders.

Women in Action is part of the Department of State’s efforts to promote women’s social and economic development and full participation in civic and political life. ...
The participants are community activists, elected officials, academics, and representatives of organizations that are devoted to preparing women across the world for leadership roles. ...'

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Statement by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on Women’s History Month

Link here. Excerpt:

'March 1 marked the beginning of Women’s History Month. This year’s theme is as fitting as it is exciting: “Women Inspiring Innovation Through Imagination: Celebrating Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).”

The nation this year recognizes such extraordinary women as Patricia Era Bath (1942), whose invention of the Laserphaco Probe was an important milestone in the advent of laser cataract surgery; Rita R. Colwell (1934), the first woman director of the National Science Foundation; Susan A. Gerbi (1944), a molecular cell biologist whose research has potential significance in understanding the role of hormones in certain cancers; and Flossie Wong-Staal (1946), a virologist and molecular biologist whose work made it possible to develop HIV tests.

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