Pop-Tart ‘gun’ suspension: Seriously, folks?

Story here. Even the WaPost is coming to realize the ridiculousness of today's "standards". They fall short of course of calling it what it is: a war on boys. Excerpt:

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Marginalized and on the defensive, university conservatives forced to grow tougher

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Toronto witnessed a case study Thursday night, when the Men’s Issues Awareness Society invited Janice Fiamengo, a University of Ottawa literature professor and columnist for American right-wing blogs, to argue the case against feminism.

Having won many big battles of equality, academic feminism has now turned to the petty ones of moral superiority, and has become, she said, empty, incoherent, dishonest, defensive, illiberal and foolish.

“The suspiciousness of feminism was once its strength and is now its weakness,” Prof. Fiamengo said.

Naturally for the modern academic climate, criticizing feminism raises serious security concerns, and the venue was changed at the last minute from a classroom to a theatre with doors that campus security could easily manage. Last time this group hosted a speaker, police were called to defend a classroom from student protesters.'

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Why women’s studies needs an extreme makeover

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nothing says free speech like pulling the fire alarm. It was a quarter past seven last night when police emptied U of T’s George Ignatieff Theatre. Keynote speaker Dr. Janice Fiamengo, an English professor at the University of Ottawa, rolled her eyes and adjusted her blouse as the crowd poured out of the building and onto the sidewalk to mingle with the small throng of protesters—pretty girls with big placards and little patience. They wanted Dr. Fiamengo to take her message elsewhere. But firemen came and went, and the professor, once a radical feminist, proceeded to do what the University of Toronto Men’s Issues Awareness Society, and the Canadian Association for Equality invited her to do: denounce women’s studies.

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Cupcakes With Army Soldiers Get Kid In Hot Water At School

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 9-year-old boy’s birthday cupcakes sparked a school controversy that just keeps growing, with scores of people lining up against a school principal who found the cupcake’s topping “inappropriate.”

The boy was chided, and so were his parents, for cupcakes featuring little green Army men on the top.

Schall Elementary School principal Susan Wright called the parents at home and said the cupcakes were insensitive in the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting. School staff pulled off the Army men before they were served.'

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Has Swedish feminism gone too far?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ann Helena Rudberg joined the feminist movement in the 1970s, to fight for women’s rights because she saw her mother suffer violence at home. Today she argues women have equal rights and that feminist political parties are taking things too far.

Rudberg said: “It’s a power struggle between men and women. And the effect of that is that on one side we have women and on the other side men. And this is not good for the children or for anyone.”

At a school in Stockholm named ‘Egalia’, teaching gender equality is a priority. Boys and girls are encouraged not to be limited by stereotypical roles or games. And since last year, there is a new word in the Swedish dictionary: “hen”, which is a neutral pronoun for “he” or “she”. Not everyone agrees about that.

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F&F: End Paternity Fraud: Make DNA Tests Mandatory

Article here. Excerpt:

'The GlobalGrind is taking a poll on paternity fraud. Vote now. Pass it along to all your friends and family. With enough votes, it may be helpful to legislation Fathers and Families is promoting to end paternity fraud.

According to the reporter, Christina Coleman, “It's like a jacked, human form of credit card scam. Paternity fraud. And it happens more often than you think. It is, essentially, a crime.”

Which is why Fathers and Families believes the only solution is widespread DNA testing at birth of children born out of wedlock to determine their true biological paternity.

According to the American Association of Blood Banks, 28% of paternity tests showed the man tested was not the father.'

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U.S. Department of State - "Advancing the Status of Women and Girls Around the World"

Link here. Excerpt:

'No country can get ahead if it leaves half of its people behind. This is why the United States believes gender equality is critical to our shared goals of prosperity, stability, and peace, and why investing in women and girls worldwide is critical to U.S. foreign policy. —Secretary of State John Kerry

Global stability, peace, and prosperity depend on protecting and advancing the rights of women and girls around the world. Research shows that progress in women’s employment, health, and education can lead to greater economic growth and stronger societies. Evidence demonstrates that integrating women’s perspectives into peace negotiations and security efforts helps prevent conflict and can lead to more durable peace agreements. When women and men are equally empowered as political and social actors, governments are more representative and effective.

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'Can men be taught not to rape?'

Article here. Excerpt:

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Fire alarm went off as MRA spoke at the U of Toronto - but the show went on

Story here. Excerpt:

'I was expecting the police officers, the provocative placards, and the rent-a-protesters with neon hair and black face coverings.

I was also expecting the fire alarm to go off—and it did—five minutes after Janice Fiamengo’s lecture started in the nearly full George Ignatieff Theatre at the University of Toronto on Thursday evening.

After all, the last time a person spoke against academic feminism on campus, when Warren Farrell visited in November, approximately 100 protesters barred the doors. They wouldn’t try that again, but I figured they’d try to shut things down, and fire alarms can be effective if, during the confusion, enough people give up and leave.

What I wasn’t expecting was a full house 20 minutes later, after the fire department gave the all clear, or that the controversial University of Ottawa professor would make it all the way through her lecture What’s wrong with women’s studies? without an angry mob attempting to shout her down.

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Towson U. cuts mens baseball, soccer teams

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON - Towson University president announced Friday the school is eliminating its men's soccer and baseball teams at the end of the season for budget reasons.

The move to reconfigure the athletics program is an effort to achieve the school's three goals, university President Maravene Loeschke said in a news release. Those goals are long term financial stability, compliance with Federal Title IX requirements and the ability to stay competitive in NCAA Division I.

Loeschke is taking the recommendation of the university's athletics task force which ran an external review and asked for public input in how Towson should proceed. The university will be adding men's tennis.'

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"The Dudes Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks"

Article here. Excerpt:

'But last Tuesday when anti-male-circumcision activists from a group called Intaction (you’d be forgiven for guessing they were called U.S. Uncut), interrupted President Clinton at a Clinton Foundation Millennium Network talk in New York, someone had to take umbrage with the outrage.

They were there, eight members strong, to protest Clinton’s support for male circumcision in Africa to battle their very real AIDS crisis.

That’s right, someone is trying to do something about the AIDS epidemic in Africa and there’s a group unrelated to anyone dying of AIDS in Africa protesting one of the tactics. Not because those tactics don’t work (there’s a lot of evidence that they do), but because they personally don’t like them.

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Feminists say anti-violence law victimizes women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Some social conservatives, meanwhile, argue that VAWA and other domestic violence legislation are ideologically driven, presuming that patriarchy and sexism are the cause of domestic violence. That presupposition undermines various civil rights, including access to due process and equal treatment under the law.

For example, Stephen Baskerville, author of Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fathers, Marriage, and the Family, said mandatory arrest laws encourage women involved in divorce and custody disputes to level false allegations of abuse.

The police will come “to take her husband away, and [she need only] say, ‘I’m in fear,’” he said. The husband, meanwhile, faces possible prison time or weeks of classes on how to treat women. “Why do we need special laws [for domestic violence]?” he asked. “So we can bypass the due process laws.”

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U.S. Department of State Press Release: "International Women's Day"

Link here. Excerpt:

'On March 8, the United States joins people around the globe in honoring women and celebrating their contributions toward building a more peaceful, just, and prosperous world. The State Department, which has been led by strong, smart, and remarkably capable diplomats from Madeleine Albright to Condoleezza Rice and my predecessor Hillary Rodham Clinton, stands as a lasting example of the powerful change that determined women can make and sustain on behalf of America in the modern world.

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SAVE: Thank Eric Holder for his Statement on VAWA's Inclusion

It makes me happy to bring you good news.  
The Violence Against Women Act that passed out of the House, and is expected to be signed into law by President Obama today, covers every victim. Yay!  
In the words of Attorney General Eric Holder, "I applaud Congress for passing a bipartisan reauthorization that protects everyone - women and men, gay and straight, children and adults of all races, ethnicities, countries of origin, and tribal affiliations."  
SAVE has documented widespread discriminatory practices against male, lesbian/gay, and immigrant victims of abuse. So, even though we didn't get everything we wanted in this reauthorization of VAWA, we are celebrating the inclusion of all victims.

Please join us in thanking Eric Holder for his bold statement on VAWA inclusion:    
Email: AskDOJ-at-usdoj.gov
Phone: 202-353-1555  
Learn more. Then visit our Facebook page and share your thoughts. Or tweet @saveservicesorg.

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments   

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Will Ashley Judd be Kentucky's Obama?

Article here. Excerpt:

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