Ask UN to Recognize Parental Alienation As Violence And Abuse Against Children

Petition here. Excerpt:

'Professionals in different disciplines identified and defined Parental Alienation as the pervasive practice of one divorcing parent against the other parent to destroy the relationship of the targeted parent with his or her children. This is usually done with the intent to gain financial benefits in court.

Since 1990, the year that The Convention on Rights of the Child entered into force, a more pernicious form of Parental Alienation has permeated global societies. In order to comply with the yearly resolutions suggested by NGOs to the Committee on the Rights of the Child, States and their governments initiated, developed and sustained a persecution against parents to separate them from their children. Those resolutions are accepted unquestiongly and never contested.

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"Really, these Father Supremacists people are a bunch of batterers"

Newsletter here. Excerpt, on p. 4:

'Q: What can this committee do to make our voices heard over the Fathers’ Rights people?

Dr. Hannah: Use your political power. Some say our real power is people power. If there is any goal at all for this, it would be to amass more power. Through the people. Through uniting organizations and like-minded people. One thing that has hit me over and over again is how many stakeholders there are in this issue. How many subsets of people have a keen interest in how these cases go? Children’s advocates, juvenile delinquency officers, probation officers, and the legal, psychology, sociology, and medical people. All those professionals interact with mothers and children. People are growing up being raised by abusers. This is a critical issue for our society. So if all we do is keep shoving this under the nose of people who should be working on this, it’s probably a good thing. I think if more and more people get royally outraged, something will be done.

Q: What about the term "Fathers' Rights"?

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Under Proposed Bill, Students Who Form Finger In Shape Of Gun Would Not Be Suspended

Article here. Excerpt:

'Zero tolerance for zero tolerance. That’s how one lawmaker feels about young children being suspended from school for forming their finger or food in the shape of a gun.

As Gigi Barnett explains, he has a bill designed to keep students in class if they’re caught.

State Senator J.B. Jennings says he does not intend for this bill to be a part of the growing gun debate in Maryland, but he does say he wants it to bring some common sense discipline to state schools.
Back in January, 6-year-old Rodney Lynch received the same punishment for forming his fingers in the shape of a gun. Montgomery County school leaders sent Rodney home for two days.

“These kids are 6 or 7-years-old. They don’t understand what they’re doing,” said Sen. J.B. Jennings.'

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'Why should married women change their names? Let men change theirs'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Allow me to suggest an even stronger push: If it's important to you that your family all share a last name, make it the wife's. Yes, men, that means taking your wife's name. Or do what this guy did and invent a new name with your wife. And women, if the man you're set to marry extols the virtues of sharing a family name but won't consider taking yours? Perhaps ask yourself if you should be marrying someone who thinks your identity is fundamentally inferior to his own.

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Maine woman pleads guilty to DV charge gets no jail time while governor declares DV to be a "men's problem"

Story here. Excerpt:

'FARMINGTON – A local woman who police said created more than a seven-hour police standoff in December, pleaded guilty Monday to a domestic violence assault charge. The state dismissed a civil violation of creating a police standoff.

Justice Michaela Murphy issued a one-year deferred disposition to Rebekah J. Brown, 38. Brown was directed to return to Franklin County Superior Court in Farmington on March 14, 2014.
Police said that Brown assaulted another person with a shovel and struck her own arm with a hatchet before retreating to the house, where there was known to be a loaded firearm.'

Meanwhile, from Maine Governor LePage set to unveil domestic violence proposal:

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Charlotte's percentage of male domestic violence victims rises

Article here. Excerpt:

'CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Women make up the vast majority of domestic violence victims, but last year in Charlotte, one of four victims was a man. That number is higher than the national average.

A Charlotte man who did not want to use his name said he quietly tolerated a year of physical abuse at the hands of his wife.

"When you really care about a person you tend to overlook things, and that's not always in your best interest. In my case, it almost cost me my life," he said.

Nationally, only 15 percent of reported domestic-violence victims are men. But in Charlotte that number was 26 percent in 2012, a slight increase from 24 percent in 2009.'

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New Zealand: 'Silenced' claim by men's rights lobby

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men's rights campaigners claim they've been silenced by a government select committee reviewing controversial planned changes to the Family Court.

Wellington psychologist Craig Jackson said he was told to cut part of his submission or he wouldn't be heard; another campaigner, Adam Cowie, appears to have been excluded entirely.

Jackson and Cowie are among 350 submitters on the bill, but Justice and Electoral Reform committee chairman Scott Simpson says he hasn't gagged anyone, but has to tread a careful line when discussing custody battles.'

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21st century man: lost and anachronistic

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men, some say, are in trouble. They're stupid, they lack ambition, they're depressed, they're killing each other and they're increasingly alienated from their children. In popular culture, idiots and Peter Pans are celebrated, from the degenerate buffoonery of the The Hangover gang to Charlie Sheen's uber-douche bag on Two and A Half Men. While women have made incredible strides in the past 50 years, substantially reshaping the expectations of their gender, men have wallowed in their own cliches.

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Wage Gap Bake Sale at UNC Gender Week

Article here.

'After a decade of suffering paroxysms of indignation over campus conservatives’ holding “affirmative-action bake sales” to illustrate the inherent unfairness of race-based admissions, it appears that liberals are adopting the concept as their own. At UNC–Chapel Hill’s upcoming Gender Week (sponsored by the Women’s Center, naturally), there will be a four-hour “Wage Gap Bake Sale.” White women will be given a 23 percent discount on baked goods, since, according to feminist literature, they earn only 77 cents for every dollar earned by white males. Black women will accordingly be given a 36 percent discount; no mention was made of discounts offered to black males, Latinos, Latinas, or any other minority groups.

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UK: Open up family court hearings, says senior judge

Article here. Excerpt:

'A senior judge has made an important ruling in favour of transparency in the family courts.

Mr Justice Mostyn lifted a ban on Christopher Booker, The Sunday Telegraph columnist, reporting on a case involving the future of children who are living with their mother.

The injunction barred Mr Booker from making any mention of the dispute, known as MvM and the London Borough of Sutton.

However, last week the High Court heard how the order prevented the reporting of proceedings that were “clearly in the public interest”.

In his ruling, Mr Justice Mostyn said he was lifting the injunction “because the emphasis should be on transparency” in the courts.'

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Researcher seeks survey input from male DV victims

Study home page here. Excerpt:

'The Men’s Experiences with Partner Aggression Project is an ongoing research endeavor housed at Clark University that is funded by the National Institutes of Health.
Our goal is to better understand the experiences of men who are in relationships with women who use violence.  Extensive research has shown that men are at risk for sustaining partner violence in their relationships, yet few studies have investigated their experiences, and there are few resources available to such men.  This is an under-recognized problem in the United States, and by conducting this research, we hope to provide much needed information on these men, their relationships, and their needs.
... If you are interested in participating in this survey, please click on the Click Here to Participate link ...'

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The Problem of Males on the Feminized Campus

Article here. Excerpt:

'Now the statistical moralists have a problem they are eager not to see: the perception that males are not doing well in the system of education. Allie Grasgreen in Inside Higher Education reviews a book published by the Russell Sage Foundation, certifying that women outpace men in college action in a ratio of 1.4 to 1. Grasgreen delineates the conclusion of the authors (Thomas diPrete and Claudia Buchmann) that there is inadequate gender integration in higher ed and that males are unrealistic about what they need do to become effective men. But there is also a cultural problem here: the now conventional anti-male attitude on campus. I know from my own teaching experience that the pervasiveness of this attitude, launched on the first day of class with a stark rape seminar, causes males, especially of blue-collar origin, to flee a community they quickly come to see as suffused with the gender-studies rebuke of men now built into college life.

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A "Declaration of Independence from Feminism"

Declaration and discussion here. Excerpt:

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Gendered Laws: VAWA, IRCA and the Future of Immigration Reform

Article here. Excerpt:

'During my research in the undocumented community, I have spoken to a few undocumented men who are victims of domestic abuse. One man, who I call Pablo, explained to me that he was uncomfortable in his living situations with his citizen partner because she "has the power to deport me." While the relationship was not physically abusive, he talked at length about how she was "possessive." At times, when they disagreed, she would turn have the Internet or the cable turned off until he would defer to her; because she was a citizen and he was not, the bills were in her name and he could do nothing. He feared that if she got angry enough she could call the police and have him deported for simply disagreeing with her. As this continued, he became "afraid to argue with her."

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Seattle police arrest woman suspected in workplace shooting

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman suspected of shooting and critically wounding a 65-year-old man inside a Seattle parks department building was arrested at her home Friday, hours after police say she fled the scene.

The shooting prompted the city to shut down all community centers and put nearby schools in north Seattle on high alert. The woman, a parks employee, had keys to city facilities, police Deputy Chief Nick Metz said.

Police initially characterized the shooting as workplace violence. A motive hasn't been determined.

Seattle police identified the woman as 46-year-old Carolyn Piksa. The Seattle Times reported that she works as an assistant coordinator for community centers and has been a Parks and Recreation Department employee since 1986.'

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