New CCF Briefing Report: Why Men Lag Behind in Education - and Why “Boy-Friendly” Schools Aren’t the Fix

Article here. Excerpt:

'What should schools do? The authors debunk the notion that boys’ underperformance in school is caused by a "feminized" learning environment that needs to be made more boy-friendly. Making curriculum, teachers, or classroom more "masculine" is not the answer, they show. In fact, boys do better in school in classrooms that have more girls and that emphasize extracurricular activities such as music and art as well as holding both girls and boys to high academic standards. But boys do need to learn how much today's economy rewards academic achievement rather than traditionally masculine blue-collar work.'

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Reform College Sexual Assault Policies to Protect Accused Students, Too

Article here. Excerpt:

'The consequences of unfair sexual misconduct procedures are monumental and life-altering. Students who are found guilty can be made into pariahs, kicked out of their residences, expelled from their colleges, and forced to explain marked transcripts to graduate institutions and employers for the rest of their lives. When these defendants have not committed any wrongdoing, such punishments are a travesty of justice. While The Huffington Post has done admirable work in highlighting the significant problem of inadequate university responses to claims of sexual violence, its coverage has failed to explore the issues of due process and procedural safeguards for accused students that reform must also address.'

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Towson cuts baseball, so baseball team blacks out logo

Article here. Excerpt:

'Towson University won't support its baseball program. For the team, the feeling is mutual.

On Mar. 8, during a hastily called conference with players from both teams, Towson president Maravene Loeschke announced that the school, following the recommendation of athletic director Mike Waddell, would be cutting both its baseball and men's soccer programs as a cost-saving measure.

In response, the baseball program – currently 8-7, 1-2 in Colonial Athletic Association play – has chosen to wear strips of black tape over the "Towson" logo on the front of its jerseys, a symbolic gesture meant to display its displeasure over the school's decision.

"We don't support Towson," catcher Zach Fisher told Baltimore's ABC affiliate (video above), "so we don't wear something that says Towson."'

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Young Women More Likely To Admit Hitting A Partner

Article here.

'Women are three times as likely to admit hitting a romantic partner, according to a study of young adults ages 15 to 22. In results released today, 14% of women said they'd struck a partner — compared with 5% of men.

But when the researchers, commissioned by the NO MORE anti-domestic violence campaign, asked young people why they'd lashed out, almost 60% of all respondents said their partner had hit them first. Given this, it's possible that young women are just more likely to admit to hitting a partner than men were. The study doesn't report the sexual orientation of the young people surveyed, so it's not clear if the women who reported hitting were exclusively hitting men — domestic violence can be an issue in lesbian relationships too, with one study finding that half of lesbian women experienced domestic violence at some point in their lives.

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Women: hitting your man is not cute; it's abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'A glossy American couple fight over an alleged infidelity, and at one point the hunk involved says something unacceptable in a pique of anger.

Our heroine responds with a slap, right across the face, and the argument ends there.

We've seen Meg Ryan do it, Jennifer Aniston do it, and the most recent example of a whack across the chops I saw was in hipster-com Girls, where friends Elijah (Andrew Rannells) and Marnie (Allison Williams) trade insults over his sexuality before he calls her a bitch and she slaps him, hard.
In short, pop culture gives the impression it is cute, or empowering, or even sexy when women hit men. The scene reversed would carry a single connotation of misogyny and out-of-control male aggression, but here we are expected to laugh, or even to be turned on by these characters' resort to the grim shortcut of violence to deal with problems.

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UK: Do men need a political party to defend their rights?

Article here.

'Mike Buchanan is the founder of Justice for Men and Boys, a political party created to tackle the injustices that the modern man faces.

Mike told BBC Radio 2's Jeremy Vine that "men and boys need representation...and I'm not aware of a single area where women are disadvantaged relative to men." Laura Bates, of the Everyday Sexism Project, described the suggestion that men and boys are under represented as "laughable."'

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On International Women's Day, a Feminist Imagines Her Victimhood

Article here. Excerpt:

'International Women’s Day is here. It could be a day to celebrate the many accomplishments of women, their advancement in western culture, their strength, wisdom and creativity. Maybe that will happen, but, if the past is prolog, International Women’s Day will also be a day on which feminists make the event Women’s Disinformation Day. Sadly, it’s already happened, as this article makes clear.

To those who follow the many misrepresentations feminists make about the lot of women in the world, Dr. Lindy Edwards’ piece in Australia’s The Age should come as no surprise. Her thesis in a nutshell is that men get to do the lion’s share of society’s paid work because women are stuck with the unpaid work. So men earn more while women struggle and likely end up living in poverty at the end of their lives.

The picture Edwards paints is not a pretty one, which is something to celebrate on this IWD, since it bears little resemblance to reality.'

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New Zealand: Few men take up teaching

Article here. Excerpt:

'Children are missing out on positive male role models because of a shortage of men wanting to become teachers.
She said there were some "wonderful" men coming through teaching college but it was hard to attract males at primary level.

A long-standing public perception of male teachers having "poor intentions" could be one reason, she said.
The Early Childhood Council (ECC) estimated that of the 1100 centres it represented, 2 per cent of staff were male, but Mrs Sellars said men were "just as good" at looking after young children as females.

"There has been a stigma around males about sexual abuse in the classroom but the truth is it's just as much females as well as males. I think that [perception] is changing a bit now though."'

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Mother tries to sell kids using Facebook

Story here. Excerpt:

'Police in Sallisaw, Oklahoma said Misty VanHorn contacted a potential buyer via the social networking site.

They said the 22-year-old mother was looking to get $1,000 (£670) for her two-year-old, or $4,000 (£2,680) for the toddler and her 10-month-old baby.

"Just come to Sallisaw, it's only 30 minutes away and I'll give you all of her stuff and let y'all have her forever for $1,000," she allegedly wrote via Facebook.'

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F&F: Shocking Data on Incarceration of Fathers: New Report Suggests Gender Bias

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new report concludes that between 95% and 98.5% of all incarcerations in Massachusetts sentenced from the Massachusetts Probate and Family Courts from 2001 through 2011 have been men. Moreover, this percentage may be increasing, with an average of 94.5% from 2001 to 2008, and 96.2% from 2009 through 2011. It is likely that most of these incarcerations are for incomplete payment of child support.

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O2/Symantec blocking MR sites

Article here. Excerpt:

'By now most people are aware of the issue of men's rights website being wrongly blocked by Symantec and various mobile phone companies due to them somehow being flagged as "hate sites". I've done further investigations and can exclusively reveal the official response from these companies on this matter. There tends to be a bit of confusion about this issue and so firstly I'll attempt to explain what's going on and tackle some misconceptions.

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Asking Roosh V: What legacy has feminism left for men?

Interview here. Excerpt:

'Cotto: Today, divorce and infidelity rates are disturbingly high. Insofar as men are concerned, why do you think that this is the case?

Roosh: Divorce in America is a great deal for women. She gets half a man’s assets and monthly payments that can be quite substantial if children are involved. The more money the man has, the more she gets paid. The ultimate humiliation for husbands is to pay alimony for a woman who then takes care of her “bad boy” lover in his former bed. If you take away incentive for a woman to remain a wife or to be loyal, she won’t. 
Cotto: Feminism is a tremendously controversial subject. From your standpoint, what legacy has it left for men?

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ACFC: "Exposed: Mass Discrimination"

In case you hadn't heard, ACFC has started releasing its newsletter again. You can sign up for it on their home page. Following is an excerpt from the current newsletter's headline item:

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SAVE E-lert: Tell the NDAA to Remove their Biased NCPVAW Program

Last week we reported that Attorney General Eric Holder said, "I applaud Congress for passing a bipartisan [VAWA] reauthorization that protects everyone - women and men, gay and straight, children and adults of all races, ethnicities, countries of origin, and tribal affiliations." While that is a great start, we have a long way to go before all victims are treated equally.

We also have a long way to go before persons accused of abuse are treated equally. Research shows, "males were consistently treated more severely at every stage of the prosecution process." 
It's easy to see why this is happening. Take a look at the National District Attorneys Association (NDAA) website, where you'll find their program, the National Center for the Prosecution of Violence Against Women (NCPVAW).  
Yes, you read that right. Blatant gender discrimination!

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Prosecutors review evidence in false rape report at UC Santa Cruz

Story here.

'SANTA CRUZ -- Santa Cruz County prosecutors Wednesday reviewed the 911 call of a woman who made a false rape report at UC Santa Cruz but have not decided whether to press charges against her.

"We will have a decision as soon as we get all the reports and tapes from UCSC," said District Attorney Bob Lee.

The 21-year-old woman, who authorities have not named and is not a UCSC student, said she was attacked Feb. 17.

On Feb. 28, UCSC Police Chief Nader Oweis said the woman admitted that she "fabricated" the report. The woman had bruises and described the fictitious attacker to an artist who produced a composite sketch.

If she is charged with filing a false police report, she could face 6 months in jail, counseling or restitution, prosecutors said.'

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