"Why I am sueing the orthodox Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal for having a circumcision performed on his son"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I want to point out explicitly that I reject any ideology or action that is directed against a humane, tolerant, free and democratic value- and law-abiding society. I will refuse or quit any cooperation with persons or groups of whom I think would put a society based on democratic values, unconditional and at any time, in question.

In that spirit I also disapprove of any misuse of my efforts to further children's rights to bodily integrity by people that use the issue of circumcision to fuel their discriminating thoughts against minorities.
In the video published on the website of the Berlin Tagesspiegel one can see how Mr. Menachem Fleischmann takes a mouthful of wine, then leans down over baby Mendel Teichtal to suck blood from his bleeding penis.

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Follow "Male Positive Media" on Twitter

I've decided to create a Male Positive Media account on Twitter, where I would post links to positive music and videos for men and boys. The account address is https://twitter.com/MalePositive

If I could get some followers on Twitter, that would be much appreciated. It would extend the influence of male positive media around the web and hopefully become popular.

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Casey Anthony Supporters Send Her Cash, Gift Cards

Story here. Excerpt:

'In her first public appearance since her murder acquittal in 2011, the unemployed Casey Anthony said that she lives "free off of the kindness of others," along with donations of cash and gift cards from strangers.

Even though she's been called the most hated woman in America, Anthony has a fervent group of supporters who use assumed names and brush off death threats in order to stand by her side.

"I think Casey made some mistakes and I think the picture that we see is a caricature of who she really is," a supporter who goes by Melissa told ABCNews.com. "I don't think we see the whole Casey in what has been presented. There's a hard road ahead of her, but she has a lot of support."'

Relatedly: Trustee asks judge to allow Casey's story to be sold. Excerpt:

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Women on corporate boards better decision-makers than male directors: study

Article here. Excerpt:

'TORONTO — Women who sit on corporate boards are more likely to “rock the boat” and be more open to new ideas than their male counterparts — skills that often translate into better decisions and financial success for the company, according to a new study.

The survey, recently published in the International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, found that of the 624 board directors polled in Canada, women were more likely to use “co-operation, collaboration and consensus building” when dealing with complex decisions.

While male directors more often made decisions by using “rules, regulations and traditional ways of doing business.”'

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Keep Calm and Carry On Throwing Rocks at Boys?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two weeks ago, mainstream news and social media sites joined forces, convincing Amazon to remove adverts for T-shirts with wording such as 'Keep calm and rape a lot' and 'Keep calm and hit her'.

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Eight Reasons Why an Intact Penis Is Better Than a Cut Penis

Blog post here. From 2012, but good to read anytime. The video he made is in Hebrew so our readers who don't speak it (including myself) will be missing out. If anyone has a desire to translate his video commentary, please feel free to do so and post. Excerpt:

'Shalom. I’m Israeli, I’m Jewish and I’m an Intactivist, which means I strive to end male circumcision performed on infants and children in Israel and around the world. My journey to Intactivism began seven years ago when my son was born.

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Norweigan Paint Manufacturer JOTUN Promoting New Paint With Sexism

Via email:

Norweigan Paint Manufacturer JOTUN is promoting their new paint line "LADY Wonderwall" with a woman patting a man on the man's left buttock. Ad on YouTube here.

Imagine the cry from the feminists if it was a man patting a woman's buttock. Today it seems to be all right to make sexist commercials as long as it's a man being objectified. Company contact form is here.

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The European: His Body, His Choice

Article here. From 2012, but still very relevant. Excerpt:

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IA Lauds Doctors from 17 Countries Over AAP Criticisms

Press release here. Excerpt:

'TARRYTOWN, NY—The American Academy of Pediatrics should be reeling today from two independent blasts of criticism from doctors and medical ethicists saying the AAP’s Task Force report last summer, which softened its opposition to routine neonatal male circumcision, is unsupported by scientific data or medical ethics.

Articles in the AAP’s own journal Pediatrics, and in a special issue of the British Journal of Medical Ethics, took the AAP to task for its report issued in August 2012 that stopped short of recommending in favor of circumcision, but called for public and private medical insurance to cover the costs for an unnecessary and inherently risky surgery performed more than a million times a year in the United States.'

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IA: Intactivist of the Month for March 2013

Article here. Excerpt:

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Lawyer behind Menendez prostitution allegations recants, fabricates media conspiracy

Story here. Excerpt:

'The lawyer who represented three women who accused New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez of employing their services as prostitutes now says he made up the entire thing at the behest of multiple American media outlets.

Melanio Figueroa, who stands accused by Dominican National Police of paying women to fabricate stories about sleeping with Menendez for money, told Dominican investigators Thursday that news outlets are to blame for the plot.

Figueroa blamed four news outlets — CNN, The Daily Caller, Telemundo and Univision — for allegedly encouraging him to fabricate false accusations about Menendez. Pressed further by investigators, Figueroa alleged that a man employed by this news site named “Carlos” offered the lawyer $5,000 to invent the prostitution allegations, according to a Thursday evening television report by Univision.'

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NFL dream delayed by false rape charge

Article here. Excerpt:

'Brian Banks may yet play in the NFL. But he knows it's a long shot after spending five years in prison on a rape charge for which he was later exonerated. Banks is now set on getting tryouts with pro football teams and has put the tragedy of his jail time behind him, even refusing to want punishment for the woman who falsely accused him. James Brown reports on a once promising high-school football prospect blindsided by injustice in a 60 Minutes story to be broadcast Sunday, March 24 at 7:00 p.m. ET/PT.

Ten years ago, a high school make-out session turned into a nightmare for the football standout at Poly-Tech High School in Long Beach, Calif. The girl Banks was with, Wanetta Gibson, accused him of rape. Persuaded by questionable legal advice, he pleaded guilty to a crime he denied doing in a deal that avoided the possibility of a decades-long sentence. When he got out after nearly five years, he went on Facebook one day and had a shock: His accuser wanted to be "friends."'

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Deadbeat Parents? State-Mandated Child Support Hurts The Ones It's Supposed To Help

Article here. Excerpt:

"No. 1 deadbeat parent pleads guilty to owing $1.2 million" reads the headline from the Associated Press. The article details a father fleeing first to Florida and then to Thailand, resulting in child-support arrears since 2002.

His name is Robert Sand and he sits in jail. Deported from the Philippines in November, he was sent to Los Angeles where he was arrested by federal marshals, and then extradited to New York where he has been held without bail since December. Next, this dad became front-page news. The AP article was careful to use the term "deadbeat parent," but my Facebook feed doesn't subscribe to such neutral speech. My page lit up with moms rallying in solidarity. The target? Deadbeat dads.
Are there toxic parents who neither love nor support their child? Sure. But forced money gained can't disguise that ugliness. A child who experiences a truly negative parent doesn't need money, they need healing. It's hard to heal a child's pain when the focus is on the toxic parent.

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Father's Rights In Divorce: Myths and Facts

Article here. Excerpt:

'In my practice as a divorce lawyer, the vast majority of the fathers whom I have represented want to remain actively involved as parents after their divorce has been settled. Very few want to sever ties with their children, even when they cannot stand the sight of their ex-wives.
From my perspective, the courts should not arbitrarily favor mothers over fathers. I believe firmly that the spouse who has served as the primary parental figure should remain in that role after the divorce has been finalized. And as such, they should receive a corresponding amount of the post-divorce estate. This is the case regardless of the gender of the primary conservator.
And now, for my fellow mothers who are reading this article:

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Husband Awarded $40K After DNA Tests Prove Children Aren’t His

Story here. Excerpt:

'Have you ever wondered if you were raising another man’s child?

We sure hope not! This sounds like something you’d hear on a soap opera.

Unfortunately, that was the nagging question on Richard Rodwell’s mind soon after his marriage to his wife Helen fell apart.

As their marriage began deteriorating, Helen would disappear from their home in Peterborough, England, for several days at a time without letting her family know where she was. And when she would return and he would ask where she had been, she would say, “It has nothing to do with you.” This woman would never even leave a note or message letting her husband or children in on her whereabouts.'

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