Shelton Cops: Ansonia Woman Falsely Reported Sexual Assault

Story here.

'An Ansonia resident filed a false report of sexual assault, Shelton police said.

Kathryn M. Jordan, 54, of Elaine Drive, is charged with second-degree falsely reporting an incident.

She made the report in July 2012, police said, and was arrested March 20 at 11:30 a.m. at Police Headquarters.

Jordan was released on a written promise to appear in Derby Superior Court on April 3.'

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Auburn police: Victim in alleged sexual assault filed false report

Story here. Excerpt:

'An alleged sexual assault reported near Auburn University campus last week did not occur, authorities announced Monday.

“We thoroughly investigated it and it didn’t happen,” said Auburn Police Capt. Tom Stofer, who declined to release the identity of the woman that filed the false report.

Stofer also said there will be no charges filed against the 20-year-old woman who was not an Auburn University student and at no time was she or any residents in the area of the alleged incident in any danger.'

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Editorial: Despite false sexual assault report, let’s seize opportunity to educate

Article here. Excerpt:

'Yes, we can all rest easy knowing there isn’t a sexual predator on the loose in Auburn.

That should make anyone with children, college-aged or not, breathe a sigh of relief.

But when Auburn police determined that an alleged sexual assault reported near Auburn University’s campus did not, in fact, happen last week, we shouldn’t just close the book.

We need to seize the opportunity to continue to educate and raise awareness about sexual assault.'

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India: Rape accused kills self after ‘victim’ admits false charges

Story here. Excerpt:

'A man facing a rape trial committed suicide in Indore days after the complainant reportedly admitted that he had only tried to hold her hand after a fight over money.

Roopkishore, 53, was found dead in his home in Palasia locality on Sunday, four days after the woman, 33, admitted during trial that she had falsely charged him with rape to avoid repaying the money her husband owed him.

The woman, who is Roopkishore's tenant, had accused him of raping her on December 26. The police booked him under Section 376 of the IPC and arrested him.'

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UK: Rape of teenage girl in cemetery a false allegation, say police

Story here. Excerpt:

'Detectives investigating the rape of a teenage girl in a cemetery say it was a false allegation.

It had been reported the victim was walking from Market Street through Bury cemetery,south of Bury town centre, when she was attacked.

Police were told that on the afternoon of Thursday, March 7, a man grabbed hold of her and pulled her away from the footpath before raping her.

Officers have since confirmed that it was a false report, and no attack took place.'

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Student who fabricated UC Santa Cruz rape report charged with misdemeanor

Story here. Excerpt:

'SANTA CRUZ -- A 20-year-old UC Santa Barbara student who admitted to making a false report of rape on the UC Santa Cruz campus in February has been charged by prosecutors.

Morgan Triplett, 20, faces a misdemeanor allegation of making a false report, Santa Cruz County assistant district attorney Johanna Schonfield said Thursday.

Triplett is expected to be arraigned next week and faces six months in jail, counseling or restitution if convicted, prosecutors said.
On Feb. 28, UCSC Police Chief Nader Oweis said the woman admitted to authorities that she "fabricated" the report.

"After an extensive investigation it became apparent that the majority of the information that Ms. Triplett gave the officers was not in fact true," Schonfield said Thursday.'

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Student arrested on suspicion of filing false report tied to rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'FARGO – North Dakota State University campus police arrested a 20-year-old female student Tuesday evening on suspicion of falsely reporting a crime to law enforcement.

Mary Gullickson, who resides on campus, was arrested without incident at the campus police station, according to NDSU police Lt. Gregory Stone.

Stone said an investigation into a report of an abduction and sexual assault occurring on campus Sunday evening determined that no abduction or sexual assault took place.'

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"Why I am sueing the orthodox Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal for having a circumcision performed on his son"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I want to point out explicitly that I reject any ideology or action that is directed against a humane, tolerant, free and democratic value- and law-abiding society. I will refuse or quit any cooperation with persons or groups of whom I think would put a society based on democratic values, unconditional and at any time, in question.

In that spirit I also disapprove of any misuse of my efforts to further children's rights to bodily integrity by people that use the issue of circumcision to fuel their discriminating thoughts against minorities.
In the video published on the website of the Berlin Tagesspiegel one can see how Mr. Menachem Fleischmann takes a mouthful of wine, then leans down over baby Mendel Teichtal to suck blood from his bleeding penis.

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Follow "Male Positive Media" on Twitter

I've decided to create a Male Positive Media account on Twitter, where I would post links to positive music and videos for men and boys. The account address is

If I could get some followers on Twitter, that would be much appreciated. It would extend the influence of male positive media around the web and hopefully become popular.

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Casey Anthony Supporters Send Her Cash, Gift Cards

Story here. Excerpt:

'In her first public appearance since her murder acquittal in 2011, the unemployed Casey Anthony said that she lives "free off of the kindness of others," along with donations of cash and gift cards from strangers.

Even though she's been called the most hated woman in America, Anthony has a fervent group of supporters who use assumed names and brush off death threats in order to stand by her side.

"I think Casey made some mistakes and I think the picture that we see is a caricature of who she really is," a supporter who goes by Melissa told "I don't think we see the whole Casey in what has been presented. There's a hard road ahead of her, but she has a lot of support."'

Relatedly: Trustee asks judge to allow Casey's story to be sold. Excerpt:

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Women on corporate boards better decision-makers than male directors: study

Article here. Excerpt:

'TORONTO — Women who sit on corporate boards are more likely to “rock the boat” and be more open to new ideas than their male counterparts — skills that often translate into better decisions and financial success for the company, according to a new study.

The survey, recently published in the International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, found that of the 624 board directors polled in Canada, women were more likely to use “co-operation, collaboration and consensus building” when dealing with complex decisions.

While male directors more often made decisions by using “rules, regulations and traditional ways of doing business.”'

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Keep Calm and Carry On Throwing Rocks at Boys?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two weeks ago, mainstream news and social media sites joined forces, convincing Amazon to remove adverts for T-shirts with wording such as 'Keep calm and rape a lot' and 'Keep calm and hit her'.

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Eight Reasons Why an Intact Penis Is Better Than a Cut Penis

Blog post here. From 2012, but good to read anytime. The video he made is in Hebrew so our readers who don't speak it (including myself) will be missing out. If anyone has a desire to translate his video commentary, please feel free to do so and post. Excerpt:

'Shalom. I’m Israeli, I’m Jewish and I’m an Intactivist, which means I strive to end male circumcision performed on infants and children in Israel and around the world. My journey to Intactivism began seven years ago when my son was born.

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Norweigan Paint Manufacturer JOTUN Promoting New Paint With Sexism

Via email:

Norweigan Paint Manufacturer JOTUN is promoting their new paint line "LADY Wonderwall" with a woman patting a man on the man's left buttock. Ad on YouTube here.

Imagine the cry from the feminists if it was a man patting a woman's buttock. Today it seems to be all right to make sexist commercials as long as it's a man being objectified. Company contact form is here.

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The European: His Body, His Choice

Article here. From 2012, but still very relevant. Excerpt:

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