From The Burning Bed to Jodi Arias: The Abuse Defense Gone Wrong

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Trinidad: Single dads feel discriminated against

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'SINGLE fathers poured their hearts out on Saturday night in Chaguanas and appealed to judges and magistrates to appreciate that the rights of fathers and mothers were just as important as the rights of the child.

Members of the Single Fathers’ Association of Trinidad and Tobago (SFATT) held a meeting on Saturday night at which single fathers gathered at the Central Regional Indoor Sports Arena, Chaguanas, to voice their frustration.

SFATT’s president Rhondall Feeles told a group of single fathers who turned out for the meeting, that the court system was too “mother-centric” and they needed, as single fathers, to make their voices heard.'

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Evans woman charged with making false rape claim against deputy

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'An Evans woman was charged Tuesday with falsely accusing a deputy of raping her during a weekend traffic stop.

Kelsey Alane Long, 23, was charged with making a false report of a crime, possession of a Schedule III drug, possession of a controlled substance, obstruction and several traffic charges. She is being held in the Columbia County Detention Center without bond, according to sheriff’s Capt. Steve Morris.

Long told a deputy taking her complaint at Georgia Regents Medical Center early Sunday that a deputy raped her in the front yard of a Martinez home about 2:30 a.m. during a traffic stop. The deputy taking her complaint told Long that making a false report of a crime was a felony, but she wanted to file the report anyway, according to a sheriff’s office incident report.'

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Rhonda Eisenberg, ex-teacher, allowed to write former student whose child she bore

Article here. Excerpt:

'In July, we told you about Greeley high school teacher Rhonda Eisenberg's arrest for sexual assault in a case involving what was at the time an underage student.

Eisenberg subsequently pleaded guilty in the matter, and she was sentenced yesterday. But the resolution of the case was complicated by two facts: The student fathered Eisenberg's child, and he's now legally an adult, who a judge will allow to exchange letters with the woman convicted of assaulting him. Photos, video, the original arrest affidavit and more below.
"She continues to work with teenage boys," the note added.
As expected, Eisenberg was given actual time behind bars -- ninety days' worth. She's also required to register as a sex offender and undergo four years of sex-offender intensive supervised probation -- and as reported by CBS4, she didn't gripe about the punishment when addressing the court.'

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California Agriculture Teacher Given 5-Month Sentence, Had Sex With Underage Student

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'Merced, CA – Melody Carter-McCabe was arrested and retained on a $250,000 bail last summer for allegedly engaging in a relationship with one of her students. The 27-year-old carried on a yearlong sexual relationship with a 15-year-old beginning back in 2010. McCabe was the boy’s mentor in the Future Farmers of America program.

The Livingston High School agriculture teacher initially faced up to 12 years in prison if convicted, as she had been charged with nine felony counts of unlawful sex with a minor.

However Monday, after McCabe pled no contest to the charges, a judge sentenced the former educator to five months in the Merced County jail. She is scheduled to report to the jail on Thursday to start her detainment and will be given credit for any time she’s already served leading up to the sentencing. After release, McCabe will be under a five year felony probation but will not have to register as a sexual offender.'

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Senate Committee Approves Father-Daughter Bill

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'A Senate Committee approved a bill that would allow school districts to have father-daughter dances and other gender-exclusive events, as long as comparable events for the opposite gender is offered.

The bill now heads to the Senate floor.

The bill, 2013-S 0012 – submitted by Cranston Sen. Hannah Gallo – would alter state gender discrimination laws, which Cranston school lawyers have said traditional father-daughter dances violate. A complaint from the mother of a Cranston girl triggered the review, prompting Cranston Supt. Judith Lundsten to cancel the district's dance.'

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'Women (and Men) Face Big Hurdles in Training for Marine Infantry Units'

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Divorce, Children, and Child Support: A Family Law Roundtable

Article here. Excerpt:

'The 24 minute presentation answers many of the questions common to clients of these professionals with more than fifty years of combined experience in practice. The panel addresses worry and misunderstandings associated with managing the effects of divorce on children. In addition to discussions of legal issues involving child custody and child support during (and following) divorce, the presentation explores financial and psychological elements likely to affect parents and their children resulting from the separation.
The Family Law Roundtable: Child Support is the second video in a series of discussions on divorce, with two more roundtables to follow from this panel. See it here:

Read the full story at

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F&F: National Putative Father Registry: A Bad Idea Promoted by Adoption Lawyers

Article here. Excerpt:

'For readers who haven’t seen pieces I’ve written on these scandalous inventions, putative father registries are entities designed to remove fathers from the process of adopting children. They’re located in the bureaucracy of states, usually in the Department of Health, perhaps in the Bureau of Vital records. A registry is created by state law that requires every unmarried man who believes he may have fathered a child to file a form with the registry laying claim to any such child. If he does that and and a child was in fact conceived and the mother carries it to term and places the child for adoption, the father is entitled to notice of the adoption and an opportunity to assert his parental rights. Failure to file the form means the court is free to finalize the adoption without telling him.

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The Glass Cellar

Video here.

'We hear a lot about the "Glass Ceiling" that keeps women from top positions, but very little about the men who comprise 85% or more of the 25 most dangerous jobs.'

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Australia: Woman pours superglue into man's eyes during argument

Story here.

'The 64-year-old man and the 58-year-old woman became involved in a heated argument at a Sebastopol house on Sunday evening.

The woman allegedly tried to strangle the man before pouring superglue in his eyes and one ear, Senior Sergeant Paul Kinna said.

Sgt Kinna said the woman is also accused of trying to set fire to the man and striking him with her prosthetic leg.

The man was taken to Ballarat Base Hospital, before being transferred to Melbourne's Eye and Ear Hospital in a stable condition.

The woman has been charged with three offences, including one count of reckless conduct endangering life.'

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20% of High School Aged Boys in US Diagnosed with ADHD

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'Nearly one in five high school age boys in the United States and 11 percent of school-age children over all have received a medical diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, according to new data from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

These rates reflect a marked rise over the last decade and could fuel growing concern among many doctors that the A.D.H.D. diagnosis and its medication are overused in American children.
“Those are astronomical numbers. I’m floored,” said Dr. William Graf, a pediatric neurologist in New Haven and a professor at the Yale School of Medicine. He added, “Mild symptoms are being diagnosed so readily, which goes well beyond the disorder and beyond the zone of ambiguity to pure enhancement of children who are otherwise healthy.”'

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Antifeminism Might Become Illegal in the Nordic Countries

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'The Nordic Council has received recommendations from the expert panel to forbid antifeminist speech in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Norway).

The “Expert panel” was full of radical feminists and profeminist men.

The report is written in the Nordic languages (except Finnish) and some parts in English.

In the report antifeminist speech and right-wing extremist hate speech towards immigrants are treated as a part of the same movement.

MRM is labeled as part of right-wing extremism.'

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Adria Richards and Donglegate - Right or Wrong?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Whilst at PyCon, a conference for developers, Adria Richards was seated ten rows back from the stage. A row behind her, two men were having a conversation where they referenced "forking repos" and "big dongles". Adria overheard and decided she did not like what she heard, since conversations of an offensive nature are not allowed in PyCon's guidelines. She decided to tweet to her 10,000+ twitter followers in the industry, instead of speaking to them directly as suggested in the guidelines. The events that followed would lead to both parties getting fired.

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Who will fight for the rights of military fathers?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Here's a sad but true story. It starts with a young couple living in North Carolina, married two years, wife pregnant, husband in the Army Reserves.

He's deployed to Afghanistan for a year, and she moves to Maryland to live with her parents and newborn daughter. One year later, a week before the child's father comes home from Afghanistan, the wife texts her husband to say she's divorcing him — she claimed abandonment, even though they had kept in touch weekly — and then takes two thirds of the money they had saved.
The wife had a bachelor's degree and finally decided to get a job. So now they were making close to the same amount, she grossing $2,300 a month and he $2,600. She had the added expense of day care, at $860 a month, but she was still living for free with her parents.

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