What is Misogyny, and How to Recognize a Misogynist

Article here. Excerpt:

'Misogyny is systemic, organized and has fan websites. Misogyny is also – because of the very nature of its deep-seated, psychological hatred – a linking factor among the various top-of-the-FBI-mind hate groups and militias. That means that people who hate women may also exhibit authoritarian, violent and bigoted behavior towards minorities. And they are politically active – as opposed to lurking on the fringes of society prior to, say 2008. Here is a list of blogs and sites in the so-called "Manosphere," which sponsor and encourage misogyny (warning: do not link unless you have a strong stomach): Alcuin, Boycott American Women, The Counter Feminist, The False Rape Society, In Mala Fide, MarkyMark's Thoughts, Men's Activism*, Reddit: Men's Rights (there has been some pushback on Reddit Creepshots, so this area may have been taken down), RooshV, SAVE Services, The Spearhead, and A Voice for Men.'

* Ed.: Hey, I think that's MANN they're talking about! :)

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Brian Banks Signs With Atlanta Falcons

Article here. Excerpt:

'Brian Banks (pictured), the high school football prodigy whose career was derailed by false rape accusations, has finally succeeded in achieving his NFL dreams: the Atlanta Falcons have signed him to a contract.
While a student at Polytechnic High School in Long Beach, Calif., a female acquaintance accused Banks of sexual assault. He was charged with rape and kidnapping, agreeing to a plea deal that put him in prison for five years. The California Innocence Project, a law school program, helped exonerate him after the women recanted her claims in a staged video sting.'


Wikipedia on Brian Banks

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Barbara Kay: Fair play for divorced dads

Article here. Excerpt:

'Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin has commissioned a report aimed at overhauling Canada’s family-law system. Its recommendations, which will be officially released later this month, reportedly include strategies for streamlining the legal process, encouraging mediation and reducing litigation.

The report will note that the number of self-representing litigants in family-law cases has climbed to above 70%, largely due to the exorbitant cost of lawyers. That statistic suggests the economic hardship that fractious breakups impose, but not the heartbreaking human costs imposed on parents — especially fathers, who often find the deck stacked against them in court.'

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Woman Convicted Of Killing Ex-Husband With Boiling Water

Story here.

'REDWOOD CITY, Calif. -- A Northern California woman is facing 16 years to life behind bars after being convicted of killing her ex-husband by dousing him with scalding water.

San Mateo County prosecutors say 41-year-old Jesusa Ursonal Tatad pleaded no contest to second-degree murder on Wednesday. She is scheduled to be sentenced May 17.

Tatad and her ex-husband, 36-year-old Ronnie Tatad, shared a Daly City apartment. Prosecutors say she pulled back the blankets while he slept on Nov. 26, 2011, and threw a pot of boiling water on him.

They say she was upset because she believed he was seeing another woman.

The San Mateo County Times reports (http://bit.ly/ZAlm2T) that Ronnie Tatad died about two weeks later of a blood infection connected to his burns.'

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National Geographic: Men closing life expectancy gap with women is "troubling"

Article here. Apparently it's "troubling" when the life expectancy gap between men and women has been closing, according to this article. Excerpt:

'How long do you have? It depends on gender and geography. In the U.S., women live longer—81 years on average, 76 for men—but a recent study by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation reveals a troubling trend. Though men's life spans have increased by 4.6 years since 1989, women have gained only 2.7 years, perhaps because a larger percentage of women have lacked adequate treatment for high blood pressure and cholesterol. "This is a wake-up call," says study co-author Ali Mokdad.'

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'Many American White Men Worship Guns Because of Sexual Insecurity, Entitlement, and Profit'

Article here. Excerpt:

'You won't find anyone willing to dare say it much in the media, but a good percentage of the white men who oppose gun control of any sort – and who back measures that would even allow alleged terrorists and straw purchases for drug dealers to buy guns – are just afraid that without their guns, their phallic power will be reduced to size.

You can feel at least temporarily reassured when a long-barreled assault weapon compensates for just another average manhood; it's an irresistable testosterone high to the beleaguered white male.
We're talking about a dying patriarchy making a last stand with the ownership and brandishing of weapons that provide the semblance of ultimate power over life and death.'

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Women’s issues take immigration reform spotlight

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women immigrants find themselves subject to abuse and lack of rights with little recourse, according to testimony from experts and activists who are urging national lawmakers to prioritize women in any comprehensive reform plan.

The director for National Domestic Workers Alliance, Ai-jen Poo, told Congress that past immigration overhauls have focused solely on the economic needs of U.S. companies, to the detriment of the immigrants’ rights.

“Today women and children represent two-thirds of all immigrants in the United States,” Poo told the Senate Judiciary committee on Monday. “But, unfortunately, past rounds of immigration reform have excluded women’s experiences.”
Jeff Sessions, R-Alabama, pushed back on the urge to open the immigration system based on family needs. Sessions said that immigration decisions must always be in the national interest.

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New research confirms men feeling ‘mother’s guilt' too

Article here. Excerpt:

'There are days when Daniel Gerecht’s eldest daughter Amelia, 2, tries to stop him from going to work. “Daddy stay home,” she’ll say. Or she takes his hand and leads him back to bed.

“I’ve had to pull away from that, and that’s absolutely killer,” said the 33-year-old high school teacher.

The delicate balancing act between working and parenting, and the ensuing guilt if the balancing act fails, is typically associated with women. But a new study released by the Pew Research Center confirms men are feeling “mother’s guilt” too.'

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Baseball Bailout At Towson Still Needs Approval

Article here. Excerpt:

'The reinstatement of baseball at Towson University is not a done deal yet.

According to Towson University Governor O'Malley's supplemental budget now includes $300-thousand for the next two years to fund the baseball program with the agreement that the program become self sufficient by 2015. But that funding needs to be approved by the General Assembly.

President Marvene Loeschke several weeks ago eliminated baseball and men's soccer citing having to meet Title IX requirements and a lack of funding for the programs.

She tells WBAL's Bill Vanko that a lot of pieces have to come together before the baseball program can start up again. "This is not finished. It is just a very hopeful window out of which we can operate with a real possibility of a two year success," says Loeschke.

Two weeks ago funding for the University's planned building in Harford County was put on hold as a result of the outcry of the elimination of the sports programs.'

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Ryerson Students’ Union blocks men’s issues group

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) takes issue with a men’s issues club. If it were not so serious, it would be laughable. An organization that collects hundreds of thousands of dollars in mandatory levies from Ryerson students is afraid of three students—two of them women—starting a men’s issues group.

Despite the constant rhetoric about diversity, equity and inclusion, the RSU cannot tolerate ideologies that run counter to its own. The irony of this patronizing attitude towards campus freedom is hard to miss. It’s as if the spirit of closed-minded religious dogma has jumped into bed with modern political correctness to prevent blasphemy against RSU ideological orthodoxy.'

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The New ‘Gender Gap’

Article here. Excerpt:

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Boys vs. girls: What's behind the college grad gender gap?

Article here. Excerpt:

'FORTUNE -- The facts are plain, if puzzling: Not only do women enter college at higher rates than men, but they're less likely to drop out once they get there. Female grads now account for about 60% of U.S. bachelor's degree holders.

Does that mean men are less studious or committed than women are?

Not necessarily. Instead, it seems the gender gap's roots are partly financial: Men are less willing to take on the heavy debt loads that are increasingly required to complete a college degree. When they reach the point of owing $12,500 in school loans, men "are more likely to be discouraged" than women -- and to decide it makes sense to leave school and start working full-time.'

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Nebraska: Legislators consider equal parenting bill

Article here. Excerpt:

'LINCOLN — Joe Trader became a father and an activist on the same day.

After his daughter was born in 2010, Trader’s girlfriend announced she wanted to break up. Determined to play a role in his daughter’s life, the Omaha man filed legal papers seeking custody.

An Iraq War veteran who held down two jobs while obtaining a business degree at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Trader argued for joint legal custody and equal parenting time. He got neither.

So he started a fathers’ rights page on Facebook that has since obtained nearly 900 “likes.” He also helped get roughly 150 people to show up at the Nebraska Legislature this year in support of two bills intended to make equal parenting time the majority, rather than the minority.'

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From The Burning Bed to Jodi Arias: The Abuse Defense Gone Wrong

Article here. Excerpt:

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Trinidad: Single dads feel discriminated against

Article here. Excerpt:

'SINGLE fathers poured their hearts out on Saturday night in Chaguanas and appealed to judges and magistrates to appreciate that the rights of fathers and mothers were just as important as the rights of the child.

Members of the Single Fathers’ Association of Trinidad and Tobago (SFATT) held a meeting on Saturday night at which single fathers gathered at the Central Regional Indoor Sports Arena, Chaguanas, to voice their frustration.

SFATT’s president Rhondall Feeles told a group of single fathers who turned out for the meeting, that the court system was too “mother-centric” and they needed, as single fathers, to make their voices heard.'

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