Stephanie Holden Smith: American feminism is a falsehood

Article here. Excerpt:

'American feminism is dead. May she rest in peace.

Though little was said about it due to the pandemic, the year 2020 was the 100-year mark for American women’s suffrage. In a subsequent Pew Research Survey, women were asked about the impact of feminism on their lives; 41% of women said it helped them at least a little; one in 10 said feminism helped them a lot; 7% said feminism hurt them, while half said it has neither helped nor hurt them personally.

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What Eventually Me Too Was and Is

Article here. From 2021 but still very relevant. Excerpt:

'For a particular faction in feminism, which was extremely small at the time, Me Too was from the very beginning a tool for implementing perceptions that re-define womanhood, manhood, sexuality – humanity – and not in a way that drives humanity toward a humanist vision. For them, Me Too was not primarily about providing support and encouraging law enforcement, but, a means of overt violence and intimidation for re-education, of all men and all women, as to what is a woman and what is a man, and what are the relations between them and their meaning – that is, what is human. Re-education for the purpose of creating a person who conforms with the beliefs of the group that I will refer to here as “the Gender Church”.

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Russia is grabbing men off the street to fight in Ukraine

Story here. Excerpt:

'Police and military officers swooped down on a Moscow business center this past week unannounced. They were looking for men to fight in Ukraine — and they seized nearly every one they saw. Some musicians, rehearsing. A courier there to deliver a parcel. A man from a Moscow service agency, very drunk, in his mid-50s, with a walking disability.

“I have no idea why they took him,” said Alexei, who, like dozens of others in the office complex, was rounded up and taken to the nearest military enlistment office, part of a harsh new phase in the Russian drive.

In cities and towns across Russia, men of fighting age are going into hiding to avoid the officials who are seizing them and sending them to fight in Ukraine.'

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The Elites Have Stopped Hiding Their Hatred of the Working Class

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last week, a shocking moment of truth broke through the huge effort elites normally put into hiding their disdain for the rest of us. At an event sponsored by the libertarian Cato Institute, President of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, Adam Posen—a man who appears to be paid $450,000 a year—made clear his absolute contempt for the working class.

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UK: 'Serial liar' accused of beating herself with hammer to frame men for rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'Prosecutors claim 21-year-old Eleanor Williams, from Barrow-in-Furness, is a "serial liar" who used false text messages and Snapchat conversations to bolster claims she had been trafficked and raped by multiple men.

Crown Prosecutor Jonathan Sandiford KC told the jury although Ms Williams was on one occasion discovered with multiple wounds on her body after going missing, the prosecution claims "the injuries had been self-inflicted with a hammer."

Ms Williams faces seven counts of perverting the course of justice. It is claimed she made false allegations of rape and violence against her between 2017 and 2020 to work colleagues, medical professionals, health workers and the police.

She is accused of faking evidence such as text messages on mobile phones and social media in which her alleged abusers and traffickers appeared to discuss or admit their supposed crimes, as well as messages in which she and other supposed victims appeared to discuss being trafficked or sexually exploited.'

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With The Anti-Woke Backlash Against Women Escalating, Efforts To Increase Diversity Must Accelerate

Article here. Excerpt:

'In today’s workforce, only slightly more women than men are college educated; yet, significantly fewer (33%) hold senior management roles. If women overtaking men in education bodes well for gender equality, the current gender gap in leadership positions is a reminder of how much harder women must work to get the same opportunities afforded to men.
Concurrently, the anti-woke capitalism movement has revealed its fangs. Under the banner of “protecting excellence,” venture capitalists and businessmen have started organized actions to marginalize corporations that seek to create greater diversity. This not-too-closeted effort to ensure male primacy in boardrooms and other executive settings finds additional energy in the resurgence of the “bro” lingo and in sectors of corporate culture like tech and finance.

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Ohio men not registered for military draft pay hundreds of thousands extra for college

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nick Lombardo got a $4,500 lesson on the military draft in his Kent State tuition bill.

The 2021 graduate of a private high school in Akron neglected to sign up for the Selective Service System, as all American men are expected to on their 18th birthdays. Though a draft hasn’t been called up since the Vietnam War, failing to register with selective services is grounds for felony prison time, hefty fines, denial of employment (like a job with the United States Postal Service) and — on a state-by-state basis — extra tuition or all-out bans on enrolling in public colleges and universities.

As members of Congress debate whether to abolish or expand the program, Lombardo joined the college-aged men in Ohio charged hundreds of thousands of dollars, likely millions, in extra tuition since the 1980s.'

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The relations between the sexes are ending – the reason is not technology

Article here. Excerpt:

'For over two decades now the frequency of sex between men and women has been continuously dropping in young people. A study from 2020 that analyzed data collected between 2016 to 2018 has reported that 31% of guys in the age of 18 to 24, and 19% of girls of that age, did not have sex in the year preceding the study. While among guys this was a 63% increase in sexlessness from 19% in 2002 to 31% today, for girls the change was much smaller, from 15% to 19% today. That is, sexlessness is currently 63% higher in guys than in girls, while in 2002 it was 26% higher in guys; in the 1970s it was probably reversed and lower in guys than in girls, making the shift an extremely dramatic and radical one. During the period between 2002 and 2018, in men aged 25-34 there was a doubling in sexlessness from 7% to 14%, compared to a smaller rise in women from 7% to 12%, that again recapitulates the reversal of sexlessness between the sexes, from a flipping-point in 2002 when the rates where the same.

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Opinion: Andrew Tate’s success reveals feminism’s failures

Article here. Excerpt:

'The answer is a simple one. Feminism launched Tate into eminence. Tate was a pendulum effect that resulted from extreme, modern feminism. As feminists kept villainizing “straight, white, Christian males,” men were faced with two options: either support the feminist narrative or go against it.

Modern feminists have stressed the idea that for women to step up, men would have to step down. They villainized the concept of masculinity, claiming that it was toxic, patriarchal, and harmful. Women and men were never meant to compete against each other, yet, modern feminism has forced people to believe that men are either feminists or bigots.
Young men, who were desperate to break free from the shackles of constant pressure from feminists, turned to Tate as their messiah and wholeheartedly accepted anything he uttered. Tate spoke to the dissatisfaction that young men faced in a world centered around being “woke.”

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Trainer Accused of Sexually Abusing High School Football Players, Targeting Low-Income Teens

Article here. One to watch. Excerpt:

'The daughter of a California high school football coaching icon has been accused of sexually abusing several football players between 2002 and 2006, when she was the trainer for the team.

A recently-filed lawsuit obtained by PEOPLE alleges Tiffany Strauss-Gordon abused six varsity football players while she was the trainer at Colton High School.

Strauss-Gordon is the daughter of the late Harold Strauss, who, for years, served as the head coach for the school's Yellowjackets football team.

Strauss-Gordon, who has not been criminally charged, began working for the district around 2001. She was most recently the athletic director at Grand Terrace High School.

The Los Angeles Times reports that school officials in Grand Terrace confirmed Strauss-Gordon was on a leave of absence.

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"Men Without Work" review

Review here. From 2017 but still entirely relevant. Excerpt:

'Nicholas Eberstadt has become one of our highest-impact socioeconomic and demographic analysts, rivaling his American Enterprise Institute colleague Charles Murray. In Men without Work, he alerts us to a new “invisible national crisis.” This is the flight of some 10 million American men in their prime ages (between 25 and 54) from the work force, and indeed from all the commitments and responsibilities of civilized society. He documents an “immense army” of rootless “idlers,” tending toward obesity, popping pills (mainly prescription painkillers, but also, in alarming numbers, harder drugs), immersed in TV for an average of 21.7 hours a week and video games for 6.7 hours, and stickily keyboarding on an oily surf of terabytes of porn, all while their baby-boom elders retire, often on disability, and, as of this August, 337,000 manufacturing jobs go unfilled.

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Clarifying the American Psychological Association's Guidelines for Boys and Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'To address the ongoing controversy about American Psychological Association's Practice Guidelines for Boys and Men, we want to clarify what these guidelines are, and what they are not.

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Are Men Failing Society?

Article here. Excerpt:

'There’s a lot of talk about how men are failing women in society. And of course, this idea is being voiced mostly by women. After the reversal of Roe v Wade, many women took to microphones and blogs to proclaim that men had failed to protect a woman’s most basic right. Society has declared that men are not upholding their roles to protect or provide for women.

This is a general attitude fogging up the atmosphere about men that I think deserves some clearing. I think we must acknowledge that the reason men are not “there” for women is that women have said they don’t need a man, don’t want a man, and can do everything by themselves.

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Jonathan Franzen: Critics Right To Suspect 'White Male Authors'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Jonathan Franzen, a writer beloved by millions of readers, likes coming to Europe where he doesn't face "the baggage" his public persona carries back in the United States.

Novels such as "The Corrections" and "Freedom" have made him one of the foremost literary authors of his generation in the United States, and his most recent, "Crossroads", is seen by some critics as his greatest achievement yet.

But in his home country, his success has been blighted by a somewhat cranky public image that has seen him painted as the epitome of the privileged white man -- someone even set up the web address "" to go straight to Franzen's Facebook page.

At 63, he is patient with his critics.

"America was created by white men. It's still run by white men to the advantage of white men," he told AFP. "If you're a white male writer, you're automatically under suspicion, you're part of the power structure.

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Olivia Wilde And Jason Sudeikis’s Break-Up Inspired Opposite Ideas About Gender Roles

Article here. Excerpt:

'Wilde called Jordan Peterson “a pseudo-intellectual” and “incel hero,” who inspired the film’s villain. Both these claims have rightly been discredited, but Wilde reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of Peterson’s appeal by claiming he “legitimizes” incels. Peterson explicitly warns against resentment and complacency. Rather, his teaching to young men could be summarized in 4 words: Grow the hell up! Peterson appeals to young men because he presents a positive vision for masculine aspiration, a preferable alternative to Wilde’s world, where men are either oppressors or betas. Harry Styles manages to ─ between his work on camera and on the press circuit ─ be both.

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