Kidnapping Mother Gets Favorable News Story

Article here. In this story, a mother who has kidnapped a child and then uses the child to gain empathy gets favorable news coverage. Note that she had shared custody in the country where she and the child had lived with the father. But, rather than accept the judgement of the court, she chose to kidnap the child and attempt to gain sole custody through the use of accusations of abuse against the father. The reporter includes an interview with the child that is apparently supposed to make readers sympathetic to her cause. Shouldn't she be facing kidnapping charges rather than a sympathetic news story? Excerpt:

'Olivia, who turned 5 on Saturday, is at the center of a bitter international legal dispute between her two divorced parents.

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Woman arrested 396 times, released repeatedly

Article here. Just ask yourself: If this were a man with this kind of history, would he ever even get to 396 arrests? Excerpt:

'Since 1978, Chicago Police alone have arrested Miles 396 times, mostly on the North Side — under at least 83 different aliases. Those arrests include 92 for theft, 65 for disorderly conduct, 59 for prostitution-related crimes and five for robbery or attempted robbery.
Miles is a master at working the system, says Rolon. She fakes seizures that mean costly hospital visits. She gets judges to delay her cases. And then she returns to the streets to be arrested again and again — so many times that she ranks in the top 1 percent for all current CPD arrestees.

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Germany: Merkel Concedes on Quotas for Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'BERLIN — In a rare political setback for the world’s most powerful woman, Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday found herself forced to give in to a rebellious bloc in her own party who insisted that Germany’s leading companies be compelled to increase the number of women on their boards.

Ms. Merkel, Germany’s first female chancellor, has long resisted the quota system for giving women board membership. It is an issue much debated throughout Europe, and adopted in countries from Norway to France but fiercely contested elsewhere — nowhere more so than in the Continent’s most powerful economy.

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Malecare: Understanding the New Options for Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer – Treatments, Immunotherapy & Clinical Trials

Malecare April Teleconference

"Understanding the New Options for Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer – Treatments, Immunotherapy & Clinical Trials"

1 - An overview of the new treatments now available for men with castrate resistant advanced prostate including a discussion of the sequencing and combining of these treatments.
2 - A discussion about immunotherapies and their role in current treatment.
3 - Q&A

The conference is scheduled for Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at 6PM EDT

Simply dial in at 800-920-7487 or direct dial 404 920 1710, conference code 8534374

Please email your questions for the speakers, in advance, to

James L. Gulley, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P.
Director, Clinical Trials Group &
Deputy Chief, Laboratory of Tumor Immunology and Biology
Senior Investigator, Medical Oncology Branch
Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute National Institutes of Health

Joel Nowak, MSW, MS
Director, Advocacy and Advanced Stage Disease
Malecare Cancer Support

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An open letter to men's rights activists

Letter here. Excerpt:

'First, some background for any bystanders who need it: Men’s rights activists (MRAs) have been growing in number for a while as a sort of counter-movement against feminism. Turns out that when women try to get uppity, people get upset. Undoing thousands of years of oppression? That doesn’t sit well with MRAs.

But back to you, MRAs. I’ve seen you on the Internet, commenting on articles about feminist issues. “But what about the men?” is your rallying cry. I wouldn’t be surprised if you comment on this article — prove me wrong, please.

Like0 Dislike0 "Courage, strength, resilience: women fight AIDS"

Link here. Excerpt:

'By Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the President
On Monday, I attended the launch of EMPOWERED, Alicia Keys’ new campaign with Greater than AIDS to reach and inform women about HIV/AIDS, at an event hosted by the Kaiser Family Foundation. This is the second event that Alicia Keys and I have attended at Kaiser within the last year, both focused on ending AIDS.

The women were thrilled to meet Alicia Keys, and Alicia, who was deeply moved by their stories, committed to add her powerful international voice to helping to end the epidemic here in the U.S. Alicia and I intended to lift up the women. But really, it was their strength, courage, resilience, good spirit, and humor that lifted us up.'

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Iron Maiden Drummer's Wife Charged with DV

Story here. Excerpt:

'Rebecca McBrain, the wife of Iron Maiden drummer Nicko McBrain has been charged with domestic abuse after being arrested for an incident that happened at the couple's Florida home earlier this year. reports that Rebecca attempted to stab someone with a decorative sword before throwing and hitting the victim with logs from a firepit in the couple's garden.

Although the victim is yet to be identified, the fact that Rebecca has been charged with domestic abuse indicates that the person was a resident of the home or a relative.

Rebecca was in court today (April 18) for sentencing and has a trial date set for May 3, 2013. The original incident is reported to have taken place on February 24 when Rebecca was released from Palm Beach County Jail on $3,000 bail.'

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We Went To a Men's Rights Lecture In Toronto (And Discovered That They're a Bunch of Losers)

Article here. Excerpt:

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Woman goes on trial for allegedly severing estranged husband's penis

Story here.

'(CBS/AP) SANTA ANA, Calif. - A California prosecutor says a jealous wife yelled "You deserve it" before severing her estranged husband's penis with a kitchen knife and throwing it in a garbage disposal.

The Orange County Register reports a jury heard opening statements Wednesday in the case of 50-year-old Catherine Kieu, who is accused of drugging her husband's tofu with sleeping pills and tying him to a bed before the attack.

Deputy District Attorney John Christl says audio of the July 11, 2011 incident was captured by a voice-activated recorder Kieu had hidden in the bedroom.

Deputy Public Defender Frank Bittar says Kieu's severely traumatic childhood in war-torn Vietnam, including rape by her older brother, caused mental illness that bars her from a mayhem or torture conviction.'

For those who don't recall, this was the subject of "The Talk" issue of not long ago. Video here.

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Salem-News: The Jewish Anti-Circumcision and Intactivist Movement

Article here. Excerpt:

'(TEL AVIV) - Today's Judaism is ready to reject traditional circumcision and to move to compassionate symbolic rituals. The interpretation of Jewish law is constantly in a state of development, flux, and evolution, expanding as the realm of human rights expands. As Jews, we are regularly evolving our lives and practices to adjust to the constantly evolving moral arc of human rights.

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Ken Burns brings 'Central Park Five' to light

Article here. Excerpt:

'Since its release last spring, Burns and his co-producers, daughter Sarah Burns and her husband David McMahon, as well as the five men whose convictions in the case were vacated, have traveled the country talking about the film and the as-yet-unsettled $250 million civil suit they brought against the City of New York in 2003.

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SAVE: Our Annual Conference in June

Our annual conference will be held in Washington DC on June 21-22. If you get your tickets before June 1 you can save $25 per ticket!

This year's theme is "Celebrating Our Progress!"

Our keynote speakers are Erin Pizzey, founder of the international abuse shelter movement, and Kathy King, a former magistrate in Ohio. We'll also hear from persons who have overcome being falsely accused, and more. Dinner Friday and lunch Saturday are included.

Visit the SAVE website for the schedule and info on local lodging:

Visit eventbrite to register online:

There is nothing like meeting fellow advocates and activists in person. I hope to see you there!

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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Colleges Must Promote Personal Responsibility, Not 'He-Said, She-Said' Trials

Article here. Excerpt:

'The federal government has intervened in an apparent effort to raise the conviction rate in such campus sexual assault trials, using the gender equity provisions of Title IX. In 2011 the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the Department of Education advised colleges that they must use the “preponderance of evidence” standard of civil court proceedings, not the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard of criminal trials. Within a year, almost all institutions, including UNC, had complied rather than risk the loss of federal funding.

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Report: Wife of former official charged with murder in Texas DA killing

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- The wife of a former justice of the peace in Texas is being held on murder charges in connection with the killings of Kaufman County District Attorney Michael McLelland and his wife, Cynthia, county officials announced Wednesday.

Kim Lene Williams, 46, is also charged with murder in the death of prosecutor Mark Hasse.

She is in jail, with bail set at $10 million. The Kaufman County jail website lists her as being booked about 3 a.m. Wednesday.

The McLellands were killed in March, and Hasse was killed in January.'

Update: She confessed. Reported here.

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"The rise of sexism and misogyny in a Facebook era"

Article here. Excerpt:

'A FACEBOOK page titled “Slut” has 581,845 likes. The term is used casually in teenage conversations both as a cutting insult and a term of endearment.

Slut-shaming is nothing new; since the days of Nathaniel Hawthorne and “The Scarlet Letter,” girls have been branded with titles because of their sexuality.

And while womens rights have come a long way since the 1850s, social media of the 21st century has morphed sexism and misogyny into a cruel and powerful beast.

Facebook and Twitter make objectifying women easy. A mere click of a button guarantees you a large audience. Teens who never make lewd comments to someone’s face create Facebook groups called “its (sic) not rape if u shout SURPRISE!!!” or “its (sic) not rape, it’s a snuggle struggle” which have almost 1,000 likes.'


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