AVfM Special Edition: RIP Earl Silverman

Announcement here. Excerpt:

'... Saturday, April 27, we will be airing a special episode of AVFM Radio, commemorating the life and work of Earl Silverman, the man who founded and operated the only refuge for battered men in Canada. Mr. Silverman committed suicide after the shelter, which was completely ignored by the Canadian Government, fell into hard economic times.

While the circumstances and precise reasons for his decision are not known at this time, we do know that Earl had struggled for years to provide services to men who needed to escape violent relationships. He was first exposed to that violence when he was married to an abusive woman. He sought out help for that and found there was none. Against all odds and in spite of the fact that the Canadian government summarily rejected all of his requests for funding, he pushed ahead with plans and provided services to battered men out of his own pocket and with meager contributions from a largely uncaring society.'

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Feminist group hurls water, insults at archbishop

Story here. Excerpt:

'Brussels, Belgium, Apr 24, 2013 / 04:13 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Four semi-nude feminist protestors attacked Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard of Malinas-Brussels during a recent conference on freedom of expression.

The April 18 conference took place at the Free University of Brussels and was entitled, “Blasphemy – crime or freedom of expression.”

The four women, who belong to the radical group Femen, removed their shirts and used plastic bottles similar those used by pilgrims at Lourdes to throw water at the archbishop while shouting insults and making violent gestures.
The women painted their bodies with the phrases, “My body, my rules” and “God loves lesbians.” They also carried a sign which read, “Stop homophobia.”'

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Ontario schools to offer "gender studies"

I implore readers in Ontario to take action against this. Excerpt:

'The five Western students figured that once the Minister of Education heard about their project, he’d surely see the light and introduce women’s studies into the curriculum.

It was their first foray into activism. They had no idea what awaited them.

“We didn’t even know what a deputy minister did,” says Rawal, now a lawyer. “When we met him, he said ‘Is this a course for girls?’ ”

Their story is a model case study for activists. The formula? Keep focused on one simple idea. Build bridges with everyone interested. Keep the message positive. Have fun along the way, with crochet parties and feminist read-ins on the lawn at Queen’s Park. And grind, grind, grind.'

Ed. note: The submitter of this piece included further comments that were too long for the story box, so they are in the first comment.

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NIH required Men to be circumcised to participate in now-cancelled HIV vaccine trials

Link here. Excerpt:

'The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, will stop administering injections in its HVTN 505 clinical trial of an investigational HIV vaccine regimen because an independent data and safety monitoring board (DSMB) found during a scheduled interim review that the vaccine regimen did not prevent HIV infection nor reduce viral load (the amount of HIV in the blood) among vaccine recipients who became infected with HIV.

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Camden County Mother Facing Charges In Cancer Scheme

Story here. Excerpt:

'PENNSAUKEN, N.J., (CBS) – Police say 35-year-old Susan Stillwaggon is facing charges after she told friends, family, and even her own son, he was sick with cancer.

Police then say she accepted fundraising money from friends.

“The soccer team, the mothers’ were doing cupcake sales, they were selling bracelets, they were selling necklaces, they had a bingo night that they raised money,” said Pennsauken Police Lieutenant Michael Probasco.

The Pennsauken mother of four told the community through word of mouth and her Facebook page, that her elementary school age son had a type of lymphoma, according to police.

“It’s a lie,” said Lt. Probasco.'

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Good site for male survivors of sexual abuse: http://www.malesurvivor.org/

From the 'About Us' page:

'In October of 1988 the first professional Conference on Male Sexual Victimization was held in Minneapolis. This ground-breaking conference, organized by a few dedicated mental health providers, brought together professionals who wanted to better understand and treat adult male survivors of childhood sexual abuse. At that time, only limited information could be offered to those who participated. But those present had great enthusiasm and the clear recognition that the conference was a necessary and valuable resource, where professionals could share practical information and ask questions. And it was a safe place for some to acknowledge their own sexual victimization.'

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Understanding the needs of male sexual assault victims

Article here. Excerpt:

'Historically, those of us who are male survivors of sexual victimization are often an unrecognized, underserved and unmentioned population when the issue of sexual assault is discussed. Many of us do not even recognize or understand that we may have been victimized. Yet one in five males will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime, many of us before the age of 16.

The harmful impact of the sexual victimization of males is felt daily by all of us — in our families, communities and workplaces. It is often the unspoken, unrecognized and untreated issue when we are dealing with the problems of addiction, mental health, physical health, relationship issues, domestic violence, anger management, criminal behavior and many other issues that impact boys and men. Yet many male survivors do not know there are resources available to help them recover, nor do they feel safe talking about the impact sexual victimization has had on them.

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"Fathers & Families" announces name change to "National Parents Organization"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I am proud to announce our new name, National Parents Organization.

By now, you have no doubt heard the news. Fathers and Families is now National Parents Organization. Your future emails will be coming from Parents@NationalParentsOrganization.org or NedHolstein@NationalParentsOrganization.org.

The change solidifies our role as the national voice for family law reform. All the work you have done with me to build Fathers and Families into National Parents Organization has prepared us to spread our movement into every state. And now the time is here to drive the movement to the next level.'

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IA: American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists meeting next week

Please see the IA site at http://www.intactamerica.org/. IA plans to be present to spread the intactivist word:

'The annual convention of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists is meeting in New Orleans next week, and we will be there demonstrating and holding a press conference. Will you help us fund a mobile billboard and two ads in the local paper?'

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Asking Suzanne Venker: Has feminism really liberated women?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Before feminism, men were viewed as respected providers and protectors of their families. Their masculinity was needed and revered. So was femininity. All of that changed with the sexual revolution, which taught women that they can (and should) have sex like a man: without getting attached. It also taught women that they should never depend on a man. So: men heard that message and subsequently lowered the bar on their own success.

Rather than accept their role in what has happened with men, feminists keep doing their damage. Consider these statements made by several high-profile feminists:

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Salon.com blames masculinity for marathon bombing

Story here. Excerpt:

'“Large public acts of terrorism are very public displays of masculinity, making a statement in the biggest way possible,” says Abby Ferber, a sociologist at the University of Colorado who has studied white supremacist groups and masculinity. In her work, she said, she often encountered a “vulnerability to their sense of masculinity whether it’s their relationship with their father, their culture. And there are a limited number of ways in the culture to show your masculinity.” In the absence of the traditional forms of masculinity — including financial or social power — “you’re more likely to see extreme means. They’re showing that they’re real men, man enough to do something like this.”

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Sexual misconduct disciplinary process alienates accused

Article here. Excerpt:

'Peter, a 2011 graduate of the University, saw his life turned upside down when a woman he had dated filed a sexual assault complaint against him with the Department of Public Safety in fall 2008.
The woman, who was living with several of Peter’s closest friends at the time she made the accusation, had been diagnosed with depression, anxiety and attention deficit disorder — all of which took a toll on their interactions, he said.

But Peter said he did not know she perceived any of their sexual encounters as assault until she filed the complaint, which did not cite a specific incident.
In 2011, the U.S. Departmet of Education released a statement, known as a “Dear Colleague” letter, calling on colleges and universities to use preponderance in determining guilt for sexual misconduct cases. The letter is related to federal Title IX codes, which are designed to preserve gender equity in higher education.

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On the Decline of Male Repro Health

Article here. Excerpt:

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Parental Alienation Awareness Day - April 25

PAAO site here. Excerpt:

'Parental alienation (or Hostile Aggressive Parenting) is a group of behaviors that are damaging to children's mental and emotional well-being, and can interfere with a relationship of a child and either parent. These behaviors most often accompany high conflict marriages, separation or divorce.'

PAAD site here.

Petition to UN to recognize PAS here.

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F&F: Email and Tweet Florida Governor for Alimony Reform and Shared Parenting

Article here. Excerpt:

'Florida Governor Rick Scott must sign SB718/HB231 no later than tomorrow, Thursday, April 25th. This legislation will eliminate permanent alimony in Florida and add that equal time sharing with a minor child by both parents is presumed to be in the best interest of the child. If signed, the legislation is to take effect July 1, 2013.

Email Governor Scott at rick.scott-at-eog.myflorida.com and ask him to sign SB718/HB231 for Florida’s Children and Parents. Just sign your name to this email, add your contact informaion, and send. Or tweet him: @FLGovScott. Please sign SB718/HB231 for Florida's Children and Parents.'

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