Single Motherhood Increases Dramatically For Certain Demographics, Census Bureau Reports

Article here. Excerpt:

'The rate of single motherhood, which has been steadily increasing since the 1940s, has skyrocketed in recent years, according to a report by the U.S. Census Bureau released on May 1st.

While the birth rate for single women has greatly increased across all demographics -- according to the report, which is based on data from the Census Bureau's American Community Survey, the birth rate for single mothers in 2007 was 80 percent higher than it was in 1980, and 20 percent of that increase happened between 2002 and 2007 -- the numbers are particularly high for recent mothers (mothers who gave birth in the previous 12 months) between age 20 and 24.

In 2011, 62 percent of women between ages 20 and 24 who had recently given birth were unmarried.

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Female Marine Accused of Falsely Reporting Rape

Story here. Excerpt:

A female Marine who says she was raped by a Marine in her squadron after a night of drinking is being tried at Camp Pendleton by special court martial for adultery, making false statements and impeding an investigation, it was reported Tuesday.

The woman, whose identity was withheld, and her alleged rapist are both staff sergeants who were assigned to Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 39 at Camp Pendleton in March 2012, when they had sex in a hotel room after several hours of drinking, according to U-T San Diego.
"The command does take sexual assault with the utmost gravity, and has decided to pursue this route to ensure that the sexual assault response process remains effective and maintains integrity for victims," a 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing spokesman, 1st Lt. Tyler Balzer, told U-T San Diego.'

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Towson University baseball bailout assailed

Article here. Excerpt:

'As the debate over allocation of state funds to save Towson University sports teams continues, major players in the conversation couldn’t help but draw comparisons to this university’s experience with financial insecurity and athletic cuts, which didn’t see the same state support.

Towson officials based their decision more on Title IX compliance than financial woes, they said. But critics of the decision called into question the fairness of the financial hand Gov. Martin O’ Malley extended to the college while offering no such help to this university in 2012, when officials announced they were cutting 7 sports teams to in an attempt to shrink mounting debt. Others pointed out, however, that university President Wallace Loh didn’t receive the same amount of backlash at the time, either.

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Australia: Students at Melbourne university protest over 'sexist' cupcake promotion

Story here. Excerpt:

'The Student Association’s Women’s Department at Monash University sold the cupcakes as part of a campaign to highlight gender wage differences, charging $1 for men, 80c for women and 60c for transgender students.

A Facebook post calling the stall sexist has received nearly 1,500 likes and attracted more than 900 comments.

Tess Gian posted: “to the ‘Women’s’ stand on Clayton campus selling cupcakes … that is not feminism. that’s sexism. You want to demand equality? It goes both ways.”

A Monash Student Association public affairs officer, who did not want to be named, said the stall aimed to “raise awareness of the gender pay gaps” that exist in the workplace. It was not sexist but “positive discrimination”. reports'

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French Father on Hunger Strike In Sweden Demanding To See His Daughters

From Ulf Andersson of PappaRättsGruppen, translated article here:


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Jewish Men Discuss Circumcision - What do they think?

Article here. Excerpt:

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Joe Biden: Women Don’t Report Rapes to Avoid Being ‘Raped Again by the System’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Vice President Joe Biden said Wednesday that the reason many women do not report rapes or domestic abuse is because they are afraid they will be “raped again by the system.”

“Why do you think women who get raped, so many don’t report it? They don’t want to get raped again by the system. They don’t want to be put through what they had to be put through,” he said at an event for the DC Volunteer Lawyers Project at the Four Seasons Hotel in Washington, D.C.

Biden’s remarks came at a benefit for the DC Volunteer Lawyers Project, an organization for which his daughter-in-law Kathleen Biden, wife to Hunter Biden, serves as vice president. Biden thanked attorneys for volunteering their time to help women who are in crisis as well expressed gratitude for those who helped reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act earlier this year.'

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SAVE: Earl Silverman is Gone, but His Dream Lives On

I am sorry to bring this sad news. The world has lost a dedicated domestic violence victim advocate. Earl Silverman, founder of the Men's Alternative Safe House (MASH) passed away on Friday, April 27.

Earl spent twenty years advocating for male victims. And for the last few years he used his own home in Calgary to shelter men. He did this, he said, because as a prior victim he experienced being turned away by abuse shelters that only take in women.

Earl Silverman simply wanted acknowledgement of male victims of domestic violence, an end to misinformation about DV, and funded abuse shelters for men. He never saw the completion of his dream. But that doesn't mean we never will.

If you live in Canada, consider donating to the Earl Silverman Center. If you live in the US, consider donating to SAVE, because inclusion is very high on our priority list.

Do you work in the domestic violence industry? Do you serve every victim equally, no matter their gender or sexuality? We want to help you accomplish that.

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IA heads to New Orleans

Article here. Excerpt:

'Intact America is sponsoring a sidewalk demonstration in New Orleans on Saturday, May 4, 2013, at the annual convention of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)—the largest assemblage of baby-cutters under one roof. During this one-day event, we will be protesting the role of obstetricians in perpetrating circumcision in American hospitals.

Will you join us? The more protesters, the better! We’ll supply placards and handouts. Or bring your own posters if you are representing another intactivist organization. RSVP today on Facebook!

WHEN: Saturday, May 4, 2013
TIME: 8:30am–4:30pm
WHERE: Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, by the Marriott parking lot on the corner of St. James Street and Convention Blvd. (see map at right)'

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The Risks of Failing to Make Court-Ordered Child Support Payments

Article here. For "parents", read "fathers". Not saying "Don't have kids." Just saying: "Think hard about this decision. Real hard." Excerpt:

'Child support payments are often one of the more contested aspects of divorce proceedings, and parents can face severe penalties for failing to make court-ordered payments as scheduled.
Some of the most common penalties for nonpayment of child support include the following:

  • Warrant issued for arrest, which may be criminal or civil
  • Finding of contempt of court
  • Fines, jail, or both
  • Garnishment of wages, including unemployment and worker’s compensation
  • Denial of tax refunds
  • Exclusion from receipt of certain government benefits
  • Revocation of passport
  • Suspension, revocation or denial of various licenses—professional, driver’s, hunting/fishing/boating
  • Having a lien placed on property to cover payment
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Florida: Alimony Reform and Shared Parenting Vetoed

Florida Governor Rick Scott has vetoed the alimony reform and shared parenting bill. It was passed by nearly 3/4 of the legislature, and there might be a chance to override his veto. An action plan will be posted shortly by the Florida reform activists. See for more information.

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Police say 28-year-old undergrad threatened herself with rape in Facebook hoax

Story here. Excerpt:

'A student at the University of Wyoming has been charged with interference with a police investigation after she allegedly posted on an anonymous social media page that she would like to engage in angry sexual intercourse with someone named “Meg Lanker Simons.”

The University of Wyoming Police Department now says the posting was a hoax written by — wait for it — Meghan Lanker-Simons.

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Rape Culture: 3 Reasons Most Men Are to Blame For Misogyny

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's men. We are the root of the problem and deserving of the blame.

Though I am sure there are those of us — that poor Ryan Reynolds or Ryan Gosling look-alike — who must dash between campus security lights when exiting the gym in his Under Armour tank top or endure the humiliation of answering why he chose to go out in skinny jeans to a club after being sexually violated by a gang of sorority sisters, those circumstances are quite … rare.

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UA Men's Project redefines masculinity, aims to raise awareness of rape culture

Article here. Excerpt:

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Real women don’t need 'feminism'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Real women don’t need “feminism.”

That’s according to “The Monstrous Regiment of Women,” a Colin Gunn award-winning documentary that undercuts any strength that might be attributed to the feminist worldview.

Notable women’s advocate Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum explains it simply.

“The problem with feminism, I think the principal problem, is the cultivation of an attitude of victimization. Feminism tries to make women believe they are victims of an oppressive, male-dominated, patriarchal society. They wake up in the morning with a chip on their shoulder.”

The DVD soberly and maturely reveals the fallacies in that attitude.

“The Monstrous Regiment of Women” explains that feminists tell women not to submit to a husband, avoid having children, listen to their “inner voice” and chase a career.'

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