Anti-circumcision activists coming to NOLA want doctors to put down the knife

Story here. Excerpt:

'The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists meets in New Orleans starting this weekend and a group against circumcising baby boys is setting up a demonstration outside the Morial Convention Center.

Intact America wants the practice stopped in the U.S. and they're using a rolling billboard and protest Saturday to make that point in the CBD.

The ob-gyn group already says doctor's should not routinely recommend circumcision to parents, but protesters want to make their point to what they call "the largest assemblage of baby-cutters under one roof."

I asked local folks which side they're taking in this ongoing debate. "Well, my children had it done and I thought it was a good thing. And I think they can clean theirself better with it."

Others, mainly women, agreed that cleanliness was definitely an issue with uncircumcised males.

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Shanghai's only all-boys classes to double enrollment

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'The operator of Shanghai's first all-boys classes plans to expand enrollment for the new semester as one of its founders hailed the once-controversial program a success.

After eight months of operation, Shanghai No 8 High School gained approval from parents for the two boys-only classes and plans to double enrollment to 120 students for the semester starting in September.

The classes are a pilot program of the Huangpu district education bureau and East China Normal University, as they attempt to address the tendency of boys to be outperformed and overshadowed by girls in school.

On Wednesday, more than 200 parents and their children showed up at a consultation meeting for enrollment at the school, and they crowded into an auditorium. Many brought application materials and all kinds of certificates with the hope of getting their boys into the program.'

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Lies, Damn Lies, and Rape Statistics

Article here. Excerpt:

'Brown is in the midst of a pandemic. All across America, colleges are cesspools of forcible sex crimes, including rape, which make the college campus one of the most dangerous places for women. According to many activists and politicians, one in every four women will experience rape or attempted rape in their college career.
So why is no one talking about this widespread issue? One reason is that it is not widespread. The campus rape pandemic seems to be a theory based upon poor survey methodology and repeated lies.
When held up to such scrutiny, Koss’s survey holds as much water as a sieve. If one looks at the actual numbers for sexual assault on college campuses, her results seem almost laughable.

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An Epidemic of Prosecutorial Abuse?

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Woman seeks changes to family law process

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'Ms. MacDonald was delighted when Oshawa City council proclaimed Thursday, April 25, Parent Alienation Awareness Day. She's hoping to raise awareness about the need for reform to the Divorce Act, and the family law process.
It was later in life, when she became involved with a man in the midst of a bitterly contested divorce, that she became aware of just how messy the process can be. She said she watched as the former husband and wife battled, often using their children to further their agendas.

The protracted battle resulted in police involvement, broken-hearted children, and sky-high legal bills, she said. Unable to reach agreement on the most fundamental aspects of child-rearing, they depended on the courts to resolve such matters.
"Our court system is so outdated and broken it actually facilitates this kind of situation," she said. "Healthy parents don't need to go to court to be told how to raise their children."

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Child support dispute ends with firebomb attack

Story here.

'A 32-year-old man is recovering from burns after an attack last week in Gadsden.

According to police, the man got into an argument with a 26-year-old woman about child support payments last Tuesday. The man told police that the woman threw a potato chip bag full of gasoline at him, then tried to light him on fire. The man was able to use a garden hose to put out the flames. Police said the investigation is ongoing, and no arrests have been made at this point.'

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Teacher Charged With Raping Male Student In New Mexico Classroom

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'A New Mexico high school teacher is accused of raping one of her male students in a classroom.

Jennifer Vigil, 31, was arrested on Tuesday after a student reported her for allegedly pressuring him into sex -- in her classroom -- at Pojoaque Valley High School in Santa Fe, according to the Albuquerque Journal.

Vigil maintains that the sex was consensual, but the student reportedly told police that the idea of sex with her was "disgusting." The unidentified minor took a picture of one sex act on his cellphone, and said that he only consented to sex because Vigil locked the doors and propositioned him, police said.

Vigil is suspected of having sex with the male horticulture student on two separate occasions. The teen reported that on the first occasion, he was turning in an assignment after school when Vigil said, "You're not leaving until I get something from you," KRQE reports. The student claims he refused her advances but then later agreed to a sexual act so that he could leave.'

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Teacher Has Sex With Student, Shows Up At Prom After-Party

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'Police in Freeport, Texas say a high school teacher's illicit relationship with a student was brought to light after the teacher showed up at an after-prom party with tattered clothing and no shoes.

Nikki Scherwitz, 25, has been charged with sexual assault of a child and improper relationship between educator and student, WREG reported. She has also quit her position as 10th-grade English teacher at Brazosport High School, KTRK reported. It was her first year on the job.

Investigators say Scherwitz had been involved with the 16-year-old for several weeks.'

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Family Law Reform Advocates Continue to Set Record Straight

Article here. Excerpt:

'TALLAHASSEE, Fla., April 29, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Florida Legislature made history on April 18 with the passage of sweeping changes to the state's antiquated alimony laws.

"Opponents to alimony reform are making false claims and using scare tactics to manipulate public perception. Many, if not all of these claims, are coming from the leadership of the Family Section of the Florida Bar, by trying to protect and maintain their perpetual income stream through continued litigation," said Alan Frisher, President of Family Law Reform, Inc.

Myth: The bill doesn't allow a lot of room for judicial discretion.

Fact: The bill removes arbitrary and unbridled discretion by judges. Guidelines are incorporated to allow for consistency and predictability while still allowing for discretion in outlying cases.'

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Jewish Anti-Circumcision and Intactivist Ads in Israel

Article here. Excerpt:

'Photo 1: "In the natural state, the corona within the foreskin is protected as an internal organ, moist like the eye. In infancy, the foreskin is connected to the organ and protects it. An organ without the foreskin is exposed to infection. THE MOHEL PARES AND REMOVES AROUND 1/3 OF THE SKIN OF THE PENIS!" [Under the picture of the baby] "A majority of the circumcised require corrective surgery to widen the urethral opening under full anesthetic."


"Following the removal of the foreskin, the psychology of sexual relations is changed. Sexual intercourse with a foreskin is gentler, more sensitive, and more satisfying."

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Becoming a Radical Feminist: On Male Violence, Cultural Femicide and Sisterhood

Article here. Excerpt:

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‘War on women’ could loom large in 2016

Article here. Excerpt:

'Americans who grew weary of the “war on women” meme in the 2012 election may want to take a deep breath: The issue may loom even larger in 2016, an influential social critic told a Capitol Hill symposium.

The groundwork is already being laid for a resurgence of feminism in America, author and think-tank fellow Kay S. Hymowitz told the “War on Women: Myth or Reality” event, hosted by the Family in America, a quarterly publication of the Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society.
This is a “hard-line feminist approach” and it’s been a huge success, said Ms. Hymowitz, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a domestic-policy think tank in New York City, and author of “Manning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men into Boys.”'

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Suicide Rates Rise Sharply in U.S. - Men commit at over three times the rate as women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Suicide rates among middle-aged Americans have risen sharply in the past decade, prompting concern that a generation of baby boomers who have faced years of economic worry and easy access to prescription painkillers may be particularly vulnerable to self-inflicted harm.

More people now die of suicide than in car accidents, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which published the findings in Friday’s issue of its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. In 2010 there were 33,687 deaths from motor vehicle crashes and 38,364 suicides.

Suicide has typically been viewed as a problem of teenagers and the elderly, and the surge in suicide rates among middle-aged Americans is surprising.

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NCFM: April "Transitions" available on-line

The most recent NCFM "Transitions" newsletter for April 2013 is on-line here.

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Ireland: Justice chief warns against ‘positive discrimination’

Article here. Excerpt:

'There are no female High Court judges in Northern Ireland, while women are also significantly under represented at county court judge and QC level.

But Lord Chief Justice Sir Declan Morgan, in a rare appearance before Stormont’s Justice Committee, insisted that the principle of merit had to be applied.
He also revealed that a bid to attract two members of the public to join the group he established for the very purpose of helping to provide more clarity around sentences had an “embarrassing” outcome, as nobody applied to fill the posts.
In regard to the lack of women in top judicial posts, Sir Declan said he was determined to bring about a culture change within the profession to ensure that females were afforded opportunities and helped to reach their full potential.

But the senior judge said giving them preferential treatment in terms of appointments was not the way to do that.

“We cannot use positive discrimination,” he said.

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