It’s Raining Beta Men: Why Emasculation is a Curse, Not a Blessing

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminists contend that patriarchy and its “male enablers” enslave women through marriage and motherhood. They assert that men are sex-driven, lustful pigs keen on subduing women. As a result, feminists are determined to undermine them.

Here is proof:

1) A typical feminist believes men enslave women through marriage:

“Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the Women’s Movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage.” – Sheila Cronan, in Radical Feminism – “Marriage” (1970)

2) A typical feminist thinks men are rapists:

“Male sexual aggression is endemic, if any sex act against a person’s will were considered rape, the majority of men would be rapists.” – Marilyn French, The War Against Women, Ballantine Books, 1992, p. 193

3) A typical feminist wants to eradicate manliness:

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Congresswoman: ‘Survival as a species dependent on women taking charge’

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the lead up to the 2012 election, there was plenty of focus on the so called “war on women” that, in reality, existed only in the minds of Democratic campaign strategists and a complicit media, but is there a real “war” underway in America directed at members of the opposite sex?

According to Democratic U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky, not only is such a conflict happening, but the very existence of the human race is dependent on the outcome.

At a campaign fundraiser earlier this month, Schakowsky openly advocated for women “taking charge,” according to CNS News.

While speaking at a Planned Parenthood Action Fund event on May 3, dubbed ”The Ultimate Women’s Power Lunch,” she said:

“Today I am asserting that humanity is at a crossroads on this small planet and that our survival as a species is dependent on women taking charge, taking the world in our own hands.”

Doesn’t get much clearer than that.'

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'50 Shades of Grey - Pedophilia Hiding In Plain Sight'

Article here. Excerpt:

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Department of State: "A Critical Tool Toward Creating an AIDS-free Generation"

Link here. Excerpt:

'On Mother's Day, we celebrate the many exceptional women in our lives and around the globe. Today, and every day, we are grateful for -- and indebted to -- the billions of mothers and other women who serve as the glue that keeps our families and communities together.

Unfortunately, in the fight against AIDS, women continue to bear a disproportionate burden. In many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, HIV remains the leading cause of death and disease for women of reproductive age, and in the region, 60 percent of those living with HIV are women. Despite these sobering statistics, countless women continue to prosper in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

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HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on National Women’s Health Week

Link here. Excerpt:

'Starting with Mother’s Day, next week we celebrate National Women’s Health Week. As a nation, we honor the women in our lives – our mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, cousins, friends, and colleagues – by encouraging them to make their health a priority and to take steps to live healthier, happier lives.

Women are frequently the health care decision-makers in their families. We take time off from work to drive a parent to the doctor. We hold our children’s hands while they get their vaccinations. We make the appointments for our spouses’ checkups – and then make sure they actually go. We stretch and re-work our family budgets to pay the doctor’s bills. And too often, we put our own health last.

But the truth is unless we take care of ourselves first, we cannot really take care of our families. That means we have to eat right, exercise, and get the care we need to stay healthy. Unfortunately, preventive care has not always been easily accessible or affordable for everyone, including young women.'

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Gender Neutral: Armed Forces Submit Plans To End 'Exclusion'

Article here. Excerpt:

'This week, all divisions of the U.S. armed forces are supposed to submit their plans for ending "combat exclusion," the rule that says women cannot serve in most combat positions. Host Rachel Martin speaks with NPR's Larry Abramson about the implications of the change.
This coming week, the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines are supposed to submit their plans for ending what's called the combat exclusion. This is the rule that says women cannot serve in most ground combat positions. The Pentagon announced plans to lift the ban earlier this year. The move comes as the military is under growing pressure to deal with an increasing number of sexual assault cases.'

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Navajo lawmaker presents bill to give fathers equal parenting rights

Article here.

'WINDOW ROCK — Council Delegate Jonathan Hale presented a bill that would give fathers on the Navajo Nation equal rights to gain custody of his children.

Currently, Hale said there is no law that allows or states equal parenting rights to the father and said he would like to see some changes in policy.

“There needs to be a policy developed that will consider giving full custody to the father,” he said in a press release from the Navajo Nation Speakers office.

He also explained, the current policy lets the mother determine when the father gets to see the children in custody battles.

“In custody situations, somebody needs to be checking with the mother, and making sure that the kids are seeing their father,” he said.

No further information was provided.'

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Review: Debunking ‘feminist’ nonsense on YouTube

Article here. Excerpt:

'For years, the misnamed feminist movement has been indoctrinating women with its at times outrageous propaganda. Now this is being exposed and refuted, and many of those engaged in the enterprise are women.

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False reports outpace sex assaults in the military

Article here. Excerpt:

'False complaints of sexual abuse in the military are rising at a faster rate than overall reports of sexual assault, a trend that could harm combat readiness, analysts say.

Virtually all media attention on a Pentagon report last week focused on an increase in service members’ claims of sexual abuse in an anonymous survey, but unmentioned were statistics showing that a significant percentage of such actually investigated cases were baseless.

From 2009 to 2012, the number of sexual abuse reports rose from 3,244 to 3,374 — a 4 percent increase.
“Unsubstantiated accusations remain a significant problem, but the SAPRO is doing nothing about it,” Mrs. Donnelly said. “I went through both volumes and found no evidence of concern about the significant 17 percent of ‘unfounded accusations.’ Something should be done to reduce the numbers of false accusations, the first step being an admission that the problem exists.”'

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SAVE E-lert: Will We Be Meeting in June? I Hope So

Have you made plans yet to attend our annual conference, "Celebrating Our Progress!"? I hope so, because I want to meet as many of you in person as I can.

On Friday evening - June 21 - we'll learn about the history of the abuse shelter movement from the founder herself, Erin Pizzey. And On Saturday - June 22 - our keynote speaker will be Kathleen King, a former magistrate in Ohio.

We have other speakers lined up too (see the list here). And there will be an optional lobbying event on Capitol Hill earlier in the day on Friday.

Dinner Friday and lunch Saturday are included.

Visit the SAVE website for the schedule and info on local lodging: Visit eventbrite to register online:

I sure hope to see you there!

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New Internet law provision in VAWA can crush individual freedoms

Article here. Excerpt:

'CUMBERLAND — The war to control the Internet began after Congress quietly passes a law allowing U.S. authorities to access foreign birth certificate repositories to identify worldwide Internet users.
All the details, that few Congressmen read, are in an unnoticed attachment in the recently passed Violence Against Women Act (S-47).

Section 808 regulates “marriage brokers” (similar to social referral or dating sites) that are prohibited from providing services to foreigners under 18. Foreign clients must submit their birth certificate information or government ID before communication with Americans can begin, and allows U.S. authorities access to this sensitive information, effectively creating an Snternet police force.

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Canada: Merged CAW/CEP union puts gender quotas in constitution

Article here. Excerpt:

'The merged CAW/CEP superunion is taking the rare step of including a gender quota in its constitution, mandating that the number of women on the National Executive Board “is at least equal to the proportion of women among our membership.”

“We’ve had affirmative action polices, but this is the first time that it will be referenced specifically in a constitution,” said Peter Kennedy, the CAW’s national secretary-treasurer. “It’s the next logical step in the progression.”

“We know we are a male-dominated organization, and we thought it was important to have a positive action like that,” said Gaétan Ménard, the national secretary-treasurer of the CEP. “It’s easy to say just ‘We hope’ or ‘We’ll try.’ We said, no, we’re going to put it in the constitution.”

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Boys, girls and fairness: The court can fix a rule that hurts female athletes

Article here. Excerpt:

'Boys will be boys and girls will be girls. But when girls and boys come out to play, it's the adults who make matters complicated. Commonwealth Court has a chance to correct a long-ago decision that contributed to an unusual problem.

It scarcely makes sense, but high school boys can play on girls' sports teams in Pennsylvania if the sport is offered only for girls. The best example is field hockey, a game that is popular for males in other countries but not in the United States.
Commonwealth Court needs to hold a hearing and see what is obvious: Rigid gender blindness should not mean putting girl athletes at risk and denying them the chance to play because boys are on the team. Let girls be girls.'

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Disparity Between Child Support and Custody Enforcement

Article here. Excerpt:

'You'll read about it often -- the creative methods judges and other officials use to shame people who owe child support.

There is the man ordered not to procreate. The guy who must tell any female he meets that he owes child support. The dads forced to display signs proclaiming themselves "deadbeats."

Much is made of the offensive moniker "deadbeat dads" and the histrionic punishments doled out by zealous judges.

However, throughout my 20+ years with Cordell & Cordell advocating for fathers' rights, it is apparent the more pertinent story is the paucity of attention, much less innovation, given the reciprocal problem relating to primary custodians that defy court orders respecting the other parent's access and participation in children's lives.'

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Do no harm: Who should bear the costs of retired NFL players’ medical bills?

Article here. Excerpt:

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