Canada: Merged CAW/CEP union puts gender quotas in constitution

Article here. Excerpt:

'The merged CAW/CEP superunion is taking the rare step of including a gender quota in its constitution, mandating that the number of women on the National Executive Board “is at least equal to the proportion of women among our membership.”

“We’ve had affirmative action polices, but this is the first time that it will be referenced specifically in a constitution,” said Peter Kennedy, the CAW’s national secretary-treasurer. “It’s the next logical step in the progression.”

“We know we are a male-dominated organization, and we thought it was important to have a positive action like that,” said Gaétan Ménard, the national secretary-treasurer of the CEP. “It’s easy to say just ‘We hope’ or ‘We’ll try.’ We said, no, we’re going to put it in the constitution.”

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Boys, girls and fairness: The court can fix a rule that hurts female athletes

Article here. Excerpt:

'Boys will be boys and girls will be girls. But when girls and boys come out to play, it's the adults who make matters complicated. Commonwealth Court has a chance to correct a long-ago decision that contributed to an unusual problem.

It scarcely makes sense, but high school boys can play on girls' sports teams in Pennsylvania if the sport is offered only for girls. The best example is field hockey, a game that is popular for males in other countries but not in the United States.
Commonwealth Court needs to hold a hearing and see what is obvious: Rigid gender blindness should not mean putting girl athletes at risk and denying them the chance to play because boys are on the team. Let girls be girls.'

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Disparity Between Child Support and Custody Enforcement

Article here. Excerpt:

'You'll read about it often -- the creative methods judges and other officials use to shame people who owe child support.

There is the man ordered not to procreate. The guy who must tell any female he meets that he owes child support. The dads forced to display signs proclaiming themselves "deadbeats."

Much is made of the offensive moniker "deadbeat dads" and the histrionic punishments doled out by zealous judges.

However, throughout my 20+ years with Cordell & Cordell advocating for fathers' rights, it is apparent the more pertinent story is the paucity of attention, much less innovation, given the reciprocal problem relating to primary custodians that defy court orders respecting the other parent's access and participation in children's lives.'

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Do no harm: Who should bear the costs of retired NFL players’ medical bills?

Article here. Excerpt:

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Discrimination against men?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Recent Virgin airlines passenger, John McGirr claims Virgin airlines treated him like a sexual predator on a flight to Sydney.

He claims a flight attendant asked him to move saying he was not allowed to sit next to children because he was male.

According to Mr McGirr the flight attendant walked up the aisle and tried to find a female to swap seats with him.

"By that time, people had looked around and it was like I'd done something wrong, (I felt) defenceless. Usually I like to have a good argument and stand up for myself but I just sort of swallowed my pride and left," Mr McGirr said.'

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Targeting men only is also sexual harassment

Article here. Excerpt:

'Is a male employee complaining about behavior you would clearly see as sexual harassment if the employee were a woman? If so, do something about it.

Recent case: Jeffrey complained that a male supervisor was constantly making comments like “come and give me [oral sex]” and sometimes groped male employees’ groins. Management ignored the situation.

Jeffrey sued, alleging sexual harassment. He pointed out that female employees weren’t treated the same way.

The court said the case could proceed. The fact that the supervisor was allegedly grabbing men’s crotches but not women’s could support a sexually hostile work environment claim. (Barrows v. Seneca Foods, No. 12-970, 2nd Cir., 2013)'

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In Utah, a push for more women to graduate college

Article here.

'SALT LAKE CITY — Utah education officials are calling for more women to graduate from college. They say that would close a gender gap that puts the state behind most others.

The Deseret News reports that ( education officials say college degrees mean better jobs, better family life and higher pay.

The push comes from the Utah Women and Education Initiative. That group says Utah has the third-largest wage gap in the nation. It released a January report finding Utah women receive 69 cents for every dollar paid to men.

More Utah women are earning college degrees in recent years, but not enough to close the gap.

The report says younger women buck the state trend, obtaining degrees at an equal or higher rate as their male classmates.'

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False rape allegation - What You're Saying

Article here. Excerpt:

'A man spent 10 years in prison on a false rape charge, a court has ruled. If these allegations are true, what should happen to the woman who filed the false charge? We asked Facebook users:

Ten years in the joint for her seems about right, then a lifetime of paying restitution back to the man for the money he lost while sitting in prison. That's a start, anyways.

—Joshua Bennett

She should have to pay the state for all the time he spent in prison that the tax payers had to pay.

—Harold Webb

She should do at least 10 years and have to go to Rape Survivor meetings and explain to them that she’s the reason it's so difficult to get rape convictions.

—Christine Page'

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Women’s health plays central role in renewed Obamacare pitch

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Obama plans to put the focus back on health care Friday afternoon, specifically in how his landmark legislation—the Affordable Care Act—helps women. He’ll deliver a speech surrounded by women and families who are already benefiting from the new law.

“This is already working, we did this health care bill because health care was 17 -18% of GDP and we could not afford to let that go on and we were not getting the best health care for the money we were spending,” Rep. Louise Slaughter, a New York Democrat, said on Jansing & Co.

The state of Colorado is already launching a two million dollar ad campaign in both print and on television to try and get people to sign up. The ads do not mention the phrase “Obamacare.” A narrator states, “When health care companies compete, there is only one winner: you.”

“Obviously you can’t do something this massive and go door-to-door explaining it to everyone,” Slaughter said.

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Intactivists Call on Obstetricians Meeting in New Orleans to Stop Circumcising Baby Boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'Intactivists are gathering in New Orleans this weekend to call upon members of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) to join the global medical community’s movement away from neonatal male circumcision.

Intact America, the organization leading the demonstration and an 11 AM press conference on Saturday, May 4, placed an advertisement in the New Orleans Times-Picayune and hired a mobile billboard, urging those who see it to “Tell America’s Obstetricians – No More Circumcision.” The sign includes the message “His Body, His Rights” to underscore the organization’s human rights concerns. Approximately 70 Intactivists are expected to participate in the demonstration, displaying banners, carrying placards, and handing out literature.'

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Forced To Pay Even Though You’re Not The Daddy

Article here. Excerpt:

'Over the years Bowdery had his drivers license stripped and once even found himself in handcuffs over child support payments for a child that’s not his, “I would hate to see somebody else go through the same thing. I’ve been going through this, headaches.”

A mound of paperwork shows a juvenile court judge ordered him to pay child support even before the birth.
Bowdery asked several judges during several hearings for a DNA test, but no judge ordered one.
In 2009 he took the child himself to get a DNA test and found the son he supported for years was not biologically his.

He took the documentation to court.

The judge wouldn’t accept it, but ordered a DNA test done that showed the same results.

The probability of paternity was zero percent.
Juvenile Court magistrate Nancy Kessler agreed in October to dis-establish paternity, but only after she admonished him for taking it this far.

“The judge stated that, ‘well I find it very distasteful that you’re bastardizing the child,” said Bowdery.

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Woman Gets Four Years for Killing Boyfriend

Story here. A typical female murderer sentencing discount story. Four years for murdering her boyfriend. Excerpt:

'A St. Paul woman was sentenced Thursday to a little over four years in prison for running over and killing her boyfriend on the East Side of St. Paul in late January.
“This was a tragic accident,” Anderson said. “Mark was someone she was in love with.”

Anderson said the two were engaged. He argued that Garcia suffers from neurological damage and cognitive problems even while sober and that the night of Urang’s death those problems were compounded by alcohol.

The charges filed against Garcia gave a less forgiving picture of that night. According to the complaint, Urang was run down by Garcia as he was on the phone with 911 calling for help.

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Symantec, O2 still censoring/defaming MHRA sites

Article here. Excerpt:

'In case you weren’t aware, Symantec and UK telecoms company O2 are currently still blocking men’s human rights sites and labelling them as “hate sites”. Previous reports of the cessation of such disgraceful behaviour were based on an erroneous article at The Register and the truth of the matter is that at no time were any of the sites in question unblocked.

It’s not just A Voice for Men that is smeared in this way by these companies, even completely uncontroversial resources have been defamed too. Symantec believes that the equal Justice Foundation’s site to be hateful, yet all they do is help male victims of domestic abuse. Sites wanting separated dads to have a relationship with their kids are also classed in this ridiculous way, and if you’re dedicated to nothing more than drawing attention to the plight of male victims of rape and sexual abuse then even that’s “hate” too.

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SAVE E-lert: Let's Make Sure Mary N. Kellett Sees Justice

In 2011, SAVE filed a 9-page ethics complaint with the Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar alleging numerous instances of prosecutor misconduct by Hancock County prosecutor Mary N. Kellett.

Now, the state ethics board has issued a report concluding that Kellett did, in fact, engage in multiple counts of prosecutorial misconduct arising from the 2009 assault trial of Vladel Filler.

The ethical violations include ignoring a court order, misleading members of a jury, evidence suppression, and indulging in "conduct unworthy of an attorney."

The report petitions the Maine Supreme Judicial Board to impose "appropriate disciplinary sanction" on assistant district attorney Kellett. We agree, and we bet you do too.

For Vladek, and for every person falsely accused, please call the Maine Supreme Judicial Court. Tell them that you want to make sure that justice is done with Kellett.

Maine Supreme Judicial Court: (207) 822-4146

Let's do our part to restore prosecutor integrity.

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NPO: Florida Governor Vetoes Shared Parenting

Article here. Excerpt:

'Of all the problems for children I have heard, I have never heard of one that stemmed from two fit parents spending too much time with their children. Last week, May 1st, 2013, Governor Rick Scott of Florida became the first governor to veto legislation (SB718/HB231) that would have provided children equal access to two fit parents. The Florida House passed the legislation in a bi-partisan vote of 85 to 31. The Florida Senate passed it 29-11.
The individual horrors for Florida's children will continue, as will the burden upon Florida's taxpayers. But, at least the Family Section of the Florida Bar — that is, the divorce attorneys — got what they wanted. I'll say it again, 85-31 and 29-11. With this vote, Governor Scott marked his opposition to two parents.'

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