NPO: Arkansas Favors Joint Custody

Article here. Excerpt:

'Arkansas enacted legislation, Act 1156, concerning child custody presumption in divorce cases. It specifies that in an action for divorce, an award of joint custody is favored in Arkansas.

Obviously, National Parents Organization would prefer a presumption of joint custody. But, this is a step. The legislation also stipulates that if one of the parents "demonstrates a pattern of willfully creating conflict," the court may change a joint custody order to a primary custody order and award that custody to the nondisruptive parent.

The act defines joint custody as, "the approximate and reasonable equal division of time with the child by both parents."'

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SAVE: Tell Eric Holder to End Misconduct by VAWA-funded Prosecutors

On Tuesday, Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) released the ground-breaking report, "Prosecutor Bias and Misconduct in Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Cases:"

The SAVE report reveals that prosecutors often engage in zealous practices that erode constitutional guarantees of due process of law and probable cause. It also shows that despite the fact that half of domestic violence is perpetrated by women, the vast majority of those arrested and charged are men. Such gender-biased charging policies are unconstitutional.

Section 101 of the Violence Against Women Act addresses STOP formula grants - STOP stands for Services, Training, Officers, and Prosecutors. One-quarter of the STOP funds go to support prosecutors.

Let's make sure that prosecutors who receive VAWA funding do their jobs fairly. Please contact Attorney General Eric Holder today:

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SAVE: Obama Administration Faces a New First Amendment Crisis

Last Thursday the US Dept. of Education (DED) and Dept. of Justice issued a joint decision that:

  1. Expands the definition of sexual harassment on college campuses to include any sexually-related conduct that is “unwelcome”
  2. Expands the definition of “conduct” to include “verbal conduct”, i.e., speech
  3. Removes the “reasonable person standard” and substitutes the “he hurt my feelings” standard

The effect of these changes is to mandate a speech code that severely abridges college students’ First Amendment rights, in addition to the worrisome restrictions on due process protections for students accused of sexual misconduct.

Since the Dept. of Education issued its Sexual Assault Directive in April 2011, over 100 editorials critical of the policy have been published: And less than one week after the DED/DOJ announced their decision, 22 more editorials blasting the decision have come out – see listing below.

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"Leading Women For Shared Parenting"

Organization site:


"Women and men are made to complement each other, and more importantly, Children Need Both Parents. Millions of women, be they grandmothers, sisters, mothers, aunts and wives, have silently suffered the loss of children they love and care deeply about as a result of misguided laws and family court practices. It is our aim to change this system that each year unjustly removes millions of children from the arms of a loving parent. The first step is endorsing the statement below. The next step is inviting your friends and family members to do the same."'

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Australia: "Gillard Government Funds Fight Against Cancer"

Link here. Excerpt:

'The Budget provides –

* $55.7 million to expand the Breastscreen Australia program to increase participation by women aged 70 to 74 ensuring more women are testing for breast cancer as they get older, because we know that early detection is the key to saving lives.

* $18.5 million for the Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centres Program - including funding of $5.5 million to the Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre located at the Kinghorn Cancer Centre, Sydney, and continuing

funding to Centres at the Epworth Hospital, Melbourne ($6.2 million) and the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane ($6.2 million). This will mean improved testing, diagnosis and treatment for people with prostate cancer.

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UK: Macho, macho men: Labour have no right to talk about the "crisis in masculinity"

Article here. Excerpt:

'When Diane Abbott asserts that Britain is facing a "crisis of masculinity," she is barking up the wrong trouser leg.

The Labour MP says that rapid economic change is perverting men and boys and encouraging homophobia, misogyny and machismo.

Is Diane really naive enough to suggest that recession is producing a generation of brutes? Will British manhood be restored to its former strong-shafted glory if we vote for Ed Miliband?

Diane's thesis is a load of tribal, Labour-promoting tosh. Modern men have their problems but they have less to do with rapid economic change and more to do with social shifts and technological advances.'

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German woman faces multiple murder counts over neo-Nazi group leadership activities

Story here. Notice the tone of the article; seems to me they're almost soft-peddaling her. Much of the article is given to how "it's not really that bad," and she was raised by a single mother and had a hard life, etc. Really, would this be the tone if the defendant were male? Excerpt:

'The 38-year-old woman looks like a librarian or pharmacist. But when Beate Zschäpe faces the court in Munich on Monday, hers will be most-watched trial Germany has seen in decades.

For almost 14 years, the neo-Nazi group Nazionalsozialistischer Untergrund (NSU), allegedly led by Zschäpe, killed and maimed across Germany. Her trial may last for years, too. She’s accused of complicity in the murders of 9 foreigners and 1 police officer, several attempted murders, 2 bombings, and 15 robberies and is going on trial with 4 of her top lieutenants. Two other NSU leaders, Uwe Böhnhardt and Uwe Mundlos, committed suicide when police finally caught up with their group after a bank robbery 18 months ago.'

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'Anger Over Scare Quotes'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Students at the State University of New York at Geneseo are lashing out at a professor for scheduling the lecture “Against ‘Sexual’ ‘Assault’ ‘Awareness’ ” (yes, with three sets of scare quotes) during the college's Sexual Assault Awareness Week. The professor himself, however, says students are jumping to conclusions without even knowing the contents of the talk.

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Obama Administration scraps free speech

Article here. Excerpt:

'At Xavier University, a student who was found not guilty of sexual assault by a judge was nonetheless told by the university that he would be prohibited from participating in classes or extracurricular activities with his “victim.” Caleb Warner was banned from the campuses of the University of North Dakota for three years. When police investigated the case, they issued an arrest warrant for his accuser, charging her with making a false rape charge. Only after repeated interventions on Warner’s behalf by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) did the university finally admit that the charges were without foundation.

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From Lolita to Louis CK, Feds Ban Sex Speech on Campus

Article here. Excerpt:

'In practice, that covers just about any speech of a sexual nature, period. After all, in a nation as diverse as ours, there's no shortage of opinions about what kinds of sexual expression are "unwelcome." Hell, some folks even find Anne Frank's diary "pornographic."

Think about it. A socially conservative student is offended by a BDSM panel discussion during your college's "Sex Week." Under the new federal "blueprint," he's got a sexual harassment claim to file. Or perhaps a student doesn't like hearing about a planned "Slutwalk." That's another sexual harassment claim. How about rapper Tyga's lyrics? To some students at Harvard, they would count as sexual harassment. Or a crew team's joke t-shirts reading "Check Out Our Cox"? To a few at Tufts, that would be sexual harassment.
1. When everything is sexual harassment, real harassment gets marginalized.

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Federal Government Mandates Unconstitutional Speech Codes at Colleges and Universities Nationwide

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a letter sent yesterday to the University of Montana that explicitly states that it is intended as "a blueprint for colleges and universities throughout the country," the Departments of Justice and Education have mandated a breathtakingly broad definition of sexual harassment that makes virtually every student in the United States a harasser while ignoring the First Amendment. The mandate applies to every college receiving federal funding—virtually every American institution of higher education nationwide, public or private.

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UK: Exclusive: Three in four believe those accused of sexual assaults should be granted anonymity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Three out of four people believe that people accused of rape and other sexual assaults should have their identities protected until they are convicted.

A ComRes survey for The Independent found strong public support for the controversial view expressed by Maura McGowan, chairman of the Bar Council, who argued that suspects in sex cases should enjoy the same right to anonymity as defendants. Some 76 per cent of people agree with the statement that “people accused of sexual assault should be given anonymity until they are proven guilty”, while 18 per cent disagree and six per cent don't know.

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UK: Diane Abbott to turn Labour’s attention to a ‘crisis of masculinity’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Diane Abbott has been thinking long and hard of late about how Labour responds to the family. She offers the next instalment of her ideas in a speech to think tank Demos on Thursday, and will argue that rapid social and economic change has caused a ‘crisis of masculinity’ in Britain which manifests itself. Coffee House has been offered a preview of that speech, which marks a significant shift in the way Labour talks about the family.

Abbott believes the Conservatives have occupied this debate for too long, and wants her party to make families and fathers a priority. As a single mother and a left-wing feminist, her intervention is an attempt to reclaim this territory.

She will say:

‘Tomorrow, too many British men and boys will wake up isolated and misdirected by a boundless consumer outlook, economic instability and whirlwind social change.

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It’s Raining Beta Men: Why Emasculation is a Curse, Not a Blessing

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminists contend that patriarchy and its “male enablers” enslave women through marriage and motherhood. They assert that men are sex-driven, lustful pigs keen on subduing women. As a result, feminists are determined to undermine them.

Here is proof:

1) A typical feminist believes men enslave women through marriage:

“Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the Women’s Movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage.” – Sheila Cronan, in Radical Feminism – “Marriage” (1970)

2) A typical feminist thinks men are rapists:

“Male sexual aggression is endemic, if any sex act against a person’s will were considered rape, the majority of men would be rapists.” – Marilyn French, The War Against Women, Ballantine Books, 1992, p. 193

3) A typical feminist wants to eradicate manliness:

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Congresswoman: ‘Survival as a species dependent on women taking charge’

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the lead up to the 2012 election, there was plenty of focus on the so called “war on women” that, in reality, existed only in the minds of Democratic campaign strategists and a complicit media, but is there a real “war” underway in America directed at members of the opposite sex?

According to Democratic U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky, not only is such a conflict happening, but the very existence of the human race is dependent on the outcome.

At a campaign fundraiser earlier this month, Schakowsky openly advocated for women “taking charge,” according to CNS News.

While speaking at a Planned Parenthood Action Fund event on May 3, dubbed ”The Ultimate Women’s Power Lunch,” she said:

“Today I am asserting that humanity is at a crossroads on this small planet and that our survival as a species is dependent on women taking charge, taking the world in our own hands.”

Doesn’t get much clearer than that.'

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