Ireland: Men’s place in society ignored in renewed media focus on suicide

Article here. Excerpt:

'You might think from the sudden outbreak of discussion about suicide that the problem had recently become worse. In fact, our suicide problem has – in particular aspects – been deeply serious for two decades.

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Barbara Boxer Sees Sexism In EPA Nominee Boycott By Republicans

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) questioned the Republican Party's commitment to women after Senate Republicans boycotted a vote for Gina McCarthy, the president's nominee to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, and showed no indication they'll show up for a rescheduled vote this week.

Boxer, chairwoman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, has scheduled a second committee vote on McCarthy for Thursday. "So far, they haven't suggested that they're going to be there, which is quite irritating," Boxer told reporters on Capitol Hill Tuesday afternoon. "She's probably the most qualified person ever nominated for the EPA. She's worked for four Republican governors. She's answered more than a thousand of their questions. And they've all voted for her before for other positions. It just makes no sense to me. This woman deserves a promotion.

"They say they're for womens' advancement," Boxer continued. "Here's a clear case where they ought to prove it."'

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'Keep boys out of girls' sports'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Participation is the objective of federal Title IX and other rules that have opened innumerable opportunities for girls and women in academics and sports.

Now, a growing movement in Pennsylvania threatens to turn that idea on its head by limiting girls' participation through a side door in the legal framework for high school girls' sports.

Only one in 27 girls competed in high school sports when Title IX was adopted in 1972; now two in five are on high school teams.

In 1975, the Commonwealth Court rejected a Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association rule that had barred girls from practicing or competing against boys. Then, such competition often was the only means for girls to even attempt to compete in interscholastic sports, and the state's equal rights law, also passed in 1972, forbade gender-based discrimination.'

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UK: From the Tories' "feckless dads" to the "crisis in masculinity": can Labour go father?

Article here. Excerpt:

'This week Labour staked its claim to be the country’s most father-friendly political party.

Jon Cruddas, the party’s policy co-ordinator, claimed that “the Conservatives have dominated debate about the family with their stereotype of a feckless underclass of absent fathers”.

According to Cruddas, “the majority of men feel fathers are undervalued,” but not for much longer, because “Labour will value the role of fathers”.
But if Labour is to achieve its ambition of becoming “the daddy” of all political parties, then it needs to understand why it has historically had an uneasy relationship with dads.

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UK: Diane Abbott's confused attack on men

Article here. Excerpt:

"Look into the eyes of many of the troubled and often unhealthy young men leaving school early," she said, "who are at one with anthems of hyper-masculinised music lyrics, and YouTube clips of bullying. Look into the eyes of many of the men sitting in the cubicles of bureaucratic English offices, with a disintegrating family life. Look into the eyes of men sitting in the plush offices of the top City firms, with little of note to show for it but a nice car and often shallow relationships. Do you see clear sense of pride?"

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Kia "Hotbots" ad glorifies female violence against men

Seen this one? Nothing funny or cute about it. Kia is perhaps trying to dodge criticism by making the "woman" a robot. Sorry, that doesn't pass. Contact Kia here ("Sales and Products" seems the best choice; country is US and possibly also Canada, if indeed it's running in that market) and let them know you won't be considering buying one of their cars as long as they try to sell them with "humorous violence"-- and would they have dared produce such an ad with the characters' sexes reversed?

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Repealing free speech - Political correctness races amok on campus

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Justice Department put its contempt for the First Amendment on full display with its snooping on journalists at The Associated Press. It's a display of contempt for freedom of the press equaled only by the administration's disdain for freedom of speech, another of the essential First Amendment protections. The military has lately demonstrated a similar contempt for freedom of religious expression.

The Justice Department is making common cause with the Department of Education to renew the push for "speech codes" on campus. The sordid scheme was revealed in a letter of May 9 to President Royce Engstrom at the University of Montana, where the federal government proposes to limit free expression as a "blueprint for colleges and universities throughout the country."
The Constitution recognizes freedom of speech and of the press as necessary to sustain a free society. Americans should speak up against the administration's attack on the First Amendment — while they still can.'

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Bills in New Jersey Legislature could change alimony awards

Article here. Excerpt:

'Approval of this legislation would allow alimony payers to: modify their existing agreements; determine the recipients’ alimony by preset formulas based entirely upon the length of the marriage, regardless of specifics such as disability of a spouse or child, ages of the parties, inheritance, attorney/judicial review and more; grant alimony for no longer than about half the number of years of the marriage; and eliminate the word “permanent” from any alimony award, with such support ending at the latest by the time the payer retires.
National Organization of Women (NOW) New Jersey president Jennifer Armiger said that NOW opposes this legislation as “it advances the interest of alimony payers — a majority of men and a small handful of women — who are seeking to overturn their alimony payments while disregarding the economic circumstances of the recipients.”'

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Fundraiser attendees give money to gang rape hoaxer Tawana Brawley

Article here. Excerpt:

'Tawana Brawley, who falsely accused six men of raping her 25 years ago, was celebrated at a fundraising event in New Jersey, officials said.

Attendees paid $50 for the Sunday event at Integrity Masonic Temple in Paterson, the New York Post reported.

While proceeds from the event went to fund a kids camp run by the Freedom Retreat for Children, some attendees also filled envelopes with cash for Brawley. It wasn't known how much she received.

When Brawley was 15, she was found in a trash bag in Dutchess County with slurs written on her body. She alleged she had been raped by six men, including former Dutchess County prosecutor Steven Pagones and a police officer. However, a grand jury found Brawley's accusations to be false.'

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Over 20 South African boys die in circumcision rituals: police

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JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - More than 20 South African boys have died over the past week during coming of age rituals, police said on Thursday, and they blamed botched circumcisions as the likely cause of death.

Northern Mpumalanga province's police department has opened 22 murder cases but no arrests have been made so far, spokesman Colonel Leonard Hlathi said.
Deaths are often caused by blood loss or infection when circumcisions are poorly performed by traditional practitioners.

Minister in the Presidency Collins Chabane this week called the recent deaths "regrettable".'

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Rewrite of UNC-Chapel Hill sexual assault policy begins

Article here. Excerpt:

'The new task force includes a cross-section of faculty, students and staff who regularly deal with sexual harassment and assault, including counselors and coordinators who handle rape prevention education, student complaints and investigations. There is a law enforcement representative and a university attorney, as well as a professor who does research on violence against women, a member of a feminist student group and the director of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer center on campus.
Already, differing opinions began to emerge Wednesday. Several members said there should be some recognition that women are disproportionately affected by sexual violence and that a “fair and balanced” standard may not work in a society where men and women are not always treated equally.'

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Is This The End of Alimony As We Know It?

Article here. Excerpt:

'For probably as long as it has existed, alimony has been a man vs. woman thing. Men get ordered to pay, women get alimony and men get bitter. But as women have become more economically powerful, the game has changed.

In 2012, a new law came into effect in Massachusetts that abolished permanent alimony and set up a formula for future payments. Some men there had been paying for decades to women to whom they’d only been married very briefly. While Massachusetts is the front runner, several states, especially Florida, are rethinking the way alimony is awarded.

Should men still have to pay alimony when women can now be educated and make (almost) as much as men? What about women who live with another guy but still take alimony? What do women who pay alimony think? And if we abolish alimony, how do older women without job skills get by?'

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'IRS Persecution Is A War On Women'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Forget “binders full of women” — the IRS’s persecution of hundreds of tea party groups is the real war on women. I co-founded the movement in my hometown of St. Louis and have travelled the country with various tea party groups and I’ve seen it first hand: the tea party movement was predominately led by women. It isn’t a slight to our men; in speech after speech I mentioned how the nation’s men have been neutralized in this fight by the left’s ridiculous identity politics and bunk sexism claims. I’ve opined more than once “My husband can’t hit a girl, but I can.” It’s the truth — and it’s why women raised up from around the country to lead the charge.

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Video: Diane Abbott on masculinity and role of men in society

Article here. Video summary:

'Male MPs show "every type of patriarchal behaviour" said the shadow public health minister as she spoke about her speech on men to the Demos think-tank.

Diane Abbott claimed society and the economy had changed in ways which challenged issues around masculinity.

She debated her speech and ideas - and whether there should be a minister for men - with Ian Collins from LBC, former Labour pollster Deborah Mattinson and Andrew Neil on the Daily Politics.'

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How tackling the 'crisis of masculinity' creates a crisis for feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Tackling men's issues in this way requires the women's sector to share the gender equality pie. It also means allowing for a greater diversity of viewpoints, which will ultimately challenge the dominance of feminist thinking in the gender equality sector.

Faced with this eventuality, it is inevitable that women's groups and feminist thinkers will resist attempts to target the problems that men and boys face and try to shift the focus back on to the problems that men and boys cause.

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