The masculinity debate: no wonder men stay out of it

Article here. Excerpt:

'The past week has again highlighted the inexplicable absence of an intelligent discussion conducted by men about ourselves. It's followed a familiar pattern: a leading female commentator – Diane Abbott on this occasion – diagnoses male ailments and prescribes her cures. What comes back from the patient? Silence. Can there be any group that is subject to so much debate and accusation, and is so apparently powerful – yet remains so utterly speechless?

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Virginia Parents Outraged After Walmart Security Allegedly Suspected Father Of Kidnapping Biracial Daughters

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Virginia couple was shocked to find a police officer in front of their home when they returned from running errands, but they were even more surprised by the reason for the cop's visit-- to question whether or not they were in fact their children's parents.

Joseph, a white man who didn't want his last name revealed, and his black wife Keana told Fox5DC that they were outraged after the policeman told them a security guard at their local Walmart had suspected Joseph of kidnapping his three young daughters.
According to Keana, she was told a customer was alarmed after seeing her husband and children.

"Well, the customer was concerned because they saw the children with your husband and he didn't think that they fit," Keana told the news station. "And I said, ‘What do you mean by they don't fit?’ And I was trying to get her to say it. And she says, ‘Well, they just don't match up.’”'

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National Conference on male DV victims on Oct. 10, 2013

Conference info here. This is being put on by the Mankind Initiative.

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High-profile false rape threat fabricator also had gun menacing conviction

Story here. Excerpt:

'Meg Lanker-Simons, an award winning liberal student activist and talk show host at the University of Wyoming (UW), walked into a radio station in 2005 and threatened her former boss with a Glock 44 .40 caliber handgun, according to court documents.

Lanker-Simons, whose Tumblr blog won a 2012 Think Progress award, made national news again last month when police accused her of fabricating a high-profile rape threat against herself prepared to look as if it came from a conservative.

According to the 2006 affidavit on the firing, she walked into the office of her former employer and pointed the gun at the man who decided to fire her, who reported he was in “fear for his life.”
Lanker-Simons “admitted to having (a) gun in (her) purse and pulling it out and waving it around (the) victim,” according to the affidavit.

She pled guilty and received six- years of probation. At the time, Lanker-Simons went by the name Meghan Michelena, according to the Laramie Boomerang.'

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Student government nominee disqualified from "diversity" position for being straight, white, and male

Story here. Excerpt:

'A student’s bid to become associate vice president of diversity and inclusion at Northwestern University was derailed last Wednesday over accusations that his status as a white heterosexual male would make it impossible for him to perform the position’s duties.

Piotrkowski reportedly attempted to appeal to the Student Senate on the grounds that he identifies as a religious minority and has a lesbian sister, but it was to no avail.
Ian Coley, a student on the Associate Student Government Diversity and Inclusion Committee, later said white heterosexual males are not qualified to hold the position of associate vice president of diversity and inclusion.

“This university is not ready, in any capacity, for a heterosexual white male to be in charge in any way of diversity and inclusion,” said Coley, according to the Daily Northwestern.

“I don’t know if any university is,” he reportedly added.

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Sweden: Time to introduce gender taxes?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Would a gender tax designed so it would be about men paying higher taxes because of that there is still an unexplained pay gap of around seven per cent in favor of men.

But there are more reasons that makes an average of 4,500 kronor per month, the difference in income between men and women. It's about the choices we have to do and how these choices are valued. Still, women take out the majority of parental leave and working part-time to a greater extent and more unpaid home. It loses women in their wallets, for life. The injustice of it is necessary to talk about and take responsibility for.'

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NOW President: Student Loan Debt -- It's Worse for Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'How bad is the wage gap for women in the workplace?

For college graduates, it's so bad that it begins even before women begin their careers.

According to a study by AAUW, Graduating to a Pay Gap: The Earnings of Women and Men One Year After College Graduation:
AAUW's findings tell us that women are disproportionately likely to take out loans; among 2007-2008 graduates, 68 percent of women borrowed money for college compared to 63 percent of men.'

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SAVE E-lert: This June, Meet the Women of DV Reform

In case you haven't made plans yet to attend our June conference,"Celebrating Our Progress!" I thought I'd tell you about last year's event. We had captivating speakers, connections were made, friendships were started, and we all left feeling a little more empowered.

This year's conference is expected to be better than ever. We are excited to have two women as our keynote speakers.

June 21 - Optional lobbying. Speaker Erin Pizzey, founder of the abuse shelter movement. Complimentary dinner.

June 22 - Keynote speaker Kathleen King, former magistrate. Several more speakers. Complimentary lunch.

Visit the SAVE website for the schedule and info on lodging:

Visit eventbrite to register online:

I hope to see you there,

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Canada: "Women Less Likely to Get Trauma Center Care After Injury"

Link here. Excerpt:

'A new Canadian study has uncovered an apparent gender bias in the hospital setting, with women less likely than men to get trauma center care following a severe injury.

"Gender-based disparities in access to health care services in general have been recognized for some time, and evidence is emerging that these disparities extend to the treatment of severe injuries in trauma centers," study author Andrea Hill, a postdoctoral fellow at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and the University of Toronto, said in a news release.
The team's findings stem from an analysis involving nearly 99,000 adult patients throughout Canada. About a third were women, and all had sought hospital treatment following a severe injury.

Across all age groups, just less than half of the women received trauma center care, compared to more than 63 percent of men in the same situation.'

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Israel: TV Host: Feminism Felling Divorced Dads

Article here. Excerpt:

'Avri Gilad, one of Israel's most popular TV personalities, has decried what he calls a "fad" of false accusations against divorced fathers.

"Every day I get e-mails from fathers whose natural right to see their children is denied them by social workers, courts, the police, and what not," Gilad wrote on his popular Facebook page, which is followed by more than 20,000 people. "They cry out and no one listens – sometimes they are even mocked.

"The feminist revolution, which I support wholeheartedly, is felling victims among my brothers, the divorced fathers. In the name of [fighting] thousands of years of discrimination, in the name of an injustice that was done in the past and is done in the present to millions of women in the world, by rapacious men who shame the male sex, the legal systems believe that it is okay to mow down good people, devoted fathers who divorced because they chose to, or because others chose so for them.'

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Australia: 'Get your heels on, boys'

Story here. Excerpt:

'WHEN it comes to footwear, men and women should be able to agree on at least one thing; nothing makes a statement like a set of high heels.

The humble heel will provide the basis for the Ipswich Women's Centre Against Domestic Violence (IWCADV) campaign to raise awareness of domestic, family and sexual violence in the city this afternoon.

The Walk a Mile in Her Shoes March will involve men and women donning high heels for a walk through the CBD, starting in d'Arcy Doyle Place at 5pm.

IWCADV community development worker Michelle Dang said the march aimed to make a strong statement against "gendered violence".'

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Scotland: Violent men: A woman’s right to know

Article here. Excerpt:

'WOMEN would be able to seek information about the domestic violence history of new partners under plans to be proposed by senior police officers in Scotland.

The Association of Scottish Police Superintendents (Asps) is this week expected to back calls for the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme – known as Clare’s Law – which is being piloted by four forces in England and Wales, and could be extended north of the Border.

The Association’s annual conference is also likely to support the introduction of Domestic Abuse Protection Orders in Scotland, which would require men with a history of violence in the home to disclose previous convictions themselves.

And in a further extension of Clare’s Law, some senior officers also want police to be able to share information about known abusers with potential victims, even though this may breach data protection laws.'

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Woman Charged with Domestic Violence After Scissors Attack

Story here.

'Bonnie McConnell, 44, of Hampshire Drive, Nashua, was arrested May 16 just before 9 a.m., charged with one count of domestic violence second degree assault, a Class B Felony; and one count of domestic violence simple assault for an alleged scissor attack on a male victim.

Police responded to McConnell's Hampshire Drive home on May 16 after it was reported that she had allegedly used a pair of scissors to "recklessly injure" a man known to her.

A Class B Felony is punishable by up to seven years imprisonment, exclusive of fines. A Class A Misdemeanor is punishable by up to one year incarceration, exclusive of fines. McConnell was held at the Nashua Police Department on $3,500 cash or surety pending her upcoming arraignment at the 9th Circuit Court-Nashua District Division.'

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UK: Ramsgate recreation ground sexual assault 'victim' cautioned

Article here.

'A 19-year-old woman has been cautioned for wasting police time after making a false sexual assault claim.

The recreation ground in Boundary Road, Ramsgate, was cordoned off on Friday while officers investigated.

The woman reported she had been attacked by a man at the park at around 2am.

She was formally cautioned for wasting police time last night.

Kent Police thanked the public for their help following the initial appeal for information.'

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Man-Hating Feminism More Than Just a Myth

Article here. Excerpt:

'Do you believe that all human beings are equal? Then you're a feminist!

Well, such was my naïve belief, until now. While disagreements between supporters of any movement or system of beliefs are unavoidable, I thought that at least human equality was one area in which feminists would unite. I saw the notion of a feminist as being anti-men as merely one of many unjustified stereotypes, such as being ugly, or unwomanly.

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