Husband says wife killed their son, then shot herself

Story here. Excerpt:

'ROUTT COUNTY, Colo. — A woman shot and killed her 9-year-old son and then shot herself at a home near Steamboat Springs Wednesday, according to the woman’s husband.

Deputies from the Routt County Sheriff’s Office were called to a home on a report of an attempted suicide with multiple victims at 2:55 a.m.

Investigators say the resident of the home, Michael Kirlan met deputies and told them his son was dead inside the house, and his wife, Lisa Marie Lesyshen, 45, was upstairs with a gun.

They found the boy, 9-year-old Asher and then his mother. She was unconscious with a gunshot wound. Paramedics took her to the Yampa Valley Medical Center for treatment.

The boy was a third-grader at Soda Creek Elementary in Steamboat Springs according to Steamboat Today.'

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June is Men's Health Month (at least here in the US)

The US government actually has a web page for it this year! It can found at Suppose it'll get nearly as much exposure as women's health months/weeks/years get? Will there be seminars at workplaces and little ribbons and 5K runs to go to? Hmmm... doubt it. Excerpt:

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Men Get Sick, Too

Article here. Excerpt:

'MSNBC has women’s shows and two shows whose hosts are gay and whose central issue is gay marriage, but no show dealing with the issues of American men. I was surprised to learn from Nichole Bowen of The Lady Warrior Project that most of those who are victims of sexual assault in the armed forces are men. Maybe I’ve been watching too much MSNBC, where the impression is created that all of the victims are women. They’re not the only network where the issues of gays and women take priority over those affecting men. During the same Saturday I watched CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield discuss the literacy rate among women living in Nepal.

Women have been very successful in using the media to promote their health and other issues. But men get sick too.'

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'Having it all doesn't mean doing it all': Women's grad advice to women

Article here. Excerpt:

'This year’s female graduates received specific advice from women who helped pave the way for them, including senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett. On Friday, she urged the all-female grads of Wellesley College to remember those trailblazers by making sure they help each other as they cut their own paths to the top.

“You have choices because you stand on the shoulders of others who have given you the ability to choose,” she said. “It is a rare privilege for all of you who are seated here today, so make sure you reach back and afford others that same opportunity.”

She then reminded her audience of the warning issued by fellow Wellesley alum, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: “There is a very special place in hell for women who do not help other women.”
Jarrett, who also chairs the White House Council on Women and Girls, encouraged graduates to be resilient, but to pace themselves.
“We might be a tad bit better than men, but we’re not superhuman,” she said to laughs.'

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Canada: Student union brands men’s rights groups as ‘hateful’ clubs that ‘justify sexual assault’

Article here. Excerpt:

'There is, apparently, an ominous threat to female autonomy growing on Canadian campuses, and it masquerades under the guise of “men’s rights awareness.” These deceptive collectives purport to offer support and resources to men in the community, but, according to the Canadian Federation of Students, they actually promote “misogynist, hateful views,” and “justify sexual assault.” Well, then.

The Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), the union body representing over 500,000 students across the country, will consider this and other matters over the next week as part of its 63rd semi-annual nation general meeting. On the agenda roster is a motion to amend the “Sexual Assault and Violence Against Women on Campus” policy to account for the “increase in the presence” of men’s groups on Canadian campuses.

According to the motion:

“The groups provide environments for sexism, patriarchy, and misogyny to manifest and be perpetuated on campus” and “promote misogynist, hateful views toward women and ideologies that promote gender equity, challenges women’s bodily autonomy, justifies sexual assault, and decries feminism as violent.”

“Messages from these groups claim to be of equality, but are in fact messages that are misogynist, sexist, cissexist, heterosexist, and homophobic responses to the challenge of cis-male privilege in society.”

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Wayward Sons: The Emerging Gender Gap in Labor Markets and Education

Report here. Excerpt:

'This paper, by two MIT economists, David Autor and Melanie Wasserman, presents the reader with two of the biggest and most important trends in recent decades. The first is the growing disparity between men and women in both educational attainment and economic well-being; the second is the change in family structure. The growing disparity between men and women is easy to overlook given the fact that at the very top of our society power and money is still overwhelmingly held by men. And yet, when we move to the realm of more ordinary people we see, in the words of Autor and Wasserman, “...a tectonic shift. Over the last three decades, the labor market trajectory of males in the U.S. has turned downward along four dimensions: skills acquisition; employment rates; occupational stature; and real wage levels.”'

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PASK is the gold standard for DV information

Article here. Excerpt:

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Male victims of domestic abuse: Beyond belief

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON, May 22, 2013 - According to the National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center, over 830,000 men are victims of domestic violence annually, about half the rate of women. This translates to one man subjected to domestic abuse every 37.8 seconds.

There are over 4,000 domestic violence programs in America but very few oriented to male victims. Such victims are abused in the same manner as women: physically, emotionally, verbal or financially. The abuse is similar between the sexes.

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Canadian Centre for Men and Families to Open in June

Article here. Excerpt:

'Screen Lounge, 20 College Street, Toronto

The Canadian Association for Equality has completed an amazing year advancing education on men’s issues and growing awareness of critical problems facing boys, men and fathers.

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UK: 'Lads' Mags' Double-Standard

Article here. Excerpt:

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The Biggest Myth About the Gender Wage Gap

Article here. Excerpt:

'It might be the most famous statistic about female workers in the United States: Women earn "only 72 percent as much as their male counterparts."

It's also famously false.

A new survey from PayScale this morning finds that the wage gap nearly evaporates when you control for occupation and experience among the most common jobs, especially among less experienced workers. It is only as careers advance, they found, that men outpaced female earnings as they made their way toward the executive suite.

So, women aren't starting off behind their male counterparts, so much as they're choosing different jobs and losing ground later in their careers.'

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ACFC: Illinois Right of First Refusal Legislation Goes to Governor

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last Wednesday, May 22, the Illinois Senate passed HB2992 unanimously. The bill had previously passed the House, also by a unanimous vote. Now the bill goes to Governor Quinn for signature. Championed by Illinois Fathers member Richard Lee Thomas, the bill provides statutory authority for judges to incorporate right of first refusal provisions into child custody orders.

At ACFC one of the more common complaints we hear from parents is that their children are being placed in daycare or farmed out to other people when the ‘other’ parent is available and wants to care for the children. In these situations the overarching theme seems to be “Anyone but me.” It’s one of the more frustrating situations parents endure.'

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NPO: DSM-5 Strengthens Child Health in the Aftermath of Divorce

Article here. Excerpt:

'Family unity took a major step forward at the American Psychiatric Association’s annual meeting in San Francisco on May 18-22, 2013, with the inclusion of language that describes the serious mental health problem of parental alienation. For the first time, mental health professionals in the U.S. will have officially recognized concepts to diagnose children who experience parental alienation, strengthening the case against parents who strive to alienate children during divorce.

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IA: ACOG 2013 Report Available

Report here. Excerpt:

'On May 4, 2013, Intact America sponsored a sidewalk demonstration and press conference in New Orleans outside the annual convention of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). During this one-day event, we protested the role of obstetricians in perpetrating circumcision in American hospitals. Read the press release.

Our mobile billboard, which patrolled the streets of New Orleans (photos courtesy of James Loewen), was a huge success, sparking countless conversations with doctors, tourists, and local residents. Even the driver, Roger, helped forward the cause by handing out information and telling people about Intact America! Many thanks to James Loewen, who took the photo above as well as these of our billboard.'

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"You've Been Lied To": Violent Women Among Us

Video report here. Simply tells the truth: women in domestic relationships assault men at the same rate as men assault women in the same relationships.

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