Robyn Urback on shocking anti-male hatred on the Simon Fraser University campus

Article here. Excerpt:

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DOJ web site stats uncorrected after three years

Article here. Excerpt:

'Despite the fact that homicides were the fifth leading cause of death for African-American women ages 15-45 in 2008, and despite the fact that homicides include three other categories besides intimate partners, the Attorney General of the United States Eric Holder makes this false claim on the Department of Justice website: “Disturbingly, intimate partner homicide is the leading cause of death for African-American women ages 15 to 45.” He actually first made that false claim in a speech on August 3, 2009, when he said “Intimate partner homicide is the leading cause of death for African-American women ages 15 to 45. These statistics are shocking and completely unacceptable.”

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Mom Killed Baby So Cops Wouldn't Take Him Away, Prosecutors Say

Story here. Excerpt:

'COOK COUNTY CRIMINAL COURTHOUSE — Kimberlynn Bolanos told police that she killed her 5-month-old son to prevent police from taking him away because she smoked crack, prosecutors said.

Bolanos, 21, appeared in Cook County Criminal Court on Friday on charges she murdered Isaac Bolanos. She is charged with stabbing the boy to death in a Lincoln Square motel on May 30.

Assistant State's Attorney Bridget O'Brien said Isaac suffered 21 stab wounds in his head and eight in his chest, and his throat was slashed from ear to ear.'

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A Joke of a Men’s Studies Center

Article here. Excerpt:

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Man Mocked for Anguish Over Girlfriend's Abortion

Article here. Excerpt:

'A common tale is the man who gets a girl pregnant, and then pressures her into having an abortion. For men just looking to screw around and avoid commitment at any cost, abortion is the perfect solution. Abortion allows them to use a woman and then leave her; have sex and still avoid any kind of consequences or responsibility for their actions.

But what about the other side of the coin? The man who grieves at the abortion of his child, who wants to step up and take responsibility and make a commitment, is not often mentioned in the abortion discussion.
With that in mind, let’s check out this plea for advice, where a man wrote into a newspaper expressing his anguish and hurt over his girlfriend’s decision to have an abortion.
Another pro-abortion blogger picked up on this plea for advice, though, and her response was slightly more offensive.

"Dear Anonymous,

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F4J USA to Hold Fathers' Day Rallies

Announcement here. Excerpt:

'Our campaign for the reform and awareness of the abuse of many of our Children at the hands of the so called, "Child Protective Services" (CPS). The California State legislature has agreed to audit this agency.

Join us in our campaign for the reform of all Juvenile and Family courts around the nation. Our time is now! Join us in our 6th Annual **Nationwide*** Fatherless Day Rallies at all 50 United States Capitols on June 14, 2013. We are the feet in the street, we are the army of parents fighting for our children's rights.'

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Male Positive Media: Lowe's TV Spot: "Father's Day"

Lowe's TV Spot: Father's Day

'Dad has been an architect, teacher, monster buster and more. Celebrate him this Father's Day. Find all you need at Lowe's.'

A good reason to choose Lowe's for hardware.

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Please Read This about Boys (Politically Incorrect Warning!)

Article here. Excerpt:

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Australia: Gender wars can't help the Labor cause any more than a quota PM

Article here. Excerpt:

'While history will record that Julia Gillard was the nation's first female prime minister, it should also record that she was the first quota PM. Gillard will never escape how she came to her job. Labor's 40 per cent gender quota system put Gillard in parliament and her gender helped elevate her to the position of Prime Minister. Alas, her male backers could not have been more wrong to assume that gender would be an ace card with voters in a contest against Tony Abbott. Voters don't give a toss about gender. And when the PM plays the gender card, she reminds voters that merit took a back seat in her career trajectory.

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Why in 2013 are only teenaged girls immunized against HPV?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Yesterday, Hollywood actor Michael Douglas announced that his battle with throat cancer was caused by oral sex - or more specifically, the HPV virus frequently contracted through oral sex.

The 68 year-old, who fought a six month battle with the disease from August 2010 until January 2011, initially blamed an indulgent lifestyle of cigarettes and alcohol.
However, in the same breath that Angelina Jolie has been lionised for her public honesty, Douglas has been criticised for it. Namely, because it may embarrass his wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones.

Yet, given the fact that Britain's men are living with a ticking HPV time-bomb - and, unlike girls, aren't immunised against it - her pride shouldn't even be a consideration.

Especially as they both have a son. A son who, like every boy in this country, will be ignored when it comes to HPV.'

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UK: Teacher spared jail for having sex with a pupil after she tells court she was abused when she was a teenager

Story here. Excerpt:

'A teacher who admitted having sex with a pupil had been abused when she was a teenager, a court heard yesterday.

Eppie Sprung Dawson, 27, was targeted when she was aged between 13 and 18 by a man 29 years her senior, a sheriff was told.

Yesterday, Dawson was told she would escape a custodial sentence after earlier admitting having sex with the 17-year-old boy in the front seat of her car last December.

She will have to return to court to learn her fate next month, but a sheriff told her she had breached a position of trust, although she had not abused anyone.'

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Jose Canseco cleared of sex assault

Story here. Excerpt:

'LAS VEGAS -- Police in Las Vegas won't seek criminal charges against former major league slugger Jose Canseco after an investigation of a woman's rape claim, a department spokesman said Friday.
Canseco, 48, who went public about the investigation May 22 with postings on Twitter, told The Associated Press that he was victimized by the allegation and he wants to sue his accuser.

"She alleged I drugged her and raped her," Canseco said in a telephone interview. "It was an outright lie. I proved it by taking two lie detector tests. I am the victim here."

Canseco drew intense criticism for posting the woman's name and workplace May 22. Some of the information was later removed, but Canseco told AP that he didn't regret posting it.

"If you have nothing to hide, why hide it?" he said.'

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RaiseForWomen Charity Initiative Highlights Men's Roles In Empowering Women, Girls

Article here. Excerpt:

'The HuffPost RaiseForWomen competition, which comes to a close on Thursday, has received notable support from one specific group -- the fellas.

Members of the initiative, which challenges women-centric nonprofits to raise funds and awareness, discussed on HuffPost Live how men can be champions of women's issues.
Warner shared specific initiatives, such as working with coaches to teach young male athletes that violence against women is not acceptable.'

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Canada: Martinuk: Man-hating hits a new low on campuses

Article here. Excerpt:

'There’s been a steady rise in the number of stories and academic studies suggesting men need help. Boys are falling behind early in the education process and are far more likely to drop out of high school than girls. Far too many boys are being raised without fathers; and gay men are bullied.

Yet Canadian campuses focus on women’s studies, where courses are geared to radicalizing women and making marriage, children and men into interlopers who exist only to prevent women from attaining their goals. But while women are indoctrinated in their all-encompassing rights, legitimate academic discussions that relate to the above issues are being unfairly silenced.
The problem is that the CFS and campus women’s groups have provided no evidence to support their claims. Sadly, most so-called gains by women on campus have been won by making irrational claims of an environment of hate and using fear to sell the blatantly false notion that all men are misogynists and rapists.'

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Australia: Request that MHIRC’s funding be renewed

Petition here. Excerpt:

'Men take their own lives at four times the rate of women (that's five men a day, on average). Accidents, cancer and heart disease all account for the majority of male deaths (

MHIRC focuses particularly on the health status of marginalised or disadvantaged males - this includes populations such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men, unemployed men, separated men, incarcerated men, new dads and other males who may find themselves at risk of increased stress and therefore poorer health outcomes.'

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