Indian actress' boyfriend arrested after she commits suicide - why?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Following the arrest of Suraj Pancholi on charges of abetting his girlfriend Jiah Khan's suicide, the Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF), a non-funded non profit NGO fighting for men's rights, gender equality and family harmony, has lashed out at the “skewed" abetment to suicide law in India.

In a release, the foundation has argued that in no other country does such a law exist and wants the government to bring in checks and balances to prevent its misuse and points out the following discrepancies:

1. Suraj Pancholi did not point a gun at Jiah's head and force her to commit suicide. Breaking up with a girlfriend is not a crime. Reportedly, Suraj also tried to get Jiah to a psychiatrist after she attempted suicide eight months back. Why did Jiah's mother, Rabiya Khan, not take her to a psychiatrist then?

2. Wives and in-laws are hardly arrested when a husband commits suicide, but a husband and his family are sent to prison and presumed guilty until proven innocent when a girl kills herself.'

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UK: So Much for 'Father's Day' - in a Country Where Fatherhood is Dying Out

Article here. Excerpt:

'By the end of his or her childhood, a British boy or girl is much more likely to have a TV set in the bedroom than a father at home.

Our 45-year national war against traditional family life has been so successful that almost 50% of 15-year-olds no longer live with both their parents. At the same time we have indulged our neglected and abandoned young with electronics, so that 79% of children aged between 5 and 16 have bedroom TVs.

And as we soppily mark ‘Father’s Day’ with cards, socks, sentimentality and meals out, we should remember that in almost all cases the absent parent is the father.

There is no doubt about the facts here. Let me list some of them. The cost of our wild, unprecedented national experiment in fatherlessness is now £49 billion each year, more than the defence budget. This figure, currently costing each taxpayer £1,541 per year, is rising all the time, and has gone up by almost a quarter since 2009.'

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SAVE: Uncertain Justice: The Presumption of Innocence is Being Lost, Most Say


WASHINGTON / June 18, 2013 – A national opinion survey reveals a substantial majority of persons believes the presumption of innocence is fading from the American criminal justice system. Two-thirds – 67% -- of persons participating in a recent survey affirmatively answered the question, “Do you believe the presumption of innocence is being lost in our nation’s legal system?”

The finding comes from a broader probe of Americans’ views of the criminal justice system and the role of prosecutors in the system. The survey is sponsored by the non-profit, non-partisan Center for Prosecutor Integrity.

Worries about the loss of the presumption of innocence are more pronounced among lower income than higher income persons (69% vs. 64%); and among persons 50 years and older compared to younger respondents (69% vs. 60%). Republicans and Democrats have nearly identical rates of concern: 72% vs. 71%, respectively:

Legal scholars have expressed concerns that buttress the survey findings:

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U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: "Man up"

Link here. Excerpt:

'Minority men face certain health challenges. Black men have a high risk of dying from heart disease. Latino men are diagnosed with AIDS three times as often as white men. But men can do things that can protect their health. Most health plans cover recommended preventive services like screenings at no cost under the health care law.

Dr. J. Nadine Gracia is HHS’ deputy assistant secretary for minority health.

“Screenings for blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol and HIV, are some of the main tests that will let you know if you’re still on the path toward great health.”

Taking your health into your own hands also means eating right, being active, and talking about your health with your loved ones.'

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Texas supermarket marks Men's Health Month with free mammograms for women

Story here. So, any wonder men get the impression their lives simply are not valued as much as women's? Seems like as good idea as this gender-specific, woman-only free test may be, at least during Men's Health Month, they might also want to offer free PSA tests, too. Or do something, anyway. Excerpt:

'AMARILLO, TEXAS -- Last Saturday, The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center at Amarillo’s Breast Center For Excellence teamed up with United Supermarkets to offer free mammograms to women shoppers.

Through a Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas grant, uninsured women over the age of 40 are eligible for a free mammogram as long as they are Texas residents, have a valid photo ID, and can provide income verification or proof of assistance.'

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Gender war backfires as men ditch Australia PM

Article here. Excerpt:

'AFP - Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard's attempt to marginalise the opposition by claiming it would change abortion rights and sideline women has backfired with a poll on Monday showing male voters are deserting her.

Gillard, the country's first female leader, last week reignited a simmering gender war by saying in a speech that government would be dominated by "men in blue ties" should opposition leader Tony Abbott assume office in September elections.

"It's a decision about whether, once again, we will banish women's voice from the core of our political life," said the embattled prime minister in the speech, desperate to shore up waning support.'

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Florida man beaten, robbed, stripped naked on first date

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Florida man was beaten, robbed, forced to strip naked and abandoned on the side of a road Friday evening during a first date gone horribly wrong, according to police.

Authorities found nude, bloodied Shaun Paul Williams, 34, walking on the shoulder of State Road 100 in Bunnell, Fla., late Friday near a cow pasture where Williams said he was assaulted and mugged by his date and her two unidentified male companions earlier that evening, according to a Flagler County Sheriff’s Office case report.

Williams told sheriff’s deputies that he met the unidentified woman at a convenience store in Daytona Beach, Fla., two weeks ago. They struck up a friendship and later arranged to go out on June 14, according to the report.'

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US marriage rate at historic low

Article here. No mention of the 600-lb. gorilla in the room-- predictably. Excerpt:

'The marriage rate is at its lowest point in more than a century, and the number of marriages across the USA fell more than 5% during the recession. But a new analysis projects that pent-up demand and the large population of marriage-eligible Millennials, ages 18-34, means more will be headed to the altar over the next two years.

Cultural changes about whether and when to marry, the fact that two-thirds of first marriages are preceded by cohabitation and the recession's financial fallout — including unemployment and underemployment — fueled the wedding decline. Projections from the private company Demographic Intelligence of Charlottesville, Va., says the signs are right for a temporary boost in weddings.

The company projects a 4% increase in the number of weddings since 2009, reaching 2.168 million this year; 2.189 million in 2014. Depending on the economic recovery, the report projects a continuing increase to 2.208 million in 2015.'

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SAVE: Center for Prosecutor Integrity Activism: Monday, June 17 -- Assistant District Attorney Mary Kellett of Maine

BACKGROUND: Maine Prosecutor Mary Kellett was found guilty in December of violating 7 different counts of prosecutor ethics: Her case has now been sent to the Maine Supreme Court to decide her punishment.

But back on the farm, it's BUSINESS AS USUAL -- to this day, Kellett continues her usual prosecutorial duties in Ellsworth, Maine.

We don't allow corrupt cops to stay on the beat. Contact D.A. Carletta Bassano TODAY, tell her to REMOVE Mary Kellett from her duties until the final Supreme Court ruling.

Telephone: 207-667-4621

More info:

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Remember the Wonder of Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'This Sunday, one group of kids across the country will be giving their fathers ties, sports gear, homemade art, or some other tokens to express their appreciation on Father's Day. Unfortunately, there will be another group of kids for whom the holiday is a painful reminder that they don't have a relationship with their fathers.

Why do a growing portion of kids in America have no active father in their lives to celebrate this weekend?

According to Dr. Helen Smith in her new book, Men on Strike: Why Men are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream -- and Why it Matters, one reason is that society is stacking the deck against men, causing many to go "on strike" from traditional responsibilities. These men aren't just lazy, but instead are making choices based on incentives.

Like0 Dislike0 TV Spot 'Great Outdoors' mocks dad on Father's Day

I just saw a typical "dumb dad" TV spot for in which a father arrives at a hotel in the woods with his wife and kids. The hotel that he chose from a brochure turns out to be in ruins, and he gets chased around by a bear. Meanwhile, mom is in the SUV with the kids and smugly dismisses dumb old dad before looking up a room on which turns out to be much better. What a wonderful tribute to dads on Father's Day. I certainly won't be looking up hotels on

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Suspended 8th Grader Could Get Jail Time Over NRA T-Shirt

Article here. Excerpt:

'In April Breitbart News reported that West Virginia 8th grader Jared Marcum was suspended for refusing to take off an NRA t-shirt he wore to school. And details now indicate the 8th grader could face a $500 fine and up to a year in jail for obstruction charges.

Fox News reports that on June 13 Marcum appeared before a judge "and was officially charged with obstructing an officer." Moreover, the judge has allowed "the prosecution to move forward" with its case against Marcum.

Logan City Police officer James Adkins says that Marcum refused to quit talking when asked to remove the shirt. The officer said this hindered his ability to do his job.

Marcum's father remains confident and stands by his son: "Me, I'm more of a fighter and so is Jared and eventually we're going to get through this. I don't think it should have ever gone this far."'

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Ontario's Socialist Party leader cuts loose on FRA/MRAs to mark Fathers' Day

Article here. Excerpt:

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Fathers' Day 2013

Father's Day is always a bit ambivalently marked here at MANN, not unlike Veterans Day. The issue is that for some men, being a dad (like being a veteran) has turned out to be very fulfilling and a source of pride, satisfaction, etc. But for others, not so much.

So to all the dads out there, I can only say this: I hope this day for each of you is as good as it can be for whatever your personal situation is.

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The War On Boys and Anti-Gun Hysteria

Article here. Excerpt:

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