False Rape Report Caught By Doctor, Leading To Charges: Police

Article here. Excerpt:

'PORT HURON, Mich. -- A Michigan woman accused of faking a sexual assault was ordered to stand trial on charges of making a false report of rape and tampering with evidence Tuesday after a doctor said her purported bruises faded after he wiped them with gauze.

Sara Ylen accused two men of sexual assault at her Lexington home last September, saying she was taking a nap when she was bound and raped. But authorities say the attack didn't happen.

Ylen is also accused of lying about having cancer in a separate case in Sanilac County. She's charged with fraud for allegedly tricking an insurance company and sympathetic supporters. A probable cause hearing is set for July 9.'

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Are Military Women On the Front Lines Advancing Feminism?

Article here. Excerpt:

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Norway becomes first NATO country to draft women into military

Story here. Excerpt:

'(Reuters) - Norway's parliament voted overwhelmingly on Friday to conscript women into its armed forces, becoming the first European and first NATO country to make military service compulsory for both genders.

"Rights and duties should be the same for all," said Labor lawmaker Laila Gustavsen, a supporter of the bill. "The armed forces need access to the best resources, regardless of gender, and right now mostly men are recruited."
Women already serve in the military, but do so of their own volition. They make up a tenth of the armed forces, according to the ministry of defense.

The change is not expected to force women to serve against their will but should help improve the gender balance.

All young people can be conscripted in theory, but since the end of the Cold War the Norwegian armed forces have become more selective in choosing conscripts as their needs have changed.

Those who do not want to serve can often find a reason, such as university studies, to avoid the draft.

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Military analyst: Women in front-line combat opens door for draft

Article here. Excerpt:

'A military analyst says the plan to allow women in front-line combat units could subject them to a future draft, and Congress should start paying attention.

Women are currently exempt from the draft because they are not involved in direct ground combat, says Center for Military Readiness president Elaine Donnelly, citing a 1981 U.S. Supreme Court ruling.

"It is most unfortunate that Congress is allowing the Obama administration to lay the legal groundwork for selective service obligations to be imposed on unsuspecting civilian women on the same basis as men," says Donnelly. "This would include a future draft."'

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'Men and Masculinity' New Course Next Fall at AFA

Story here. Excerpt:

'A professor from Virginia will spend the upcoming academic year teaching courses on gender at the Air Force Academy to combat sexual assaults.
Neither course is required of students. But so many have registered for the lone section of "Men and Masculinity" that the academy is considering adding another, said Col. Gary Packard, head of the academy's Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership.
"There's a lot of theory in the first part" of the class, he said. "The second part includes discussion of men's issues: work, mental health, physical health, relationships, sexuality, violence, and contemporary topics like the prison problem, pornography and prostitution."
As part of their coursework, Kilmartin will assign his students to journal about gender stereotypes they observe in their everyday lives.'

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Sweden: greater unemployment rate amongst men

Article here. Excerpt:

'The difference between the male and female jobless rates in Sweden increased last year, with a higher number of men now unemployed, revealed figures from Eurostat.

There are currently 33,000 more unemployed males than females in Sweden; however, the situation across the rest of Europe does not mirror that of the Scandinavian country.
Furthermore, in Norway, where unemployment is also higher amongst males than females, women receive generous parental allowances and are given the opportunity to keep their jobs after pregnancy.'

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Woman charged in faith-healing death of baby son gets bail; judge denies release of husband

Story here. Excerpt:

'PHILADELPHIA — A Philadelphia faith-healing believer charged with murder after a second son died of pneumonia has been granted bail, but her husband must stay in jail.

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U.S. State Department: Pushing Forward Gender Driven Growth

Link here. Excerpt:

'Chief Economist Heidi Crebo-Rediker will deliver an address entitled “Pushing Forward Gender Driven Growth” on Monday, June 24, from 12:00-2:00 p.m. in the C. Fred Bergsten Conference Center at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, 1750 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036.

This event is open to the press but by invitation only to the general public.
In her address, Chief Economist Crebo-Rediker will highlight cutting edge work on the issue in both advanced and emerging economies. She will argue for the importance of elevating and mainstreaming this work through the efforts of the U.S. government, multilateral and other institutions.'

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Women charged with using antifreeze as poison to murder father, son

Story here. Note that two male relatives are killed in domestic murders, yet neither the headline nor the lead paragraph mentions that the victims are males. Excerpt:

'KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A Missouri woman and her daughter confessed to fatally poisoning two relatives with antifreeze and attempting to kill a third over a 14-month period, according to court documents.

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New U.S. Amb. to Belgium Announced After Accusations of Soliciting Underage Prostitutes

Article here. (Review previous MANN item here.) Excerpt:

'This evening, the White House announced a new nominee to be the next U.S. ambassador to Belgium:

President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key Administration posts:

· Denise Bauer – Ambassador to Belgium, Department of State

The announcement comes only weeks after the current ambassador to Belgium, Howard Gutman, was accused of soliciting underage prostitutes. As the New York Post reported recently:

WASHINGTON — A State Department whistleblower has accused high-ranking staff of a massive coverup — including keeping a lid on findings that members of then-Secretary Hillary Clinton’s security detail and the Belgian ambassador solicited prostitutes.

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Going Galt: Why men are boycotting marriage, fatherhood and the American Dream

Article here. Excerpt:

'Okay, in fairness, I’m the guy who wrote “The silent war on noncollege-educated white men.” But most observers of this phenomenon have concluded that we just need to “man up.” That is, until now. Dr. Helen Smith’s new book, Men on Strike is decidedly different, inasmuch as she argues that if men are checking out of society, it’s only because we are making rational decisions about changing incentives.

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Sex, Lies and the War on Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'A massive twit-storm washed over your humble columnist yesterday, set off by our Wall Street Journal op-ed defending an Obama nominee and the rights of criminal defendants. To recap briefly: Sen. Claire McCaskill has placed a "permanent hold" on the nomination of Gen. Susan Helms to be vice commander of the Air Force Space Command. McCaskill is punishing Helms for having granted clemency to an officer under her command, Capt. Matthew Herrera, who was convicted of aggravated sexual assault.

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President Repeats False “Equal Pay” Statistic Claiming Women Earn 77 Percent of What Men Do

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Obama repeated a myth about equal pay and pay discrimination, as the economist Diana Furchtgott-Roth notes at RealClearMarkets:

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Man found by wife tied up and decapitated-- suicide suspected

I can't make this stuff up. Tell me, in what bizarre, complicated way would one need to come up with to pull this off? Excerpt:

'Police say a woman who lives in the home found her husband dead in the garage.

His hands and feet were tied and the body had been decapitated.

Tulsa police told KRMG news the death was due to suicide.'

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NPO: Dads Pay Heavier Price than Moms for Taking Flex Time

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the seemingly infinite complaints voiced by the anti-father crowd is that men spend too much time at paid work. It was one of Gideon Burrows gripes in his piece in the Huffington Post UK. According to them, fathers’ working forces women into childcare which, presumably, they’d never do were it not for those selfish dads.

Needless to say, none of these shoot-from-the-hip commenters ever suggests that it might work the other way around – that if Mom would earn a little more, Dad wouldn’t have to and he could spend more time with little Andy or Jenny. Nor do they acknowledge that female human beings, like females of every mammalian species, are hormonally bonded to their children. The idea that mothers might be staying home with the kids because one of the most powerful forces in nature encourages them to goes unmentioned. No, the anti-dad crowd is, well, anti-dad, and can be counted on to spin essentially anything to blame fathers.'

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