Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2013-06-27 01:31
Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2013-06-27 01:04
Article here. Excerpt:
'The case is this: if you are able to listen, dare listen, and you are willing to listen to what is clear and obvious: of course you do not need to cut your newborns to win Gods acceptance, a horrifying question emerges from the mists: does this mean that something is wrong in Judaism? The answer is, yes. Of course it is wrong to maintain a practice which involves that one – unnecessarily – cuts parts from small children’s small bodies. Imagine if our neighbors – for religious reasons – had the habit of cutting their earlobes, the outer joint of their little finger or the nipples of their babies. Just like that, off with them. We would never allow that to happen. Nevertheless we accept something even worse: the cutting into and cutting off parts of children’s private and intimate sexual organs.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2013-06-27 00:59
An update from John Kimble:
I thought it was time to update people on the progress that we've made on the issue of O2/Symantec censoring and defaming men's human rights sites.
Firstly I want to thank everyone who had blogged about this issue, it's fantastic to see it discussed in so many different places and even in different languages. I thought this article on Trigger Alert was particularly good and Tom Golden has written a nice piece on AVoiceForMen, too. There's a even Youtube video helping bring the message to a wider audience which I thoroughly recommend viewing and also plenty of material over at Fathers for Life.
I've written several new articles further investigating the issue which are essential viewing, for example highlighting some extreme feminists sites that aren't blocked, how feminists get their sites unblocked, and how O2/Symantec even treat men's rights websites as more hateful than far right groups. I also contacted ISP Review who wrote a good article on the issue which led to Symantec blocking a radical feminist site.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2013-06-26 20:33
Article here. Excerpt:
'Sweden's Finance Minister Anders Borg has indicated that a law requiring more women in the boardroom is becoming more likely, describing the continuing lack of gender balance in Swedish firms as a "significant problem".
"It is obvious that this is being solved at a very, very slow pace. I think that the arguments against the legislation are gradually eroding and that the reasons for considering legislation have strengthened," Borg said to the Dagens Nyheter daily.
Borg argued that improvements are "not even close" to what is acceptable and in relation to business leaders arguments against the need for legislation.
The finance minister's threat comes as the proportion of women in the boardroom in Swedish firms has in fact declined to 2010 levels - 26.4 percent - according to the GMI Ratings 2012 Women on Boards Survey.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2013-06-26 15:12
Story here. Excerpt:
'CANBERRA, Australia (AP) - Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard was ousted as Labor Party leader Wednesday by her predecessor, Kevin Rudd, in a vote of party lawmakers hoping to avoid a huge defeat in upcoming elections.
The ballot took place three years and two days after Gillard ousted Rudd in a similar internal government showdown to become the country's first female prime minister. Wednesday's vote makes Rudd leader of the party, but he is not yet prime minister and may not get the job if lawmakers abandon Labor's ruling coalition.'
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Submitted by Minuteman on Wed, 2013-06-26 14:04
This is a response to the document "2014 Viral Hepatitis Action Plan" [FR Document Number: 2013-13332].
The deadline for submissions is 5 July 2013.
This submission can be made by anybody from any country around the world.
Download and save the document from the following link (Click 'Download'):
Email the document to with the subject heading "2014 Viral Hepatitis Action Plan".
In case anyone experiences problems with the above 2shared link, the full-text of the response document is below, which you can copy/paste into the text-editor or wordprocessor of your choice, save to your harddisk, and email to
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Ave. SW.
Room 443-H
Washington, DC 20201
Attention: 2014 Viral Hepatitis Action Plan
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2013-06-26 03:26
Article here. Of interest generally, but the paragraph about 20-something men saying it's impossible to live up to the "male provider role" jumps out. This speaks I think to how the "equality" message has by no means been delivered to the Millenials-- except as it pertains to women being "equal" (or, "more equal", which is more accurate). Despite the bad job prospects generally for Millenials, Millenial women are on average doing quite a bit better professionally and economically than the men. So why aren't they asking themselves about living up to a "provider role" paradigm? Of course we know the answer to this question already. Excerpt:
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2013-06-26 01:53
Story here. Excerpt:
'The Brooklyn EMT who callously refused to help a dying pregnant woman because she was on her coffee break saw her official misconduct charge dropped today after EMS chief Abdo Nahmod — who initially supported the case against her — flip-flopped, leaving frustrated Brooklyn prosecutors no choice but to dismiss the case.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2013-06-25 22:44
Article here. Excerpt:
'OKLAHOMA CITY – An Oklahoma man said he was almost obligated to pay thousands of dollars to support two children who, as it turned out, weren’t even his.
Now his attorney is pushing for changes in DHS policies and state law.
Family law attorney Lawrence Goodwin admits he doesn’t like deadbeat dads who avoid child support but he also doesn’t like deceptive moms.
“I have the same disdain for people who mislead another human being and have them obligated to be a father of a child that they’re not,” Goodwin said.
“You have 60 days to come back and say ‘I made a mistake. It’s not my kid. I took a DNA test’, or ‘she told me the truth and it’s not my child’,” Goodwin said.
After that 60-day deadline, Okla. law states a man would have to prove he was deceived into thinking he was the biological father, by “fraud, duress or material mistake of fact”… within two years.”'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2013-06-25 22:38
Article here. (If you get a login challenge, copy and paste the paragraph below into Google search and click the first search results hit.) Excerpt:
'The statistics that Ms. Smith proffers are impressively dismal. Male workforce participation has plummeted. In 1970, some 80% of working-age men were employed full-time, in contrast to the 66% employed full-time nowadays, Ms. Smith notes. Women today earn 58% of U.S. bachelor's degrees. This is partly because, as Christina Hoff Sommers wrote in her 2001 book, "The War Against Boys" (cited admiringly by Ms. Smith), the K-12 education system that feeds into college favors docile, conformist girls over aggressive, competitive boys. Colleges, as well, are riddled with feminist ideology, decimate their athletic programs in the name of Title IX and regard male students as likely rapists in their interactions with their female classmates.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2013-06-25 19:40
Story here. Excerpt:
'An English teacher allegedly told a 16-year-old pupil 'I bet you won't be able to keep up with me' before having sex with him in her car.
Emma Ager, 34, from Wales, is also reported to have told the boy that he would be 'a legend' amongst his friends following their trysts.
The relationship came to light after the boy's mother found out her son was getting inappropriate phone calls and texts from Miss Ager and contacted his school – but at the time she had no idea that their contact had become sexual.
Miss Ager is now up before a disciplinary hearing accused of unacceptable professional conduct and falling short of the standard expected of a registered teacher.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2013-06-25 19:38
Story here. Excerpt:
'A Masterton woman falsely claimed to have been raped because she wanted police to give her a ride home after watching a male strip show.
Helen Maree Bidlake, 25, was yesterday convicted of making a false statement and sentenced to 100 hours' community work when she was sentenced in Masterton District Court.
According to the police summary of facts, on April 17 Bidlake, who is unemployed, attended a male strip show in Greytown.
She did not want to pay for a taxi back to Masterton so rang 111 and said she had been raped by a male she had met at the show.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2013-06-25 19:27
Article here. Excerpt:
'I wrote a while back that Obama Inc. will not be satisfied until it transforms the military into the same warped culture of the left. And that includes the usual “Men are Evil” courses transplanted from Berkeley to the Air Force Academy.
Courses on gender have nothing to do with preventing sexual assaults. To fight rape, you increase security and reporting. And you arrest rapists.
Fighting rape by teaching gender theory is like fighting armed robbery by teaching Communism.
"His spring class will offer an opportunity to examine violence committed by males, a topic that is often overlooked because “people in dominate groups have the luxury of having their identity remain invisible,” Kilmartin said."
Translating that from libspeak, no one ever talks about male violence because of the patriarchy. No one. Ever. You never see it in movies or on the news.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2013-06-25 15:15
Article here. Excerpt:
'WASHINGTON — A divided Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that federal law doesn’t require that a Native American girl be given back to her biological father, but also doesn’t clear her adoptive parents to immediately regain custody of the now 3-year-old child.
In a resolution that one justice said could compound “the anguish this case has caused,” the high court voted 5-4 to send the case back to courts in South Carolina to determine the final home for an adopted little girl named Veronica.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2013-06-25 11:26
Article here. Excerpt:
'Employers are avoiding liberal arts majors like the plague. As the Wall Street Journal has noted, recent college grads with English, philosophy and history majors face unemployment rates just below 10 percent.
But, wait. There’s more. Turns out, a person with a passable technical background can spend a few intensive, hands-on weeks in a boot camp learning how to write code. That person can then waltz directly into a well-paying gig in the tech industry.
Seattle-based Code Fellows, a company that specializes in computer-programming education, offers the boot camps in Ruby on Rails, an open-source web application framework.
Code Fellows is now rolling out a boot camp exclusively for women interested in breaking into the software industry.
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