International Physicians Protest Against AAP's Policy on Infant Male Circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'(BERLIN) - Circumcision conflicts with children’s rights and doctors’ oath and can have serious long-term consequences, state an international group of 38 physicians from 16 European countries in Pediatrics today. They comment on the American Academy of Pediatrics’ new policy on infant male circumcision.

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WSJ: Do the Health Benefits of Neonatal Circumcision Outweigh the Risks?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Circumcision rates in the U.S. have been falling since the 1960s, when the vast majority of infant boys had their foreskins removed before leaving the hospital.

These days, approximately 57% of boys are circumcised in U.S. hospitals, with the procedure generally being more common among whites and less common among black and Hispanic populations, according to estimates. Other boys are circumcised in religious ceremonies shortly after birth.
Rather than admit a serious mistake, we ignore the harm and produce endless inflated medical claims to defend our bias. Some research shows that circumcision is favored more often by circumcised physicians. If they participate in pro-circumcision studies or committees, circumcision status could influence their work.

Watch a circumcision video and trust your feelings, instincts, common sense and nature. You will want to keep your baby safe from specious genital surgery and trauma.'

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IA: Take action on TriHealth's circumcision instrument study

The media is refusing to cover a study being conducted at a hospital in Cincinnati on 200+ infant boys. The researchers are testing which of two circumcision clamps (the Gomco vs. the Mogen) is "better," by measuring the weight of blood soaked gauzes after the procedure, and assessing babies' pain during the surgery by observing their vital signs and facial expressions. We are preparing a major campaign, but here are two things you can do right now:

  • Follow @TriHealth on Twitter and post tweets telling them to stop their Gomco vs. Mogen circumcision study; use the hashtag #stoptrihealthstudy.
  • Post on TriHealth's corporate Facebook page, demanding that they stop the Gomco vs. Mogen study.


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Wife gets life for severing US man's penis

Link here. Excerpt:

'A US woman who cut off her husband's penis and threw it in a garage disposal has been sentenced to life in prison with possibility of parole.
Kieu, 50, can seek parole in seven years.

Prosecutors said Kieu drugged her husband's tofu with sleeping pills and screamed "You deserve it!" before attacking him with a kitchen knife.

She was convicted of torture and aggravated mayhem.

Her lawyer argued that she had mental health problems stemming from childhood molestation and sexual abuse by her husband.'

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"Message from Circumcised Young Man to History & Message to My Mother"

Recorded by an Egyptian man. Heartbreaking. But men who have been assaulted like this when younger must speak out; men so abused when babies have no conscious memories, but when victimized like this in adolescence-- they can speak out. And, I'm glad to see this evidence that indeed, this is becoming an issue in the Muslim parts of the world as well, not just the Judeo-Christian and more secularized areas. Video here. Transcript here. Excerpt:

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Jeb Bush to give award to Hillary Clinton

Article here. And in related news, the sun reportedly rose in the west this morning. The 1970s had "Hanoi Jane". The 2010s have "Benghazi Hillary". Excerpt:

'Jeb Bush will present Hillary Clinton with the 2013 Liberty Medal this fall in Philadelphia.

It could be an awkward encounter for the two, both of whom are mentioned as 2016 presidential nominees for their respective parties.

Bush, the former Republican governor of Florida, is chairman of the National Constitution Center, which is giving Clinton the award in honor of her career in public service and her advocacy efforts on behalf of women.

The former secretary of State is considered the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination in the next presidential election, but has made no political moves since leaving the Obama administration. Instead, she has focused on charity work through The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.'

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The Majority of Military Sexual Assault Victims Are Men. Now Maybe We Can Fix This?

Article here. Excerpt:

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UK: Stress, anxiety most common reasons for sick leave, affecting men at higher rates

Article here. Contrary to "conventional wisdom". Excerpt:

'Stress and anxiety are the leading causes of sickness in the UK's workforce, accounting for more than a third of doctors' notes to employers, research has shown.

A survey of tens of thousands of GPs' sick notes found that 35 per cent of illnesses were linked to stress, anxiety or depression.

In one doctors' surgery, more than half of employees' absentee sick notes were described as being down to 'mild to moderate mental health disorders'.

The figures come as additional research reveals that those who are concerned that stress might harm their health are twice as likely to suffer a heart attack than those who thought it had no effect.

The government's sick note scheme, renamed the fit note in April 2010, was designed to help employers back into work after a week of illness.'

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SAVE: Join Senator McCain in Demanding Answers from the DOJ over Campus Censorship

On May 9 the federal government issued a decision that expands the definition of sexual harassment and removes free speech on campus. This has triggered 100 critical editorials.

On June 26 Arizona Senator John McCain sent a letter to the Department of Justice challenging its recent settlement with the University of Montana.

We fully support the senator's efforts, and we'd like to see more lawmakers follow suit. That's where you come in.

Urge your senators to join with Sen. McCain to restore free speech on college campuses. Call 1-866-220-0044.

Thank you for helping college students all across the country.

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UK: Soldier tells how false rape claims ruined his life

Article here. Excerpt:

'A SOLDIER arrested for a rape that never happened told how the allegation has ruined his life - as his accuser was jailed for eight months.

The young father's relationship fell apart amid whispering in his community after Philippa Costello claimed she had been attacked in April 2011.

He was arrested and held for 15 hours, had intimate samples taken, and had to wait two months before the investigation against him was dropped.
She did not confess until she was due to go on trial last month on a charge of doing an act tending or intended to pervert the course of justice.

Her barrister, Alun Jones, told the court yesterday: "She felt stuck in a track. When she found herself in that hole, she kept digging, and she regrets that."

Judge Michael Taylor told Costello: "It is a tragedy for you to be standing before me in court today . . . I regret to say a prison sentence is inevitable.

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Male Domestic Abuse Victim: My Wife Tried To Stab Me

Article and video here. Excerpt:

'Female victims are often the focus of initiatives against domestic abuse. But according to a 2010 report from the Centers for Disease Control, more than one in four men in the U.S. experience rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime, and one in seven men experience severe physical violence from an intimate partner. Justin Nutt, founder of Acts of Random Kindness and survivor of domestic abuse, shared his story recently on HuffPost Live.
"It escalated to a point where the police were called when she tried to stab me, after we had been out and she had done things in a bar with a guy, and [then said] that was my fault," Nutt said. "It took two years before I could really say it wasn't that I didn't love her well enough or I didn't try hard enough. It was a long time before I was able to say, 'yeah I was abused.'"'

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Woman Runs Over Lover With SUV After Only Three Months Of Dating

Story here. Excerpt:

'Demarco Dent (pictured) is lucky to be alive after Iyana Mentor (pictured below), his lover of only three months, allegedly tried to run him down with her SUV three times, succeeding on the last try. Why would she try and run the man down, you may ask? Because he couldn’t spend time with her after getting off work, reports WSB-TV.

Mentor was arrested and is now facing charges of aggravated assault and hit-and-run.

The violent lover’s spat began when Dent asked Mentor to drop him off at a specified location in Clayton County, Ga. As the couple drove on a highway, Dent, who had just gotten off work, alleges that Mentor became angry when he told her he could not spend any time with her because he was tired. Dent then alleges that Mentor did not take his news too kindly and began behaving irrationally, spewing profanities and driving recklessly.'

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Daughter of lesbian couple writes Fathers' Day should be eliminated

Article here. Excerpt:

'Abby Bergman has an ax to grind. An LGBT activist “all her life,” according to her bio, the high school junior is also the daughter of a lesbian couple, and as a result … thinks we should chuck Father’s Day out the window.

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SAVE's collection of DED Editorials

Listing here. Excerpt:

'Following is a listing of editorials and articles criticizing the Department of Education (DED) Sexual Assault Directive and sexual harassment speech code, and calling for the restoration of due process and free speech on campus:


  1. KC Johnson: UNC and a Credulous Press – January 19
  2. Pierce Harlan: The State of the Union for the Wrongly Accused is Bleak - January 21
  3. Joseph Cohn: KC Johnson to Journalists: Stop Presuming Guilt – January 22
  4. Amelia Evrigenis: Sexual Violence on Campus: College Lowers Standards of Proof - January 23
  5. KC Johnson: Yale’s Bizarre Sexual Misconduct Hearings – February 1
  6. Community of the Wrongly Accused: American Association of University Professors Stands Up for the Rights of the Innocent in its New Report on Sexual Assault — February 14


Ed. note: The list entries above are hyperlinked on the target page. I'm just too lazy to copy them over into the list when they are right there on SAVE's site. =)

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McCain Demands Answers from DOJ over Campus Censorship “Blueprint”

Article here. Excerpt;

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