'My step-by-step programme for curing men of sexism'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Many men today think sexism is a perilous concept to get their heads around. Guys, it isn’t.

Simply don’t treat women as a lower human category to you and you’re fine and dandy. Several famous men have messed up recently with woeful chauvinist blunderings. Let’s examine where they went wrong.'

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Military sexual assault trials complicated by POTUS's admonishment

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON — When President Obama proclaimed that those who commit sexual assault in the military should be “prosecuted, stripped of their positions, court-martialed, fired, dishonorably discharged,” it had an effect he did not intend: muddying legal cases across the country.

In at least a dozen sexual assault cases since the president’s remarks at the White House in May, judges and defense lawyers have said that Mr. Obama’s words as commander in chief amounted to “unlawful command influence,” tainting trials as a result. Military law experts said that those cases were only the beginning and that the president’s remarks were certain to complicate almost all prosecutions for sexual assault.'

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Sex on Campus: She Can Play That Game, Too

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ask her why she hasn’t had a relationship at Penn, and she won’t complain about the death of courtship or men who won’t commit. Instead, she’ll talk about “cost-benefit” analyses and the “low risk and low investment costs” of hooking up.
It is by now pretty well understood that traditional dating in college has mostly gone the way of the landline, replaced by “hooking up” — an ambiguous term that can signify anything from making out to oral sex to intercourse — without the emotional entanglement of a relationship.

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Sweden: Policewoman beats man with baton for no apparent reason

Article here. The headline calls him a "drunk". Maybe he was intoxicated, but according to the video clip of the assault on him, he sure wasn't acting in a way requiring being beaten and attacked by a dog in order to be arrested. Point of this story is this: Anyone in an authority position can abuse it. Feminists' assertions over the years that women categorically don't or are much less likely than men to do so simply don't bear up to scrutiny, not just in this but in plenty of other cases. Excerpt:

'A video clip showing a Swedish policewoman repeatedly hitting a drunken man with a baton as her police dog appears to go berserk on the streets of Stockholm has shocked experts, while the prosecutor has opened a criminal probe.

"The only thing I can say is that this video gives cause to assume that the police officer has committed a crime," internal affairs prosecutor Mats Åhlund told the Dagens Nyheter (DN) newspaper after being shown a clip of the altercation that took place late on Thursday night.

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Men -- the new second class citizens

Article here. Excerpt:

'In November of last year, I wrote an article for Fox News called The War on Men (which I subsequently expanded to an eBook). To keep it pithy, in the piece I focused on one effect of this war: the lack of marriageable men. But there’s so much more to it. The truth is, men have become second-class citizens.

The most obvious proof is male bashing in the media. It is rampant and irrefutable. From sit-coms and commercials that portray dad as an idiot to biased news reports about the state of American men, males are pounced on left and right. And that’s just the beginning.

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'Woman: Reflections of a Divorced Man'

Book on Amazon UK here. Description:

'I used to have sympathy for the men who would collect their children in the town centre every Saturday morning. They were easy to spot. The glowering looks they would throw at their ex-wives were hard to conceal. Maybe it was to give their children a treat, or maybe it was because they found it hard to cook, but you could see them in the fast food outlets by lunchtime. Little did I know then that I would one day become a McDonald’s dad myself. Disbelief, anger, inadequacy, rejection, bitterness, shock, fear, and loneliness are but some of the emotions that divorce brings to the average man. This is my story of how I coped with life after the breakdown of my marriage. Join me in a satirical examination of today’s modern “woman”. This book also reveals why women stand talking for hours, what it means when they are not “happy”, and of course the dreaded “speech”. Along the way you will learn why you should purchase a tin helmet when you begin dating again, and why men should really not wash their underpants in the sink.'

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China: Mother stabs infant 90 times with scissors

Story here. Excerpt:

'An eight-month-old boy is lucky to be alive after he was stabbed 90 times by his mother, mostly in the face, for biting her while she was breastfeeding.

Xiao Bao needed more than 100 stitches after the incident in Xuzhou, eastern China's Jiangsu Province.

The infant lives with his mother and two uncles, who make a living recycling rubbish. It was one of the uncles who discovered Xiao Bao lying in a pool of blood in the yard of their home and rushed him to hospital.

The child’s mother later confessed that she stabbed the baby after he bit her during breastfeeding.

Neighbours have pleaded with the local government to take the baby away, but they have said that they will not.

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Paternity-Leave Facebook Post Shows Dads May Not Have It All, Either

Article here. Excerpt:

'While working moms deal with the well-known tangle of exhaustion, guilt, criticism and debates about having it all, there’s another species of parent that has its own complex issues: the working dad.

Specifically, those working dads who get and take paternity leave. All of their paternity leave.

It’s a land mine–laden topic that doesn’t get nearly enough attention. But on Sunday, Facebook employee Tom Stocky helped put it in the spotlight with a frank and enlightening personal essay on Facebook to his 136,026 followers. He soon made the post public and, as of Thursday afternoon, it had garnered 5,745 likes, 2,900 shares and around 100 thoughtful comments. And it’s really worth a read.'

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California Considers ‘Jason Patric’ Law to Boost Sperm Donors’ Rights as Fathers

Article here. Excerpt:

'As family law struggles to keep up with technology, California state legislature is considering a bill that would give fathers of children conceived using sperm donation greater legal standing. The bill was inspired by the public custody battle between actor Jason Patric and his ex-girlfriend, Danielle Schreiber.

To be clear, the proposed bill, H.B. 115, does not propose to make anonymous sperm donors the legal fathers of the children conceived through artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization (IVF). Men who donate sperm to fertility clinics would not be considered a child’s “natural parent” unless the couple agreed prior to conception in writing that the donor was to be considered the father.

Rather, it would give courts the ability to grant legal parental rights under broader conditions than presently allowed.'

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Canada: Report clears RCMP in case of wife who sought hit man

Story here. Excerpt:

'A federal commission has found that the RCMP acted reasonably in dealing with a Nova Scotia woman who tried to hire a hit man to kill her husband.

The Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP released a report Wednesday morning that said the Mounties who dealt with Nicole Doucet had no evidence for claims that her husband, Michael Ryan, had abused her.

“It is my conclusion that the RCMP did not refuse to assist Ms. Doucet; on the contrary, RCMP members were responsive to the family’s conflicts,” commission chairman Ian McPhail said in a news release.

“I conclude that the RCMP acted reasonably in each of its dealings with Ms. Doucet and her family, and did not fail to protect her.”
Doucet, formerly Nicole Ryan, was charged in 2008 with counselling to commit the murder of her then-husband. She was acquitted, using the defence of duress, and the the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal upheld the decision.

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‘Don’t be that girl’ posters in Edmonton spark debate

Article here. Excerpt:

'EDMONTON – Posters spreading a message that Edmonton police have been trying to fight for years with their “Don’t be that guy” campaign is generating mixed reviews, as well as a conversation in our city about sexual assault.

The Mens Rights Edmonton association is taking responsibility for the campaign. One of its members, who did not want to identify himself, says this poster campaign was intended to counter the “Don’t be that guy” campaign that he says made “rape into a gendered issue.”

“We don’t blame victims for anything, we’re simply looking for an accurate discourse on the subject.”
Robert says, “No place in that ad does it say rape is right. It is okay to slam men but when an ad like this is out it suddenly is pro rape? Once again it does not say rape is right so why read more into it?”

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Boys To Men: Where The Trouble Is

Article here. Excerpt:

'Some thirty years ago educators and social science types, motivated in part by the women’s movement but also by real gaps in achievement between boys and girls, began to recognize the need to address the particular educational and emotional needs of girls, and to fashion opportunities in the classroom and elsewhere that would allow girls to flourish. As the father of a teenage daughter I am grateful for this; my child has opportunities and accommodations that were not available to girls when I was a teenager, and that were undreamed of when my mother was her age.

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'The Mask You Live In'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Compared to girls, research shows that boys in the U.S. are more likely to be diagnosed with a behavior disorder, prescribed stimulant medications, fail out of school, binge drink, commit a violent crime, and/or take their own lives.

Jennifer Siebel Newsom's new documentary film, The Mask You Live In, asks: As a society, how are we failing our boys?
The Mask You Live In documentary will examine how gender stereotypes are interconnected with race, class, and circumstance, and how kids are further influenced by the education system, sports culture, and mass media- video games and pornography in particular. The film also highlights the importance of placing emphasis on the social and emotional needs of boys through healthy family communication, alternative teaching strategies, conscious media consumption, positive role modeling and innovative mentorship programs.'

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Single Women Buying Homes More Than Single Men, Report Says

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to the National Association of Realtors' 2012 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, single women make up 18 percent of homeowners -- compared to 10 percent of single men. The report notes that single women have been buying homes at almost twice the rate of single men since the mid-1990s.

Despite the challenges that single lady potential homeowners face -- backlash from family and friends, for example -- women are increasingly making it work. It's also important to note that childless, single women are actually on track to outearn their male counterparts in many metro areas. This could allow greater numbers of women in this demographic to make major purchases, such as new property.'

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Sex crime charges dropped after former teacher marries victim

Story here. Excerpt:

'Sex charges against a former math teacher at a Vina, Ala., high school were dismissed after she married the student with whom she allegedly had a sexual relationship.

Kimberly Dawn Bynum was indicted on felony charges in 2011 for her alleged sexual relationship with a 17-year-old high school senior. Bynum's trial was postponed at least once before the teacher, who was 29 at the time of her arrest, married the student.

In a motion filed July 2 to dismiss the charges against Bynum, Franklin County District Attorney Joey Rushing stated that neither the alleged victim, nor his family, nor local law enforcement wanted the trial to go forward, according to ABC affiliate WAAY.
The age of consent is Alabama is 16, but laws prohibit educators from becoming sexually involved with students under the age of 19, according to the Franklin County Times.'

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