Men and Women are the Same — Except when Women are Better

Article here. Excerpt:

'Why are some men generous while others are stingy? An interesting article titled “Why Men Need Women” in the New York Times recently claims the presence of females make males more generous.
Presumably, this is an interesting, feel-good article that makes us all happy that there are males and females who complement each other by playing their specific gender roles. But wait just one second.

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Kathleen Parker commentary: Let's encourage men to behave better, not women to be worse

Article here. Excerpt:

Redemption is in the air, we keep hearing. Americans don’t care about a person’s sex life because, well, they have one, too, and, hey, we all have weeds in our garden.
Our available data on the double standard is limited in part because fewer women than men are in public office. But also, in the main, women don’t behave as men do. The male libido is simply greater, which accounts for both the Sistine Chapel and Attila the Hun.

Popular culture seems determined to change this timeless truth by encouraging girls to be more like boys, and vice versa. The stakes are clear: If girls can be portrayed as just as bad as boys, then males have no obligation to mitigate their natural dominant, exploitive inclinations.

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The gender gap on college campuses

Article here. Excerpt:

'The dominance of female students at U.S. colleges these days is hardly a secret, but the extent of it sometimes is staggering.

An acquaintance who teaches honors seminars at Colorado State University recently told me, for example, that "last year, of 21 in my seminar, there were four boys. The year before, there were three.

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Cornelia Pillard nominated to DC Circuit Court of Appeals

Article here. Excerpt:

'I was amazed (though I shouldn’t have been) to learn of Pillard’s pet legal theory — that abstinence-only sex education is unconstitutional. Pillard wants federal judges to require “egalitarian sex education.” What does that mean?

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Knowing when enough is enough

Not unrelated to the topic of this MANN post, see this story and watch the video. Speaks for itself. Far too many men routinely put up with this kind of behavior. It's one thing to get angry with your mate and have some kind of argument. It's another thing entirely to act like this. Good for him that he's finally said "Enough". Excerpt:

'"After dealing with her drinking problems (“she is on probation for a DUI”), trying to patch things up through marriage counseling (“she showed up 10 minutes late and left”), and suffering in silence while she repeatedly tried “to convince all of her friends that I was always yelling and cussing,” Jim decided to call it a day,” the website notes.

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UNICEF Report: Millions of girls still face FGM risk -- no mention of boys

Article here. Of course, FGM must be stopped. However, so must MGM. This is a great opportunity to let UNICEF know you support the end of genital mutilation of children-- children of BOTH sexes. Contact UNICEF here (Subject: Child rights), and their Facebook page is here, where they accept posts. Excerpt:

'(CNN) - The largest report yet into the extent of female genital mutilation, or cutting, has shed new light onto a practice that affects tens of millions of women and girls worldwide, U.N children's agency UNICEF said.

There is some positive news in the new UNICEF report, with data on trends revealing that the practice is becoming less common in more than half of the 29 countries where it is concentrated.

But some 30 million girls remain at risk of being cut in the next decade unless efforts to eliminate the practice make more headway.

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Everywhere and nowhere: on masculinity and breaking the rules

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's commonplace in our culture — and cultures around the world — to simply accept the fact that most crimes are perpetrated by men; we call them "attackers," "assailants," "suspects" and "accused" (and mayors and senators and chiefs of staff ...) and talk about their deeds and their punishments, but the thing that binds them together — their masculinity — remains invisible because it's excluded from public discourse.

Feminism quite rightly identifies the ways in which men hold a disproportionate amount of power in the world, be it financial, professional, corporate, political, religious or familial. However, men also make up about 95 per cent of Canada's prison population. Men account for 97 per cent of Canadian workplace deaths. About 70 per cent of Canadian homicide victims are male. Men are about two-and-a-half times more likely to die in a car accident than women, and 82 per cent of impaired driving charges are laid against men.

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'Feminists Just Want to Fight'

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the pink corner, we have the rowdy mob of angry feminists. Prepared to fight everything in the interests of 'female first'. They are addicted to protest, being put in the pink corner for starters.
Meanwhile the pink corner are up and shadow boxing. The Everyday Sexism Project encourages women to record casual experiences of misogyny with the aim of showing sexism does exist and is a valid problem to discuss.

Yet this bias in favour of the pink corner seems to be widespread. Women have so many things exclusively for their own gender: Women's Hour, a Women's Book Prize; the Top 100 Business Women, the Top 100 Powerful Women, Business Woman of the Year, the list goes on and on.
The pink corner need to stop looking for a fight. Perhaps it is time for the pink corner to recognise if they want to be told they are special they need to find someone to love.'

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SAVE E-lert: Tell DA Carletta Bassano It's Not Back to 'Business as Usual'

Last week we told you the disappointing news about Asst. District Attorney Mary Kellett in Maine. After violating numerous ethical rules for six years, Kellett is getting off with a gentle love-tap on the wrist with a fluffy feather.

While we can't do anything to change this decision, we can make sure that Kellett's boss DA Carletta Bassano knows we are still watching.

This week, politely email Bassano and urge her to bring an end to the pattern of unethical conduct in her office. Ask her to assure the prosecutors in her office:

1. Bring an end to gender bias in charging decisions
2. Assure they have probable cause before charging anyone with sexual assault - a mere allegation does not constitute probable cause!

Contact Info:

Carletta M. Bassano, District Attorney
Phone: 207-667-4621

On behalf of the many victims of ADA Mary Kellett, thank you,

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Anne-Marie Slaughter: 'I think we need a men's movement'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Anne-Marie Slaughter strides backstage after her latest TED talk, fast-talking and hungry – she hasn't had time for breakfast yet, and it's well past midday. A little over a year ago, Slaughter was a highly respected but relatively anonymous academic. Her life changed last June, when her article for The Atlantic, Why Women Still Can't Have It All, became the most read in the magazine's history. Almost 220,000 people shared it on Facebook.

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India: A woman activist who fights for men’s rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'She is an activist with a difference.

Dr Indu Subhash of Lucknow took Bareilly by storm on Sunday as she rooted for the rights of men in the country and advocated formation of a National Men’s Commission.

Her fight against “gender-biased laws” drew massive response from the people here, including women, who volunteered to take up the cause at their level.

“All laws are gender-biased and spoiling the lives of men. There are a number of men who commit suicide as laws, which should ideally be building families, are becoming the reason for their breakdown,” said Subhash, a Ph D in women’s studies, addressing a gathering held at Novelty Crossing.

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"Why Men Need Women"

Ahh, the NY Times does it again, with another hit piece on men, this time from a Wharton School professor. Really, the Times has become so predictable and so self-destructive to its own subscription base. Tell me, if women seem to be so much better at so many things than men, then why is the current executive editor of the Times driving it headlong into the ground at break-neck speed? Alienating fully half your subscriber base repeatedly by trashing them simply makes bad business sense, but you'd think she'd've figured that out by now. Excerpt:

'New evidence reveals a surprising answer. The mere presence of female family members — even infants — can be enough to nudge men in the generous direction.

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"Women still earn about 77 cents for every dollar a man earns for working the same job"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Democratic gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe is pledging to increase penalties against Virginia employees who discriminate against women in terms of pay.

"The gender wage gap is real, and women still earn about 77 cents for every dollar a man earns for working the same job," McAuliffe says in a video on his his campaign website.

McAuliffe, in his statement, became the latest in a growing list of Democrats to mischaracterize an actual figure on the gender wage gap released by the U.S. Census Bureau. Other notables include President Barack Obama and former President Jimmy Carter.

McAuliffe is wrong to say that the 77-cent figure describes the actual pay difference between men and women "working the same job."

The 77-cent figure compares the median pay of all full time, year-round male and female workers, regardless of occupation.

Many experts say some of the gap is likely caused by discrimination, but most of it is due to career choices.'

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Luring a teenage boy into her web

Article here. Excerpt:

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Just came across this site:

I think it might be a good resource for men struggling to find ways to deal with disempowering relationships of all kinds, etc. Off-linked was this article: Weak men who try to please and from that, by the same author on her web site: It’s Time Men Stand Up and Say “No!”. She pretty much lays it out good. Excerpt:

'The feminist movement has upset the apple cart for men. Women have blamed men for all the problems and accepted none of the responsibility. Years ago, women were the victims. Now it’s turned around, and men are.
Men are damned if the do and damned if they don’t. They’re accused of trying to get the upper hand if they pay for dinner, and of being cheap when they don’t. They’re chauvinists if they open doors and inconsiderate if they don’t. They’re macho if they don’t show feelings and wimps if they do.

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