"Why Men Need Women"

Ahh, the NY Times does it again, with another hit piece on men, this time from a Wharton School professor. Really, the Times has become so predictable and so self-destructive to its own subscription base. Tell me, if women seem to be so much better at so many things than men, then why is the current executive editor of the Times driving it headlong into the ground at break-neck speed? Alienating fully half your subscriber base repeatedly by trashing them simply makes bad business sense, but you'd think she'd've figured that out by now. Excerpt:

'New evidence reveals a surprising answer. The mere presence of female family members — even infants — can be enough to nudge men in the generous direction.

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"Women still earn about 77 cents for every dollar a man earns for working the same job"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Democratic gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe is pledging to increase penalties against Virginia employees who discriminate against women in terms of pay.

"The gender wage gap is real, and women still earn about 77 cents for every dollar a man earns for working the same job," McAuliffe says in a video on his his campaign website.

McAuliffe, in his statement, became the latest in a growing list of Democrats to mischaracterize an actual figure on the gender wage gap released by the U.S. Census Bureau. Other notables include President Barack Obama and former President Jimmy Carter.

McAuliffe is wrong to say that the 77-cent figure describes the actual pay difference between men and women "working the same job."

The 77-cent figure compares the median pay of all full time, year-round male and female workers, regardless of occupation.

Many experts say some of the gap is likely caused by discrimination, but most of it is due to career choices.'

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Luring a teenage boy into her web

Article here. Excerpt:

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Just came across this site: http://malecodependence.com/

I think it might be a good resource for men struggling to find ways to deal with disempowering relationships of all kinds, etc. Off-linked was this article: Weak men who try to please and from that, by the same author on her web site: It’s Time Men Stand Up and Say “No!”. She pretty much lays it out good. Excerpt:

'The feminist movement has upset the apple cart for men. Women have blamed men for all the problems and accepted none of the responsibility. Years ago, women were the victims. Now it’s turned around, and men are.
Men are damned if the do and damned if they don’t. They’re accused of trying to get the upper hand if they pay for dinner, and of being cheap when they don’t. They’re chauvinists if they open doors and inconsiderate if they don’t. They’re macho if they don’t show feelings and wimps if they do.

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Australia: Chief Commissioner Ken Lay says more men need to stand up against domestic violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'CHIEF Commissioner Ken Lay has put violent men who attack their wives and partners on notice: you will be vilified by the community.

Declaring family violence one of the most significant law-and-order problems in Victoria, Mr Lay said men of all socio-economic backgrounds had to face up to the consequences of their crimes.

"I know of some very high-profile people, some very well-respected people that bash their wives," he said.

"Some men are very good at hiding their violence from those outside the home."'

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Congress Considers Proposals To Lift Young Men From Poverty, But Outlook Is Grim

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House, lawmakers are considering bills that could help lift hundreds of thousands Americans out of poverty. The two bills, both designed to expand eligibility for the Earned Income Tax Credit, have the potential to bring relief to over 300,000 Americans, according to a study by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
“Many of the nation’s most serious social problems are caused by poor young males. They are the demographic group most likely to drop out of school, commit crimes, perpetrate violence on others, including their girlfriends, and desert their children,” Haskins said. “[These] problems are especially serious among young black males, and that the causes for blacks form a tangled web that includes lingering effects of generations of slavery and racial oppression, high levels of school dropout, current discrimination in the job market, astounding rates of arrest and imprisonment, and, ironically, being reared in fatherless families.

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A scientist's view: equality, feminism and men's rights

Article here. Excerpt:0

'Recently scientist Laura Waters wrote a piece explaining “why I’m an equalist and not a feminist.” Molecular biologist and feminist Andrew Holding responds.

The world is against men. This week a man was turned away from Legoland for not having a child, apparently to protect the families and children that visit. Men are not allowed to sit next to unaccompanied children on planes because apparently they’re all paedophiles-in-waiting. I’ve had my own experience of someone alerting the whole of John Lewis that my daughter was abandoned, because she wasn’t near someone who looked like a mother. Then there’s the old issue that only 8% of children in single parent families are with their fathers. Perhaps all this contributes to high suicide rates in young men. So we need equality not feminism? I don’t agree.
So what about single fathers, young men committing suicide, or suggestions that every man is some kind of Schroedinger’s paedophile? The answer to these problems is more feminism.

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Ireland: Upcoming debate to address "feminized" workplaces

Article here. Excerpt:

'I have been asked to preside over a debate in Galway on whether feminism has now definitively triumphed: the event is some time away, but I am sure it will be spirited and lively.

Yet current studies on the victory of feminism are tending to put the conquest in ambivalent terms: is this, as Hanna Rosin asks in a best-selling and influential American study, 'The End of Men: And the Rise of Women'? The author paints a concerning, even alarming, picture of the trends in western (and some eastern) societies. Women are advancing on all fronts, and men, in general, are retreating. Not only retreating, but failing, underachieving, becoming redundant and "useless".
Everywhere (except Africa) women are becoming better-educated, and overtaking men at university level. In 2012, for the first time ever, there were more college-educated women than men, among Americans aged 30 to 44.

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The next general in the war on men’s pay

Article here. Excerpt:

'Having skewered Republicans in 2012 with accusations of a conservative “War on Women,” President Obama is marching ahead to expand government’s reach, particularly in the name of protecting women and promoting “gender pay equity.”
OPM is the government’s chief human resource agency, and as such, can be a powerful weapon in laying the groundwork for greater government oversight over compensation practices. Men struggling economically should take note: They may be among the collateral damage of government’s campaign to build a more “equitable” economy.

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Title IX, budget cuts claimed Michigan State men's lacrosse, men's gymnastics more than a decade ago

Article here. Excerpt:

'More than a decade later, the dismissal of two men’s sports programs at Michigan State still stings to those involved.

Men’s lacrosse and men’s gymnastics were the last two sports programs cut at MSU — both deemed a necessity for the school to get compliant federal Title IX regulations. Lacrosse was cut following the 1996 season, while gymnastics followed in 2001.

“It’s a heartbreaker,” said former MSU men’s gymnastics coach George Szypula, who coached the team from its beginning in 1947 to 1988. “Title IX has been good for the ladies to a point and it’s helped them, but it’s been hurting the men’s programs. We’ve dropped a lot of men’s college programs in wrestling, gymnastics, swimming just to comply with Title IX.”'

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Marine Barracks or College Dorm: Senate Bill Raises False Alarm Over Where Women Are Most Likely to Be Raped

Article here. Excerpt:

'Let’s be candid about the role that drinking plays in many sexual assault cases, both on campus and on base. When men and women drink heavily, judgment (if not vision) blurs. Women, who may be more intoxicated than their male counterparts if they have been matching drink-for-drink throughout the night, may allow themselves to fall into unsafe circumstances. Men, who may become more aggressive and less sensitive to social cues as they over-imbibe, may push sexual contact when consent from their partners is ambiguous at best.

Both sexes need to take responsibility. Young men need to be reminded that drunkenness vitiates consent. Young women need to acknowledge that staying (at least more) sober keeps them safer from certain types of crimes.

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Former cop sues woman over alleged false rape accusation

Story here. Excerpt:

'A former Chicago Police sergeant whose rape conviction was overturned in 2011 has filed a lawsuit against the woman who accused him.
The woman had sued the city in federal court and received a $1.5 million dollar legal settlement, the Sun-Times reported at the time of the 2011 Illinois Appellate Court decision that overturned Herman’s conviction.

According to the suit, Herman had consensual sex with the woman in her apartment on March 9, 2004.

She later accused Herman of kidnapping her, driving to her apartment and forcing her to have sex with him at gunpoint, the Sun-Times reported.

Herman is claiming that the woman’s accusations and the resulting prosecution caused him to lose his job, damaged his reputation and caused him to serve four years in prison.
The three-count suit charges the woman with malicious prosecution, abuse of process and defamation and asks for more than $100,000 in damages.'

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IA: Tell the ACLU: Stop defending forced circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 2011, the ACLUNC* argued that the San Francisco Male Genital Mutilation Bill, a ballot initiative to restrict non-therapeutic circumcision to consenting adults, violated the parental right to subject boys to ritual circumcision in order to satisfy the religious beliefs of some parents. The ACLUNC lent its support in a lawsuit against the city of San Francisco to have the initiative (which received the support of over 12,000 San Francisco voters) removed from the ballot thus squelching democracy by denying voters their voice.

Later that year, the ACLUNC endorsed AB 768, a state law which prohibits any city in California from protecting boys from forced, non-therapeutic circumcision.

In response to outrage from the community over these actions of the ACLUNC, a representative from ACLU National defended the actions of its Northern California affiliate.'

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Police: Woman Lied About Rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman who police say lied about being raped by a masked intruder had actually slashed her body and choked herself with a dog collar in an effort to create "convincing" injuries, according to an affidavit for her arrest.

The woman, Kelly M. Wilson, 29, of 611 Thrall Ave. was arrested July 3 and charged with second-degree falsely reporting an incident, second-degree making a false statement, and misuse of the 911 emergency system. She is free on $50,000 bond and is scheduled to be arraigned in Enfield Superior Court on July 16.'

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Cops: Woman lied on 911 call, claimed boyfriend tossed her out of moving car

Story here.

'A 43-year-old Monmouth County woman was arrested after police said she called 9-1-1 and lied about being assaulted by her boyfriend, according to a report on NJHerald.com.

Laurie Vandeusen of Manalapan called 9-1-1 at about 2:40 a.m. Friday and told the dispatcher that her boyfriend had punched and kicked her, causing her to fall out of a moving car, the report said.

When Hackettstown police arrived at Route 604 and Bilsby Road, Vandeusen was alone and gave them a different name. An investigation revealed that she had $7,000 in outstanding warrants out of several towns in Mercer, Middlesex and Monmouth counties.

Police charged her with falsely calling 9-1-1, obstructing and hindering. She was sent to the Warren County jail after she couldn't post $1,000 bail.'

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