Phillipines: Anti-domestic violence act is not husband-bashing, hate men law

Article here. Excerpt:

'MANILA, Philippines—The Supreme Court has affirmed the constitutionality of the country’s Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act, as it threw out a petition labelling it as a “husband-bashing” and “hate men” law.

In a 37-page decision released Friday, the high court, through Associate Justice Estela Perlas-Bernabe, dismissed petition filed by a certain Jesus Garcia, who said that the law, Republic Act 9262 otherwise, violated the equal protection and due process clause of the Constitution.

Garcia went to the Supreme Court after the Court of Appeals affirmed the Temporary Protection Order issued by the Bacolod City Regional Trial Court in favor of his wife.
In his petition, Garcia insisted that he should be appraised of the case filed against him. He also expressed fear of being stripped of family, property, money, children, job, future employment and reputation.

The high court, however said it is merely a “product of an overactive imagination.”

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HuffPost takes on "Men: The New Second Class Citizens"

Video here. A lot of commentary from Warren Farrell. Caption:

'Suzanne Venker's op-ed for Fox News argues men are becoming second class citizens as a result of a biased education system, the man-bashing media, and female advancement. Could the emphasis on equalization has in fact created a male crisis?'

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Recent research exposes "uncomfortable evidence" challenging preconceptions about male/female sex drive differences

Article here. Excerpt:

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KFC's "Hot Shots" face-slapping ad needs MRA attention

KFC has a new ad with a woman slapping a man. Not amusing. If it were the other way around it would have been gone the next day after it aired. We must contact networks with programming that shows men being assaulted to make our feelings known.

KFC Contact Info:

KFC Corporate
1900 Colonel Sanders Ln
Louisville, KY 40213
(502) 874-8300

Contact form: here.

Note KFC is owned by Yum! Brands. Their investor contact info page is here.

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Kansas sperm donor asks for judgment without trial

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Topeka man being pursued for child support by the state after he donated sperm to a lesbian couple is asking a judge to rule in his favor before a trial.

An attorney for William Marotta filed a motion this week in Shawnee County District Court asking for the summary judgment for his client, contending that the Kansas Department for Children and Families is asking the court to do “what no court has ever done” in concluding that a sperm donor is a father when neither the donor nor the biological mother is seeking that result.

The state contends that Marotta must pay child support because he is the father of a girl born to a lesbian couple in 2009. Marotta argues that he and the couple signed a contract waiving his parental rights and responsibilities.

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NPO: Historic Change in New Hampshire Child Support Guidelines

Article here. Excerpt:

'Effective July 1, 2013, for the first time in New Hampshire’s history, the child support percentage will vary depending upon how much the parents earn. Under the new Child Support Guidelines, the more the parents earn, the lower the percentage of their monthly income they will pay for child support. Child support paid will be based on the percent of combined net income devoted to child support and the number of children in the same household for which child support is paid.

This change is the result of a 2009 economic analysis prepared by the University of New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services/Division of Child Support Services.

The analysis determined that as income increases, the proportion of income spent on supporting a child decreases. As a result, the guidelines were changed to decrease in the percentage of child support to be paid as the combined net income for the parties increase.'

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UK: Boys Wear Skirts To School To Protest Dress Code

Article here. Excerpt:

'When Whitchurch High School in Cardiff, Wales, banned male students from wearing shorts despite sweltering summer temperatures, a group of teenage boys took matters into their own wardrobes and, rather than staging a sit-in, they did one better:

A skirt-on.

According to The Mirror, a group of 17 Year-10 students donned the typically feminine outfits in protest of the school's draconian dress code.

"Girls can wear skirts, so I don’t see why we can’t wear shorts. It’s a reasonable protest," said Tyrone Evelyn, 15, a spokesman for the group. "It’s just appropriate for the weather -- we don’t want to be hot and bothered."'

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Boys Are Slighted When It Comes To 'Teaching Time'

Article here. Excerpt:

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North Carolina law: "Assault On a Female"

Story here. Bizarre enough: a crazy guy breaks into a woman's home and offers to give her a backrub. In no way am I defending his scary, bonkers behavior. What I am doing is pointing out that N. Carolina actually has a separate law called "Assault On A Female". When the law was brought before the NC Court of Appeals in 1979, the judges upheld it, saying it didn't violate the Equal Protection Clause. Feminists decry sexism enshrined in law, but only if it goes against women. Where are their objections to laws going the other way? Excerpt:

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SAVE: For Unethical Maine Prosecutor, Did the Punishment Fit the Offense?

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON / July 24, 2013 – Following announcement of the imposition of light sanctions on prosecutor Mary Kellett, the Center for Prosecutor Integrity is asking whether the punishment was sufficient, considering the severity of the offense.

Last week, Maine Supreme Court Justice Ellen Gorman announced that ADA Mary Kellett would have her license suspended for 30 days, but then stayed the suspension on the condition that Kellett complete six hours of continuing legal education.

Gorman’s decision followed the decision of a Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar panel which found Kellett had violated seven rules of professional conduct. Following an in-depth investigation, the three-member panel termed Kellett’s conduct in a sexual assault case to be “inexcusable” and recommended suspension of her license. The panel found Kellett had concealed exculpatory evidence and misled the jury in her closing arguments.'

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Foreskins and profit

Why this intense push to circumcize as many men as possible anywhere men can be convinced/bribed/forced into allowing this to be done to them? Read about it here. As always, follow the money. Excerpt:

'In an article for The Tyee, Dr. Paul Tinari estimated that a single male foreskin can be worth upwards of $100,000. He argued that men who are circumcised have a right to the revenue made off the resale of their foreskins (just as someone who sells their hair for wigs would, for example).

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UK: Free training offered to draw women into construction sector

And another one here. Excerpt:

'An employment programme in Lambeth is aiming to tackle the lack of women in construction by offering a dedicated course to help kick start new careers in the industry.

Women make up just 10% of the construction workforce with just 1% in manual professions, despite the industry being one of the biggest and most important in the UK.

Now Live Train is offering a free programme, starting with a trade taster day on the 23 July, for potential candidates to try their hand at a number of construction trades including carpentry, tiling, bricklaying, plumbing and plastering.'

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New Jersey governor unveils college scholarships in construction fields exclusively for women and minorities

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women and minorities who want to work in construction-related fields will be eligible for $2,000 in tuition assistance at New Jersey’s county colleges under a new scholarship program launched today.

Gov. Chris Christie unveiled the Governor’s Industry Vocations Scholarship for Women and Minorities program at an event on the campus green at Burlington County Community College in Mount Laurel. The scholarships — known as NJ-GIVS — will allow students to enroll in non-degree certificate programs at the state’s 19 county colleges.
The scholarships represent the first time state financial aid is being offered to New Jersey students in certificate programs that do not lead to a degree. Women and minorities are being targeted for the money because they are historically underrepresented in the construction industry, state officials said.

NJ-GIVS will be funded with money the New Jersey’s Schools Development Authority must set aside from all of its school district construction contracts.'

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Kenya: Men to get cash, food prizes for circumcision

Story here. Excerpt:

'Kenya National Male Circumcision task force and players in the Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision have launched a pilot study to lure men within 24-49 years to circumcision. The initiative is aimed at circumcising male adults.

The awareness will start at greater Nyando before being rolled out to other parts of the region. The initiative will also provide food incentives, cash and shopping vouchers to families of those willing to be circumcised to entice more men to be circumcised.

Project director Kawango Agot said researchers will map out the village and provide volunteers with consent form that is upgraded to voucher or cash after they avail themselves for circumcision.'

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Rabbinical group aims to standardize circumcision in Europe and defend the practice

Article here. Excerpt:

'A European rabbinical group has created a union of mohalim, or ritual circumcisers, in an effort to standardize ritual circumcision and combat attempts to ban it.

Based on the model of Britain’s Initiation Society, the Union of Mohalim in Europe seeks to “unite approved mohalim across Europe under a single banner, ensuring that all communities can be assured of the high level of training and regulation,” according to a statement released Wednesday by the Conference of European Rabbis.
In December 2012, German lawmakers passed a law that guarantees parents the right to circumcise boys for religious reasons. The vote followed a court ruling in Cologne that defined ritual circumcision as causing “bodily harm.” The ruling led to partial bans on circumcision in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and intensified the heated debate over the issue in Scandinavian countries and beyond.'

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