The Circumcision Wars: What's a Parent to Do?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The deadlock began around week 20 of my pregnancy, when my mom casually asked about when and where our son would be circumcised. I presumptuously told her we weren’t going to do that. Then I saw the surprised look on my husbands face.
To begin working our way towards agreement, we consulted the professionals. Our pediatrician was impossible to read and exasperatingly diplomatic. Either decision would be fine, she assured us. We also learned that the American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends circumcision, but not enough to assert that it should be a routine procedure.

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MANN received a note from the owner of letting us know it existed. It addresses divorce and custody issues for fathers. In addition, the site operator hosts another site ( taking on various matters using humorous videos-- humor that nonetheless gets the point across. Consider it NSFW, however, and as the site says, prepare to be offended. Speaking of which, one is hosted here on YouTube doing a matter-of-fact cost analysis of hiring the services of an "escort" weekly vs. the costs associated with being married, then divorced after 7 years and having had two kids.

Ruthlessly analytical and practical. But in today's "modern world", the typical man can't afford to be sentimental when this kind of money's at risk.

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India: ‘Rape count up on false cases’

Article here. Excerpt:

'A spurt in false cases has earned Delhi notoriety as the country's 'rape capital', a court here observed while acquitting a 75-year-old man of the charge of sexually assaulting his maid. The court said things have come to such a pass after the Nirbhaya gang rape in December that the mere statement of a woman about rape is taken as gospel truth, the accused arrested and chargesheeted.

"This led to an unprecedented surge in filing of false rape cases... It is these false cases which play havoc with the crime statistics, leading to the labeling of Delhi as a rape capital," additional sessions judge Virender Bhat said while acquitting Bhopal Sharma.

The court observed that as acquittals in such cases are hardly ever reported, the falsely implicated persons lose their honour, dignity and status in society, and while these cannot be restored, "these victims" can be compensated so that they can start life afresh.

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Pentagon considering affirmative action in combat

Article here. Excerpt:

'Senior military personnel are considering giving women different military training than men, The Washington Times reports.

The effort was proposed by Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Niki Tsongas at a recent House Armed Services Committee hearing because so far, she says training systems do not “maximize the success of women.”

Though the armed services have promised that combat standards will be the same regardless of gender, senior officers are considering initially separate training systems.

Army Lt. Gen. Howard Bromberg, serving as deputy chief of staff for personnel, considers separate training programs to be more about considering all soldiers as individuals, citing a need to explore how the training process works.'

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One Safe Place working to end domestic violence against men and women

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the United States, 15 percent of domestic violence reports are against men. However, the CDC says in a conflicting survey it was much higher, 40 percent in fact.

Many men who suffer domestic violence don’t say anything because of the stigma attached and the lack of resources available. One safe place is working to change that. With the recent rise of domestic violence in Shasta County, the center is hoping to reach out to everyone affected by abuse.

“Men are abused also, and that’s why the Shasta Women’s refuge and Justice Center recently changed their name to One Safe Place,” said One Safe Place Director of Client Services Michael Burke.

Since the recent name change, Burke says more men have come in for help.

“It’s not just about women and families it’s about men and people in dating violence, about any type of family violence or sexual assault that happens in our community,” said Burke.'

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Maine’s workplace fatalities for 2011 jump 30 percent from previous year

Article here. Excerpt:

'The danger of being killed while on the job increased in Maine in 2011 compared to the prior year, according to a new report by the Maine Department of Labor.
By industry, the “transportation and material moving” sector accounted for seven fatalities (27 percent of the total). “Farming, fishing and forestry” and “construction and extraction” occupations each had four fatalities (31 percent), while “service occupations” had three fatalities (12 percent), according to the report. Eight fatalities were recorded within a broad range of occupational categories.
Bourque also said it’s important to remember that the amount of workplace deaths aren’t just numbers.

“It’s tragic,” he said. “People don’t go to work and expect not to make it home, and when they don’t, it’s an incredible tragedy for our society, their families and their workplaces. Every single one of them, in our mind, is preventable. We all need to do more to prevent them.”'

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The Fed Chairmanship: And just what does gender have to do with it?

Article here. At a time when policy missteps at the Fed (not like even qualified Fed chairmen can't make mistakes) will have serious consequences not just for the US but the world, the very last thing that needs to happen is to have *any* irrelevant factors in the decision of who'll be the next Fed chairman be introduced. Well as even feminists have been saying for decades, what's gender got to do with someone's qualifications? But maybe for *today's* feminists, it does. Can the rest of us afford this myopia? Excerpt:

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'Where's Valerie Solanas When You Need Her? What It Really Means To Man-Hate In 2013'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The best part about all of this anti-misandry nonsense is that misandry isn’t real! There is no such thing as an inveterate systematic hatred of men and there never has been. Misandry exists only as an exaggerated Internet joke and as a way in which women who have been directly or indirectly hurt by men to express their frustration and anger.
I am not saying man-hating or declaring yourself as a misandrist is definitively radical since hating men has been and is not abnormal--rather the opposite. To viscerally despise those who indirectly oppress you is nothing new, for women and other minorities. Misandry is only a result and reaction to the invariable hatred of women that has existed for centuries.

If someone is a misandrist, it is not so much a sign of rebellion as it is a condition one has developed out of pure exhaustion with being treated like invaluable piece of meat whose only purpose is to serve as a fuckable or nonfuckable body.'

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What it looks like when men stop doing what men do

I saw this recent article on Detroit. Not unrelated to this MANN post, in my comment I pointed out that when men can't, won't, or are unable to maintain civilization, you get fairly predictable dire results. In these danger zones that parts of Detroit have turned into, if men in Detroit decided to reclaim them and establish law and order, they'd be functioning again at least as safe places to live. It's expected that men would fulfill that role; notice some continue to try, underpaid and badly-equipped police and firefighters (men, of course) are still trying to keep civilization going. But where are the women stepping up to assume such roles, who gain so much from the civilized state? Not to be found. Creating and maintaining civilization is a responsibility that remains collectively on men's shoulders, yet so many of its benefits are heavily channeled to women. Excerpt:

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Murder charges dropped against widow in Georgia day care killing case

Article here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- A Georgia judge signed off Friday on the prosecution's request to drop all murder charges against Andrea Sneiderman, whom authorities have said conspired with her boss to have her husband killed.

Prosecutors said the murder charges against Sneiderman were "unjust and unethical" because they weren't positive they could prove them.

Before the decision, Sneiderman was facing malice murder, felony murder and aggravated assault charges related to the death of her husband, Rusty. All three were dismissed.

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Sweden: Female cop suspected of assaulting Swedish drunk

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the attack, which occurred in central Stockholm and was caught on camera, the woman is seen hitting a drunken man fourteen times with her baton while her dog snaps at him and bites him. She continually tells the man to "lie down", which he ignores, trying instead to fend off the dog and the woman.

Eventually he lies down bleeding while the police officers pacifies the dog and calls for an ambulance.

The policewoman, who is currently on holiday, will be reassigned when she returns to work, according to DN.

The man who is beaten in the video is also suspected of assault, making illegal threats, causing damages, and drug crimes. He was never detained during the incident, which occurred on a Friday night in mid-July.'

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Plea agreement slated in 2012 false rape case

Story here. Excerpt:

'A St. George resident charged with falsely reporting she was raped on a jogging trail and later falsely obtaining public funds for therapeutic services is scheduled to enter a possible plea agreement with prosecutors.

Sarah Elizabeth Rutz, 26, told police she was sexually assaulted by a stranger on the path that crosses below street level near the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Dixie Drive on May 2, 2012. During a followup hospital visit, officers collected suspect DNA evidence from Rutz that did not match her husband’s, and began a months-long investigation based on the information Rutz provided, including a sketch artist’s drawing.
In September, investigators alleged Rutz had not been raped, contrary to her reports. They charged her with a felony count of filing a fraudulent crime victim reparations claim and three misdemeanor counts of false information to law enforcement.'

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Charge against woman over false rape claim dismissed

Story here. Excerpt:

'A judge has dismissed a felony charge against a woman accused of falsely reporting that she was raped by a former boyfriend.

Judge G. Todd Baugh has granted a defense motion to dismiss a charge of fabricating evidence filed against Christina Nadine Nelson.

The judge said in an order issued Tuesday that evidence clearly showed Nelson lied when she reported the rape to police and hospital staff, but the prosecution’s reliance on a report from a sexual assault examination is misplaced.
A review of Nelson’s medical records showed she made four other similar reports in recent years.'

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Woman who reported false rape at UCSC sentenced to three years probation

Story here. Excerpt:

'SANTA CRUZ -- A 20-year-old woman who filed a false rape report at UC Santa Cruz was sentenced Thursday to three years probation with limits on Internet access.

Morgan Triplett did not appear in court Thursday when Santa Cruz County Superior Court Judge John Gallagher imposed the sentence. Triplett's public defender Jack Lamar entered a no contest plea on her behalf.

She was sentenced to three years probation, 60 days in jail, 200 hours of community service and 60 hours of mental health counseling, Gallagher ruled. She also was banned from using the Internet to facilitate criminal activity for the length of her probation and ordered to write a letter of apology to UC Santa Cruz.'

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Phillipines: Anti-domestic violence act is not husband-bashing, hate men law

Article here. Excerpt:

'MANILA, Philippines—The Supreme Court has affirmed the constitutionality of the country’s Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act, as it threw out a petition labelling it as a “husband-bashing” and “hate men” law.

In a 37-page decision released Friday, the high court, through Associate Justice Estela Perlas-Bernabe, dismissed petition filed by a certain Jesus Garcia, who said that the law, Republic Act 9262 otherwise, violated the equal protection and due process clause of the Constitution.

Garcia went to the Supreme Court after the Court of Appeals affirmed the Temporary Protection Order issued by the Bacolod City Regional Trial Court in favor of his wife.
In his petition, Garcia insisted that he should be appraised of the case filed against him. He also expressed fear of being stripped of family, property, money, children, job, future employment and reputation.

The high court, however said it is merely a “product of an overactive imagination.”

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