Stabbing suspect turns self in, claims self-defense

Story here. Excerpt:

'The Trotwood woman wanted in the stabbing death of a man in Moraine on Sunday turned herself in to authorities Wednesday.

Her attorney said she is a victim of domestic violence and acted in self defense. Dayton attorney John H. Rion said his client did not come forward initially because she feared being bullied by police.

Moraine detectives say 39-year-old Chantell Spears stabbed Delshaun Jones, 32, during a dispute outside of 3605 Charlotte Mill Drive Sunday morning. They said Jones, who has a child with Spears, was visiting a female at that address when he was attacked around 5:30 a.m. Jones was rushed to Kettering Medical Center where he died.'

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Kenya: Woman kills husband over plans to marry a second wife

Story here. Excerpt:

'Residents of Matisi Estate in Kitale were thrown into mourning when an 18-year-old woman allegedly stabbed her husband to death to protest his plans to marry a second wife.

The woman is said to have quarrel led with her husband on Saturday night opposing the second marriage.

A neighbour, who alerted residents, said that on Sunday morning a fight ensued before the woman picked a kitchen knife and stabbed her husband.

The neighbour said the woman had complained that her husband had secretly brought into their home and slept with another woman while she was away.

Kitale OCPD Kimani Mitugo said the woman was in custody and will be arraigned in court today.'

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Nursing home wins award for domestic violence awareness video

Article here. Excerpt:

'Faulkner State Community College's nursing division brought home an international first place award for its video “Shattered,” which seeks to raise awareness about the dangers and prevalence domestic violence.

Members of the nursing division traveled to San Francisco, Calif. to accept the award and perform their original script live at the 2013 Human Patient Simulator Network (HPSN) conference. The video was created using the iStan human simulator, a lifelike tool that helps nursing students practice a variety of tasks.

In the video, which was filmed in front of an audience at the college, a man is shown stabbing his wife. She calls 911, and nursing students work to save her life (in the hospital scene, the woman is actually the iStan human simulator).'


"Shattered" by Faulkner State Community College Division on YouTube here.

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Selective Service update long overdue

Article here. Excerpt:

'A spot currently running on the radio in Connecticut reminds young men they are required by law to register for the draft when they're 18 and warns them of the consequences if they don't.

If you don't register, you won't get a government job or get into a government training program and you won't be eligible for a federally funded student loan.

Unmentioned is the threat of being imprisoned for up to five years or fined up to a rather impressive $250,000, for failing to sign up for what amounts to no more than a waiting list or database in the event the draft is ever revived. No one's been prosecuted under the law since 1986.

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A nation that sends its daughters off to war

Article here. Excerpt:

'The debate about sending women into combat raises larger questions. Both sides avoid them, but they are perhaps the most important ones. What kind of society sends its women into ground combat? Do we want to be that kind of society? Is sending our daughters, wives, and mothers into combat good for women, for men, or for children? To a certain kind of feminist it is repugnant to ask these questions. We don’t ask if we should send men into combat, so we shouldn’t ask if we should send women. People who have blinded themselves to the profound and wonderful differences between the sexes are not open to a discussion about the consequences of those differences, and perhaps there is nothing more to say to them. But those people should not set the terms of the public debate. The American people need to stop pretending that sending women into combat involves questions no deeper than how far they can carry a seventy-pound rucksack.'

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Marines Share Frank Views with Hagel on Women in Combat

Article here. Excerpt:

'CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. – The 15 sergeants, lieutenants and captains at the Marine Corps infantry school sat at the conference table with Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to debate changes to the American way of war – in particular, the Pentagon’s new decision to integrate women into front-line combat positions.

One first sergeant objected strongly, saying that if women could add anything of value to combat infantry units, they would have been handed those missions long ago.

One staff sergeant worried that the Marine Corps’ high standards would have to be lowered if women were assigned to combat. Other Marines in the group agreed, warning that women would not be accepted by their male counterparts living in spartan wartime conditions, or that family lives would suffer, especially for those female Marines hoping to have children.

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How not to battle sexual assault in the military

Article here. Excerpt:

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Canada: "A Voice for Men's Canadian rape apologist campaign: Hate speech hits our streets"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The American hate site, A Voice for Men (AVfM), is bringing its toxic message of misogyny and rape apologism to the streets of Canadian cities through a propaganda campaign centred around a grotesque and entirely false narrative that states that it is now men who are the victims of systemic violence and injustice in our country and that demonizes feminism and feminists. They further aim to directly undermine strategies to combat sexual violence against not only women and girls, but also, in fact, against men and boys by denying the gendered reality of the perpetrators of sexual violence of all kinds (regardless of the gender of the victim), who are overwhelmingly male.

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IA: Action needed to stop Cincinnati foreskin removal device "study"

(Please see related MANN items here and here)


For the last several weeks, we've been writing and calling TriHealth Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati, where 200+ babies are being circumcised in a study to determine which circumcision clamp, the Gomco or the Mogen, is "better." How are they determining this? According to the study, by looking at which clamp results in fewer blood-soaked bandages, and by looking at expressions of pain on babies' faces.

We believe this study is a heinous violation of medical ethics and human rights, and we're furious that no one at the hospital has bothered to respond.

They're tuning us out, just like they're tuning out the screams of the babies being cruelly subjected to an unconscionable medical experiment—all in service to the shareholders of a medical instrument manufacturer seeking to profit from bad science in order to sell more circumcision tools.

We need to step up the pressure on this hospital, and we need your help:

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UK: Sex assault allegation was false, police say

Article here. Excerpt:

'AN allegation of a sexual assault in an Astley Bridge alleyway was false, police have said.

The incident was said to have happened in an alleyway between two shops in Blackburn Road on Sunday.

It was reported at about 3pm on Sunday and was said to have happened the previous night.

The alley was cordoned off from 3pm yesterday and was under police guard from an officer in a van.

Police said they have now investigated the report and discovered it was not true.
It is understood that police are not planning to take any action against the woman because her complaint was not said to be malicious.'

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Men's only overflow tent raises questions among homeless-- despite there being no problem housing women

Article here. Exception:

'A men's only overflow tent at the homeless shelter on Record Street has some women wondering what their options are.

Sandy Isham with Volunteers of America says, "Historically the need is at least three times larger for men than it is for women."

As Reno's homeless population grows the need for shelter increases. To help prevent people from sleeping on the street, Isham says they have put up an overflow tent, but there's a catch, it's only for men, "There are more men amongst the chronically homeless population, but that's just what we are seeing down here at our campus."
Isham says, "If there are no beds available they can sit up at a table in our very nice day area in an air conditioned room that is also safe, because it's staffed 24 hours a day."

Some women don't think this option is very accommodating mainly because there are no beds, but Isham says the number of homeless men is much greater than women and so far only one woman has taken advantage of the room.'

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For men, “leaning out” just isn’t an option

Article here. Excerpt:

While Sheryl Sandberg and the pro-women movement encourage women to “lean in,” what’s never discussed is the relentless pressure men feel to not “lean out.”

I came across an article recently that talked about the damaging effects men face from a lifetime of being told to “Be a man. Stop being such a fag.” and “Grow a pair” that made me think about how we assume there’s no downside to the expectations of leadership. In order to be considered masculine, as all “real” men are supposed to be, we’re expected to be the alpha dog, to take charge, and, when necessary, to fight. For men with families, there’s an expectation to be the breadwinner, and they live with the pressure of being the last, and sometimes the only, line of defense between their children sleeping in a warm bed or sleeping in the streets. If the cupboards are bare, and the rent isn’t paid, it is ultimately their responsibility.

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Letter: Gender quotas patently unfair

Letter here. Excerpt:

'MALE candidate awarded job instead of better-qualified female candidate': if this headline appeared in your newspaper, it would justifiably stir up a torrent of criticism, letters and comments denigrating the relevant institution and signalling disapproval at the blatant sexism and unfairness of the appointment.

But it would be the lack of logic that would ultimately indict the awarding body: if one candidate is stronger than the other, then surely the job should be awarded to the former.

The principle that emerges from this example is that the sex of the strongest candidate should be irrelevant. Most people would agree that this is correct.'

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S. Africa: Botched Circumcisions Claim 60 Lives in the Eastern Cape

Article here. Excerpt:

'Circumcision season usually starts from May and continues until around the end of the mid-year school holidays in July depending on the area. This is a difficult time for the young boys who go to initiation schools hoping to come out as men. It’s a particularly challenging time for hospitals in the Eastern Cape where the old ritual of circumcision is vigilantly observed. Most of the participants in initiation ceremonies in the Eastern Cape are Xhosa males.

With the Xhosa people of South Africa, circumcision is part of a series of rituals that are performed to facilitate the transition from childhood to manhood. This is a deeply personal and meaningful process that former President Nelson Mandela also took part in. For generations, boys have looked forward to initiation rituals and returning back to their families as healthy and wiser men. However, things do not turn out this way for many young boys in the Eastern Cape and other areas where the tradition is still practiced.

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Zambia: US commits $11.4m to support circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has committed US$11.4 million to support the Government’s national Voluntary Male Medical Circumcision, programme in a bid to reduce HIV infections.

American Ambassador to Zambia Mark Storella said this during the launch of the VMMC programme in chief Nondo’s area in Mbala last Thursday.

Mr Storella said men have an extraordinary opportunity through circumcision to reduce the risk of HIV infection by about 60 percent, making circumcision a pillar of HIV prevention.'

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