Germany's declining population and the 600-pound gorilla

Article here. The NYT once again runs an article on the declining population of someplace and talks almost exclusively in terms of decisions about reproduction that women are making and why. They don't even mention the other half of the human race necessary to procreate and what decisions they may be making about having babies-- and why. As long as the 600-pound gorilla gets ignored, it'll just stay there, keeping the babies away. Excerpt:

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The "crisis" of manhood

Article here. Excerpt:

'A comment piece on this website this week about a so-called "Crisis of manhood" unintentionly highlighted the paradox of so many women: they say they want men to be more communicative and emotional - yet their dating history shows they're morbidly attracted to men who are neither, otherwise all the men they've loved wouldn't "have trouble sharing their feelings".*

This strikes me as one of the great contradictions of modern sexual dynamics - men are increasingly altering their "traditional" masculine behaviour to suit the tastes of women, who publicly claim to want blokes who are sensitive and thoughtful, yet are privately repelled (or become disenchanted) by the soul-searching and vulnerability this manifests.

Men are just as prone to this cognitive dissonance, pronouncing their desire for articulate, intelligent, strong, independent women and then sleeping with gals whose appearance or youth trumps all other concerns.

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Orlando woman accused of shooting, injuring boyfriend

Article here. Excerpt:

'An Orlando woman was charged with attempted murder after police said she shot her boyfriend of ten years in the leg during a domestic disturbance early Wednesday, officials said.

Tara Michelle Lloyd, 35, told police her boyfriend had attacked her but police officers determined she was the aggressor in the conflict, according to an arrest affidavit.

Lloyd met police in the driveway of her home at 13 North Hillside Avenue about 3:07 a.m., saying she put the gun, a Taurus .38 caliber revolver, in the kitchen drawer after shooting the 42-year-old male victim, the report said.

When she called 911, dispatchers heard Lloyd say the shooting "was on purpose" and overheard the victim's voice on the call saying, "I can't believe you shot me."

Officers observed "no visible marks" on Lloyd or her clothing and she did not appear disheveled as if there had been a physical altercation, the report said.'

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'Hurting women should be a hate crime'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Most states include gender in the list of protected class categories, which makes the fact that the bluest of the blue states is so out of line on something as basic as women’s equal protection of the laws seem especially odd. Similarly perplexing is the silence of groups that should be making noise. Where is the National Organization for Women, and anti-violence groups like Jane Doe? Isn’t it their job to speak out when government officials devalue women’s lives by refusing to redress gender-based violence fairly?
It’s time for Patrick, Coakley, the district attorneys and all the police chiefs to come together and demand that the Legislature add gender to Massachusetts’ hate crimes statute. With gender as a category, women’s lives will be better protected and cops and prosecutors will have access to more funding, which means law enforcement efforts will be more effective.'

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Why straight men are boycotting marriage

Article here. Excerpt:

'It may come as a surprise to you, but according to Dr Helen Smith’s new book, Men on Strike: Why Men are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood and the American Dream – And Why it Matters, men are being oppressed by women who portray them as “buffoons, deadbeats and potential perverts” in a backlash against masculinity.

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SAVE: Turning Up the Heat on Kentucky Fried Chicken

Last week we told you about Kentucky Fried Chicken's Hot Shot Bites TV ad that shows a woman slapping a man across the face. Not only is KFC telling concerned consumers that the slap is "humor," they've also ignored our very polite letter asking them to remove the ads because they promote domestic violence.

So, let's turn up the heat on KFC!

Want to turn the heat up to HIGH? Here's the plan:

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Feminism doesn’t extend to finances

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to the paper, 84 per cent of men and 58 per cent of women reported that men pay for most expenses, even after dating for a while. While more than 57 per cent of women claimed they offered to help pay, 39 per cent confessed they hoped men would reject their offers to pay, and 44 per cent of women were bothered when men expected women to help pay.

Nearly two-thirds of the men believed that women should contribute to dating expenses, and many nearly half of the men said they would stop dating a woman who never pays.

Ah, feminism; It’s great to see how women whip it out when it comes to job and pay equality, but when it comes time to forking over some cash to contribute to dinner, suddenly that old feminism thing just slips the mind.

In a way it’s understandable. Honestly, who doesn’t like a free meal? But it’s downright sexist to expect a man to pay for dating expenses. Funny how some women don’t mind sexism as long as it benefits them.'

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NPO: Texas Increases Maximum Child Support Allowed

Article here. Excerpt:

'Recently, the Texas legislature amended the Texas Family Code section 154.215 to increase the monthly “cap” on net income used to calculate child support. This change means that, after September 1, 2013, more net resources will be applied to calculate child support, which can increase the monthly amount paid or received.

Texas calculates child support by using an obligor’s “net resources.” This number is found by taking a parent’s gross income and deducting for federal taxes, social security, Medicare, health insurance costs for the child(ren), union dues, and state income tax, if applicable. A percentage is then applied to the net resources.'

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Barbara Kay: KFC’s ‘hot shot bites’ ad campaign leaves me cold

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the commercial, a young man of somewhat nerdy appearance (medium height, a bit flabby, glasses) is holding out a cartoon of KFC hot shot bites to a very pretty young woman, who takes and eats one. Her eyes widen in amazement. The young man asks, “How’s it taste?” Instead of answering, the young woman bitch-slaps him and walks away. The baffled man is seen rubbing his face, while a voiceover says the hot shot bite is “like a slap to the face.” Ha ha.

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Teacher charged with "having sex" with 5 teen boys

Story here. Excerpt:

'A female teacher at Corona's Centennial High School is facing charges of having sex with five teenage boys over the last year.

Summer Michelle Hansen, 31, a special-education teacher, was charged Tuesday with 16 felony counts involving sex acts with five boys under the age of 18, none of whom were students she taught.

Riverside prosecutors allege that from May 2012 to May 2013, Hansen committed sexual acts with the boys — who were as young as 16 — in her classroom, in a campus utility room, in her vehicle parked near a boy's home and at the home of another teen.
Parents and friends have rallied around Hansen, who has taught at Centennial for nearly five years, and questioned the motives of the accusers.'

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Woman gets 34 years in brutal murder of Purple Heart veteran

Story here. Excerpt:

The Washington state woman called a “danger to society” was sentenced to 34 years in prison for plotting to kill a 70-year-old Navy veteran – a two-time Purple Heart recipient – because she wanted to steal his valuable coin collection.

Brenda Nicholas was the “mastermind” behind the December 2011 stabbing death of Francis “Patrick” Fleming and carried out the murder with extreme brutality, according to deputy prosecutor Carla Carlstrom, the Seattle Times reported.

“The motive behind this murder was solely greed,” Carlstrom told Superior Court Judge Theresa Doyle during Nicholas’ sentencing for the death of Fleming , who was killed inside his unit at the Four Freedoms senior apartments in Seattle’s Bitter Lake neighborhood.'

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'What is a Jewish Brit Shalom (Covenant Without Cutting)?'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Increasingly, Jewish parents in America, Canada and Israel are skipping circumcision.

Instead, they are holding alternative ceremonies sometimes called Bris Shalom or Brit B’lee Milah (covenant without cutting). Many Jews throughout Europe and the former Soviet Union stopped circumcising over 100 years ago. Already well over 100 Rabbis are performing alternative covenant ceremonies that omit the surgical circumcision. These are gaining popularity both in America and worldwide.

Circumcision is Needless Violence

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Australia: mother busted for sexting 14-year-old boys, gets community service

Link here. Excerpt:

'The mother of three pleaded guilty in the Brisbane Magistrates Court on Tuesday to six charges of using electronic communications to expose a child under 16 to indecent material.

The woman from Brisbane's south can't be named to protect her victims' identities.
Ms Yousufzai said under the law an adult who commits an offence of a sexual nature against a child under 16 must serve a term of imprisonment unless in exceptional circumstances.

She said the Crown wasn't seeking a prison sentence but a conviction should be recorded.

"This offending is just as serious as if the defendant was a male doing this to 13-year-old girls," she said.

Defence barrister Stephen Zillman tendered a psychiatrist's report which stated the woman had been psychotic at the time of the offences.

She had been suffering from a breakdown from significant stresses in her marriage and home life and been looking to boost her self image, he said.

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Ireland: Carol Hunt: 'Lock up men to keep women safe at night'

Article here. Excerpt:

'This is all very well and good. But first we must ask the reason why women need special "places of safety"; why women have to have protection, "patrols", extra surveillance in areas that they frequent, and constant monitoring of their movements? The reason, to be blunt, is because of men. Yet time and again the focus is on "protecting" the woman – this can range from the well-meaning "safety areas" suggested by Robert Doyle, to a complete denial of a woman's right to self-autonomy – rather than preventing the male from acting in a violent manner.
What if we began with the fact that most rapes and violent crimes (excepting domestic violence, a whole other chapter) are carried out by men at night. Surely it would only make sense that a curfew be imposed preventing men from walking the streets after dark?

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UK: Woman jailed after falsely claiming taxi driver had raped her

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 42-year-old woman who falsely accused a taxi driver of raping when she didn't have enough money to pay for her fare has been jailed for 20 months.

Angela England made the allegation when her partner Jacqueline Scott left her in the car to get money from a cash machine, but did not return.

Her claim that she was driven to a nearby school and raped was disproved by CCTV footage and the taxi's tracking device.

Mold Crown Court heard the driver was later arrested in front of his colleagues while waiting in a taxi rank with other drivers.

He was forced to strip naked at a North Wales police station for an intimate and 'embarrassing' examination.

Richard English, defending, said he was an 'entirely innocent' party who was the victim of Ms England's anger towards her partner.'

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