U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services- "Care Counts: Women, Families and the Affordable Care Act Challenge Contest"

Link here. Excerpt:

'Women are often at the center of healthy and resilient families; they make approximately 80% of all family health care decisions and are more likely to be the primary caregivers for children and elderly parents. To help make women aware of the important benefits available to them and their families through the Affordable Care Act, HHS is initiating this Challenge.
This Challenge calls for the creation of an innovative, educational Tool that informs women about enrollment in their State’s Marketplace as well as key provisions of the Affordable Care Act designed specifically to improve their health and that of their families. Sponsored by the Office of Women’s Health at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women’s Health, in collaboration with the Coordinating Committee on Women’s Health, the Challenge aims to reach all women, but particularly those in medically underserved communities.'

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MALECARE Teleconference: "Understanding the New Tests For Prostate Cancer"


"Understanding the New Tests For Prostate Cancer"
Thursday, September 12, 2013 at 6PM EDT

1- An overview of the new tests becoming available for men regarding prostate cancer
2- A discussion about these new tests and their role in current treatment choices.
3- Q&A
Dial in at 1.800.868.1837 or direct dial 1.404.920.6440
conference code 537349# (don't forget to press #)

Please email your questions for the speakers, in advance, to info-at-malecare.org

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"Gynocentrism and its origins"

MANN admins received a note from the creator of this site: http://gynocentrism.com/. I started reading but admit haven't finished the current home page essay "Christine de Pizan: the first gender warrior" by one Diana Davison. But so far, it looks pretty interesting, though I confess I don't have her background in the source material myself to make an informed opinion. Still, I hope others might and comment. Excerpt:

'A long time ago (15th century) in a land not too far away (France) a protofeminist named Christine de Pizan initiated a public debate later named La Querelle de la Rose. Simone de Beauvoir honours Pizan as the first woman to “take up her pen in defence of her sex”[1] but Christine was not fighting for new rights, she was strictly defending the chivalry-based gynocentric culture that she saw crumbling away before her eyes.

Though some feminists deny Christine’s status as a member of the gang, she did seem to have set the standard for how women change the public narrative; lies, elitism, deception and manipulation of history bordering on fraud.

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'Bigorexia’ Could Come With Serious Side Effects

Article here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — It has often been perceived that women are constantly fixated on their diets. Now, a growing number of men have become obsessed with “bulking up.”

The new trend has been called “bigorexia” and it could come with some serious health consequences.
As many as 45-percent of men have fallen victim to bigorexia or muscle dysmorphia, according to Dr. Michele Kerulis the director of sports & health psychology at the Adler School of Professional Psychology.

“I can remember as young as 13 or 14, looking at some of these muscle magazines, and I was conditioned to think that’s what a man looked like. Big shoulders, big legs, just big muscles with veins everywhere,” Moretti said.

The emotional impact can be devastating.

“We see psychological abnormalities, including irritability, angry outbursts, which sometimes people would call ‘roid rage.’ We see depression sometimes, mania,” Dr. Kerulis said.'

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Bizarre: Condom ad indulges in plenty of boys-bashing-fathers'-groins imagery to deter men from becoming dads

Story here. Excerpt:

'From the opening shot of the scorched sausages (subtle) to the closing shot of the man who just wants to listen to music but ends up hitting a note beyond the castrati range, the ad tells one message: Children are little menaces whose every move jeopardizes mens’ manhood.

Kids, you see, are nothing but burdens. Little terrorists. Monsters of the mid-section.

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Dept. of State: "Women Leaders from Pacific Participate in U.S. Program on Climate Change"

Link here. Excerpt:

'From August 18 – 28, 2013, twelve women climate leaders from across the Pacific region will visit Washington, D.C., Pensacola, Florida, and Honolulu, Hawaii to meet with policymakers, scientists, and innovators to share their experiences and to learn about U.S. efforts to combat climate change. This exchange, a joint initiative of the Secretary's Office of Global Women's Issues and Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, advances the Rarotonga Partnership for the Advancement of Pacific Island Women and broader U.S. efforts to support the critical role of women around the world in combating climate change. It also builds on a 2012 International Visitors Leadership Program of women climate leaders.
Representing the Cook Islands, Fiji, Micronesia, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu, these climate leaders will share practical skills and ideas learned with counterparts upon returning home.'

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Einstein’s Theory of Relationships

Article here. Excerpt:

'FULL TEXT: Berlin, July 7. – Dr. Albert Einstein, the famous scientist, made an amazing discovery relative to America on his trip which he recently explained to a sympathetic-looking Hollander as follows:

“The excessive enthusiasm for me in America appears to be typically American. And if I grasp it correctly the reason is that the people in America are as colossally bored, very much more than is the case with us. After all, there is so little for them there!” he exclaimed.

Dr. Einstein said this with vibrant sympathy. He continued:

“New York, Boston, Chicago and other cities have their theatres and concerts, but for the rest? There are cities with 1,000,000 inhabitants. Despite which what poverty, intellectual poverty! The people are, therefore, glad when something is given them with which they can play and over which they can enthuse. And that they do, then, with monstrous intensity.

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The readers' editor on… offence caused by a satirical piece on 'penis management'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A column by Suzanne Moorelisting "10 rules for good penis management" – attracted 37 complaints. The bulk of the complaints followed themes within the column to which individuals objected, rather than any simple matter of taste, which is what I would have expected.

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Daughter: I lied and sent my dad to prison for rape

Story here. Excerpt:

'Chaneya Kelly is on a mission: she wants the world to know about a horrible lie she says she told almost 16 years ago – a lie that cost a man his freedom.

“I'm 24 years old and I made this mistake when I was nine years old,” Chaneya told NBC News, “but it's never too late to try and right your wrong. “

Chaneya says that in 1997, she falsely accused a man of raping her. That man – who has always maintained his innocence -- is Daryl Kelly, Chaneya’s father.

“All I think is, ‘One day the truth will set me free,’” said Kelly, from Green Haven Correctional Facility in upstate New York. “All I have to do is hold on.”
Her mother, Charade, also submitted an affidavit to the court, swearing she threatened to beat Chaneya unless she said her father raped her.

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Men don heels for domestic violence awareness

Story here. Excerpt:

'Ryan Kuhn abandoned his red patent leather pumps just halfway into the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event in downtown Hanover Friday evening.

More than 100 men participating in the walk to support victims of domestic abuse staggered down the street together. The pain was too much, Kuhn said, slipping into a more comfortable pair of flip-flops. Anyway, he said, his figured his floral dress would get the point across.'

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The latest international false rape allegations

Article here. Excerpt:

'That supposedly rarest of crimes, a false allegation of rape, is back in the news as a woman in Wales is given a 20 month sentence.

There have been so many of these worldwide of late that we can but scratch the surface. We begin with the UK.

In May last year, Angela England accused a taxi driver of rape. Last week she was given a 20 month sentence at Mold Crown Court, where earlier this year paedophile Mark Bridger was given a life sentence for the murder of April Jones. Fortunately for the victim, his vehicle was fitted with a tracking device which quickly established the truth, although according to the BBC, the allegation was enough to cause him the inconvenience and at times public humiliation any man accused of rape suffers.'

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"But all men must know they benefit from sexism"

Article here. Excerpt:

'What we don’t say is: of course not all men hate women. But culture hates women, so men who grow up in a sexist culture have a tendency to do and say sexist things, often without meaning to. We aren’t judging you for who you are but that doesn’t mean we’re not asking you to change your behaviour. What you feel about women in your heart is of less immediate importance than how you treat them on a daily basis.

You can be the gentlest, sweetest man in the world yet still benefit from sexism. That’s how oppression works. Thousands of otherwise decent people are persuaded to go along with an unfair system because it’s less hassle that way. The appropriate response when somebody demands a change in that unfair system is to listen, rather than turning away or yelling, as a child might, that it’s not your fault. And it isn’t your fault. I’m sure you’re lovely. That doesn’t mean you don’t have a responsibility to do something about it.'

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Understanding The College Gender Gap

Article here. Excerpt:

'Most of the public universities don’t attempt to manipulate admissions by gender, and if they tried, that would likely engender legal actions. At the University of California, for example, a large portion of the admissions is based on statistics: GPA and standardized test scores. At UCLA, the most selective of the UCs over the last several years, there were far more female applicants, yet it accepted the same percentage of both genders. The recent freshman class contained 800 more females than males.

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Michele Elliott, et al., interviewed by ManWomanMyth regarding female pedophiles

Video here. Wikipedia on Michele Elliott here.

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MSN: 'Here are 10 reasons why cats are better than men'

Video here. Lead-in:

'Coming on the heels of that animal/human empathy study, we're going to take what probably isn't a wild leap of faith and say that most of you, when confronted with a choice between your significant other (or the opposite sex in general) or your pet, would probably pick the pet. And while we're equal-opportunity pet owners, the dog=dude/cat=lady cliche exists for a reason. Enter this video. With reasons like "Cats mature as they get older" and "You can legally neuter a cat," it's probably not going to do any favors for diplomatic relations between men and women, but it will probably give you a laugh. And cause you to come up with a few reasons of your own.'

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