What happens when one parent poisons a child against the other parent

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Israel: Child Support Ruling is ‘Very Good News for Divorced Fathers’

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'A Tel Aviv judge has ruled that a father from Rehovot does not need to pay child support – setting a precedent that could change child support arrangements for many divorced parents.

Judge Yoram Shaked ruled that the father in question does not need to pay support because he shares custody of his children with his ex-wife, and because she has a higher income and more disposable income than he does. Were the father to pay support, he would need to pay only 300 shekels a month, Shaked found – a finding that led him to decide to waive the obligation to pay altogether.

Attorney Aviv Harel explained the significant of the verdict. “Until today, most judges set minimum child support payments for Jewish fathers that stood at 1,350 shekels per month per child or more,” he said.
Judges usually rule that fathers who share equal custody of their children with the children’s mother must pay 75% of the cost of raising the children, Harel said, while fathers who do not have custody at all must pay 100% support.'

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Trial reveals secret life of ‘Nazi bride’ behind Germany’s ‘kebab killings’

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'To her neighbours in the quiet German town of Zwickau, she was the “friendly, sociable and generous” young woman who liked to drop by for a glass of prosecco. To her comrades on the German far Right, she was a smart, assertive and violent member of their secret terrorist militia.

Revealed in a Munich court, the hidden life of Beate Zschaepe, a mousy, bespectacled 38-year-old with the looks of a librarian, has given Germany a chilling insight into its neo-Nazi movement.

In the biggest home-grown terrorist scandal since the days of the Baader-Meinhof gang in the 1970s, her group is accused of carrying out ten murders, two bombings and 15 bank robberies during a 13-year campaign.

Worse still, Germany’s police and spy agencies thought the killings, dubbed the “kebab murders” because they targeted mainly Turkish immigrants, were part of a feud within the Turkish mafia.'

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Expelled Basketball Player Suing University Claiming Wrongful Expulsion

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'A former Xavier University basketball player sued the school, alleging it damaged his reputation by expelling him for what he says was a false sexual assault accusation.

Dez Wells' federal lawsuit also names the private Jesuit Catholic school's president as a defendant. Father Michael Graham said in a statement Wednesday that the university denies the allegations and will defend its decision to expel Wells.

Xavier kicked Wells out a year ago in the aftermath of a female student's accusation that he sexually assaulted her in July 2012. A Hamilton County grand jury declined to indict Wells after hearing evidence in the case. Prosecutor Joe Deters later publicly questioned the school's expulsion and urged Xavier to "revisit" the situation.

At the time, Xavier said Wells was expelled for a "serious violation" of the code of student conduct, and that a board consisting of faculty, students and administrators made the decision following standard procedures for U.S. universities.'

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Prison Summer Camp Lets Kids Reconnect With Dads

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'Well, because kids need to know their parents, no matter where they are. Just because a father was not a good citizen doesn't mean that he shouldn't have a relationship with his child, or that his child shouldn't have a relationship with him. His child didn't do anything. One of the things that always troubles me is that, you know, we don't ask these questions about the value of children going to visit their mothers in prison. You know, even though only 7 percent of the people in prison are women, that, in sheer numbers, there's more programs for mothers in prison than there are for fathers. And it's like we value the role of mothers above the role of fathers.'

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Grommet CEO to Obama: Make VCs fund women, or lose tax benefit

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'Here’s a bold idea to make venture funding equal for man and woman.

End the carried interest tax loophole for any venture firm that doesn’t fund the same amount in women-owned businesses as men-owned.

If you’re thinking ‘Whoa,’ then you know how many millions of dollars could be at stake for investors forced to pay taxes on venture capital returns at the normal rate (instead of the much lower capital gains rate.)

But the idea is compelling considering the argument of the woman who dreamt it up and pitched it to President Barack Obama in a blog post yesterday.'

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Japan Airlines enhances Hawaii flights with new menu, women-only area

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'Japan Airlines is introducing new features and services on its flights to Honolulu, including a women-only area on the plane for applying make-up, or breast-feeding, as well as in-flight meals designed by celebrity chefs and Hawaii’s Kuaaina Sandwich Shop.

Japan Airlines said Monday that it will continue to seek ways to bring passengers unique and refreshing onboard experiences through more delectable meal choices.

The first installment of the in-flight meal changes will be available starting Sept. 1, on flights from Japan to Honolulu. Meals designed by chef Chikara Yamada will be available from the airline’s JAL Bedd Sky Auberge restaurant on business class flights from Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka to Honolulu. In the economy class on flights on the same routes, in-flight meals have been designed by Chef Kazuhide Nose of Ore-no French and Chef Yoshihiro Yamaura of Ore-no Italian.'

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Bethenny Frankel Takes to Twitter and Bashes All Men

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'Bethenny Frankel [link added] has developed a huge grudge against men; she recently filed for divorce in December of last year from her husband, Jason Hoppy, but he wasn’t the first husband to feel the divorce drama. She divorced her first husband, Peter Sussman, back in 1997.

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CDOT using talking urinal cakes in drunk driving campaign

Your tax dollars at work - targeting men only.

'DENVER - The Colorado Department of Transportation is targeting men in its latest drunk driving campaign.

The Heat Is On campaign is launching radio, bus and billboard advertising, as well as in-bar advertising such as coasters, posters and a new tool for CDOT, the Interactive Urinal Communicator.

The IUCs feature a 15-second audio message encouraging male bar patrons to not drive and instead look to other alternatives, such as public transit, 1800taxicab.com or Uber.

Males, ages 21-34, have a higher propensity for dying in alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes, according to CDOT.'

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Jail Becomes Home for Husband Stuck With Lifetime Alimony

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'Ari Schochet has grown so accustomed to being sent to jail for missing alimony payments that he goes into a routine.

Before his family-court hearing, Schochet, 41, sticks on a nicotine patch to cope with jailhouse smoking bans, sends an “Ari Off the Grid” e-mail to friends and family, and scrawls key phone numbers in permanent ink on his forearm.

Schochet, who said he worked as a portfolio manager at Citadel Investment Group Inc. and Fortress Investment Group LLC (FIG) and once earned $1 million a year, has been jailed for missing court-ordered payments at least eight times in the past two years as he coped with the end of his 17-year marriage.

The reason he ran afoul of the law was simple. He was out of work for most of that time, a victim of a weak economy, and he ran through his savings trying to pay his wife alimony and child support that totaled almost $100,000 a year.'

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Domestic violence advocate arrested in family fight

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'BRIDGEPORT -- A law and order state representative from Fairfield was ordered to turn over her gun Monday following her arrest on charges of assaulting her younger sister.

State Rep. Brenda Kupchick, who has supported tougher treatment for domestic violence defendants, had nothing to say following her arraignment in the Golden Hill Street courthouse on third-degree assault and disorderly conduct charges.
As uncomfortable as Kupchick seemed in the courtroom, many of the court staff seemed equally uncomfortable to have her there because of her support on the same laws she is now accused of breaking. For the last half a dozen years she has worked closely with the regional Center for Women and Families, which counsels victims of domestic abuse.

Standing before Superior Court Judge John Cronan, Kupchick admitted she recently got a gun and has a temporary permit for it. The judge ordered her to turn it over to police.

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Marine Corps to open infantry training to enlisted women

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'The Marine Corps will allow enlisted women to participate in basic infantry training beginning this fall as part of ongoing research to determine what additional ground combat jobs may open to female personnel.

New female enlisted Marines will volunteer for spots in the service’s Infantry Training Battalion, mirroring a related effort allowing new female lieutenants to enroll in the Corps’ Infantry Officer Course, according to an official planning document obtained by Marine Corps Times. Titled “Assignment of Women in Combat Units,” the document is dated Aug. 16.

“Female Marines will have the opportunity to go through the same infantry training course as their male counterparts,” the document states. However, as with the research involving female officers, “female enlisted Marines who successfully complete infantry training as part of this research process will not be assigned infantry as a military occupational specialty and will not be assigned to infantry units.”

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First cut is the deepest

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False report leads to woman's arrest on domestic violence charge, police say

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'A Paw Paw-area woman was arrested on charges of false report of a felony and domestic violence early Friday after police say she attempted to attack her boyfriend with a knife.

Alejandra Aguilar, 22, was arrested following an investigation that started when police were told she was the victim of an assault but she later admitted she lied to deputies, according to a news release from the Van Buren County Sheriff's Office.

Police were called to the 45000 block of Paw Paw Road in Paw Paw Township on a report of "an unknown disturbance with an out of control intoxicated female," the news release said.'

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UK: GCSE results 2013: girls stretch to record lead over boys

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'The Government was told to commission a large-scale study into the underachievement of boys after GCSE results showed that girls were increasingly likely to secure top grades.

According to figures, some 24.8 per cent of exams sat by girls were graded A* or A, compared with just 17.6 per cent of those taken by boys.

The gulf – 7.2 percentage points – was larger than at any other time since the introduction of GCSEs in the late 80s.

Data also showed that 72.3 per cent of exams sat by girls were graded C or better, compared with just 63.7 per cent of boys’ test papers.

This was the biggest disparity in a decade.'

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