'Ken Cuccinelli’s Involvement With Hardline Misogynists'

Article here. Excerpt:

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UK: "Why Is Women's Health Still a Joke?"

Article here. Excerpt:

"I am the director of Wellbeing of Women and consider myself privileged to be working for a fantastic charity that prioritises women's health.

My own feeling is that female wellbeing is still vastly under resourced, and often our more personal health issues are considered taboo or somehow trivial. Many women are slow to take the time to go to their doctor and poorly informed about the possible causes leading to delayed diagnosis and treatment.'

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The Gender Wage Gap Lie

Article here. Excerpt:

'How many times have you heard that “women are paid 77 cents on the dollar for doing the same work as men”? Barack Obama said it during his last campaign. Women’s groups say it every April 9, which is Equal Pay Day. In preparation for Labor Day, a group protesting outside Macy’s this week repeated it, too, holding up signs and sending out press releases saying “women make $.77 to every dollar men make on the job.” I’ve heard the line enough times that I feel the need to set the record straight: It’s not true.

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Boys Have Higher Death Rates From Many Causes, Study Shows

Link here. Excerpt:

'Males may be the more vulnerable sex when it comes dying young -- not just from accidents, but from a range of causes, a new study finds.

Looking at a decade's worth of data on U.S. children and teenagers, researchers found that boys had higher death rates than girls from 17 of 19 broad causes.

Those included not only accidents -- in which boys' greater risk-taking can come into play -- but also cancer and diseases of the heart, lungs and nervous system.
Figuring out why boys have higher death rates could also aid in the wider understanding of different diseases, Feudtner noted. "It could help everyone if we understand the factors at work," he said.'

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UK: 'Spiderman' arrested in Bournemouth after Fathers 4 Justice protest

Story here. Excerpt:

'A man has been arrested after dressing up as Spiderman and protesting above a busy Bournemouth road.

The protest in aid of Fathers 4 Justice took place on A338 Wessex Way flyover at the Cooper Dean roundabout this afternoon (Saturday).

Dorset Police closed the road to southbound traffic after a man, dresses as Spiderman was standing on the wrong side of the barrier, carrying a banner stating "4 fathers there is no justice."'

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Lawmaker seeks return of the draft before Syria vote

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) said Sunday that before the United States takes additional steps toward military action in Syria, the country should reinstate the draft.

“I truly believe we should have a national draft act before the Congress acts,” Rangel said on “Weekends with Alex Witt” on MSNBC.

Rangel has long been a proponent of reinstating the draft so that every socioeconomic group is required to fight when military actions are undertaken. He has introduced several bills over the years to bring back conscription. In addition to reintroducing the National Universal Service Act in February, Rangel also proposed the All American Selective Service Act, which would require women in the 18-25 age demographic to join men of that age in registering with the Selective Service.'

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Norway: Harsh sentence for false rape claim

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Norwegian woman has been sentenced to a year and a half in prison after she admitted to falsely claiming to have been raped.

But Rudolf Christoffersen, the prosecutor in the case, said it was important for the courts to deal stiffly with such false accusations.

"If it had not been for a thorough police investigation, this case could have had grave consequences for the man who was unjustly accused of rape," he said. "In cases of sexual abuse cases, it is of the greatest importance that the police can give credence to the information submitted."'

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PIAA ordered to re-evaluate allowing boys to play on girls' teams

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nearly two years ago, a concerned mother and father from Fox Chapel decided they'd had enough of boys playing on girls high-school field hockey teams.

Mary and Jim Grenen had watched as their daughter, Allison, and her Fox Chapel High teammates competed against boys who were bigger, faster and stronger. And the Grenens, as attorneys who work out of a high-rise in downtown Pittsburgh, felt they had the proper credentials to emerge as instruments of change.

Tuesday, their work in joining hands with the PIAA [Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association] to bring their case in front of the Commonwealth Court in Harrisburg paid off.

Judge B. Kevin Brobson issued an opinion that freed the PIAA -- which had been handcuffed by a decades-old injunction -- to examine writing a new policy or bylaw that would bar boys from playing on girls teams.'

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Women selling positive pregnancy tests - to trick boyfriends into marrying

This story appeared today. Excerpt:

'WANT to know how to get your boyfriend to propose to you? Buying a positive pregnancy test for $20 may be the answer.

In what may be a troubling new trend, dailydot.com reports pregnant women across America are selling used pregnancy tests online with the sales pitch unmarried women can use the tests to trick their boyfriends into marriage.

A number of women across the country have offered positive pregnancy tests for sale - supply numbers, endless - on the site Craigslist.

One expectant mother in New York State is selling used testing sticks for $25 each, saying she's been asked so many times, she had decided to start charging and "I don't care what you use them for, not my business".

Another mother has a more direct sales hook: 'Wanna get your boyfriend to finally pop the question? Play a trick on mom, dad or one of your friends?"'

Men beware, and don't believe a positive test.

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Florida to exhume bodies buried at Dozier Boys' School

Story here. Excerpt:

'Marianna, Florida (CNN) - This weekend, Florida will begin digging into its tragic past as anthropologists start unearthing what they believe are the remains of dozens of children buried on the grounds of a former reform school.

The exhumations at the Dozier School for Boys -- which closed in 2011 -- are the culmination of years of controversy surrounding the reform school and a mythology that has taken on a life of its own.

Rightly or wrongly, the Florida Panhandle town of Marianna -- just west of Tallahassee -- has become synonymous with the school and its dark past.

Some of those who were once sent to Dozier -- now senior citizens -- have come forward with stories of abuse at the school, including alleged beatings, torture, sexual abuse, killings and the disappearance of students, during the 1940s, '50s and '60s.'

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Brian Banks doesn't make Atlanta Falcons cut

Story here. Brian Banks was falsely accused of rape. But now he has failed to secure a permanent spot on an NFL team due to lost years of training while in jail. I think men should go to such websites and post their support for Brian as a statement of compassion. We men do not bond well and this could be an opportunity to show some compassion. Maybe even find a way to email him directly. Excerpt:

'The NFL dreams of Brian Banks, who was exonerated last year after being wrongfully convicted of rape, were cut short when he failed to earn a spot on the Atlanta Falcons' 53-man roster, according to the football team's website.

Banks got the ax on Friday along with 10 other players, the Atlanta Falcons reported. The 28-year-old rookie linebacker had been signed to the team as a free agent in April, and had said playing in the pre-season was "one of the best moments of my life."

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Woman arrested in husband's beating death

Story here. Excerpt:

'LAKEWOOD, Colo. - Lakewood police have arrested the 73-year-old wife of an 83-year-old man who was severely beaten in his home and later died.

Police said they responded to a call of a domestic dispute in on W. Warren Drive and S. Moore Court just before 11 a.m. Wednesday.

Upon arrival, they found Carol Weigum outside the house and found her husband, Wallace "Wally" Weigum inside the house. He was rushed to a local hospital where he died later that afternoon.'

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The most dangerous jobs in America-- all "male-dominated" but predictably, feminists don't mind

Review here. Yes, you'll find all these jobs are stereotypically "male-dominated", dirty, dangerous, and some pay relatively little for the risks involved, yet despite the "male-dominated" nature of them, you'll *never* catch feminists insisting there needs to be an affirmative action program to get more women into these jobs.

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Presidential Proclamation--National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, 2013

Proclamation here. Excerpt:

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The unintended consequences of laws addressing sex between teachers and students

Article here. Takes on the teacher-student sexual relations issue to suggest that gee, as long as it's consensual, it isn't that bad. Makes no mention of the double-standards around male vs. female teachers coloring outside the lines or the uneven power relationship issue, which she seems to minimize. Still, it's an alternate viewpoint. Excerpt:

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