Michael Wolff: Fed battle is all about gender

Article here. Excerpt:

'The public bake-off between the economists Lawrence Summers and Janet Yellen for the job of chairman of the Federal Reserve has boiled down, practically speaking, to discriminatory hiring practices

Janet Yellen's stand-out credential is that she is a woman.

Larry Summers' main drawback — or, certainly, among his most conspicuous characteristics — is that he is not.

You would have to be a naïf or dissembler of remarkable proportions not to see every argument for or against these candidates — and you might read each of these arguments as forms of letters of recommendation by their various sponsors — as reducible to a gender debate.'

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Gender Gap Traced Back

Article here. Excerpt:

'Recent research has suggested various ways in which girls outperform boys in high school, making them more likely to go to college: stronger desire to get good grades, better social skills, greater validation from academic performance. But a new study suggests gender sorting -- a boy’s or girl’s decision to attend one school or another – could have its own effect on the college enrollment gap.

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Tennis pro: "Women should play five sets"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Andy Murray insists he is ready to go five sets when he takes on the in-form Stanislas Wawrinka in their US Open quarter-final on Thursday - but believes there is no reason why women should not play the same if they are to earn equal prize money at grand slams.

Defending champion Murray had to come from a set behind to defeat Denis Istomin in his last 16 match at Flushing Meadows, and now faces the confident ninth seed Wawrinka - who took Novak Djokovic to five sets in a five hour epic at the Australian Open in January.
Speaking to the New York Times, Murray stated either the men should drop to three sets or women should play over five in order to justify equal pay.

"It isn't about it being inferior. As I see them, they're two different sports," Murray told the New York Times. "It's not like the 100 metres at the Olympics, not because they're not running the same speed as the men.

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Italy: 'Women MPs do a better job than men' - Letta

Article here. Excerpt:

'Laura Boldrini, Cecile Kyenge and Emma Bonino are among those doing “far better than men”, Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta said during an interview with television channel Russian 24 ahead of the G20 summit, which gets underway in St Petersburg on Thursday.

The number of women who have entered the Italian government since Letta came on board has increased from 20 to 30 percent.

The number of women who have entered the Italian government since Letta came on board has increased from 20 to 30 percent.

“I wanted my government to have the largest number of women in Italian history”, he said.

He added that this objective has been won, with “women doing a great job.”'

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"We have to help guide you along"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The pleasure of these ads comes from indulging in a little reverse sexism.

Finally, after all these years of men ogling women and parsing them into body bits, we get to have our turn! The ads even commit the same crimes as all lady product ads — showing the gain without the pain. (We see the man shaving his chest into Greek statue smoothness, but we don't see the three-days-later shot with the little bristles. And already the ads have induced complaints of misandry: “The underlying message is that men are slobs, men are grotesque, men have hairy backs, and they need women to civilize them,” Scott A. Lukas, an anthropology professor and head of the Gender Ads Project told The Post. Point won.

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Ireland: At-home dads: Cooking, cleaning, *and* repairs around the house

Article here. Nice to see such an article but for at-home dads. Excerpt:

'Think dad’s taxi and his handyman services don’t cost a thing?

Think again, because stay-at-home dads could be worth up to €45,000 a year.

That’s right. All those lifts to the cinema and kickabouts in the park add up if you were to pay someone else to do it.

According to a survey by Caledonian Life, there are over 10,000 fathers staying in the family home while their wives or girlfriends are out working.
• Having a mechanic on hand to fix up the house could cost you the guts €55 a week, hammering the family’s fortunes by €2,860 a year.'

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The importance of dads

Article here. Excerpt:

'Much is said about the relationship between mums and daughters, dads and sons. But little is said about the vital relationship between mothers and sons, fathers and daughters.
Sadly, not enough dads realise the impact they have on their daughters' lives. One study found only 30 per cent of fathers believed that active involvement in their daughter's life was vital to her health and well being.

This is despite recent findings that the dad's influence is as great, and sometimes greater, than the mother's.

Dads, as has been well documented, impact girls' interactions with men later in life.

"In my years of psychology practice, I've met very few women who did not unconsciously or consciously pick a romantic partner based on the characteristics of her father," says clinical psychologist Jennifer Kromberg.

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State pushes counties to collect more child support

Article here. Excerpt:

'State officials are challenging county child support agencies to spike their collection rates, setting ambitious goals in hopes of improving children’s lives and keeping Ohio competitive in seeking financial incentives from the federal government.

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'Abuse of Power'

Letter here. Excerpt:

'... I have a good relationship with my ex and trust him to pay his child support directly to me. As it stands now, he pays a fee to the collection agency and 5 percent of the actual support payments are kept by the court trustee. The entire process slows down the payment and takes money away from my children.'

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Hofstra Law Review tackles NCP rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'The topic is also timely. Non-custodial parents are in the news as never before. Frustrated parents are seen scaling the walls of Buckingham Palace and other monuments, dressed as superheroes. They stare out angry and stone-faced from the front cover of The New York Times Sunday Magazine. Their grievances against a family law they see as stacked against them are splashed across billboards and newspaper advertisements. And they are said to be coming soon to a theater near you: Miramax recently bought the movie rights to the life story of the founder of Fathers 4 Justice, the British group responsible for much of the surging media attention.

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Baby Veronica to stay with biological dad for now, court rules

Story here. Excerpt:

'The Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled that Baby Veronica, the 3-year-old girl at the center of a years-long custody dispute, should temporarily remain with her biological father in Oklahoma instead of being returned to her adoptive parents in South Carolina.
It was not immediately clear Tuesday why the court made the emergency ruling or for how long Veronica would remain with her biological father, Dusten Brown.

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IA: Let's go to Cincinnati and stop this awful study

From an IA newsletter:

Thank you for signing our letter demanding that Good Samaritan Hospital stop its outrageous baby-cutting study!

In just a few weeks, Intact America will travel to Cincinnati to deliver that letter in person, because, even now, none of the researchers or hospital administrators—nor the Cincinnati Archdiocese—has bothered to respond to our many letters and phone calls.

We have to make it clear that this heinous experiment on innocent babies will NOT go unheeded, and it will NOT go unchallenged!

I know you’re as incensed by this study as I am, and I need you to take the next step. Can I count on your financial support to help make our presence in Cincinnati as powerful as possible?

Here’s what we have planned for October 3:

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Bizarre Circumcision Stories: Where's the Journalism?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Then of course, the recent birth of royal baby George across the pond generated a lot of news. The Huffington Post ran a piece speculating about the royals’ imminent decision, and titled it “The Royal Snip.”

Snip? Snip is scissors opening up a pesky package of salted peanuts. Snip is a hair trim. Snip is hardly the word for circumcision, which removes not only the sexually sensitive foreskin tissue, but the entire epithelial lining, leaving the glans of the penis completely exposed.

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SAVE E-lert: Ben Pershing and his WaPo Whopper

Washington Post reporter Ben Pershing is so passionate about politics he was blinded by someone's political pandering, inadvertently sharing misinformation with WP readers. Yeah, maybe that's what happened. We're calling his article a WaPo Whopper!

Pershing criticizes a Virginia gubernatorial candidate because he was one of three state attorneys general who did not sign a letter urging federal lawmakers to reauthorize a particular version of the Violence Against Women Act. He didn't inform his readers that leading women's groups such as the Independent Women's Forum, Concerned Women for America, and the Mommy Lobby also strongly opposed that version of VAWA.

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Please lodge anti-circumcision comments with the U.S. Office of Human Research Protections, Deadline 9 Sep. 2013

Link here. The Department of Health & Human Services Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) is accepting written comments about "Matters Related to the Protection of Human Subjects and Research Studying Standard of Care Interventions" via Regulations.gov until 9 September 2013, presenting an opportunity for readers from the U.S. to express some of their concerns about the Good Samaritan hospital Gomco v. Mogen trial and similar circumcision "studies". Excerpt:

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