Whitehouse.gov: "Addressing the Intersection of HIV/AIDS, Violence against Women and Girls, and Gender-Related Health Disparities"

Link here. Excerpt:

'Today we are proud to announce the release of the report by the President’s Working Group on the Intersection of HIV/AIDS, Violence against Women and Girls, and Gender-Related Health Disparities. We have had the honor of serving as co-chairs of the interagency Federal Working Group since March 2012, when President Obama issued a Presidential Memorandum to address two overlapping challenges to the health and wellbeing of communities across the United States: the effects of HIV/AIDS, and the alarming rate at which women and girls experience violence.

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NPO: Reforming Judicial Influence through Temporary Orders

Article here. Excerpt:

'When parents separate, one of the first questions anyone asks is, “What happens with the kids?” Current law in most states gives judges practically carte blanche authority to issue temporary orders that place children primarily or wholly in the care of just one parent. One situation that is all-too-common is that one parent gets custody of the children, and the other is ordered “visitation” every other weekend.

For a child that has previously been with both parents every day, removing one of those parents and offering her or him a mere four to six days out of the month must be very traumatic. However, this trauma is not considered when making such orders, and the right of both parents to care for and provide for the child is rarely upheld in family court.'

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Preview for short film on male DV victims

Preview here. The full short film will be available on October 1st, 2013 on Distrify.com. You can find Shame on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/ShameMEStudios and on Twitter: @shamemovie

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Colleges offer credit to inject feminism into Wikipedia

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fifteen universities including some Ivy League schools are offering college credit to students who will inject feminist thinking into the popular website Wikipedia -- something critics are calling an eye-opening case of campus bias.
The program is called “Storming Wikipedia,” and was set up by a group called FemTechNet as part of its Dialogues on Feminism and Technology online course, according to CampusReform.org. Approximately 300 students are currently registered for the course, and schools like Yale University, Brown University and Pennsylvania State University are participating.

Anne Balsamo, dean of the School of Media Studies at the New School in New York, says the program is meant to revise a bias seen on the massive online encyclopedia, where many pages are "skewed now toward male participation."
How the feminist thinking they were seeking would appear was anyone’s guess.

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Woman to Hartford PD: I burned him alive

Story here.

'Hartford police arrested a woman who they said admitted to them that she tried to kill her boyfriend by setting him on fire.

Police were called to 116 South St., after getting a 911 call from a woman saying she burned her boyfriend to death and she would be waiting for police outside the home.

Officers arrived at the home and were met by the woman, identified as 47-year-old Julia Rivera, who told them, "Arrest me. I did it. I burned him alive."

Rivera was handcuffed and placed into the police cruiser while officers ran into the home to look for the victim. However, police said, the victim was able to run from the home.

The victim was located at 18 South St., and was suffering from second-degree burns over 70 percent of his body. He was brought to Bridgeport Hospital's Burn Unit and is listed in critical condition.

Rivera complained of chest pains and was brought to Hartford Hospital.

She was charged with assault, reckless endangerment, criminal violation of a protective order and disorderly conduct.'

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Prosecutors to appeal judge's dismissal of felony charge for false rape report

Story here. Excerpt:

'Prosecutors plan to appeal a state judge's dismissal of a felony charge against a Billings woman with a history of making false rape reports.
District Judge G. Todd Baugh dismissed a felony charge of fabricating evidence against Christina Nadine Nelson in late July, saying that while the evidence clearly showed Nelson lied when she reported her former boyfriend raped her, the prosecution's decision to charge her with fabricating evidence was "a stretch at best."
Baugh also gave Nelson permission to travel to Germany on Aug. 2, despite protests from prosecutors who noted she had made seven false rape or assault claims against three men between 2009 and 2012.

Nelson was charged in December 2012 for reporting that her former boyfriend raped her as she left work one day.

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Israel: Acting bank governor says sexism may be behind PM snub

Article here. Excerpt:

'Acting Bank of Israel Governor Karnit Flug said her gender may have something to do with Prime Minister Netanyahu’s decision to overlook her for the top post at the central bank.

In an interview published in Yedioth Ahronoth Wednesday, asked if she thought there was sexism involved in Netanyahu’s disinclination to select her for the job — when previous governor Stanley Fischer recommended her, and two intended appointees withdrew — Flug answered: “Maybe… Until then I had never come across the so-called ‘glass ceiling’ in my professional career. I’ve always known that women carry a heavier burden than men because of the two-fold job of being a mother and a career woman, but I believed that it is in our power to combine and balance the two responsibilities… Only in the last two months, when I realized the intensity of the resistance against my appointment to governor of the bank, did the thought occur to me that maybe my disqualification was connected — also — to my being a woman.”'

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Women bear more than their share of military sacrifice

Article here. Excerpt:

'The women's movement has struggled for equality for years, but when it comes to one aspect of serving in the military, women have, unfortunately, achieved more than their share.

A RAND Corp. study found predictable results when it tracked the marital status of more than 460,000 U.S. service members between 1999 and 2008. With each passing month that a spouse was away at war, the chance of divorce increased.

Especially vulnerable were couples who married before the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, who didn't expect long deployments to be part of the equation.'

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Michael Wolff: Fed battle is all about gender

Article here. Excerpt:

'The public bake-off between the economists Lawrence Summers and Janet Yellen for the job of chairman of the Federal Reserve has boiled down, practically speaking, to discriminatory hiring practices

Janet Yellen's stand-out credential is that she is a woman.

Larry Summers' main drawback — or, certainly, among his most conspicuous characteristics — is that he is not.

You would have to be a naïf or dissembler of remarkable proportions not to see every argument for or against these candidates — and you might read each of these arguments as forms of letters of recommendation by their various sponsors — as reducible to a gender debate.'

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Gender Gap Traced Back

Article here. Excerpt:

'Recent research has suggested various ways in which girls outperform boys in high school, making them more likely to go to college: stronger desire to get good grades, better social skills, greater validation from academic performance. But a new study suggests gender sorting -- a boy’s or girl’s decision to attend one school or another – could have its own effect on the college enrollment gap.

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Tennis pro: "Women should play five sets"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Andy Murray insists he is ready to go five sets when he takes on the in-form Stanislas Wawrinka in their US Open quarter-final on Thursday - but believes there is no reason why women should not play the same if they are to earn equal prize money at grand slams.

Defending champion Murray had to come from a set behind to defeat Denis Istomin in his last 16 match at Flushing Meadows, and now faces the confident ninth seed Wawrinka - who took Novak Djokovic to five sets in a five hour epic at the Australian Open in January.
Speaking to the New York Times, Murray stated either the men should drop to three sets or women should play over five in order to justify equal pay.

"It isn't about it being inferior. As I see them, they're two different sports," Murray told the New York Times. "It's not like the 100 metres at the Olympics, not because they're not running the same speed as the men.

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Italy: 'Women MPs do a better job than men' - Letta

Article here. Excerpt:

'Laura Boldrini, Cecile Kyenge and Emma Bonino are among those doing “far better than men”, Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta said during an interview with television channel Russian 24 ahead of the G20 summit, which gets underway in St Petersburg on Thursday.

The number of women who have entered the Italian government since Letta came on board has increased from 20 to 30 percent.

The number of women who have entered the Italian government since Letta came on board has increased from 20 to 30 percent.

“I wanted my government to have the largest number of women in Italian history”, he said.

He added that this objective has been won, with “women doing a great job.”'

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"We have to help guide you along"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The pleasure of these ads comes from indulging in a little reverse sexism.

Finally, after all these years of men ogling women and parsing them into body bits, we get to have our turn! The ads even commit the same crimes as all lady product ads — showing the gain without the pain. (We see the man shaving his chest into Greek statue smoothness, but we don't see the three-days-later shot with the little bristles. And already the ads have induced complaints of misandry: “The underlying message is that men are slobs, men are grotesque, men have hairy backs, and they need women to civilize them,” Scott A. Lukas, an anthropology professor and head of the Gender Ads Project told The Post. Point won.

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Ireland: At-home dads: Cooking, cleaning, *and* repairs around the house

Article here. Nice to see such an article but for at-home dads. Excerpt:

'Think dad’s taxi and his handyman services don’t cost a thing?

Think again, because stay-at-home dads could be worth up to €45,000 a year.

That’s right. All those lifts to the cinema and kickabouts in the park add up if you were to pay someone else to do it.

According to a survey by Caledonian Life, there are over 10,000 fathers staying in the family home while their wives or girlfriends are out working.
• Having a mechanic on hand to fix up the house could cost you the guts €55 a week, hammering the family’s fortunes by €2,860 a year.'

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The importance of dads

Article here. Excerpt:

'Much is said about the relationship between mums and daughters, dads and sons. But little is said about the vital relationship between mothers and sons, fathers and daughters.
Sadly, not enough dads realise the impact they have on their daughters' lives. One study found only 30 per cent of fathers believed that active involvement in their daughter's life was vital to her health and well being.

This is despite recent findings that the dad's influence is as great, and sometimes greater, than the mother's.

Dads, as has been well documented, impact girls' interactions with men later in life.

"In my years of psychology practice, I've met very few women who did not unconsciously or consciously pick a romantic partner based on the characteristics of her father," says clinical psychologist Jennifer Kromberg.

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