"Smaller Testicles, Bigger Parenting Role, Study Suggests"

Link here. Excerpt:

'Are men with smaller testicles more involved dads? Could be, say the authors of a new study.

Anthropologists from Emory University in Atlanta wanted to try to better understand why some men are more actively engaged in child rearing than others, said study lead author James Rilling.

"We know children with involved fathers -- at least in modern western societies -- have better developmental outcomes socially, psychologically, and educationally. Yet, some men choose not to be involved," he said.

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Wife accused of pushing husband off cliff

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- A woman in Montana is accused of pushing her husband off a cliff after an argument. The pair had been married for just more than a week.

Jordan Linn Graham made an initial appearance in court Monday to face a charge of second-degree murder. If convicted, she faces life in prison.

According to a criminal complaint, Graham recently told a friend she was having second thoughts about marrying Cody L. Johnson. CNN affiliate KECI reported the couple had been married for just more than a week.
Graham told police that her husband grabbed her by the arm. She turned and removed it.

"Graham stated she could have just walked away, but due to her anger, she pushed Johnson with both hands in the back and as a result, he fell face first off the cliff," the complaint read.'

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Attorney uses controversial ad to warn men about child support

Article here. Excerpt:

'Local attorney Mark Davis is taking a cynical approach to what he says is a growing problem in the state of Texas.

Davis created an advertisement that is targeted toward women. It asks them how they would like to make thousands of dollars by staying at home, and instructs them how to do so by following simple steps.

1) Get pregnant and have a baby.
2) Once the baby is born, get rid of the father.
3) Get child support money by using a state-appointed, free attorney to sue the father.
4) Spend the money on trips without the child.
5) Spend the money on drinking, expensive restaurants, and clubs.

"Guess what? That's all legal in Texas," Davis said.'

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Divorce Settlement Agreements – The Devil is in the Lack of Details

Article here. Excerpt:

'To get divorced in Virginia, all issues must be resolved regarding the marital estate. The most cost effective way of resolving all issues is by reaching an agreement with your spouse. However, failing to carefully consider the details will leave you spending tens of thousands of dollars later as you battle over missed details or ambiguity.

Areas in which parties often fail to include sufficient details to have a functioning long-term agreement include, how to modify child support, children’s’ extra-curricular activities and who pays for them, how to make the decision about college when the parties agree to split the costs, unreimbursed medical expenses for out of network medical care, information required to exchange when the children are out of town or out of state, and the method for resolving disagreements when they inevitably arise.'

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Just how bad it can get-- child visitation case stretches 14 years in UK

Article here. Excerpt:

'In A (A Child) [2013] EWCA Civ 1104, the Court of Appeal has allowed a father's appeal against a contact order in respect of his daughter, restricting him to sending her emails and presents at Christmas and on her birthday. The father's application for contact / residence will now be reheard.

As McFarlane LJ explained in the lead judgment:

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"Female Astronauts Said To Face Discrimination Over NASA's Space Radiation Concerns"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Female astronauts have fewer opportunities to fly in space than men partially because of strict lifetime radiation exposure restrictions, astronauts say.

Both male and female astronauts are not allowed to accumulate a radiation dose that would increase their lifetime risk of developing fatal cancer by more than 3 percent. A six-month mission on the International Space Station exposes astronauts to about 40 times the average yearly dose of background radiation that a person would receive living on Earth, NASA spokesman William Jeffs said in an email.

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UK: The Fatherless Generation

Article here. Excerpt:

'I believe when a father is missing from a family an invisible screen of safety is removed, and all sorts of insecurities and problems are then allowed to enter. Will this apply to all single lone women raising children? No, but the above statistics do not lie.

Britain, with its plight of the fatherless represents how the spirit of the country feels as a whole. There is emptiness, that there is no genuine loving strength surrounding you. Looking out for you. It is a spiritual dilemma as well as a physical one. People sense it, but don’t know what it is.

Fathers need to be reunited and encouraged to be with their children as much as possible. Men need to be reinstated to their importance within society and in the family, which I believe has been overlooked at the expense of promoting the equality of women over the course of 50 years.

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Mother charged in fatal stabbing of teen son

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 31-year-old woman has been charged with murder in the stabbing death of her teenage son over the weekend, police said.

Robin Erwin, 31, is charged with first-degree murder in the slaying of her son Diontae Erwin, 17, Sauk Village Police said.

Police found Diontae in the 1700 block of 223rd Street about 12:15 p.m. Saturday, according to police. The boy was taken to Franciscan Saint Margaret Health in Dyer, Ind., where he was pronounced dead at 12:41 p.m.'

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60-year-old woman arrested on suspicion of domestic violence

Story here.

'A 60-year-old woman was arrested Sunday morning after she allegedly grabbed a man by the throat and tried to throw him out an open window, the Napa County Sheriff’s Office said.

Deputies were called just before 8 a.m. Sunday to the 3000 block of Cuttings Wharf Road on report of domestic violence, authorities said. On arrival, the alleged victim told police Leila Rhea Armstrong, of Napa, had grabbed him by the throat and tried to push him out a first-floor window.

The man successfully pushed Armstrong off him before she threw him out the window, the sheriff’s office said.

Armstrong, who was allegedly drunk when deputies arrived at the home, was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence and booked into the Napa jail, authorities said.'

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'Men – listen up, it's time we stopped apologizing for being who we are...'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The increasing regularity with which men are handbagged by feminist campaigners who constantly, endlessly, ubiquitously bang on about how they don't have a voice has become so prevalent that it's now laughable rather than annoying – although if the correspondence I receive from readers is anything to go by, male and female alike, they don't like being ballyragged by a bunch of birds with an agenda.
We've seen this ill-informed and badly articulated misandry with the numerous declarations that men are losing respect for women and are now becoming porn obsessed moral degenerates who, according to one recent commentator in these pages: "look at videos of women being half murdered."
Here's an idea, a crazy one that might cause hot flushes and gasps of consternation – being a woman does not make you special. It does not confer on you an automatic wisdom beyond your chromosomatic rivals.'

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Study Confirms Women’s Suspicions: Men Are Afraid Of Their Success

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology is giving credence to what successful, single women have been saying for decades: men are intimidated by their female partners’ achievements.

The study, “Gender Differences in Implicit Self-Esteem Following a Romantic Partner’s Success or Failure,” was co-authored by University of Florida psychology professor Kate A. Ratliff and University of Virginia psychology professor Shigehiro Oishi.

While intended to collect data regarding how those in heterosexual relationships view one another’s success, Ratliff and Oishi discovered that men’s self-worth — or self-esteem — disproportionately suffered when they perceived their female partners to be successful.'

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New center for masculine studies under fire

Article here. Excerpt:

'“Keep in mind, please, that this is a Center supposedly devoted to the study of men, not women,” said Bruce Bawer in his article “A Joke of a Men’s Studies Center,” published in Front Page Magazine. “Can you imagine a university press release in this day and age announcing the establishment of a new Women’s Studies Center and including more men’s names than women’s? Me neither.”

It is not the emergence of men’s studies that Bawer, a Stony Brook alumnus and author of “The Victims’ Revolution: The Rise of Identity Studies and the Closing of the Liberal Mind”, argues against, despite what his book title may say. Rather, it is the “unbalanced” advisory board that he and Newsday columnist Cathy Young see as a problem for men’s studies, rather than an asset.

“The study of men and masculinities’ as conceptualized by Kimmel and his like-minded colleagues is, at bottom, an academic vehicle for a political attack on ‘white male privilege’,” said Young. “This is undoubtedly the brand of ‘men’s studies’ that Stony Brook’s new Center will promote.”

“[Men’s studies] is about fostering and nurturing serious research within the context of gender studies,” Kimmel said in response to criticisms aimed at the center. “To my mind, these critiques by the MRAs are inevitable. They spend a lot of time trolling the internet and yelling at people. That’s not serious research.”

Using highly recognizable feminists as advisors was key to banishing misconceptions of what the new center is meant for. Others, however, contend that such actions belie the true academic nature of male gender studies.

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When dismay is a front-runner

Article here. Excerpt:

'Some are so eager to be inaugurated in 2017 that the 2016 campaign has begun 28 months before the 1.4 percent of Americans who live in Iowa and New Hampshire express themselves. It is, therefore, not too soon to get a head start on being dismayed. Consider two probable candidates.

Hillary Clinton comes among us trailing clouds of incense, so some acolytes will call it ill-mannered, even misogynistic to ask: What exactly is it about the condition of the world, and about America's relations with other nations, that recommends the former secretary of state for an even more elevated office?
That contemporary feminism is thin gruel is apparent in the fact that it has found its incarnation in a woman who married her way to the upper reaches of American politics. Still, the world's oldest political party might not allow a contest to mar the reverent awarding to her of its next nomination.'

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Woman/Boy Relationships in Pop Culture: No Big Deal

Article here. Excerpt:

Portrayals of relationships between older women and younger men have showed up in pop culture time and again, from The Graduate to American Pie. But it seems like more have been cropping up lately. Alissa Nutting’s novel Tampa, published in July, is about a 26-year-old woman who builds her entire life as a teacher around her attraction to 14-year-old boys. The Lifeguard, which opened in theaters last weekend, stars Kristen Bell as a 29-year-old who returns to her hometown and has an affair with a teenager. And this week sees the theatrical release of Adore, starring Robin Wright and Naomi Watts as two best friends who fall for each other’s 18-year-old sons, and A Teacher, the story of a young woman’s undoing as her relationship with one of her high-school students comes to an end.
The differing attitudes towards woman/boy relationships versus man/girl ones was, until recently, codified by the government. It wasn’t until the year 2000 that all 50 states had gender-neutral statutory rape laws. Until then, laws tended to punish the woman participant less harshly or not at all, even if she was the perpetrator. According to Carolyn E. Cocca, the author of Jailbait: The Politics of Statutory Rape Laws in the United States, the role of women sex offenders is routinely downplayed. In a 2002 article in which she reviews the language used to describe statutory rapists Mary Kay LeTourneau, Stephen Simmons, and Sean O'Neill, Cocca found that:

"…while much of the discourse still categorizes statutory rape with a male victim as abuse, the "older woman" perpetrator is more often described as a manipulative or mentally ill seductress while the "older man" perpetrator is usually likened to an abusive predator.

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Harvard Business School Case Study: Gender Equity

Article here. Excerpt:

'But in 2010, Drew Gilpin Faust, Harvard’s first female president, appointed a new dean who pledged to do far more than his predecessors to remake gender relations at the business school. He and his team tried to change how students spoke, studied and socialized. The administrators installed stenographers in the classroom to guard against biased grading, provided private coaching — for some, after every class — for untenured female professors, and even departed from the hallowed case-study method.

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