"A present father"

Very nice video here. From the text shown on video:

'a present face
the ability to express feelings
being father already..
choose for others
compare with the past, and challenge yourself
walk the road together (fare un tratto di strada assieme)
be the example
be honest
say "no" when needed
give credit for success'

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Tell Change.org to add a Men's Rights section

Petition here. Great idea! A petition to a petition site! Excerpt:

'Change.org offers a Women's Rights section, but has no Men's Rights section. We find this appalling. How can a site that regularly promotes petitions about equality ignore half the population?

Men suffer much discrimination in today's world.

Fathers in family court are not treated equally to mothers. Approximately 75-80% of cases end up with mothers getting sole custody, even when the fathers were the stay-at-home parent and they asked for equal custody.

Men are routinely called perpetrators of domestic violence, even though half of all DV is mutual, and the rest is evenly divided between men and women. This discrimination starts at the top (AG Holder) and trickles all the way down to neighborhood abuse shelters. Men abused by women are often arrested instead of given support.'

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Women's rights not enough

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Jan. 13, 2012, an Italian cruise ship (the Costa Concordia) partially sank off the coast of Tuscany. There were 4,252 people on board. Thirty people died and 64 people were injured.

However, the big story about this event was when the captain of the ship, Francesco Schettino — and much of his crew — abandoned the ship without much thought to the women and children on board.

In other words, it was not a Titanic-type situation where the women and children were offered the lifeboats first.

It was every person for themselves and yet there were documented complaints from women on board that the men fended for themselves without thought to the women or children first.

Is it the man’s responsibility to think of the women and children first or have times changed in the wake of feminism?

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Queen Latifah Doesn’t Want a Show about Paternity Tests

Article here. Excerpt:

'As David Letterman interviewed Queen Latifah about her new talk show the actress revealed that she had no desire to delve into the realm of paternity testing. That could be due to the controversial nature of the court system when it comes to determining the rights and responsibilities of a father.

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No parental rights for man after mom married

Article here. Excerpt:

'A northern Michigan man’s bid to establish parental rights to a 2-year-old boy was shot down by the state appeals court in a decision that rested on the marital status of the mother when the child was born.

It’s another case where a man has no automatic right to paternity in Michigan if a child is born to a woman while she’s married to another man. The law has changed since John Sprenger filed a lawsuit in 2011, but the new version hasn’t helped him, either.
The appeals court viewed the case under an old version of Michigan’s paternity law. While the case was pending, the law was changed in 2012 to give men a better chance at establishing fatherhood.
“Justice fails when the truth is made subservient to procedural rules,” his attorney, Eric Phelps, said.'

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Domestic violence reality check for the 'manosphere'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Domestic violence is a crime in which, overwhelmingly, the victims are women and the perpetrators are men. A recent 11-year summary of domestic violence trends in Victoria by the Department of Justice found that nearly 80 per cent of victims were female and over 90 per cent of perpetrators were male.

Yet lately it seems that there has been a subtle shift in community perception. Whenever the topic of domestic violence is raised in the media, talkback radio, online comments and letters to the editor are suddenly flooded with demands that we acknowledge that men, too, are victims. According to a VicHealth report, one fifth of the community now believes that men and women are equal perpetrators of violence in the home.

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Personal Responsibility is not a “War on Women”

Article here. Excerpt:

'Over the last couple years, especially during the 2012 general election, I have become more and more aggravated with the Left’s use of the term “War on Women.” The United States has been one of the best countries to live in since we declared our independence. While we have had our ups and downs concerning equal rights, we have come a long way and are still far ahead of the rest of the world.
Those who say there is a “War on Women” seem to ignore the fact that women have a brain and are not just sexual creatures that cannot make choices for themselves. They also seem to believe that it is the government’s responsibility to take care of women. They ignore the simple fact that women can take responsibility for their actions. After all, isn’t that a right that we have been fighting for all along: personal responsibility, rather than having others be responsible for us?'

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Nigeria: "The Feminisation of Boys"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Many people are asking silent crisis is consuming the future of our male children. Fathers are spending more time away from their families either toiling at work, lounging with their buddies at the club after a hard day’s work, or generally involved in one thing or another that takes them away from home. They have surrendered the nurturing and upbringing of their children, especially boys, to women – their mothers, aunties, female house helps and nannies. Absentee fatherhood is taking an awful toll on our boys. Children need the presence of strong male role models as psychological, spiritual and moral anchors. This is the essence of the divinely ordained role of males as family heads.

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Men falling under unfair suspicion

Article here. Excerpt:

'I AM so glad I wasn't born a man.

This has got nothing to do with facial hair or the fact that woman can have babies while men can't.

It's that women don't automatically get branded as a pedophile or a sexual predator based purely on their sex.

I was doing a story last week on a single dad offering his help for free to other single women.

On the surface, it seemed like an honest gesture of goodwill.

I don't know the man and I can't pretend to know his intentions.

But what disturbed me was a phone call I had from another woman who had called the police about him.

This man had approached her with an offer for help and, from what I can tell, had also suggested they might end up going on a date.

The woman was concerned he was looking to take advantage of vulnerable women.

The reason? "Nothing is for free in this world."

The fact that a man can't offer his help to a woman without being assumed to have an ulterior motive makes me feel tired and angry.

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Court dismisses Nebraska man's false rape lawsuit

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Wymore man falsely accused of rape will appeal the dismissal of his lawsuit against Gage County and several of its deputies, his lawyer said Friday.

Elliot Hawkins, 50, sued the county and law enforcement officials over his 2011 arrest, accusing officials of negligence and saying they violated his due process rights by conducting a reckless investigation and intentionally ignoring leads that would have exonerated him. The lawsuit sought an unspecified amount for lost earnings capacity, damage to his reputation and emotional distress, among other things.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Cheryl Zwart granted the county's motion for summary judgment, saying the defendants have immunity from liability.

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How to Make School Better for Boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'I recently appeared on MSNBC’s The Cycle to discuss the new edition of my book The War Against Boys. The four hosts were having none of it. A war on boys? They countered with the wage gap and the prominence of men across the professions. One of them concluded, “I don’t think the patriarchy is under any threat.”

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'Men Taking Up Too Much Space On The Train'

Article here. Excerpt:

'We've probably all ended up sitting next to that guy on the train. You know, the man who insists on resting his elbow basically on your body, or takes up one-and-a-half seats in order to keep his legs spread or stands unnecessarily close to you even when the car is mostly empty.

That's why the "Men Taking Up Too Much Space On The Subway" Tumblr is so great. It shows photographs of what the curator calls "a classic among public assertions of privilege" -- men taking up much more space than their size calls for.

Of course, the men photographed in this Tumblr aren't doing anything malicious, but it's an interesting visual representation of the way that men feel totally empowered to take up a lot of public space -- and women often do not.'

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Newlywed accused of pushing husband off cliff is freed ahead of trial

Story here. Excerpt:

'A judge on Thursday ordered a Montana woman who allegedly killed her new husband by pushing him off a cliff to be released from jail and placed in her parents' custody pending trial, legal documents show.

Jordan Graham, 22, was arrested on Monday on a federal charge of second-degree murder stemming from the July 7 death of her husband of eight days.

Authorities allege Graham lied and tried to cover up the crime before confessing she shoved Cody Johnson, 25, of Kalispell, Mont., over a cliff at Glacier National Park during an argument and after expressing doubts about the marriage, according to court records.'

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"Deadbeat Dad Dilemma"

Video here. Author/producer does the math on "dead-beatedness".

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"Mommy Dearest" obituary pulled from web site

Story here. Excerpt:

'Marianne Theresa Johnson-Reddick, born January 4, 1935, died last month, to the relief and comfort of the children whom she spent a lifetime (in their words) "torturing in every way possible." Those children, now grown, marked her passing by submitting the most chilling obituary you will ever read to her local newspaper, the Reno Gazette-Journal. While it appears to have been scrubbed from the paper's website, here's the full text, as it appeared online earlier today:

"Marianne Theresa Johnson-Reddick born Jan 4, 1935 and died alone on Aug. 30, 2013. She is survived by her 6 of 8 children whom she spent her lifetime torturing in every way possible. While she neglected and abused her small children, she refused to allow anyone else to care or show compassion towards them. When they became adults she stalked and tortured anyone they dared to love. Everyone she met, adult or child was tortured by her cruelty and exposure to violence, criminal activity, vulgarity, and hatred of the gentle or kind human spirit.

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