Mandatory Title IX training delays lodge openings

Article here. Excerpt:

'Five fraternity lodges opened last Friday night, a later opening date than in previous years. The reason for the late opening date is 90 percent of each fraternity had to attend Title IX training for them to have guests at their lodges.
The fraternities will be enforcing stricter registration at their lodges this year to keep track of all the guests, said Will Cook, president of KA. The Title IX training is “meant to make sure the guests and brothers are safe and avoid any misunderstandings about sexual intent, hazing, bullying, etc.” Cook said.
“All in all, I think that the message that Title IX training conveys should not be targeted to one group of men for the sole reason of affiliation,” Southall said. “If the safety of our Westhampton College classmates is the priority, then training should be available for all men.”'

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Will men's centres be coming to Canadian universities?

harticle here. Excerpt:

'An American professor specializing in studying the psychology of boys and men, masculinity and manhood is making the case for creating men's centres on campus.

Miles Groth is an advisory fellow for the Canadian Association for Equality (CAFE), which is working to raise funds to create the Canadian Centre for Men and Families.

Miles Groth is an advisory fellow for the Canadian Association for Equality (CAFE), which is working to raise funds to create the Canadian Centre for Men and Families.

Advocates on both sides of the border are seeking to fill what they view as a void at schools and within communities -- programs dedicated to studying, serving and supporting male interests and needs.

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State senators host lunch forum on women's health in the workplace

Article here. Excerpt:

'A discussion on women's health in the workplace, with a focus on the challenges of rheumatoid arthritis, will be held at noon today at the state Capitol.

State Sens. Sandy Pappas and Kathy Sheran will lead the event, "Women’s Health in the Workplace: Chronic Disease & Aging," from noon to 1 p.m. in Room 118 at the Capitol.

The discussion will look at the impact of arthritis on work and social life, family relationships and other aspects of daily life.'


'25.9% of women and 18.3% men report doctor-diagnosed arthritis.', p. 11:

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Men’s rights speaker claims anti-date-rape talks discourage men from higher education

Article here. Excerpt:

'The next speaker in an ongoing lecture series on men’s issues will be talking about why some young men are disengaged with college and university—something he blames, in part, on the anti-date-rape talks given to freshmen.
“Some of the content of these seminars, which are now very common in colleges and universities, set these boys coming in, set them up as being potentially dangerous, and potentially harmful, particularly to women on campus,” he said.

“There are, for example, date-rape seminars that are de rigueur for nearly all first-year student programs.”

Groth questioned whether the date-rape talks are “overkill” and “whether in fact it might not be wiser to talk about this in a broader way, let’s say for example, courtesy between boys and girls on campus, regardless of who’s behaving, males or females.”

A second reason for young men feeling unwelcome is that some courses appear to better reflect young women’s university lives, he said.'

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"Move over, abortion — men’s issues are the new taboo topics on campus"

Article here. Excerpt:

'But new to the Campus Freedom Index this year, however, is the topic of men’s issues awareness — a subject that wets the felt-tip markers of the perpetually outraged upon mere mention. The movement is a relatively recent phenomenon on Canadian campuses, where men’s rights speakers and groups are usually met with protests, attempts at censorship and placards about how “Men’s Rights is Misogyny.” In other words: pure failure fodder for the Campus Freedom Index.

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SAVE E-lert: Roadmap for Prosecutor Reform

The Center for Prosecutor Integrity (CPI) is releasing a new report that calls for strong oversight measures designed to assure ethical prosecutor conduct and stop wrongful convictions.: Roadmap for Prosecutor Reform.

Lawmakers, legal oversight boards, and other stakeholders should take note of this important report, which includes 20 reforms designed to enhance the accountability of local, state, and federal prosecutors.

Roadmap for Prosecutor Reform is available here:

An Epidemic of Prosecutor Misconduct, is available here:

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2013 SAT report released-- brace yourselves

The aggregate SAT scores report for 2013 has been released.

Boys outperform girls in math.
Girls outperform boys in reading.

Brace youselves for the pending flood of articles on how this news (girls doing poorly in math) is a disaster and how we must find ways to make the boys do worse -- oops! sorry, I mean -- help the girls do better.

Naturally no one will give a rat's ass about the problem boys have in reading. We only care about the girls.

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D.I.V.O.R.C.E. spells disaster for too many dads going through the big break-up

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ever conscious to keep my column even-handed, this week I want to speak out on behalf of men, and this week’s topic is inspired by a dear male friend of mine currently going through a divorce, coping with the typical issues of having to pay maintenance to a soon-to-be-ex-wife, as well as child support payments.

Lots of men are in the same boat. His story is just one of many, but actually hearing it from a man’s side, did get me thinking.

Over the years, we as women have fought hard to be equal to men, yet so many ex-wives are still sponging off previous husbands, their excuse being they want to maintain the same standard of life they had when married.

Well if it was that good why not just stay married then?

Meanwhile the poor men responsible for paying for their ex-wives’ continued standard of living are often left struggling to make their own ends meet, and they are certainly not being afforded the same lifestyle they were used to while married.'

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Book: "Divorced fathers and their families: Legal, economic, and emotional dilemmas"

Review here. Excerpt:

'Divorced Fathers and Their Families presents a needed corrective to a long-neglected topic without trivializing the problems and needs of divorced mothers and children or downplaying the realities of divorce. In much of the book, divorced men's narratives reveal their roles in their children's lives, the emotional turmoil when those roles are disrupted, and their frustrations when the legal system assumes the worst about them. ...' page here.

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8 Reasons Straight Men Don't Want To Get Married

This article is from June, but worth posting, as the information in it is still current. Excerpt:

'In the course of researching my new book, Men On Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream - And Why It Matters, I talked with men all over America about why they're avoiding marriage. It turns out that the problem isn't that men are immature, or lazy. Instead, they're responding rationally to the incentives in today's society.
[Ed.: Following is the basic list without author's further comments]
1. You'll lose respect.
2. You'll lose out on sex.
3. You'll lose friends.
4. You'll lose space.
5. You could lose your kids, and your money. And they may not even be your kids.
6. You'll lose in court.
7. You'll lose your freedom.
8. Single life is better than ever.'

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IA: Protest in Cincinnatti planned over experimentation on infant boys

Next week, I will be in Cincinnati to stand outside Good Samaritan Hospital and demand that its researchers stop its circumcision clamp study.

We have to make it clear that this heinous experiment on innocent babies will NOT go unheeded, and it will NOT go unchallenged!

Here’s what we have planned for October 3:

  • SIDEWALK PROTEST: People from around the country will be traveling to Cincinnati to march peacefully with us outside the hospital, demanding that this study be shut down.
  • MOBILE BILLBOARD: We need to reach as many Cincinnati-area residents as possible with the harsh reality of what’s happening right in their backyard, and the most effective way to do that is with a mobile billboard.
  • PRESS CONFERENCE: I will be speaking, along with other prominent intactivists, at a national press conference outside the hospital.

This hospital needs to know that conducting pain and bleeding experiments on babies is cruel, unscientific, and WRONG.

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SAVE: In Wake of New Orleans Prosecutor Scandal, CPI Calls for Strong Oversight Measures

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON / September 25, 2013 – Following last week’s revelations of “grotesque prosecutorial misconduct” in a New Orleans police shooting case, the Center for Prosecutor Integrity (CPI) is releasing a new report that calls for strong oversight measures designed to assure ethical prosecutor conduct and stop wrongful convictions.

The report, Roadmap for Prosecutor Reform, lays out 20 reforms designed to enhance the accountability of local, state, and federal prosecutors. The reforms are intended to correct prosecutor abuses in such areas as over-charging of suspects, concealing evidence, and coercing witnesses.

The report is intended for lawmakers, legal oversight boards, and other stakeholders in the criminal justice system. Roadmap for Prosecutor Reform is available here:'

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NPO: Father Awarded $40.25 million Judgment Against Former Wife

Article here. Excerpt:

'In August of 2013, the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts awarded Massachusetts father Colin Bower $40,250,000 on his claims against his former wife, Mirvat El-Nady. Ms. El-Nady fled to Cairo, Egypt, in August of 2009, taking their children with her without his consent and in violation of a Massachusetts court order granting sole custody to Bower. The case underscores that courts recognize — and punish — parental actions aimed at depriving children of meaningful bonds with both of their parents.

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OWH conference: "President’s Working Group Recommendations on the Intersection of HIV/AIDS, Violence against Women/Girls and Gender-Related Health Disparities‏"

From a mailing list email:

'Putting Women and Girls First: President’s Working Group Recommendations on the Intersection of HIV/AIDS, Violence against Women/Girls and Gender-Related Health Disparities

Thursday, October 10, 2013
1 p.m. – 3 p.m. ET
Hubert H. Humphrey Building, Great Hall
200 Independence Ave. SW
Washington, DC 20201

In observance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, please join us for a panel discussion to highlight the release of the President’s Working Group Report on the Intersection of HIV/AIDS, Violence Against Women and Girls, and Gender-related Health Disparities.

Featured speakers include:

  1. Ms. Lynn Rosenthal, White House Advisor on Violence Against Women
  2. Dr. Grant Colfax, Director of the Office on National AIDS Policy
  3. Dr. Gina Brown, Office of AIDS Research, National Institutes of Health

Exhibits will be open at 12:30 p.m. for your review.

To register, send the information below to by close-of-business on Tuesday, October 1, 2013.
(all fields required)

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Organizational Affiliation
  4. Phone Number
  5. Email Address
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Many doctors performing circumcisions are poorly trained for procedure: report

Article here. Excerpt:

'The mere mention of the word circumcision is enough to make some men cringe, and a new study suggests they might have more reason to flinch than they thought.

Many of the doctors who perform the procedure are generalists and poorly trained for the task, possibly explaining the steady stream of complications seen in emergency wards, some with life-long consequences, conclude researchers in Hamilton, Ont.

Given that there is relatively little medical reason to perform circumcisions, it is important at least that physicians know what they are doing to prevent slip-ups, the Hamilton physicians’ newly published study says.'

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