Man Shielded Daughter as Rock Slide Killed Him

Story here. With all the news on bad fathers, we should all note this news story. A father sacrifices his life to save his daughter. Excerpt:

'A 13-year-old girl, the lone survivor of a rock slide that killed five people in Colorado, said her father used his body as a shield to protect her when the rocks came crashing down, according to police.
"I heard a scream next to me. I saw a hand sticking out underneath the boulder," Tolsma said of Gracie. "The true hero is her dad. She said her dad jumped on her to protect her at the last moment when the rocks were coming down. I think he saved her life."

Gracie's father, a high school football coach, her mother and a sister died, sources told ABC News. The other victims and their identities have not been officially released.'

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The Current Job Market Is Shockingly Bad For 20-Something Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Great Recession was disastrous across all worker demographics, but it was especially bad for men in their 20s.
"For men, this is kind of a wake up call," says Anthony Carnevale, director of the Georgetown CEW. "The prospects are declining and what prospects there are aren't going to last. It's taking a while for the blue-collar economy to melt down, but it's melting."

In the last decade, the share of men ages 26 to 30 employed full-time fell from 80% in 2000 to 65% in 2012, the study finds. Over the same period, the proportion of women employed full-time in that age bracket also declined, but only from 56% to 50% — a drop of six percentage points as opposed to men's 15:'

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Mother Allegedly Kills Children To Prevent Father From Getting Custody

Story here. Excerpt:

'Marilyn Edge, 42 (pictured above), of Scottsdale, Arizona was charged Monday with two counts of murder with special circumstances in the deaths of her two children, daughter Faith, 9, and son Jaelen, 13, after she poisoned them in a California hotel room to prevent turning custody over to their father in Georgia, reports the CBS Atlanta.

After a long, contentious custody battle, a Georgia judge awarded Mark Edge custody of the two children (pictured below) and Marilyn Edge was ordered to pay child support.

Instead of taking the children to their father in Cobb County, Georgia, Mrs. Edge allegedly poisoned them in a Santa Ana, California hotel room before crashing her car into an electrical box outside a Home Depot in Costa Mesa, California.'

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Voices of Reason About the Gender Wars

Article here. Excerpt:

'The talk itself was powerful, definitive, supremely logical – and also suitably provocative. Noting, for example, the obsession of feminism with male-on-female violence, Fiamengo pointed out that there are, in fact, “more male than female victims of violence,” that women in lesbian relationships are just about as likely to be the victims of domestic violence as women married to men, and that husbands are physically abused by their wives almost as frequently as wives are physically abused by their husbands. Fiamengo also cannily observed that while “children under the age of twelve are far more likely to be killed by their mothers than by anyone else,” there would surely be a massive feminist outcry “if the media focused relentlessly on mother violence against children” and if there were, say, regularly organized marches and a “ribbon campaign” expressing concern about the innocent victims of such murders.

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Kenya: Push for male circumcision in Nyanza fails to reduce infections

Article here. Excerpt:

'KENYA:The prevalence of HIV and Aids rose in Nyanza and Central provinces, according to the Kenya Aids Indicative Survey released by the Health Cabinet Secretary James Macharia on Tuesday.

But Central’s 3.8 per cent prevalence increase from the previous 3.6 per cent is a mere fraction of Nyanza’s 15.1 per cent up from 2007’s 14.9 per cent.

Nyanza’s prevalence is big enough to double the national average prevalence.

And it has happened in spite of an aggressive campaign to have male circumcision as a strategy to reduce new infections in the region.

According to the KAIS 2012 survey, male circumcision among men aged 15-64 years in Nyanza increased by 18 per cent.

According to Macharia, this represents a new 600,000 males from Nyanza joining the community of the circumcised.

“Circumcision was a taboo in this part of the country then, but today it’s the norm,” said Macharia, who claimed this development has helped reduce new infections.

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12-YO boy suspended for bringing 2-inch novelty keychain shaped like gun to school

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 12-year-old boy was suspended from a Rhode Island middle school after a gun keychain — just bigger than the size of a quarter — dropped out of his backpack during class.

Joseph Lyssikatos said a classmate scooped the novelty pistol from the ground and began showing it to other students at Alan Shawn Feinstein Middle School in Coventry when a teacher confiscated it on Thursday.
Lyssikatos was suspended for three days and banned from a class field trip to Salem at the end of the month.'

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Daughter kills mother and brother, dad kills daughter

Story here. Good grief. Excerpt:

'Though the investigation of Friday's shootings continues, authorities said it appears Josephine and Jeffrey Ruckinger planned to murder her family at their rural central Pennsylvania home — but it remains unclear what exactly led to the deadly confrontation.

"They parked at the bottom of a long driveway, and walked up, heavily armed," said Cambria County District Attorney Kelly Callihan.
Police say Roberta, 64, answered the door, and cried out something like "Oh my God, they have guns!" before her daughter shot her at point-blank range. John Jr. then may have attempted to arm himself with a gun, but Jeffrey Ruckinger shot him multiple times in the chest, killing him, police said.

The elder Frew, 67, grabbed a .22 revolver and came out from the bedroom to find the daughter he didn't initially recognize pointing the shotgun at him. Frew fired once, hitting her in the head, then turned and exchanged fire with Jeffrey Ruckinger, killing him. He then called police.'

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"Circumcision breaches human rights of the child"

Article here. Excerpt:

'"To circumcise a child without medical reasons and without the child's consent, runs contrary... to the child's human rights and the fundamental principles of medical ethics," they write in a debate article in the Dagens Nyheter daily on Saturday.

The ombudsman Fredrik Malmberg, together with representatives from the Swedish Society of Medicine (SLS), the Swedish Society of Health Professionals (Vårdförbundet), the Swedish Paediatric Society (BLF) and the Swedish Association of Pediatric Surgeons (SLF), argues that Swedish law requires that the child's will be taken into account wherever possible.

Circumcision is a procedure which is typically carried out at a very young age and it is this issue of consent which is paramount, they argue.

"We consider circumcision of boys without the child's consent to be in contravention of article 12 of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) which gives children the right to have an opinion in matters which concern them."'

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Woman accused of trying to hire hit man to kill son's father, report says

Story here. Excerpt:

'Police say they arrested a College Station woman Wednesday after she paid someone she thought was a hit man to kill the father of her 7-year-old son, according to CBS affiliate KBTX.

Nicolette Beard, 33, allegedly agreed to pay an undercover officer $4,000 to kill 30-year-old Anthony Drymalla III.

KBTX reports College Station police got a tip about the case when one of Beard's friends told them about the woman's plan.

The motive behind the murder-for-hire plot was a custody battle between the parents, according to police.'

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Supermodel defends herself against violent feminists

Story here. Excerpt:

'When two half-naked female protesters from the radical anarchist organization "Femen" disrupted Paris Fashion Week on Thursday by invading the catwalk with slogans painted on their bare chests, an 18-year old supermodel punched one of them squarely in the nose.

Hollie-May Saker, an 18-year old supermodel whom many say may be the next Kate Moss, saw the screaming protesters just as she was about to go on stage.

According to the Daily Mail, a woman from the "radical feminist group" grabbed Saker's arm and tried to lift up her skirt, at which point the model punched her on the nose. She then "continued her run" on the catwalk "as if nothing had happened."'

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Michael Le Vell's acquittal is no reason to give rape defendants anonymity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Every time a celebrity is acquitted of rape allegations, a pernicious media campaign clamours for anonymity for defendants to stop women and children from wrecking vulnerable men's lives. Most recently, we saw this after the Michael Le Vell trial.

Women Against Rape (WAR) and Lisa Avalos began to work on collaborative research in 2012 to compare how women accused of lying are treated in the US and the UK. Despite different legal systems, the findings shine a light on the UK, with poor investigations being found to be the central obstacle to justice.

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Bloomberg agency combats domestic violence with warning ads for women in subways, bus system

Story here. Excerpt:

'A city agency created by Mayor Bloomberg to combat domestic violence plans to paper subways and the bus system with dire warnings to women who may not realize they’re being abused.

“Broken, threatened, put-down, scared,” the stark ads ask against the backdrop of a woman crying. “If you feel any of these in your relationship, that’s abuse.”

The ads from the Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence, which will start appearing in subways and on bus shelters Thursday, are part of a campaign called “That’s Abuse” that aims to encourage women in abusive relationships to seek help before the situation becomes violent.'

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Today in Washington: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand unveils plan to help women in the workplace

Article here. Excerpt:

'Washington -- U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand today plans to make what she calls a major policy speech in which she will unveil a five-point package aimed at helping middle-class women in the workplace.

Gillibrand, D-N.Y., will outline her plan for the economic security of women beginning at 10:30 a.m. at the Center for American Progress, a progressive think tank based in Washington, D.C., with strong ties to the White House. New York's junior senator has been outspoken in the past about equal pay for women.

The Center for American Progress issued a report this week titled, "The State of Women in America." The report noted that despite advances in the workplace, women are paid 77 cents for every dollar a man is paid.'

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Woman accused of stabbing herself and her child, then blaming man

Story here. This is an incident that occurred on a greenbelt trail in the Denver suburb of Wheat Ridge about a month ago. It was reported as a man stabbing a woman and her toddler child, and there was a manhunt for the man. I almost didn't see this follow up to this story in which it turned out that the woman allegedly stabbed herself and her child and blamed the man. This was during the major flooding in Colorado that week, so this new story slipped under my radar until now. Excerpt:

'The investigation into last month’s Wheat Ridge Greenbelt-area double-stabbing took a bizarre twist last week after police arrested the woman who was once thought to be a victim in the case – no accused of trying to pin the attack of her and her child on a man who she claims raped her years ago.

Stephany Harwood, 21, of Lakewood was arrested last week, and was being held at the Jefferson County jail on a felony charge of child abuse resulting in serious bodily injury. She was given a $100,000 bond.

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Mandatory Title IX training delays lodge openings

Article here. Excerpt:

'Five fraternity lodges opened last Friday night, a later opening date than in previous years. The reason for the late opening date is 90 percent of each fraternity had to attend Title IX training for them to have guests at their lodges.
The fraternities will be enforcing stricter registration at their lodges this year to keep track of all the guests, said Will Cook, president of KA. The Title IX training is “meant to make sure the guests and brothers are safe and avoid any misunderstandings about sexual intent, hazing, bullying, etc.” Cook said.
“All in all, I think that the message that Title IX training conveys should not be targeted to one group of men for the sole reason of affiliation,” Southall said. “If the safety of our Westhampton College classmates is the priority, then training should be available for all men.”'

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