Submitted by GaryB on Tue, 2013-10-08 19:56
This story appeared today out of China. Excerpt:
'A CHINESE woman was arrested after she forced her boyfriend to kneel in a Hong Kong street while she slapped him for allegedly cheating on her.
The South China Morning Post reports the incident, which was captured on video, shows the woman, whose name is Cheng, accusing her boyfriend Chui of bringing another woman back to his flat.
"Listen to me first before beating me!" he pleads, before adding: "I told her not to come!"
Cheng however grabs his hair and continues to slap him across the face.
An eyewitness called the police and the girl was arrested.'
Great to see the right response from those around him, at least.
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Submitted by Dantheman123 on Tue, 2013-10-08 18:18
I recently discovered and saw a new film that came out called "The Heat" which came out in August 2013. It stars Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy.
I have never seen so much sexist anti-male hatred in a film before. I nearly stopped watching it after about 20 minutes as it really just took it to the extreme.
You have McCarthy's character calling out that she wanted to "rupture" the man's balls she was chasing, and an interrogation that resulted in her character pointing a gun at the perp's genitalia and threatening to shoot him. In the final scene you see Sandra Bullock come sliding into a room and shooting a man in his genitalia when there was no reason to do so.
It made me so angry that this film had even been made; they have never made a film where people go around shooting women in the breasts or in the vagina, as it would be looked down upon as just crude and disrespectful. Yet in this film, they took every opportunity they had to attack men and their genitalia.
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Submitted by bronxman on Tue, 2013-10-08 11:43
As a member of the American Society of Engineering Education, I get emails about this topic. Each news feed contains information on progarms for ONLY girls. Each time, I go there and post my displeasure. It would be great if others could do the same. Here are the two for today:
Edison Partners with Local Girl Scouts
'Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio, whose reach extends over Riverside to San Bernardino counties, received a generous grant from Southern California Edison to help fund the “Imagine Your STEM Future” project. The programs are targeted at high school-aged girls and aim to encourage increased interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers.'
Natalie Portman Launches STEM Contest for Teenage Girls
'Actress NATALIE PORTMAN has launched a contest for teenage girls who are interested in science, technology, engineering and math.
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Submitted by bronxman on Tue, 2013-10-08 11:10
I like this site a lot. It fills me with energy. But sometimes, when I read too much about how so many women despise men, I get down. I found this. It helps to know that there are women out there who do like men. Excerpt:
'This is a list of things that I love about men. Pure and simple. No talk of feminism or slut shaming or gender depictions in the media or rape culture here—just an unadulterated tribute to men, a panegyric, a compilation of reasons to be thankful for the male species, in ways both big and small, superficial and profound, personal and professional. They are in no particular order, the creation of my stream of consciousness. I could have gone on for hours, but it’s my hope that you, readers, will add to this list, to show that we appreciate and adore men and what they bring to our lives and the world. (We can return to the heavier debates tomorrow.) For now, let’s have a Kumbaya moment. Leave your reasons in the comments section, and let’s see what we can come up with together!'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2013-10-06 19:15
Article here. Excerpt:
'In the following video, Dan Caplinger, the Fool's director of investment planning, discusses the center's look at women and Social Security in an effort to explain the center's findings. Dan notes the center's findings that women on average have lower lifetime earnings than men, allowing women to benefit from Social Security's progressive formula for calculating benefits. Moreover, Dan observes that women have longer life expectancies, thereby receiving payments for a longer period of time. He talks about how Metlife (NYSE: MET ) , Prudential (NYSE: PRU ) , Genworth Financial (NYSE: GNW ) , and other annuity providers typically have different payouts for men and women, but Social Security pays the same amount regardless of gender. Finally, Dan discusses the impact of survivors' and spousal benefits on the total amount that women get from Social Security.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2013-10-06 19:08
Article here. Excerpt:
'At the latest battle in the emerging campus war over men’s rights, as a man in a pink keffiyeh, with a pink hammer and sickle on his chest, shouted slogans through a pink megaphone at a group of men’s rights activists who marched on the Ontario legislature to denounce the oppressive effects of feminism, it was tempting to invoke Henry Kissinger’s quip about the Iran-Iraq War: “It’s a pity they both can’t lose.”
Neither side made an articulate case through their mutual loathing. One men’s rights speaker called for armed resistance, and one male feminist counter-protester evidently did not grasp the difference between “suffering” and “suffrage.”
And yet, as a series of hotly protested campus lectures in recent months has illustrated, there are real constituencies behind these extremist combatants. An ideological divide is opening up, on Canadian campuses especially, over the question of organized activism for men’s issues.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2013-10-06 16:03
Story here. Can you imagine a more disgusting, reprehensible crime short of mass-murder/genocide? Anyway, note that the story uses "having sex with", right at the start. "Having sex" implies mutual consent. Infants can't give consent to anything. Also, note the suspect is charged with a second rape count after yet a second victim was identified. Also looks like birds of a feather flock: her registered sex offender bf was also charged with something after he was nabbed with one of her laptops at his apartment. Will there be a he-made-her-do-it defense? Guess we'll see. Excerpt:
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2013-10-06 03:15
Story here. Excerpt:
'Four more women took on the Marine Corps Infantry Officer Course on Thursday and washed out, the latest chapter in the service’s ongoing research into which roles women should be able to fill in combat.
The women failed the school’s introductory Combat Endurance Test, a grueling exam designed to assess physical strength, stamina and the ability to make decisions while exhausted. They were recruited on a voluntary basis to attempt IOC at Quantico, Va.
All told, 81 male and female Marines began the initial endurance test yesterday at Quantico. Sixty-five men passed; 12 male Marines and four female Marines did not, said Capt. Maureen Krebs, a Marine spokeswoman at the Pentagon.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2013-10-05 04:17
Article here. Excerpt:
'A resolution that calls male ritual circumcision a “violation of the physical integrity of children” was passed overwhelmingly by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
The council, a pan-European intergovernmental organization, debated and passed the resolution on Tuesday based on a report by the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development led by German rapporteur Marlene Rupperecht. The resolution passed by a vote of 78 in favor and 13 against, with 15 abstentions.
The resolution calls on states to “clearly define the medical, sanitary and other conditions to be ensured for practices such as the non-medically justified circumcision of young boys.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2013-10-04 21:22
Article here. Excerpt:
'Domestic violence is a crime in which, overwhelmingly, the victims are women and the perpetrators are men. A recent 11-year summary of domestic violence trends in Victoria by the Department of Justice found that nearly 80 per cent of victims were female and over 90 per cent of perpetrators were male.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2013-10-04 21:01
Article here. Excerpt:
'Do you remember a time where a game of “cops and robbers” during school recess was treated as innocently as it was meant to be? If you are elementary school student Jordan Bennett, you don’t. Bennett was suspended from school for a day after playing that ‘deadly’ game in the school yard, which included the 8-year old forming his hand into the shape of a gun. The boy’s mother is fighting the suspension, but the damage has already been done.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2013-10-04 20:59
Story here. Excerpt:
'Although few would classify a novelty pen as a dangerous object, the toy earned one 7-year-old a suspension as a “weapons offender.” The parents are now suing the school in federal court.
The boy, named only as G.B., brought the trick pen onto his school bus in Harrisburg, Pa., and showed it to a fellow classmate. The bus driver then confiscated the toy and reported the 7-year-old to school officials.
According to G.B.’s parents, the pen is "similar to a 'clown' type buzzer that one would hold in the palm of one's hand to emit a small buzz when shaking hands," and that the whole incident "arose from his simple act of taking a toy onto a school bus — a toy that neither threatened nor caused harm to any person or property."
The parents are suing Hershey Elementary School, the principal, the acting superintendent and some members of the Derry Township School Board.'
Ed.: Similar tale of War-On-Boys-ness recently reported here.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2013-10-04 20:12
Article here. Excerpt:
'Police have identified the woman who was shot and killed Thursday during a car chase that locked down Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
Miriam Carey was a 34-year-old dental hygienist who lived in Stamford, Conn.
A subsequent employer, Dr. Barry J. Weiss, noted that she had trouble getting along with with other employees, however, which may have contributed to her getting fired in August 2012.
Carey reportedly suffered from postpartum depression after the birth of her daughter, her mother, Idella, told ABC News. Idella said: "A few months later, she got sick. She was depressed. ... She was hospitalized."
Her boyfriend contacted police in December saying he feared for the safety of their infant child, law enforcement sources told CNN.
She had her 1-year-old daughter in the car with her during the pursuit.
Carey's relatives in Brooklyn, N.Y. are reportedly refusing to speak with investigators, CNN reported.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2013-10-04 14:12
Article here. Excerpt:
'There is currently quite an uproar over the shooting death of Miriam Carey -- the woman who tried to plow through the White House with her car. Capitol police -- who were working without pay thanks to the republican-caused government shutdown -- had no choice but to gun the madwoman down. It was an act of patriotic duty for these officers who were doing their job for nothing while a lone woman posed a threat to several people, including the POTUS and her own child who was in the car with her.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2013-10-04 13:41
Article here. Excerpt:
'Leatrice Brewer drowned her three young children in 2008 believing she was saving them from the deadly effects of voodoo. Afterward she tried to commit suicide twice, but failed.
Now the 33-year-old suburban New York woman who was found not guilty because of mental disease or defect in the deaths of her children, ages 1, 5 and 6, wants a portion of the children's $350,000 estate. Her attorneys say she shouldn't be subject to laws that bar convicts from profiting from their crimes.
Nassau County Surrogate's Court Judge Edward McCarty ruled Thursday that Brewer be taken from an upstate psychiatric facility to testify about her request next month.
Although the case would establish a precedent in New York if Brewer succeeds, she's not expected to see any money because of a $1.2 million lien against her for psychiatric counseling and other services she has received since her arrest, attorneys said.'
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