‘Man up’ to being a victim

Article here. Excerpt:

'The push to empower women could be prompting violence against men.

“You have women who have found their voice and were encouraged to do so, which is a good thing. But are the women in the next generation taking it too far?” questioned Charlane Cluett, Muskoka Parry Sound Community Mental Health Service operations manager.
“Do they understand the difference between assertiveness and conflict resolution and negotiation versus aggression and threat? I don’t know that we’ve done as good a job as we could in teaching the differences there,” she said. “I wonder if there’s an over-compensation and now we’ve left the men out.”
“I think there’s a huge deficit in men’s groups, where men can go and talk,” he said. “With both male and female, it’s important to realize what abuse really is.”
Eby said another obstacle is fear of displacement, since men often have nowhere to go.

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‘Thor: The Dark World’ Makes A Joke Out Of Domestic Violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'“You hear all these stories about guys and it’s just good to get a nice on-screen slap like ‘you didn’t call me back.,’ ” Portman said.

On set, the Thor slap ended up being something of a joke, Hemsworth said.

”It just got really funny and ridiculous you know. It’s like in high school when you’re not meant to laugh,” he said.

But the issue would likely not go over well with domestic violence groups working to de-stigmatize violence against men. This year, a few films have been produced highlighting domestic violence against men and the unspoken stigma that comes with it.

“Gradually, more and more drama is being produced dealing with male victims of domestic violence by women which has been swept under the carpet for many years,” wrote the blog Save Our Society about the new movie, Flawless, that deals with female domestic violence. “This has perpetuated the feminist-inspired myth that all women are gentle creatures who wouldn’t hurt a fly and that all men are violent brutes.”

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'How Men Conned Feminists Into Abortion'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminists have been telling men to keep out of the abortion debate for decades. Female body parts, the activists say, give them the sole right to address the issue.

“Stand down if you don’t have ovaries,” a Florida state representative told her male colleagues in 2010 as lawmakers debated a bill requiring ultrasound examinations before abortions.

But talk like that is at odds with recent history, contends Brian Fisher in his recent book “Abortion: The Ultimate Exploitation of Women.”

Abortion is “more about men and their agendas than it is about women and their agendas,” asserts Fisher, co-founder and president of Online for Life, which uses Internet technology to protect women and children from abortion.'

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Men can suffer from domestic violence, too

Letter here. Excerpt:

'According to a recent national study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, one in seven men has been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner. Men are also victims of verbal, emotional, psychological, sexual and financial abuse. One in 33 men have experienced sexual assault and one in 19 men have been stalked. All of these forms of violence are devastating and can be debilitating, causing depression, guilt, shame, humiliation and anxiety.

Male victims face numerous barriers when attempting to report abuse. They are often not believed, mocked, and devalued for the abuse. Attitudes in our society that say men should be strong and tough limit a male survivor’s ability to seek and receive help and often results in experiences of further shame and re-victimization.'

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UK: Young mother jailed for making two false rape claims within hours

Story here. Excerpt:

"A young mother has been jailed after she made two different false reports of rape within hours after drunkenly sleeping with her friend's partner.

The man only proved his innocence because he filmed the sexual encounter on his mobile phone and the footage showed she was a willing and active participant.

Ashleigh Loder, 25, wasted at least 100 hours of police time and subjected the man, who has not been named, to police questioning after inventing the two attacks in Bideford, North Devon.
A friend of the man's partner, Loder admitted she fabricated a story fearing the consequences of sleeping with him.

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Fighting sexism with cross-stitch: The rise of misandry crafts

Article here. Excerpt:

'Of course, there is a flip side. There are women who unapologetically hate men. Scrolling through Instagram the other day, I noticed an author whose work I admire wearing a misandry t-shirt. She suggested it should be a “staff uniform” for her magazine. When I asked her via email if the t-shirt was ironic, she wrote back saying, “To me, there’s nothing ironic about misandry. I really do hate men. A lot.”

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Jewish Family in Canada Opts for a Brit Shalom

Article here. Excerpt:

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Data regarding circumcision's adverse effects suppressed

MANN admins received the following from a reader and M.D. involved in the study of the practice and effects of circumcision:

The recent publication of an extraordinary association between country-level rates of circumcision with their respective country-level rates of autism (r=0.98, p<0.000005) [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23656698] explains the recent observation of less than expected rate of autism prevalence in Spain where an equal male to female autism prevalence was also observed (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23746744) as Spain (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16177149) and Hispanics in the U.S. have the lowest circumcision rates (2% in Spain) while Hispanics in U.S. also have a less than expected autism prevalence (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20019320).

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Religious freedom vs bodily integrity: another round of the foreskin wars

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Council of Europe’s resolution earlier this month to prohibit the circumcision of infant boys for religious reasons has ignited another round to the “foreskin wars”. This time it’s about the rights of religious freedom and autonomy versus the right of individuals to retain “physical integrity”. As usual, different groups are shouting that my human rights are more important than yours.
Meanwhile, bioethicists and lawyers will continue to disagree about therapeutic and non-therapeutic values because there is an inescapable tension in how we think about harm, autonomy, and competing claims for rights. What are the rights of children, including psychological well-being associated with “belonging”? Do we necessarily favour physical integrity over respect for cultural difference?

One conclusion is that we need to be wary about easy answers in relation to human flourishing, diversity and the “right to health”.'

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Request for guidance about forming a men's rights group

I am a professor of mechanical engineering. And I have found out that many of the students where I teach are about to commence action on Movember.

I point out that I no longer teach in the U.S. - I left my tenured position there and took up a tenured position in Europe. My wife decided this as she is from this particular country. After seeing the complex contradictions of Valentine's day in the US, where men are expected to buy gifts and attend the Vagina Monologues, SHE - I was blind to men's rights issues at the time (but SHE is the one who has clued me in) - resolved that she did not want our son growing up in a country that did not respect its men. So we moved. And it is great here, but even this country is becoming slightly feminized.

I would like to talk with these men at the first Movember meeting and suggest they extend their activity into monthly meetings on Men’s Rights issues. There are no such groups here.

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Husband defends teacher in domestic violence case

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Gaston County elementary school teacher faces an assault charge related to a domestic violence incident that occurred Monday.

Sharon Denise Putnam left fingernail marks on her husband, Adam, after the two had an argument over a cellphone video, according to a warrant affidavit signed by Stanley Police Officer J.L. Abernathy.
Putnam said he had to “barricade himself in the bathroom,” but that his wife started kicking and shoving trying to get to him, according to the warrant. “Once the suspect got into the bathroom, she tore the victim’s pants to get the phone out and throw it into the toilet,” Abernathy wrote in the warrant affidavit. The officer noted he could see fingernail marks and scratches on Adam Putnam’s upper arm.

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Making sense of college enrollment decline

Article here. Excerpt:

'The U.S. Bureau of the Census recently released a report indicating college enrollment dropped by about a half million students from 2011 to 2012. In fact, the press release from the Census Bureau said enrollment “plunged” from one year earlier.

Most people are well aware of the correlation between educational attainment and earnings: in general, the higher the education level, the higher the income. Future prosperity, both as individuals and as a society, is tied to improving education levels (particularly for states that are lagging, such as Texas).

So, is the drop in college enrollment something we should be worried about? I don’t think so, and here’s why.

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Mother accused of ripping 6-YO son's scrotum

Link here. Excerpt:

'Jennifer Marie Vargas is being charged with assault with serious bodily injury after admitting to getting angry and pulling her 6-year-old son by his privates and ripping his scrotum.

According to the affidavit, she then cleaned the wound with alcohol and tried to fix it with super glue. She then allegedly ordered him to go to bed.

When the boy's father returned home, he saw the blood and took the boy to San Antonio Military Medical Center where he underwent surgery.

Vargas could face 10 years in prison if convicted.

She's due in court on Monday.'

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Do Some Docs Have Vested Interest in Prescribing Radiation for Prostate Cancer?

Link here. Excerpt:

'Patients with prostate cancer may be encouraged to get radiation therapy by urologists who own the equipment, new research suggests.

According to study author Jean Mitchell, a professor of economics at Georgetown University, the use of expensive radiation treatments has increased substantially in practices that own the equipment.
Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, deputy chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society, said urologists make only about $1,100 for surgery to remove the prostate, and watchful waiting involves only the limited cost of office visits and imaging.

Radiation treatment, however, can cost between $31,000 and $40,000, depending on where in the country patients are treated, Mitchell said.

"This is really showing that financial incentives really influence physician behavior," she said. "Patients have to wonder, 'Am I getting the treatment because it's really the best, or am I getting the treatment because my urologist is making money off of it?'" Mitchell said.
D'Amico advises patients to ask if the medical evidence for their case supports radiation or surgery.

"The correct answer is either yes or no. If there is a choice, the patient should be told that the medical evidence is inconclusive. That's what they need to hear, because that's the truth. Most of the time, there is a choice," he said. "If they say the medical evidence in your case says it should be radiation, then the patient has to wonder whether or not [they're] getting it straight."

Moreover, D'Amico said patients should get a second opinion.

One critic of the study, Dr. Deepak Kapoor, president of the Large Urology Group Practice Association, said the study represents a political agenda and that doctors aren't pushing radiation therapy when they own the equipment.

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'Awesome Alternative to Campus Feminism Celebrates Ninth Anniversary'

Article here. Excerpt:

'When looking at their course syllabi, young conservative women often find assignments that encourage them to challenge gender roles and unabashedly criticize the opposite sex. When searching for clubs to join on campus, they may find similar options — a host of feminist groups spewing a “women rule the world/men are the enemy” message. One organization, however, is continuing to provide female students with a conservative alternative.

For almost a decade now, the Network of Enlightened Women has been working to ignite a conversation on feminism and conservatism on college campuses which challenges the often misguided messages of college feminist groups. NeW celebrates its ninth anniversary this month.'

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