U.S. Institute of Peace: ‘Masculinity’ to Blame for Violence, Terrorism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Speakers at a symposium hosted by a taxpayer-funded institute this week said some aspects of masculinity contribute to mass violence and criticized the United States for spending more on counterterrorism operations than sexual assault prevention efforts.

The “Men, Peace, and Security Symposium: Agents of Change,” held at the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) on Monday and Tuesday, “aim[ed] to better understand how the ascribed norms of men and masculine identities contribute to, and may even help mitigate, violent conflict and post-conflict,” according to USIP’s website
Experts say the views of feminists like Kilmartin have begun to creep into federal institutions. Christina Hoff Sommers, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a former philosophy professor, wrote in an op-ed last year for the Washington Post that a study released at the time by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “suggest[ed] that rates of sexual violence in the United States are comparable to those in the war-stricken Congo.”

Sommers said the CDC study, which estimated that 1.3 million women were raped and an additional 12.6 million women and men were victims of sexual violence in the U.S. in 2010, relied on telephone surveys with low response rates and ambiguous questions for the interviewees. By comparison, the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Victimization Survey reported 188,380 rapes and sexual assaults on females and males in 2010.
Other experts contacted by the Washington Free Beacon expressed alarm at Kilmartin’s juxtaposition of sexual violence with terrorist acts at an event sponsored by taxpayer-supported groups.

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Dress Ad Gets it Wrong

I was recently exposed to a video produced for a Turkish clothes company that openly attacks men. The video doesn't contain any dialogue but shows a woman attacking and beating up a man just because he tore her dress. The video shows men in a bad light and seems to encourage domestic violence as well as being incredibly sexist. The company seem to have uploaded the video to several locations, two being:

1. http://vitaminl.tv/video/599?ref=ft

2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIm-F0BjcOA

Feel free to leave comments on each as there have already been a number of comments like "chill it's just a joke," and "we have been taking sh-t for years now it's time for you to take some".

The second link is quite important as they have linked directly to it from their website, meaning any comments left on that YouTube video will be seen by a lot of people on the way to their site. Currently there are not many comments on the YT video so anything posted that is negative will sit at the top.

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Cop Tricked Teen With Autism Into Buying Pot, Lawsuit Claims

Article here. This recent article is making national headlines, however the incident happened December of 2012. Soon afterwards, the parents wrote a blog post that shed more light on how things went down the day their son was arrested. Excerpt:

'According to the Snodgrasses, a police officer pretended to be their son's friend, which pleased them because he has trouble making friends. When the couple suggested inviting this new friend home, the friend "would always have an excuse, saying he couldn't or he was grounded," Catherine Snodgrass said. The parents said they later learned the "friend" was Deputy Daniel Zipperstein of the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department, who was posing as a student named Daniel Briggs for several months at their son's school.

Zipperstein hounded their son to sell him marijuana or his prescription medication, the parents said they later learned.

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The language of misandry in academia: a collection of quotes by faculty members, students, and administrators

New mega-post at A Voice for Male Students featuring a warehouse of misandrist quotes by faculty members, students, and administrators. This should be a useful resource for those new to men’s issues in academia as well as a helpful “go-to” resource among advocates. Example:

“I’m really tired of people suggesting that you’re somehow un-American if you don’t respect the presumption of innocence, because you know what that sounds like to a victim? Presumption you’re a liar.”

- Wendy Murphy, adjunct professor of law and sex-assault victim advocate, commenting on the Duke lacrosse false rape case

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India's Notorious Section 498A

Article here. Excerpt:

India’s amendments to its Criminal Procedure Code are now effective. They may ameliorate some of the harshest aspects of India’s infamous Section 498A. The newly- enacted provisions take away the powers of the police to arrest in cases of alleged offenses which carry a maximum sentence up to seven years of imprisonment. Such offenses include Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code in 1983.

That section makes it criminal for a husband and his relatives to subject a married woman to cruelty is which is likely to drive a woman to commit suicide or cause grave physical or mental injury to her, and harassment with a view to coercing her or any of her relatives to meet any unlawful demands of property.

The problems with the law were the result of a “perfect storm” that was entirely unanticipated when the law was introduced to protect woman in 1983. The elements of the storm included:

- Extremely vague statutory language.

- A separate law that prohibited the provision or acceptance of a dowry.

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'Why is it always a white guy? The roots of modern, violent rage'

Article here. The LAX shooter, once again, is reported to be a white male. Here's why they're always first to violence. Excerpt:

'Yes, Stack and Sherrill were insane, but they were also familiar. They didn’t start out mad. No, they were driven crazy by the sense that the world had spun so far off its axis that there was no hope of righting it. Underneath that sense of victimhood, that sense that the corporations and the government were coconspirators in perpetrating the great fleecing of the American common man, lay a defining despair in making things right. And under that despair lay their tragic flaw, a deep and abiding faith in America, in its institutions and its ideals. Like Willy Loman, perhaps the quintessential true believer in the ideology of self-made American masculinity, they believed that if they worked hard and lived right, they, too, could share in the American Dream. When it is revealed that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you work, that dreams are for Disneyland, then they morph into a tragic American Everymen, defeated by circumstances instead of rising above them.
Generations of men had staked their claim for manhood on being good family providers, reliable breadwinners. It has been the defining feature of American manhood since the early nineteenth century. ...
Let’s be clear: just as we cannot understand rampage school shootings by focusing on the fact that they are always committed by boys, neither can we understand these cases simply by recognizing that they’re all men. Surely, too, recognizing that they’re all men doesn’t mean that all men are likely to become deranged mass murderers. Neither, however, can we explain it simply by the easy American access to guns or chalk it up to yet another deranged killer, the standard fare on CSI-like television.

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NPR News: "How One Kenyan Tribe Produces The World's Best Runners"

Link here. Excerpt:

'The Initiation Ceremony

Manners soon learned that they were practicing for an initiation ceremony, a rite of passage that is all about enduring pain.

Elly Kipgogei, 19, remembers going through the ceremony at age 15.

First, he says, he had to crawl mostly naked through a tunnel of African stinging nettles. Then he was beaten on the bony part of the ankle, then his knuckles were squeezed together, and then the formic acid from the stinging nettle was wiped onto his genitals.

But all that was just warm-up; early one morning he was circumcised, with a sharp stick.

During this whole process — the crawling, the beatings and the cutting — Kipgogei was obliged to be absolutely stoical, unflinching.
Manners says that this enormous social pressure placed on your ability to endure pain is actually great training for a sport like running where "pushing through pain" is so fundamental to success.

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National Parents Organization Helps Found International Shared Parenting Organization

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last July, National Parents Organization agreed to serve as a founding member of “Two Homes: The International Platform on Shared Parenting.” This is an umbrella organization with representatives from fourteen countries in Europe and North America. Of these, National Parents Organization may be the only component group with a major grassroots presence. The other organizations consist primarily of child development experts, social scientists, psychologists and lawyers who wish to promote better lives for children through shared parenting after separation or divorce of the parents. Our Founder and Chairman of the Board, Ned Holstein, M.D., M.S., was asked to serve on the Scientific Committee of the new umbrella organization.'

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"Movember" Is Here

Read about "Movember" at http://us.movember.com/ and at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movember. And, I'd like to say mea culpa for not giving the heads-up on Movember in time for readers to participate by securing sponsors, etc. But it's still just the start of November; if you are inclined, you can always grow your 'stache and when asked why, talk about "Movember". Excerpt from their Vision, Values, and Goals page:

"Campaign Strategy & Goals:
We will get men to grow moustaches and the community to support them by creating an innovative, fun and engaging annual Movember campaign that results in:

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Philip Paris wth 'Men Cry Alone'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The entire month of October's broadcasting has been focused on the topic of Domestic/Relationship Violence and we are continuing this with a look into the deep silence of our society on the topic of MALE VICTIMS IN RELATIONSHIP/DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.

Please join with Trish as she speaks with Author/Researcher Philip Paris about excellently written book, 'Men Cry Alone'. How is when a man has grown up being abused and then goes into a releationship/marriage which then becomes abusive? What about the situation where they have been together forever, suddenly his sweet wife is becoming violent because of her illness, Dimentia? How about the man whose wife has taken complete control of his world & his finances, but he cannot reach out in society, where is he to go, who will help him, who will listen to him, what about his children?????'

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Founder of influential economic and financial analysis firm says drop in male enrollment is not a big deal

Article here. Excerpt:

'There will always be those who say the decline in male college enrollment is “not a big deal.” It is especially unfortunate when the president and founder of an economic and financial analysis firm who is regularly cited by the mainstream media says it.

According to his website, Dr. Ray Perryman is the founder of Perryman Group (an “economic and financial analysis firm”), is “cited by major media as ‘a world-class scholar,’ is ‘the most quoted man in Texas,’” and is a senior research fellow at the Institute of the University of Texas. He has also authored thousands of academic articles, trade articles, and presentations collectively.

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Man suing company over sexual harassment by female supervisor

Story here. Excerpt:

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To cut or not to cut: More parents are saying no to circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'Despite health benefits, routine circumcision in newborn males is on the decline in the U.S.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 79 percent of American men report being circumcised. Many parents of boys are opting out of the age-old tradition despite a recent study from the University of Illinois-Chicago that found a link between male circumcision and a decreased risk of HIV contraction.
Van Note and her fiancé, Grant Hammond, are part of a new generation of parents who don’t see a circumcision as a necessity; a movement helped along by educational programs put forth by the many ‘pro-intact’ advocacy groups currently popping up around the country.

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"The Hunt" wins the Nordic Council Film Prize

Article here. Excerpt:

'Danish director Thomas Vinterberg has become the first filmmaker to win the Nordic Council’s Film Prize twice after The Hunt (Jagten) collected the $64,000 (DKK 350,000) award at a gala ceremony in Oslo’s Opera House.
The jury commented: “Through the allegory of The Hunt, Vinterberg’s film explores how the individual can be persecuted even in a well-meaning and well-functioning society, when it suddenly turns on one of its own.

“This remarkable story is carried by Mads Mikkelsen’s powerful performance, the striking score and haunting and beautiful imagery.”
The Hunt tells the story of a teacher (Mikkelsen) in a small provincial town whose life is turned upside-down after a young girl accuses him of abuse.'

Trailer on YouTube here.

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Malecare seeks support for research

From http://www.malecare.org/:

"What Went Wrong: Eliminating Mistakes in Diagnosis and Treatment of Prostate Cancer" is a cancer research project sponsored by Malecare and led by John's Hopkins researcher Channing Paller. We only need $4,120 to complete our funding!

In 1988, about 20% of men with prostate cancer had metastatic disease on first presentation; today fewer than 4% first present with advanced disease.

Yet more than 9,000 men still present with metastatic prostate cancer every year, and black men are far more likely than whites to be among them. We believe that for all of these men, something truly did go wrong and that determining the reasons why requires stringent and diligent surveillance, examination, analysis, and response. If we can find the reasons, we may be able to help ALL prostate cancer patients.

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