Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2013-11-05 23:55
Story here. Excerpt:
'An idiot headmaster has threatened an 8-year-old boy with expulsion for drawing Halloween costumes that depict weapons.
A couple pulled their sons out of Scottsdale Country Day School last week because they said the headmaster threatened to expel their 8-year-old for drawing “highly disturbing” pictures.
“In this situation, it’s actually the principal of the school who bullied the parents – so much that we couldn’t even be safe in that environment,” said Jeff, whose last name we’re omitting to protect the identities of his children.
The three images in question depict a soldier, a ninja and a Star Wars character - possibilities for the 8-year-old’s Halloween costume.
Drawing Boba Fett obviously means the kid is highly disturbed and a total threat to everyone around him. Drawing a picture of an American soldier is worthy of the academic death penalty.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2013-11-05 23:20
Article here. Excerpt:
'According to the children’s ombudsmen of the Nordic countries, male circumcision is a form of genital mutilation and they’re fighting to ban the practice. Representatives from Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Norway, and Greenland all recently met in Norway with doctors and surgeons who agreed on one thing: the fight for the right to keep foreskin.
In a campaign, which launched in September, they concluded that the procedure is in conflict with the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, which says, “Children should have the right to express their own views and be protected from traditional rituals which may be harmful to their health.”
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2013-11-05 17:46
SAVE applauds the efforts of organizations that are working to reduce domestic violence. No one should be abused by their intimate partner, and certainly, no one should lose their life this way.
Even though the rates of DV have been going down, men and women are still being victimized. And each year, over 1,000 of these people die.
One way that we can reduce domestic violence is with information. What better way is there to protect people, than to teach them how to avoid abuse?
Sadly, most DV websites are lacking. None of the Fact Sheets we reviewed mentioned these three risk factors:
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2013-11-05 17:01
Details here. Excerpt:
'Could women be as funny as men? Researcher/presenter, marketer, editor and film crew wanted for a two day shoot as part of this controversial zero budget feature-length documentary investigating the differences between women's and men's joke-making styles, motivations, and abilities.
In early January, we will be filming this two day street experiment in central London, interviewing male and female passers by to see how sexist their improvised one liners are when joking about the other sex, and to see just how funny they are too. We expect to find that women's jokes about men are three to five times more hostile and sexist than men's jokes about women, and less funny too.'
Ed: The Tom Martin seeking a film crew is the same Tom Martin as discussed here.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2013-11-05 04:30
Story here. Excerpt:
'MEADVILLE, Pa. -- Nichole "Jade" Olmstead bragged about the torture and murder of 20-year-old Brandy Stevens-Rosine, an Ohio college student who was beaten and buried alive in a shallow grave in rural Pennsylvania.
Those and other details were released on Halloween, following a surprise decision by 20-year-old Olmstead, who had been fighting a homicide charge, to plead guilty to first-degree murder.
"Olmstead had a journal," Crawford County District Attorney Francis Schultz told The Huffington Post on Monday. "She talked about the fact that using a shovel [to hit Stevens-Rosine in the head] was perfect -- that she could see [Stevens-Rosine's] skull and brains mixed in the dirt."
In changing her plea, Olmstead admitted her role in the 2012 slaying of Stevens-Rosine. She also expressed remorse for her crime.
"[I am] truly and deeply sorry for what happened. Brandy did not deserve what happened to her," Olmstead said in court.
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Submitted by Minuteman on Tue, 2013-11-05 02:15
Link here. Excerpt:
'Over 80,000 boys went to initiation schools in 2012, up from 30,000 in 2008, said Lechesa Tsenoli, traditional affairs minister, in Parliament this year.
Often no anaesthetic is used. The surgeon's hands are often unwashed and ungloved. After the cut, the initiate's foreskin is usually buried or tied to his blanket. Herbs and leaves are applied to the wound, which is then bandaged, sometimes so tightly that oxygen is cut off and an infection develops. A traditional attendant dresses the wounds, sometimes reusing the bandages on other boys.
A period of seclusion follows, lasting up to two months. For a week, the initiates cannot leave the camp or eat meat. Their fluid intake is limited and often they only survive on maize meal. The first week after circumcision may be marked by hunger, dehydration and seclusion. If an initiate falls ill, traditional doctors and nurses will treat him before he is taken to hospital.
About 30% of the world's men are circumcised, according to a 2007 World Health Organisation report. Research shows that circumcision can reduce the risk of HIV infection by 48% to 60%, according to the report. This is crucial in South Africa where, according to the latest Statistics South Africa figures, 10% of the country's population is HIV positive.
Religious cultures such as Judaism and sects of Islam circumcise boys with few complications, largely because trained practitioners perform the procedure at infancy rather than adolescence, which helps with healing. But in South Africa this tradition has recently been marred by deaths, mutilations and amputations.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2013-11-05 01:06
Story here.
'Police in Tennessee say a woman ran over her boyfriend three times after he refused to go to McDonald's with her.
Crystal Greer Brooks, 33, of Kingsport was apparently upset that her boyfriend wanted to eat at a different restaurant, police told the Kingsport Times-News.
Officers were called to West Carters Valley Road shortly after midnight last Wednesday.
They found Brooks' boyfriend with abrasions to his arms and back.
His clothing "appeared torn, consistent with being dragged on the pavement," the Times-News reported.
He told police Brooks forced him over to the side of the road, then got in his pickup truck and ran him over -- three times.
Brooks has been charged with aggravated assault.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-11-04 23:47
Article here. Excerpt:
One of the goals of the Ministry of Education's newly-drafted lifelong learning strategy for 2014-2020 is to increase the share of young teachers and male teachers, reported.
In 2012, 85.7 percent of teachers were women, in one example of the traditional gender gap that appears to be more strongly entrenched in Estonia compared with its neighbors in the region.
The target seven years from now is a 75-25 percent split.
Teachers under 30 currently make up 10.3 percent of staff and the goal is for this to rise, modestly, to 12.5 percent.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-11-04 23:46
Article here. Excerpt:
'Belinda Parmar wrote this week that all-girls schools are good for young women because they remove the pressure to conform to gender stereotypes and the sexism that she believes is rife in co-educational secondaries. I have to disagree.
And yet the mixed-sex sports lessons, sex education classes and all those other subjects didn't just deposit us rudely on the other side of our A-levels, they helped us to form opinions about the world, recognise differences and grow into well-rounded people.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-11-04 23:44
Article here. Excerpt:
'The flexible workspace industry is reacting to women’s needs and their aspirations to run businesses by offering women-only workspaces. As a female small business owner, I find this concept interesting. My initial thought was, “Why exclude men and therefore potential business opportunities?”
“Working in a female-only environment doesn’t mean those workers don’t conduct business with men outside of their office – and many women-only workspaces allow businessmen into the workplace for meetings,” she pointed out.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-11-04 19:10
Story here. Excerpt:
'An innocent man in the United Kingdom was burned to death after being wrongly accused of pedophilia.
According to the Bristol Post, Bijan Ebrahimi, an Iranian man who lived in Bristol, England, was murdered in July after rumors began swirling in his community that he had been taking indecent photographs of children.
The Telegraph reports that Ebrahimi, who was an avid gardener, had indeed taken photos of local youths. However, it is now believed that these youths had been harassing Ebrahimi by damaging his flowers, and that he may have been collecting the photos as evidence to present to the police.
With emotions running high, a crowd of residents chanted "pedo, pedo" as Ebrahimi was led away for questioning, The Telegraph reports.
Police say that upon investigation, Ebrahimi, who is said to have had a physical disability, was found innocent of all charges and was released.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-11-04 08:44
Article here. Excerpt:
Dare your best friend to eat a bucket of maggots. Then offer that same friend a million dollars to eat the same bucket of maggots and listen for that delightful capitalist crunch.
Humans are weak. And they become especially weak once you start shoving millions into their eager, money-grubbing fingers. Thankfully, most humans don't have to worry about making bad moral decisions after being offered a cool mill, because most of us are poor. Or -- relative to a baseball player netting $50 million a year -- poorish.
One pervasive argument for why women's sports aren't popular (and therefore less likely to have money thrown at them) is that the demand just isn't there. Women don't play or watch sports on the same level as men.
Everyone may lie. But everyone doesn't perform secret blood transfusions on a bus to get that annual $30 mill.
Reexamine why we play sports in the first place and turn off the millions flowing to professional athletes. And watch the bloodsuckers start to fall away.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-11-04 05:32
Article here. Excerpt:
'Hardcore feminists routinely fight against anything with even the slightest suggestion of sexism. Even noble causes are often vilified because of a misplaced belief that they may demean women. Because of this one-track mindset and obstinate pride, extreme feminists cannot conceive both the direct and indirect consequences of their actions.
The ultimate goal of feminism should be to push for equality of women in society. Unfortunately, this simple idea has been warped into a war cry by the insecure and selfish, committed to benefiting their own egotistical desires rather than the true needs of women.
While I believe feminism is a positive idea for women in general, extreme feminists must stop outsourcing the blame for their own problems to men and society.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2013-11-04 05:18
Article here. Excerpt
'In my Saturday Eagle Forum talk program, I recently interviewed one of our country’s leading authors and scholars, Christina Hoff Sommers. She is a courageous woman who has the nerve to expose some of the feminist nonsense that has permeated public schools. She poses a question that parents should ask, Is my son really welcome in school? The honest answer is No. Public schools have become hostile territory to boys.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2013-11-03 20:12
Article here. Excerpt:
'And, like Beale, a lot of the current crop of the outraged are a lot of white men. Not all of them, of course. There are plenty of angry men of color and plenty of angry white women. Just look at those Tea Party rallies! But as a political movement, as the rank and file of America's fulminators -- whether the Tea Party or organizations on the extreme right wing, or the guys, always guys, who open fire on their classmates at school or their co-workers and colleagues at work, or the men, almost always men, who beat and murder those they claim to love, or the young men, always young men, who walk into movie theaters of places of worship with guns blazing -- well it's pretty hard to deny that they're virtually all white men. (And let us be clear: just because virtually all these cases are middle- and lower-middle class white men, does not for a nanosecond mean that all white men are crazed killers or white supremacists. All members of the Mafia may be Italian, but not all Italians are members of the Mafia.)
Yet deny it we do, often by assuming that these outbursts are motivated by anything at all -- mental illness, access to guns, video games, whatever -- other than gender. We'd notice, of course, if it were poor black girls pulling the triggers in school shootings, or women who walked into their workplaces with semi-automatic guns firing, or all Asians or Jews or Latinos who were shooting up our movie theaters and political rallies. But white men? Must be some other factor.
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