Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2013-11-07 21:55
Article here. Excerpt:
'You have to try to imagine the criticism the editor (Katherine Krueger) must have heard. She goes on at such great length. On the blog yesterday, we talked about the letter, here. The newspaper is The Badger Herald, at the University of Wisconsin—Madison.
So Hookstead is not only a denialist; his denialism is proof of the existence of the culture. There should be a name for the culture where there are articles of faith so strong that if you say X is not true, you are viewed as reinforcing the proposition that X is true.
Krueger condemns her fellow student in language so strong that I had to go back and reread his letter to try to figure out what was so inflammatory. Krueger calls it "morally repugnant, patriarchal... offensive... the embodiment of rape culture... horrifically misguided... repellent... reprehensible... hateful... infuriating... ugly."
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2013-11-07 21:03
Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2013-11-07 19:20
Article here. Excerpt:
'You expect movie ratings to tell you whether a film contains nudity, sex, profanity or violence. Now movie theaters in equality-minded Sweden are introducing a new rating to highlight gender bias, or rather the absence of it.
To get an "A'' rating, a movie must pass the so-called Bechdel test, which means it must have at least two named female characters who talk to each other about something other than a man.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2013-11-07 18:29
Story here. Excerpt:
'A 13-year-old Kansas eighth-grader says he was suspended from school on Wednesday because he refused to take off his Vera Bradley purse.
His furious mother says it is discrimination because girls are allowed to have purses with no repercussions.
Skylar is a student at Anderson County Senior-Junior School. He said he has been carrying the colorful fabric Vera Bradley bag over his shoulder for some time with no issues.
"It expresses myself and I think everyone else can wear it, so I wear it as well," Skylar told KCTV5's Dave Jordan.
She said she reviewed the student handbook but did not see a mention to bags or purses. She questions the suspension and the timing.
"Skylar has been going to school since August with that same Vera Bradley bag on, hasn't taken it off. What is the problem?" she asked.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2013-11-07 04:33
Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2013-11-07 04:21
Article here. Excerpt:
'Reasons Why Alimony May Be Considered Offensive:
1. An alimony obligation that forces one party to significantly financially downsize his/her lifestyle, while the alimony-receiving former spouse continues to live at the same standard of living as had been enjoyed during the marriage is inequitable and offensive to the alimony-paying spouse 2. Paying alimony to an ex-spouse, who is cohabiting with someone else 3. Agreeing to lump sum alimony, and watching your ex remarry shortly 4. Alimony quashes the motivation to work and become self-sufficient 5. Alimony encourages a "victim" mentality, which is insulting when the recipient is educated and capable of working.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2013-11-07 04:05
Article here. Excerpt:
'For decades we’ve had “single mothers by choice.” Now fathers are making the same one. This article on the subject of men opting for fatherhood without a partner is long, thoughtful and informative (The Guardian, 11/1/13). It’s also, to my mind, less judgmental than it ought to be.
But the many reasons single parenthood isn’t a good idea for children when women do it all apply to men as well. One big reason is money. Two parents can earn more than one and the lack of money alone creates a host of problems for single parents and their kids. ...
In short, the children of single fathers will be exempt from none of the slings and arrows that those of single mothers try, often unsuccessfully, to withstand. So the smart money says their outcomes won’t be any better.
However, one factor portends an ever-greater movement in the direction of single fathers adopting kids.
"What I find with single men, is one of two things," [U.S. lawyer and surrogacy expert Melissa] Brisman says. "Either they have been very successful in their careers and built businesses and they've not had time to meet anyone. Or they've had a very bad divorce and are afraid to get married and have their businesses threatened, or their custody threatened, and they would just prefer to go it alone. They know with surrogacy they won't have these issues." Brisman is convinced that the tendency of family courts to award custody to the mother is a key driver in the rise of heterosexual single fathers.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2013-11-07 03:41
Article here. Excerpt:
'While everyone was fretting over the Federal shutdown, the Alabama Supreme Court took the unexpected, but absolutely correct action, of overturning Bayliss v. Bayliss. The Bayliss precedent has been used by courts to provide post-minority support for college. It has become an expected right for the "college life" for Alabama children.
Now, with Bayliss overturned, the choice to provide monies for college is the choice of divorced parents. These parents, just as with the children of non-divorced parents, may add conditions that may be met by their children in order to provide college costs.
It is the first lesson in responsibility for many children to seek funds through scholarships, grants, parents, grandparents, and "God forbid" work. Now all children, whether or not their parents are together, may learn this lesson.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2013-11-07 03:35
Article here. Excerpt:
'ATLANTA (CBS ATLANTA) – Eating disorders in male teenagers are more common than previously thought.
A new study by researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital has found that roughly 18 percent of teen males have extreme concerns about their weight and physique, raising their risk to start engaging in risky behaviors.
Researchers warn that eating disorders with males may not be noticed during doctor’s visits because their desires are different than females in terms of physiques.
"Clinicians may not be aware that some of their male patients are so preoccupied with their weight and shape that they are using unhealthy methods to achieve the physique they desire,” study author Alison Field, an associate professor of pediatrics and epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, said in a statement.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2013-11-07 00:43
Article here. Excerpt:
'If a satirist had set out to write a scathing parody of the campus crusade against rape, he could not have come up with anything more bizarre, or more ridiculous, than the real-life comedy-drama that unfolded last month at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio.
The scandal started, like many scandals do these days, in the social media. On Saturday, October 12, amidst the school's Homecoming Weekend festivities, photos and a video of two young people engaged in a public sex act near the campus--the man on his knees performing oral sex on the woman while she leaned against a plate-glass window, half-sitting on its ledge--showed up online and promptly spread on Twitter.
... OU senior Allie Erwin lamented to 10-TV, "Our first instinct as a community was not to intervene and help this woman, but to post it on social media, and make a mockery of probably the most traumatic experience of her life."
Meanwhile, the photos and videos--initially taken down after the rape complaint--resurfaced. They appeared to show a fully consensual encounter; the woman was seen smiling, flipping back her hair, at one point putting her hand on the back of the man's head, and even posing for the camera with a grin on her face. Witnesses confirmed that, while both participants were clearly drunk, the "victim" was not incapacitated and "seemed like she was enjoying it"; she also left with the man afterwards, walking unassisted. (While none of the onlookers thought the sex was non-consensual, at least one or two of them berated the man as a "slut" and physically assaulted him after he stood up, bloodying his face--an ironic detail considering feminist complaints that women are stigmatized for sexually "loose" behavior while men are not.)
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2013-11-06 04:26
Article here. Excerpt:
'At Amherst College, where students gripe that there isn’t enough communism leftist discourse, a residence hall coordinator warned students to be on the lookout for “unwanted sexual advances” by randy alumni returning to campus over homecoming weekend.
The staffer who sent the email is Dominick Usher, reports Newsweek. Usher sent the memo about potential alumni rapists to dormitory counselors, asking them to “share with all of your residents about how best to have a safe and fun homecoming weekend.”
The rationale for the missive seems to have been the belief that male Amherst alums aren’t able to have sexual relationships or, in fact, score with the ladies beyond the confines of the elite, private, $57,970-a-year school.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2013-11-06 04:15
Article here. Excerpt:
'David Hookstead appears to be at the top of his game.
And his game is ticking people off.
Hookstead, a UW junior who studies political science, is the author of "'Rape culture' does not exist," a letter to the editor published in the Badger Herald Monday. By noon Tuesday the piece had drawn 467 comments — the vast majority of them hostile to Hookstead's views, but a significant number in support.
In essence, Hookstead argues, rape has been blown way out of proportion because women are prone to false accusations.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2013-11-06 00:00
Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2013-11-05 23:58
Article here. Excerpt:
'Oct. 29, 2013 — A fumbling men's movement is dawning in Europe, there is a widespread concern about boys' academic performance in school, and child custody and breakups are controversial issues.
"It was surprising to see that the discussion concerning boys' role as academic losers in school was found in all the countries covered by this study," says Elli Scambor who is one of the near forty scholars who have participated in the EU report The role of men in gender equality.
"And the school as a feminized institution was identified as the main problem."
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2013-11-05 23:55
Story here. Excerpt:
'An idiot headmaster has threatened an 8-year-old boy with expulsion for drawing Halloween costumes that depict weapons.
A couple pulled their sons out of Scottsdale Country Day School last week because they said the headmaster threatened to expel their 8-year-old for drawing “highly disturbing” pictures.
“In this situation, it’s actually the principal of the school who bullied the parents – so much that we couldn’t even be safe in that environment,” said Jeff, whose last name we’re omitting to protect the identities of his children.
The three images in question depict a soldier, a ninja and a Star Wars character - possibilities for the 8-year-old’s Halloween costume.
Drawing Boba Fett obviously means the kid is highly disturbed and a total threat to everyone around him. Drawing a picture of an American soldier is worthy of the academic death penalty.'
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