ACL injuries most common in football, girls' soccer

Link here. Excerpt:

'Among high school athletes, football players and female soccer players are most likely to injure their anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), a new study finds.

Those injuries often require surgery and months of rehab, and can put young athletes at risk for arthritis years down the road.
The report confirms earlier findings that among boys and girls playing the same sport, girls have a higher risk of ACL injury. That could be due to differences in their build, muscle development or hormones.

But researchers said it's important to focus on ACL injury prevention for boys, too - especially because a high rate of injuries is seen among young football players.'

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Stockholm Cinema begins to rate "gender equality" in films

CBC Radio personality Jian Ghomeshi interviews Ellen Tejle, director of the Cinema Rio in Stockholm, Sweden about their plans to introduce a "Gender Equality" rating system for movies.

The scoring system was devised in 1985 by cartoonist Allison Bechdel in her comic strip "Dykes to Watch Out For".

Ghomeshi discusses what Ms Tejle about hopes to achieve with the plan - and speaks to a film critic who feels it is a misleading and ineffective way to raise awareness about gender equity.

An 18:23 min interview segment included.

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Russia: Feminist Corruption, and its Contribution to Sexism and Reverse-Sexism

Article here. Excerpt:

'The recent two controversial cases about the decision of the European Commission to propose the 40% quota for women on company boards by 2020 and about the call by some female tennis players to ask men to lower their level of play from 5 sets to 3 (for gender equality) reveals how far the contemporary campaign for gender equality has gone to the extreme and contributed not only to the perpetuation of "old" sexism against women but also to the creation of "new" sexism against men (or what I called "reverse sexism" in my previous publications), with both oppressive and suppressive impacts on society in the longer term.
And the second reason is that the feminists like to blame their failures on men, that is, on "social" and "cultural" factors for male overachievement, but "such factors have not been found to have an effect...that lasts to adulthood" on a permanent basis (BNN 79). This then means that whenever women do not do well in certain areas (like leadership, mathematics, martial arts, construction works, elite commandos, etc.), they do not focus on their own "self-responsibility," quickly use men as the "punching bag," and then go on to beg society for "entitlement" (or "preferential treatment"). But when women do better than men in other areas (like nursing, social counseling, child care, etc.), they take all the credit for their successes. If any man disagrees with them, the feminists would automatically label him as "sexist" without bothering to defend it in a rational debate. And when a man presents scientific evidences to back up his argument, these feminists would simply dismiss them as "socially constructed" while immediately accepting their feminist (often polemic) version of so-called evidences as "true" without any critical question asked.

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Edmonton Men Speak Against Men's Right Group

Video and article here. Excerpt:

'Men in Edmonton are responding to a controversial men's rights group, making it clear that the "misogynistic" movement isn't a voice for them.

In a video titled 'A Voice For Men Is Not A Voice For Me,' a few Edmonton men are taking their voice back, saying the group isn't an accurate representation of the beliefs of all men; and that they're concerned about the effect the movement may have on Edmonton.

"The idea that they represent all of men's rights is complete fallacy," says Barret Weber, sociologist and instructor at the University of Alberta, in the video.

"This is a voice against fear-mongering politics that shame and oppress the voices of survivors of sexual assault," says another participant.'

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Conference to help female veterans launch businesses

Story here. Excerpt:

'Years ago, Nell Merlino started the “Take Your Daughter to Work” movement.

Now, she’s focused on all those girls who grew up, served their country, and are now interested in business; female veterans like Angela Cody-Rouget.

“Her business is called 'Major Mom,'" Merlino explained. "She and her four kids moved 19 times in 19 years. She now has a business helping people move and organize their homes.”

Major Mom has become a hit. But the founder acknowledged in this promotional video she had to learn how to think like a businesswoman.

“Some of the how-to-do-it in the civilian world is not apparent, and that is what I am learning to do here," she said.'

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'Americans Prefer Male Bosses (Fun Fact: Women Are Better Managers)'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Even though the evidence is piling up that women tend to be better managers, a larger share of Americans continue to say they'd rather be managed by men, according to a new Gallup poll.

The poll, published Monday, found than one-third of Americans say they’d prefer a male boss, while about 23 percent say they’d prefer a female manager. (Among Republicans, that gap is even larger, with 40 percent preferring a male boss, and only 16 percent a female one.)

The preference for men may be explained in part by the fact that workers are less likely to encounter female managers; 54 percent of workers have a male boss, while just 30 percent say they work for a woman, according to Gallup.

That's a problem, especially since women tend to be better at the management styles that get the most out of workers.'

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Man seeks state constitutional amendment requiring 50% of state legislators be female

Article here. Excerpt:

'If a Hot Springs man has his way, the Montana Legislature would be evenly divided by gender in the future, with 50 percent men and 50 percent women in each chamber.

John Marshall this week submitted a proposed constitutional amendment for the 2014 ballot to require both houses of the Montana Legislature to be 50 percent men and 50 percent women.

The current Legislature has 108 male and 42 female members. Women make up 28 percent of the total in both chambers.

Marshall submitted his proposal to Secretary of State Linda McCulloch’s office on Tuesday. It now goes to Attorney General Tim Fox’s office for legal review and the Montana Legislative Services Division for language review.

If it passes legal muster, Marshall can begin gathering signatures. He will need more than 48,000 signatures of registered voters to qualify for the ballot, plus meet some district signature requirements.

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Where do all the angry white men come from?

Article here. Excerpt:

'This is an article about angry white men and their galloping sense of aggrieved entitlement. It is at least partly inspired by feminist theory and analysis of structural racial supremacy. Before I've finished my third sentence, I've probably already contributed to a minor epidemic of hypertension among a certain section of Comment is free readers. I can anticipate the comments, the hit-blogs and the hate-mail already: by even mentioning white men, I am the real racist. I am the real sexist. Why doesn't the Guardian take a pop at the angry brown men over here or the angry black women over there instead?

In my defence, the provocation is not entirely mine. A new book is published this week under the blunt title Angry White Men. Its author, Michael Kimmel, is not unaccustomed to stirring up strong responses. As a liberal sociology professor and perhaps the world's most prominent male feminist, he has dedicated a career to poking the hornets' nest of traditional masculinity. He once wrote that the penis should carry a sticker saying: "Warning: operating this instrument can be dangerous to yours and others' health."

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'Boys will be boys:' Rob Ford and toxic masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Violent temper. Refusal to admit wrongdoing. Penchant for expressing every feeling as anger. Penchant for expressing anger through physical intimidation. Homophobia and transphobia. Impulsive, risky behaviour with no consideration of potential consequences. Obsession with the competitive parts of politics (campaigning) and disdain for the collaborative parts. "Boys will be boys" brand excuses for egregious behaviour.
This isn’t the first time I’ve thought about Rob Ford’s embodiment of the socially constructed norms that shape and constrain our culture’s understanding of what it means to Be A Man. I thought about it a lot after the Mayor violently confronted journalist Daniel Dale on the property adjacent to his home, fist cocked and charging at full speed.
People who called Daniel Dale a wuss on Twitter for being afraid of a much-larger man approaching him violently? Enablers. People who said Ford’s "murder rant" was just the kind of murderously violent speech we all engage in when we’re a little angry? Enablers.

But then, when it comes to the replication of gender norms, most of us are enablers.

Toxic masculinity is not "men being awful;" rather, it is people of all genders holding, performing and perpetuating rigid ideas of who we are allowed to be. Rob Ford, in particular, has spent a lifetime striving to perform what a Rich, Powerful White Man should be (a whole other level of toxicity beyond the merely masculine). His pursuit of idealized masculinity seems unmistakably modelled after that of his simultaneous bully and protector brother, who has often been framed by the media as "the smart one" and seems to have always been perceived as more competent, more likeable, more of A Man.

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UK: Woman who cried wolf about rape may have to face her victim in court

Story here. Excerpt:

'A man falsely accused of rape could be called to give evidence against his accuser in court before she is sentenced for her myriad of lies.

Natasha Foster told police she had suffered a serious sexual assault in November 2011.

But as the investigation into her claims got under way, the 23-year-old, from Ballymena, Co Antrim, admitted she had lied about the attack.

She was subsequently charged with perverting the course of justice for knowingly making a false statement to police. She pleaded guilty to the offence in September.
Judge Desmond Marrinan said the man wrongly accused by Foster may be called to give evidence against his accuser prior to her sentencing.

No facts have yet been outlined in court regarding the case.
In January this year shamed Dromore woman Belinda Potts Sneddon received a suspended jail term for falsely claiming to police she had been raped by a stranger in a local park.

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Dad ‘unfit parent for refusing son McDonald’s’

Story here. Excerpt:

'Attorney David Schorr slapped a court-appointed shrink with a defamation lawsuit for telling the judge deciding a custody battle with his estranged wife that he was an unfit parent — for refusing to take his son to the fast food joint for dinner.

“You’d think it was sexual molestation,” Schorr, 43, told The Post Thursday. “I am just floored by it.”

Schorr says in his Manhattan Supreme Court suit that E. 97th Street psychiatrist Marilyn Schiller filed a report saying he was “wholly incapable of taking care of his son” and should be denied his weekend visitation over the greasy burger ban.
“I wish I had taken him to McDonalds, but you get nervous about rewarding bad behavior. I was concerned. I think it was a 1950s equivalent of sending your child to bed without dinner. That’s maybe the worst thing you can say about it,” he said.

Adding insult to injury, he said: “My wife immediately took him to McDonalds.”

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Israeli Rabbinical Court Forcing Divorcée to Circumcise Son

Link here. Excerpt:

'A rabbinical court in Netanya this week forced a divorced woman to facilitate the performance of a Jewish circumcision for her son, Behadrei Haredim reported.

During the divorce process, which Israeli Jews contest in rabbinical court, the husband requested that the regional rabbinical court in Netanya, about 20 miles north of Tel Aviv, to compel his wife to give their son a legal circumcision. The court accepted his request.

The woman argued that the rabbinical court does not have jurisdiction over her son, and may not decide on what constitutes a dangerous medical procedure for him, especially since the boy is not a party to the divorce procedure.

She argued that the authority to decide on this matter belongs exclusively in family court.'

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Should Miami Movie Theaters Adopt a Feminist Rating System?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Hollywood, like most other industries in the U.S., has a woman problem. The ratio of male to female characters in films is two to one, making it twice as difficult for lady actors to land a role as their male counterparts. When women do snag a little screen time, they're often required to strip down for exploitative sex scenes -- far more often than is required of men. And often, that's their only function in the film; women characters are rarely shown talking to each other about anything other than men, relationships, or sex.
I can hear you already, men's rights activists: Why does this even matter? Shouldn't I be allowed to watch a testosterone-fueled festival of tits and ass if I want to? Isn't this rule just encroaching on the free speech rights of filmbros worldwide? Why do you women want to ruin everything, gawd?

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Mother claims doctor disfigured son after 'botched' circumcision

Article here.

'Circumcision for newborn boys is considered one of the most common medical procedures in the world. But one Memphis mother says her son was mutilated during the common surgery.

Maggie Rhodes turned to the Action News Five Investigators to warn other parents about her experience.

"When he was in the room, he was screaming like life and death like, like there wasn't no tomorrow," she said. "When she pulled back the cloth, like the thing was like gone."

Rhodes' son will need reconstruction work to correct what she considers a botched procedure. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics 1 in 500 newborn boys experience significant acute complications as a result of circumcision.'

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Are Boys Falling Behind?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Missing from this Advanced Placement English class at Williamston High School are the boys. Just three in Jean Eddington-Shipman's class this semester.

"When I first started teaching AP 27 years ago, it was a much better balance," Eddington-Shipman said.

Not anymore.

Girls are very consistently at the head of the class.

Last year, 80 percent of the top graduates from East Lansing, Everett, Mason, Owosso, and Sexton high schools were girls, according to the Great Grads published in the Lansing State Journal. At Williamston High School, it was two-thirds.

I've never had a graduating class where there were more boys that were top graduates than girls," said Williamston Principal Jeffrey Thoenes, who's spent nine years as a high school principal both in mid-Michigan and in Mt. Pleasant.'

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