The feminist campaign to make weaklings of America’s warriors

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminism is trying to yank the U.S. military in two directions at once. While claiming that women have no problem meeting the rigorous standards of the SEALs or infantry, advocates of opening these branches to women argue that female members of the military must be protected from the male sexual predators that, we are assured, are widely represented in the military. However, they can’t have it both ways. Are women “hear me roar” Amazons, or are they fragile flowers who must be protected from “sexual harassment,” encouraged to level the charge at the drop of the hat?
Let me be clear: There is absolutely no excuse for sexual assault. Period. There is no excuse for a superior who pressures a subordinate for sexual favors. Period. The data cited by the Pentagon creating widespread panic within the military are rendered suspect for two reasons. The first problem is methodological: The numbers — some 26,000 active-duty service members out of a population of 1.4 million claim to have been sexually assaulted in 2012 — are based on an anonymous survey. This number far exceeds reported cases of sexual assault.

The second and more significant problem is that the survey uses the term “sexual assault” in a way so broad as to render it nearly meaningless. Indeed, much of what is now covered by the Pentagon’s sexual-assault rubric represents the de facto criminalization of normal relations between the sexes of the sort that come about when young males and females are thrown into proximity.

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"Sex war - France's new revolution"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Sex, politics and morality: Put the three together, and you are sure to end up with a steaming tub of trouble.

This is what is happening in France, where plans to curb the sex industry by criminalising the clients of prostitutes have caused an almighty row.

Feminists and Socialist ministers are punching it out with libertines, sex workers fear the change will make their lives more dangerous and some experts wonder whether the law will be workable.

A bill due to come before Parliament at the end of this month will make those paying for sex liable to a fine of 1500 ($2440) and double that if they are caught again.

Courts will also have the power to order those convicted to attend a "prostitution awareness programme", similar to programmes on alcohol abuse for drunk drivers.'

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UK: I’ll treat attacks on women as a hate crime, says new London prosecutor

Story here. Excerpt:

'A major campaign to reduce violence against women and bring more rapists and abusers to justice was announced today.

In an exclusive interview given on her first day as Director of Public Prosecutions, Alison Saunders told the Standard that attacks on women and other hate crimes were a “blight on society” that affected all sections of the community.

She said she was determined to use her five-year term leading the Crown Prosecution Service to ensure that more suspects were brought to court to face justice. The pledge by Ms Saunders, who added that prosecutors could “do more” to raise the conviction rate for rape, came as she revealed key aims.'

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Canada: Study looks at partner input on abortion decision

A Canadian academic study looked at the influences and feelings of couples who decided on an abortion. A summary is here at "Understanding the pregnancy decision-making process among couples seeking induced abortion". Perhaps not surprisingly, men had little say in the decision and reported they were not as happy with the discussions that took place. (70.4% of Men vs. 96.6% of Women were "happy with discussions".) Abstract excerpt:

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PT Standards in Question for Women in Combat

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Marine Corps may have to change its physical standards in order to put females in positions to one day lead infantry platoons in combat.

Both the Marine Corps and the Army continue to wrestle with the mandate that former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta issued in January, directing the U.S. military to open hundreds of combat-arms jobs that have been closed to female servicemembers.

So far, the Marines have been out ahead.

The service has opened up infantry training to female officers and enlisted Marines as part of an effort to gather data on how females and males compare when performing infantry and other combat-arms-related skills, and how those findings relate to current male and female physical fitness standards.
The effort is scheduled to run until fall of 2014, but the results so far have drawn attention.
So far, the results have not been promising. Nine of the 10 females that volunteered out of The Basic Course failed to make it through the first day of IOC. The remaining female volunteer dropped because of an injury from the course a week later.

The Marine Corps will continue to allow female Marines to go through IOC and ITB until the research phase ends next fall. From there, the data will be compiled into a recommendation to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on how the Corps intends to open up certain combat-arms jobs to women by Jan. 1, 2016.
"And we will kind of see … if a Marine gets a 300 on the PFT and CFT; how well they do on the MOS tasks. So we are looking at that to see … whether or not these physical standards are applicable to these MOSs.

"Depending on what the data says, and what it shows, it will decide whether or not any of the standards for the MOSs need to change."

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"'Men's rights' are a big whinge"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Pop quiz: What's the opposite of "misogyny"? If you said "misandry", you're not only wrong but also a bit of a negative ninny for thinking the opposite of hating one gender is hating another.

Misandry is its male counterpart, but the opposite of misogyny is actually "philogyny", which the dictionary defines as a "love or liking for women". But don't feel bad if you've never even heard the word before, because the dictionary also describes its usage as "rare".

I'm not sure if it means anything that so few people have a need for this word in their vocabulary, but it feels tempting to draw a parallel with the regressive evolution of eyeless cave fish. Said Charles Darwin: "I attribute their loss wholly to disuse."

There's certainly a shortage of philogyny within Men's Rights Activism, a loose and alarmingly large group of angry straight men who seem determined to talk their way out of ever getting laid again. Turning reality on its head, they claim men are oppressed by women in a matriarchal society and feminists, their arch-enemies, are all misandrists on a mission to strip men of their last remaining rights, the poor things.
Now let's draw another cheeky parallel. If the men's rights activists trick of wailing about misandry while completely ignoring their own misogyny doesn't sound strangely familiar, simply substitute "racism" for misogyny and "reverse racism" for misandry, and it's easy to see that disgruntled whites are playing exactly the same little word game.

Like misandry, so-called reverse racism is a classic red herring fallacy and a concept that exists more in the imaginations of narrow-minded bigots than in the real world.

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Local View: More evidence Nebraska's domestic violence policies need revision

Op-ed here. Excerpt:

'Last summer, we wrote that Nebraska's domestic violence policies need revision, primarily because they are based on inaccurate information. Since then, two new studies have been published that confirm the need for our domestic violence policies to be revised. These studies also describe a worrying new trend in domestic violence.

Before we discuss these new studies, let's summarize what the research shows about domestic violence:

* Women and men commit domestic violence at comparable rates.

* Men and women are victimized by domestic violence at comparable rates.

* Half of all domestic violence is mutual.

* When domestic violence is not mutual, female-only and male-only domestic violence occur at comparable rates.'

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India: Demand now for 'Ministry of Men's Welfare'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Kolkata: With a large number of men falling victim to "gender-biased laws", an organisation fighting for "male rights" demanded here Sunday that a "Ministry of Men's Welfare" be set up to look into long neglected issues that affect them.

Quoting National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data, men's rights organisation Hridaya said a large number of men were falling victim to "legal terrorism" perpetrated through "anti-male and anti-family laws", and demanded that gender-biased laws be made gender-neutral.

"Section 498 A of the Indian Penal Code (husband or relative of husband subjecting woman to cruelty) and the Domestic Violence Act are being widely misused, and men are now facing legal terrorism. Going by the NCRB data, in 2012, after theft and hurt, the most number of cases were filed under 498 A," Hridaya secretary Amit Gupta said at an event organised to raise awareness about International Men's Day to be celebrated world over Nov 19.'

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N. Ireland: Domestic violence against men at highest level on record

Article here. Excerpt:

'Domestic violence against men in Northern Ireland has increased by more than 40% in nine years – and that's just reported incidents.

PSNI figures reveal that the figure reached a record of 2,525 male victims in 2012/13, up 259 cases on the year before.

Police started recording the statistics nine years ago.

They also show that in one year alone (2011/12) the level of reported incidents jumped 25% (from 1,833 to 2,266).

But this may be only a fraction of the true figure due to the reluctance of many men to come forward because of embarrassment and shame – a scenario the police and support groups hope will change.

Northern Ireland's first crisis centre for male abuse victims, Men's Aid NI, was opened earlier this year.'

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NPO: Join in the Suit Against New Jersey Family Courts

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the next few weeks, Clark Legal Services will be filing suit against New Jersey asking for an injunction to prevent New Jersey from taking custody away from a parent without a prompt and full hearing — which is what is required by the United States Constitution. A "full" hearing means the right to present evidence, cross examine accusers and be represented by counsel if one chooses. The federal courts have not said precisely how soon is "prompt," but essentially it means a soon as possible and certainly a matter of days, not weeks or months.

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New Zealand: Teacher disciplined for sexual misconduct with student

Story here. Excerpt:

'The Teachers' Council's complaints assessment committee charged the teacher with serious misconduct over an inappropriate relationship with a Year 13 student from the unnamed school.

The New Zealand Teacher's Disciplinary Tribunal's agreed statement of facts detailed that after recently separating from her husband, the teacher invited the student to live with her, knowing that he was to be a pupil at the school she taught at.

The teacher also communicated with the students in an inappropriate manner by discussing personal matters with them and making statements to the effect of "oh I love you and care about you and I'll see you after school", the decision said.

She hugged and kissed him and once suggested a threesome with him and another boy while they were in her bedroom.
The tribunal said she had in effect, been suspended from teaching from May 2010, in excess of three years.

The suspension of her practising certificate ended on October 30 this year.

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Social services supervisor and husband arrested over abuse of fostered children

Story here. Excerpt:

'Union County, N.C. — Authorities arrested a Union County Department of Social Services worker and a Monroe man Friday night after an 11-year-old boy was found handcuffed to the front porch of a home with a dead chicken tied around his neck, investigators said.

WBTV of Charlotte reported a deputy was answering an animal services complaint next door to the home on Austin Road, south of Monroe, when he saw a child secured to the front porch at the ankle, by what appeared to be a pair of handcuffs.

The child also had a dead chicken hanging around his neck, and appeared to be shivering, the deputy said.

Moments later, 57-year-old Dorian Lee Harper appeared on the porch along with another child who released several large dogs onto the officer.
Larson was a supervisor with Union County Department of Social Services.

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NCFM's International Men's Day event

Come enjoy a great Game of Pool, a Beer and some Pizza For only $10.00 .. Ladies and Men all Welcome... RSVP Carolyn at which will help us know how best to do the event but it's not required. We'd like to see you.

For More Info:

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International Men's Day: Time to highlight male role models

Article here. Excerpt:

'International Men's Day (IMD) is an annual event celebrated on November 19.

Inaugurated in 1999 in Trinidad and Tobago, International Men's Day is celebrated in over 60 countries, including Spain.

Its objectives include focusing on men's and boys' health, improving gender relations, promoting gender equality and highlighting positive male role models.

It is an occasion to highlight discrimination against males and to celebrate their achievements and contributions, in particular to community, family, marriage, and childcare.

The theme for 2013 is ‘Keeping Men and Boys safe’.

Celebrations for International Men’s Day have become intertwined with others for Movember. This is an annual, month-long event involving growing moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of prostate cancer and other male cancer.

Movember aims to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments, and ultimately reduce the number of preventable deaths.'

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Feminism: Ideology or Interest Group?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The American Thinker’s always interesting Clarice Feldman has taken two separate incidents to draw our attention to what Feldman calls “the pernicious effects” of feminism today.

The two incidents are…

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